I am trying to add strokeWidth for imported path-group type objects in fabricjs, but it is not working though if i view in console the updated strokeWdith exist. Here is my code
canvas.getObjects()[x].strokeWidth += 11.34;
Any help please?
as far I understand, it is not possible to add strokeWidth to complex (path-group) type object, as there are so many different shapes that develops that complex object. Adding strokeWidth will make the shape/object broken pieces.
I have the following definitions (simplified) in my CSS file.
:root {
--app-color-hue: 30;
--app-color: hsl(var(--app-color-hue), 80%, 60%);
body {
--app-color-hue: 145;
background: var(--app-color);
I was expecting to use the CSS variable app-color throughout my application and set the hue through --app-color-hue. However, the body element shows up Orange (30) instead of Green (145).
When I set the hsl myself in the value, the color updates just fine.
body {
background: hsl(var(--app-color-hue), 80%, 60%);
Codepen: https://codepen.io/Dyljyn/pen/BaNVwqE
Possible explanation
I'm assuming the problem is that hsl does detect the change and does not recalculate when a CSS variable inside it is updated in another element.
Does anyone have more insight on this matter?
I also don't know how I can report this as a bug if it is considered a bug. So I'd also appreciate anyone pointing me in the right direction regarding this.
I found the answer myself.
Custom properties are scoped to the element(s) they are declared on,
and participate in the cascade: the value of such a custom property is
that from the declaration decided by the cascading algorithm.
Source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/--*
So my "possible explanation" is by design and therefor not a bug.
For my web app, I am creating SVG elements in Illustrator and then using them in a library of elements that users can add to the fabric canvas.
Some elements are simple but some complex with multiple compound paths etc.
I have came across an unusual issue where if I create a path with a gradient fill, and then copy that path, save the SVG and add it onto the canvas, only the first path would have the gradient and the rest would be flat colors.
Here is a screenshot of what I mean...
After experimenting and trying different things, I finally discovered that this is happening because the paths have the exact same gradient properties.
So if the gradient slider (color stops, opacity, location etc.) of two or more paths have the exact same properties in Illustrator, then the issue occurs.
So the workaround is to alter something like the location (for example) to be 99.9% instead of 100% on the copied path, then the issue goes away. However, this will quickly become a tedious and annoying way to fix this. Basically, each path with a gradient, needs to have a unique gradient set up and cannot be identical to another paths gradient properties.
Here are more screenshots to better explain...
After making this change...
The first and second path's gradient's location are different.
The first, third, fourth and fifth paths have exact same gradient.
This is what it looks like when I add it to the canvas now...
Here is the code I am using to add the SVG to the canvas...
fabric.loadSVGFromURL(image, function(objects, options) {
var oImg = fabric.util.groupSVGElements(objects, options);
oImg.perPixelTargetFind = true;
oImg.targetFindTolerance = 4;
Can anyone tell me why this is happening and if there is a way to fix this with code rather than Illustrator? I have hundreds of elements to create that will have many paths with the same gradients. I know it will be a real pain to have to worry about paths not having the exact same gradient.
Link to the SVG
I am truly stumped at this point. I need to get the bounding box of a path string. I cannot use RaphaelJS because it's integrated too deeply with the browser, and naturally the Illustrator Type Library doesn't include anything to help me.
Where can I go from here? Should I just spend the time implementing my own algorithm?
check out:
Rect geometricBounds Read only Property
The bounds of the artwork excluding stroke width.
There is not a lot of info on the Object Model Viewer about it. If it behaves like in InDesign the coordiantes depend on:
The page origin
The used unit
The page size
I hope that helps. You need to have a document open and have some PageItem selected. Should work with mostly everything you can put on a page in Illustrator.
var main = function(){
if(app.activeDocument.selection.length > 0){
var path = app.activeDocument.selection[0];
I'm new to Snap.svg and SVG and experimenting with transformations (an illustraiting plunk can be found here). Basically I'm trying to move, scale and rotate a shape according to its configuration. This is what I've found out so far:
rotating around a point is possible with rotate(angle, x, y)
there is no direct transform method to scale around a point but it can be done as described in "SVG Essentials"
However combining these transforms doesn't give me the expected result - my expected calculated center of the shape differs from the rendered one. Can anyone give me some pointers on how to correctly put these transforms together?
To combine transforms, I would use Snaps own transformString format. I would first have a read of my previous answer on SO here, this is slightly different so posting a slightly different example and answer.
Whilst Snap can use SVGs transform strings (rotate() scale() transform()). They don't by default centre around itself for example, whereas Snaps (and Raphaels) do. This makes it a bit easier. For more complex situations, one may need to look into Matrix methods, but I think the following should be ok...
Snaps transformString uses string t (transform), s (scale), r (rotate), and you can add them repeatedly if wanted.
Here is an example of both methods, to highlight the difference.
jsfiddle here
s = Snap(400, 620);
var r1 = s.rect(0, 0, 100, 100).attr({
fill : 'blue',
stroke : 'black',
opacity: 0.5
var r2 = r1.clone().attr({ fill: "red" });
r1.transform('t100,100s2,2r45'); //typical Snap way, rotation/scale around centre
r2.transform('translate(100,100) scale(2,2,) rotate(45)'); //SVG way
The getBBox() method should be pretty reliable as far as I know (maybe post up a separate question on SO if you find an example where it is wrong)
I am new to SVG.js and javascript in general, and I was going over the documentation here http://documentup.com/wout/svg.js#usage/svg-document and was having some issues.
Create a SVG document
Use the SVG() function to create a SVG document within a given html element:
var draw = SVG('drawing').size(300, 300)
var rect = draw.rect(100, 100).attr({ fill: '#f06' })
so I was assuming from this they want us to call a function so what I've gathered from messing around a little in Three.js is that I need to do
function SVG()
//Use the SVG() function to create a SVG document within a given html
var draw = SVG('drawing').size(300, 300)
var rect = draw.rect(100, 100).attr({ fill: '#f06' })
within the body tag. This doesn't work however. When calling SVG(); I get an error
Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded (15:22:47:898 | error, javascript)
at SVG (:18:13)
at SVG (:20:12)
at SVG (:20:12)
at SVG (:20:12)
at SVG (:20:12)
at SVG (:20:12)
There are other ways I can do it as mentioned, but it seems that the easiest method would be to call a function, but again I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly.
I have a background in Java, just getting off of a project with JMonkeyEngine, so I'm not new to programming, but confused with what exactly I need to do with this, since the documentation is extremely vague and seems to suggest that you need to understand their terminology as to where to put the code.
I have also found a few other librarieslike snap.svg, d3, and raphael
I'm really just trying to create a bunch of pictures/colored boxes (interchangable so essentially a box with an image that can then be turned off and be displayed as a color) with borders, that can respond to mouse even of clicking and dragging around on desktop and mobile browsers. Essentially not much, but it seems like these all have similar features just a different coding feel.
Any advice?
Thank you everyone!
As said by Nils, there is a Hello World example here: https://stackoverflow.com/tags/svg.js/info
You also find plenty of documentation and examples to see what you have to do.
//Use the SVG() function to create a SVG document within a given html
var canvas = SVG(idOfElement)
// now an svg was created in the element with the id
// draw a rectangle