bash: kill $$ not work? - linux

The command kill $$ should kill current bash, but it seems that it doesn't work:
$ ps -p $$
18179 pts/4 00:00:00 bash
$ kill $$
$ ps -p $$
18179 pts/4 00:00:00 bash

I'm not sure why one would like to kill the current shell. Nevertheless...
kill PID would send SIGTERM when no signal is specified. bash ignores SIGTERM and SIGQUIT in the absence of any traps.
You'll achieve the desired effect if you were to say
kill -9 $$
kill -SIGKILL $$
Quoting from the manual:
When Bash is interactive, in the absence of any traps, it ignores
SIGTERM (so that ‘kill 0’ does not kill an interactive shell), and
SIGINT is caught and handled (so that the wait builtin is
interruptible). When Bash receives a SIGINT, it breaks out of any
executing loops. In all cases, Bash ignores SIGQUIT.

When you send a process any signal using kill command, the process can choose to handle the signal as per its wish. (There are a few signals, which cannot be handled.)
When you use kill $$, you are actually passing it signal=15 (SIGTERM). It can be handled by a process.
You can google for linux signal example to know HOW it is implemented.
& To answer YOUR question:
If you pass an un-handlable signal, like SIGKILL(9) or SIGSTOP(19), it will respectively kill/stop a running bash process.


How to catch SIGINT within a Bash subshell

If I run a command, such as grep, at the command line and hit ^C, the command is properly killed (with SIGINT I think). And if I run the grep in background and then run a kill SIGINT on its PID, it similarly gets terminated. But if I'm inside a script and run grep in background from the script, get its PID and then use 'kill -s SIGINT $PID', grep does not get killed. Why? If I use SIGTERM, instead of SIGINT, the kill does work.
grep -rqa shazam /usr &
kill -s SIGINT $PID
Even if I put the grep in a subprocess, preceded by a SIGINT handler (in the subprocess), and hit the subprocess with SIGINT, the handler is not invoked.
( trap 'echo "caught signal"' SIGINT; grep -rqa shazam /usr ) &
kill -s SIGINT $PID
The trap handler is invoked if I use SIGTERM, instead of SIGINT, but does not interrupt grep. If I add '/bin/kill -s SIGTERM 0' to the trap handler, there is an indication that the grep process gets terminated, but grep has already completed its work by then. I realize that Bash may have different default behaviors for the different signals, but I don't understand why my call to kill SIGINT is different than a ^C, why the trap call works for SIGTERM, but not for SIGINT, nor why SIGTERM isn't handled by the subprocess immediately.
Well, with further digging, I figured out 2 of my 3 questions. When I backgrounded grep within the script, the shell told it to ignore SIGINT. And Bash says it will wait to handle the signal until the subcommand is complete in some situations (which I don't fully follow at the moment), but the signal is handled immediately if hit the grep process directly with pkill.
"Actually bash will disable SIGINT (and SIGQUIT) on background processes and they can't be enabled" Background process and signals How SIGINT works
"Further background jobs are not supposed to be tied to the shell that started them. If you exit a shell, they will continue running. As such they shouldn't be interrupted by SIGINT, not by default. When job control is enabled, that is fulfilled automatically, since background jobs are running in separate process groups. When job control is disabled (generally in non-interactive shells), bash makes the asynchronous commands ignore SIGINT." Independent Program
Reason why SIGTERM works

what does pkill -KILL -f java do?

I am trying to understand what exactly each line of this code does:
cat << EOF > /tmp/
while true;
pkill -KILL java
pkill -KILL python
sleep 1
nohup /bin/bash /tmp/ &
but most importantly what pkill -KILL -f does
From the man page for pkill:
The pkill command searches the process table on the running system and
signals all processes that match the criteria given on the command line.
The -KILL argument is specifying which Linux process signal to send:
Signal name Signal value Effect
SIGHUP 1 Hangup
SIGINT 2 Interrupt from keyboard
SIGKILL 9 Kill signal
SIGTERM 15 Termination signal - allow an orderly shutdown
SIGSTOP 17,19,23 Stop the process
See and for more info.
Edit: In your example, java is being passed in as the pattern operand:
pattern -
Specifies an Extended Regular Expression for matching against the process names or command lines.

How to kill a process by its pid in linux

I'm new in linux and I'm building a program that receives the name of a process, gets its PID (i have no problem with that part) and then pass the PID to the kill command but its not working. It goes something like this:
read -p "Process to kill: " proceso
proid= pidof $proceso
echo "$proid"
kill $proid
Can someone tell me why it isn't killing it ? I know that there are some other ways to do it, even with the PID, but none of them seems to work for me. I believe it's some kind of problem with the Bash language (which I just started learning).
Instead of this:
proid= pidof $proceso
You probably meant this:
proid=$(pidof $proceso)
Even so,
the program might not get killed.
By default, kill PID sends the TERM signal to the specified process,
giving it a chance to shut down in an orderly manner,
for example clean up resources it's using.
The strongest signal to send a process to kill without graceful cleanup is KILL, using kill -KILL PID or kill -9 PID.
I believe it's some kind of problem with the bash language (which I just started learning).
The original line you posted, proid= pidof $proceso should raise an error,
and Bash would print an error message about it.
Debugging problems starts by reading and understanding the error messages the software is trying to tell you.
kill expects you to tell it **how to kill*, so there must be 64 different ways to kill your process :) They have names and numbers. The most lethal is -9. Some interesting ones include:
SIGKILL - The SIGKILL (also -9) signal forces the process to stop executing immediately. The program cannot ignore this signal. This process does not get to clean-up either.
SIGHUP - The SIGHUP signal disconnects a process from the parent process. This an also be used to restart processes. For example, "killall -SIGUP compiz" will restart Compiz. This is useful for daemons with memory leaks.
SIGINT - This signal is the same as pressing ctrl-c. On some systems, "delete" + "break" sends the same signal to the process. The process is interrupted and stopped. However, the process can ignore this signal.
SIGQUIT - This is like SIGINT with the ability to make the process produce a core dump.
use the following command to display the port and PID of the process:
sudo netstat -plten
kill -9 PID
Here is an example to kill a process running on port 8283 and has PID=25334
You have to send the SIGKILL flag with the kill statement.
kill -9 [pid]
If you don't the operating system will choose to kill the process at its convenience, SIGKILL (-9) will tell the os to kill the process NOW without ignoring the command until later.
Try this
kill -9
It will kill any process with PID given in brackets
Try "kill -9 $proid" or "kill -SIGKILL $proid" commands. If you want more information, click.
Based on what you have there, it looks like you aren't getting the actual PID in your proid variable. If you want to capture the output of pidof, you will need to enclose that command in backtics for the old form of command substitution ...
proid=`pidof $proceso`
... or like so for the new form of command substitution.
proid=$(pidof $proceso)
I had a similar problem, only wanting to run monitor (Video surveillance) for several hours a day.
Wrote two sh scripts;
motion -c /home/username/.config/motion/motion.conf
And the second;
OA=$(cat /var/run/motion/
kill -9 $OA
These were called from crontab at the scheduled time
ctontab -e
0 15 * * * /home/username/
0 17 * * * /home/username/
Very simple, but that's all I needed.

How to kill a shell script and processes it created?

I run a shell script inside php (using shell_exec). I want to kill it and all processes it created when it is in operation. I know the shell script pid. Do you have any suggestion?
I am using ubuntu, php as apache module.
Thank you.
echo hello
sleep 20
When I kill my script (shell_exec("sudo kill -9 $pid")), the sleep process is not killed which is not desired.
pkill -TERM -P pid
will kill the child processes
see this answer
Use this kill command instead:
kill -- -$pid
to kill the running script and all its spawned children.

How to run a program and know its PID in Linux?

How to run a program and know its PID in Linux?
If I have several shells running each other, will they all have separate PIDs?
Greg's wiki to the rescue:
$! is the PID of the last backgrounded process.
kill -0 $PID checks whether $PID is still running. Only use this for processes started by the current process or its descendants, otherwise the PID could have been recycled.
wait waits for all children to exit before continuing.
Actually, just read the link - It's all there (and more).
$$ is the PID of the current shell.
And yes, each shell will have its own PID (unless it's some homebrewed shell which doesn't fork to create a "new" shell).
1) There is a variable for that, often $$:
edd#max:~$ echo $$ # shell itself
edd#max:~$ bash -c 'echo $$' # new shell with different PID
edd#max:~$ bash -c 'echo $$' # dito
2) Yes they do, the OS / kernel does that for you.
the top command in linux(Ubuntu) shows the memory usage of all running programs in linux with their pid. Kill pid can kill the process.
