How to handle downloadable assets in MvvmCross - xamarin.ios

I have an app that synchronises content with a web server so that the app ends up with an offline and cut down version of the server based web pages. All text and html is stored in a SQLite database but what is the best approach for handling file assets? In my case this is a mix of image and audio files.
The synchronisation is all set up in the core project and my Touch project has a Content directory set up for storing the assets and my intention had been to have a similar setup for Droid. I could pass the list of files needed to the UI projects and download them from there but that seems wrong.

For that I would create a Service in Mvx which the ViewModels you create use for getting the external assets. Take for instance the Daily Dilbert Tutorial. You could consider the daily comics as being very similar to your external assets, where the DilbertService is used to get all the comics and presents them in a List. However your list could be a list of files located on the SDcard or where you decide to store your files.


Xamarin ios - Include Files in IPA

I want to include some images within my ipa-File, that need to be placed into the app's documents folder. A similar request was here: Preloading Documents into iOS App. But I'm not familiar with Objective-C. I think I can do it some way in Xamarion.iOS, but the problem in my opinion is the quite large number of files (around 300MB). When I include the files within the AppRessources and copy them on startup, they exist twice on the disk. So there is no real saving...
Any other ideas, how i can include files without being stored twice?
Files that you include in studio goes into your bundle. You can only read them from your application. Modifications and removing is not possible. File that you copy from bundle into your Documents folder, can be modified or removed in Document folder. So there is no way to removing files from a bundle, even if you copy them into Document folder.
You can use on demand resources to download them later intro your app:

Prevent Azure App Service from viewing backend configuration

I am working on a project that has us deploying to an Azure Web Site.
The code is overall working and now we are focusing more on security.
Right now we are having an issue that back end configuration files are visible with the direct URL.
Examples (Link won't work): (this
file is in a folder that is contained within the root application) (this file
is a part of virtual application sub folder)
I have found this to be true with multiple extensions and locations.
Extensions like:
the list likely goes on
I understand that certain files are downloaded to the client side and that those can't be stopped. However backend XML files are something we don't pass to the client (especially if has connection strings).
I did read a similar article, Azure App Service Instrumentation Profiling?
However this didn't directly relate to my issue.
Any insight would extremely helpful.
Do not store sensitive information in flat files, especially under your site root. Even if you web.config it just right you're still one botched commit away from disaster.
Use Application Settings instead, that's what they're for.

Node Webkit Desktop App - Browser default caching of PDF files

I have built a desktop app using node webkit and need to cache PDF files that are viewed via the App when online so that they are also available offline. I haven't found a solution yet but during testing I noticed that files that I had previously viewed online were available offline even though I haven't written any code for this yet. Therefore these must already be cached automatically. I did a search to find where the files are being saved exactly but couldn't find anything.
Can anyone explain this or point me in the direction of information on this so that I understand how it works and ensure my App can utilise the default behaviour of the browser caching?
I have found a solution to store the PDFs locally, however this isn't my query. I am looking for an explanation as to HOW the PDFs are available when offline without this code I have written. The files must be automatically be stored somewhere otherwise how would they display?
The default caching behavior of node-webkit is controlled by the page-cache property in package.json :
"webkit": {
"page-cache": true
Only typical web resources can be cached this way (scripts, style sheets, etc.). To be able to view PDF files offline, you can store them manually.
There are several ways to do that :
Save a file directly to disk (the simple solution, just store the files in App.dataPath)
Use a database
Use Web Storage
Use the application cache
All of these are documented here : Save persistent data in app
The default location to cache your app files is mentioned in your package.json manifest file.When the app is initialized the settings in your manifest files are loaded by default.Since cached files cannot be accessed programmatically,you can overwrite the default files manually.
To get the application’s data path in user’s directory for windows,you can write it in Jason format in your package :
You can read about other cache menthods in node webkit's documentation :

Publishing a web application with an executable to MS Azure

Here is my situation, I have a web app that contains:
An .exe (which is a .net project along with assembly files and so on)
ZIPped xml files
Folders containing js&css files
Now when executing the .exe it parses the xml inside the ZIPs to create html files( the end result is a complete html that imports some of the js libraries and css files).
Considering that I have basic experience in MS Azure, I am looking for a way to have my application run on azure? My guess is that the ZIPped xmls could be stored most probably using blob storage along with the js and css files. What I am not sure of is how to get the executable running there(Possibly deploying the .exe with its corresponding resources,assemblies,dlls etc...) and have it execute from there.
If you really want to use a home grown build process (your exe) then you need to use cloud services (your own VM) where you can run this and expose your website over whatever ports you want. However it sounds like you are new to .Net, I'd suggest reading up on ASP.Net MVC Web Projects. That way you can leverage Visual Studio for building the website and deploy to a Azure Website, which is designed to host websites.

How create a single-file format of multiple documents with iOS for Windows, OSX, iPhone

I'm working in a end-user app that will create documents that could have several files inside it.
The main resource is a sqlite database. The user can store several media files that are referenced form that database.
My first impulse is use OSX Bundles, but that will show that are folders on windows.
Or put all the data inside the sqlite database, but will have issues when try to open large files.
Or maybe inside a zip file but need to compress/decompress.
Or maybe exist a magic trick to show a folder as a file under window...
Exist a working VFS (virtual file system) for iOS?
I'd go for a well-known archiving format such as zip or tar, because I'm sure there are pre-made libraries for those that you can use. By the way, the ZIP format allows you to store files without compression as well.
Yes, you can use our SolFS Application Edition, this is exactly what you are looking for and it's available for iOS as well as all other major platforms.
ZIP has the problem of ineffective modification - it's slow and resource-consuming.
