XPages - Repeat Control - Get item Value - xpages

I would like to create a custom control which shows 3 columns,
column 1, value selected from checkbox (this is ok)
column 2, editable box , this is showing but not working 100%
column 3, a button to remove the row (still to be done)
So far:
After selecting the options, click "Create Rows" button and 1 row appears for each selected option.
Only last value in editable box, is used, how can I get the value from each box ?
getComponent("inputText1").getValue() only shows the last value.
Example code is on this URL:

You bind the column values to array variables. Exercise 23 has a complete working example: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/ddwiki.nsf/dx/Tutorial-Introduction-to-XPages-Exercise-23
You just need to adjust it to the source/destination of your data. Let us know how it goes

If you want to bind them dynamically, you can also do this with expression language. It takes a bit of getting around in order to get the fields editable, but the way I've resolved it is to pass a calculated ID into a custom control, then using that for the binding.
For example: If I'm Working with a list of Unique Part Names, I may pass into my custom control a variable for a Comment. If I pass this in as fieldNameComment to my custom control, I can dynamically bind it to an inputText element through the following code.
I'm using a DominoDocument passed in as the dataSource.
Calling the Custom Control:
<xp:repeat var="CurrVal" value="#{DataSource}">
<xc:DynamicTableRow dataSource="#{EmissionsDocument}">
Inside the Custom Control:
<xp:inputText id="inputText5"
As long as (for some reason) none of the string calculations are performed within the expression language syntax, this will yield an editable field. In my testing, if I tried to calculate a value by concatenating any strings, the field would be bound, but not appear as editable under any circumstances. If you want to bind directly to fields, this may be a good approach, but if you want to save your array and parse it through java, then Stephan's solution also works great Hope this helps!
Appended: Added repeat control to show iteration through the data source. Each iteration of the Data Source yeilds a value, CurrVal, to which the string "Comment" is appended. This creates a series of FieldNames based on the Values in the DataSource that are bound to inputs within the custom control called DynamicTableRow


Refer to value selected in combo box with two columns on user form

I have a user form with a combo box with two columns. How do I refer to the values that are active in the combo box within VBA script on other parts of the user form (buttons, etc)?
Simply using MyComboBox.Value yields the value in the first column. I can't figure out how to refer to the second column.
EDIT: Based on advice below, I used this:
MyComboBox.List(MyComboBox.ListIndex, 1)
You don't.
The Value of a multi-column ComboBox will be the "key" value. You've presumably populated the dropdown from some list or array: use that same source to lookup the value corresponding to the selected key. Note the key/value wording: having the values in a Dictionary makes it very easy to retrieve the value of the second column.
Or, look it up from the control's List (which is essentially a copy of your items source), using the ListIndex, which gives you the index of the selected item in the source list.
You can have a Property Get procedure responsible for this lookup - then other parts of the code can easily consume it as needed.
Private Property Get SelectedItemDisplayText() As String
SelectedItemDisplayText = MyComboBox.List(MyComboBox.ListIndex, 1)
End Property
Normally you only care for the selected "key" (/"ID"), not the "display value" though.

xpages add value to a binded computed field

I'm trying to add the following value to a computed field:
var b = #Subset(#Unique(#DbColumn (#DbName(),"vwNrRegistru",1)),-1);
if (#Elements(b)<1){return 10001; }
else { return (b+1);}
But, I want the computed field to be binded to a datasource field:
<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1" value="#{Contr.txt_nrcontractcv}">
I would use an inputText, but everytime I open the doc. for editing, the value increments, that's the reason I would like to go for a computed field. How can I achieve this?
You want to take the value from an existing Notes field, then do some calculation on that, then display the result, right?
You might want to bind your comp. field to a scoped var. Then do the basic calculation beforePageLoad and put the result into the scoped var. You can easily control when the calculation takes place, e.g. only for new docs, or on specific times of day or whatever
Create a inputText with style="display:none;", so that it is always rendered*, but never shown on the screen and a 'computed field' (text) that simply is equal to the value of the non-displayed field.
when they chose to label the value in properties as "Visible" they made a mistake. They really ought to have called it "Rendered" in the properties. It might also have been useful for them to have a "Displayed" property to allow you to control the display style, but that would have been mixing too many things.

Dynamic Fields in xPages

I have a repeat control that is gathering its data from a view. Displaying in a table is one column from the view. These entries can be variable. For each entry in the repeat control I would like to have a couple of user editable fields (comments and checkboxes). Since the amount and names of entries are dynamic I think dynamic field binding is the way to go. The problem is I have been struggling with it for a few days and have gotten no where.
So in the repeat I have a computedfield displying the value of the column. I was thinking of making the field name for the comments field the value of the computedfield. The datasource would be the same, just the fieldnames would change and be based on the entries in the row.
The previous entries stackoverflow entries about dynamic field binding all list passing custom properties, I still haven't gotten my head around those.
If the value of the computedfield1 = "One" then the datasource/field name for the inputText1 = "document1.One", and if the computedField1 = "Two" then the datasource inputText1 = "document1.Two"
Is this even possible?
I'm a little confused by if you want these to be things you're setting to render at page load or if you want them to dynamically change based on user entered data, but I'll assume it's the former and give you an example.
If I'm iterating through a view in a repeat control, I probably have something like:
<xp:repeat rows="50" var="currRow" value="#{ViewName}" IndexVar="rowNum">
Inside my repeat, I will put a reference to a custom class
<xp:repeat rows="50" var="currRow" value="#{ViewName}" IndexVar="rowNum">
<xc:dynamicRowBinding dataSource="#{currentDocument}">
<![CDATA[#{javascript: currRow.getColumnValue("binding1");}]]>
What this is assuming is that the document you're binding things to on the XPage is declared as currentDocument, and that there is a column in your underlying view that is calculating the desired field binding for the current row based on the properties and values of that document.
In the custom control, the following exists:
By defining dataSource and binding1 as properties within the custom control, they will be available as compositeData.
Thus, to bind a field using these components, we simply put the following definition in our custom control:
<xp:inputText value="#{compositeData.dataSource[compositeData.binding1]}">
I hope this helps!

Getting data from a datasource with Filter by Column Value?

I have a list box where I am trying to get the datafrom the people view in names.nsf.
The first column of the people view is computed and shows Last Name , First Name.
The code below works fine for my list box values but it does not take into consideration the value in the Filter By Column Value. Basiclly the code below acts like the Filter By Column value property does not exist. I know the Filter by Column value property is working because I replaced a repeat control on the page with a computed field and the repeat control is displaying the value excepected but the list box is displaying values from the first document in the view.
Thoughts I had to fix this are:
Use getAllDocumentsByKey to just search the people view but when I do that I lose the column values and I would need to recompute the value, something that I would like to avoid if possible incase the column formula changes.
Use FTSearch but what I really need to do is search that first column only and I am not aware of search operator that searchs a column only. Is there such a thing?
Another thought would be to somehow use the values of a repeat control, as the values for my list box, but I am guessing that this is not possible. I sort of thinking something with a scope varibale but I have not worked that out yet.
A repeat control works. How can I get my code to loop through the doeuments the same way a repeat control does?
And as a side question, is there anyway to tie a pager to a datasource as oppsed to a repeat control.
BTW What I currently do is to build a list box using a few computed fields and a repeat control but what I really want to do is to use a regular xpages list box control.
Here is the code:
var doc:NotesDocument = view1.getFirstDocument();
while (doc != null && count<10)
var tmpDoc:NotesDocument = view1.getNextDocument(doc)
doc = tmpDoc;
Try to use getAllEntriesByKey. This will give You access to column values (through ColumnValue property of view entry).

Infopath and Cascading Dropdowns

I have a question for you bright minded souls. I have an Infopath form for a Sharepoint List (meaning that this is considered an Infopath List Form) that I would like certain behavior for... and I'm not quite sure how to achieve it.
The gist is, I have two dropdowns on the form and I want the second dropdown to change its values based on the first dropdowns selection.
Both are pointing at the same list. The list looks like so:
ID, ModuleName, SystemName, PayCode, LineOfBusoness
1, Mod1, Sys1, O, LOB1
2, Mod2, Sys2, O, LOB2
3, Mod3, Sys3, C, LOB3
4, Mod3, Sys4, O, LOB3
The first dropdown contains just the paycodes, so basically "O", and "C".
Now the second dropdown is where it gets tricky.
The second drop down is to display all the Lines of Business (LOB) from that list based on the PayCode selected in the previous dropdown. If they select "O" then just display all the LOBs that has the paycode of "O".
BUT... if they select "C"... well then there are also dropdowns on the form where they have already selected System and Module... so it would then take those values that were selected and choose the value in the list that has the System they chose, the Module they chose, and the Paycode they chose.
How can I do that? My first thought was well, just use code... but it turns out Infopath does not allow custom code on a "list form" which this is... wtf? So then the next option is to use the "cascading dropdown" approach whereby you can also use rules and filters to try and achieve this behavior.
Can that be done? What are your thoughts as to how you would tackle this problem?
Thanks in advance, and please let me know if you need additional information!
One way to do this is in the code behind.
Take the first drop down, find the field it is associated with, right click and create a "Changed" event.
In the code behind event, a Changed event will be created for that field. There you can grab the value of the currently selected item of the first drop down. Depending on that value, you can then modify the contents of the second drop down.
Do this by grabbing the original list, and running an SPQuery that selects all the items that have a "O" or "C" or whatever selected value is. You can also run a linq or foreach statement on all the list's items, whichever you prefer :)
Note: Make sure the drop down list control properties has "Always" selected in the Browser Forms tab of the properties (right click on the drop down list to access these properties)
Hope this helps!
