vtk memory management when importing data - vtk

I am using vtkImageImport to convert from an opencv matrix to vtkImageData.
vtkImageData* convertImage(const cv::Mat& image)
int width = image.cols;
int height = image.rows;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageImport> importer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageImport>::New();
importer->SetWholeExtent(0,width-1,0, height-1, 0, 0);
return importer->GetOutput();
I have 2 questions on how pointers and memory are managed when doing this kind of import.
Does the importer create and allocate a new data pointer for the vtkImageData created, so that the vtk image is not affected when the opencv matrix is destroyed.
Will the returned vtkImageData* still be valid once the importer is destroyed, or should I return a smart pointer to keep the reference counting > 0? My reasoning is that if the importer uses smart pointers for the vtkImageData internally, then the image will be destroyed as the importer is destroyed. VTK examples always use the importer in the same scope as where the data is then used.
Thank you

The importer does a copy when you ask to do it.
void vtkImageImport::SetImportVoidPointer (void* ptr, int save); stores your void* pointer without copying the data, save arg is used in the destructor of ImgImport, if save is 1, your stored pointer will not be deleted.
void SetImportVoidPointer (void *ptr) calls previous methods with save=1, so in your code, data from CV::Mat, will not be destroyed. Be careful : both use the same pointer : Modify your CV::Mat; and the result from importer will be different.
void CopyImportVoidPointer (void *ptr, vtkIdType size); make a copy of your data, in this case, internally, ImgImport will copy the data, store the new pointer, and delete it in the destructor. You can delete your CV::Mat, it may not affect the Importer.
For the second question, i'm not sure of the internally behavior for retrieve the output but storing the output from a vtkAlgorithm in a vtkSmartPointer allows you to delete the algorithm without corrupt the data.
vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData> convertImage(const cv::Mat& image)
int width = image.cols;
int height = image.rows;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageImport> importer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageImport>::New();
importer->SetWholeExtent(0,width-1,0, height-1, 0, 0);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData> outp = importer->GetOutput();
importer->Delete (); // this line cause the destruction of the output, unless it's stored in a smartPointer.
return outp;
Importer->Delete() is just for example. I tried with a basic exemple, and I as able to use the output from a vtkAlgorithm, without storing the output in a smartPointer.
But reading the Vtk official tutorials (section "Getting an Object with a Smart Pointer"), if you don't store the output in a smartpointer, the importer may be deleted at the end of the scope, the data too.
That's why i'm not sure : I can still use the "direct" pointer returned by the convertImage methods. You must use the smartpointers as describes in the VTK tutos. It's the best way to be sure your data is valid .
Hope it help.


Code analysis C26408 — Replacing the m_pszHelpFilePath variable in InitInstance

In my application's InitInstance function, I have the following code to rewrite the location of the CHM Help Documentation:
CString strHelp = GetProgramPath();
strHelp += _T("MeetSchedAssist.CHM");
m_pszHelpFilePath = _tcsdup(strHelp);
It is all functional but it gives me a code analysis warning:
C26408 Avoid malloc() and free(), prefer the nothrow version of new with delete (r.10).
When you look at the official documentation for m_pszHelpFilePath it does state:
If you assign a value to m_pszHelpFilePath, it must be dynamically allocated on the heap. The CWinApp destructor calls free( ) with this pointer. You many want to use the _tcsdup( ) run-time library function to do the allocating. Also, free the memory associated with the current pointer before assigning a new value.
Is it possible to rewrite this code to avoid the code analysis warning, or must I add a __pragma?
You could (should?) use a smart pointer to wrap your reallocated m_pszHelpFilePath buffer. However, although this is not trivial, it can be accomplished without too much trouble.
First, declare an appropriate std::unique_ptr member in your derived application class:
class MyApp : public CWinApp // Presumably
// Add this member...
std::unique_ptr<TCHAR[]> spHelpPath;
// ...
Then, you will need to modify the code that constructs and assigns the help path as follows (I've changed your C-style cast to an arguably better C++ cast):
// First three (almost) lines as before ...
CString strHelp = GetProgramPath();
strHelp += _T("MeetSchedAssist.CHM");
free(const_cast<TCHAR *>(m_pszHelpFilePath));
// Next, allocate the shared pointer data and copy the string...
size_t strSize = static_cast<size_t>(strHelp.GetLength() + 1);
spHelpPath std::make_unique<TCHAR[]>(strSize);
_tcscpy_s(spHelpPath.get(), strHelp.GetString()); // Use the "_s" 'safe' version!
// Now, we can use the embedded raw pointer for m_pszHelpFilePath ...
m_pszHelpFilePath = spHelpPath.get();
So far, so good. The data allocated in the smart pointer will be automatically freed when your application object is destroyed, and the code analysis warnings should disappear. However, there is one last modification we need to make, to prevent the MFC framework from attempting to free our assigned m_pszHelpFilePath pointer. This can be done by setting that to nullptr in the MyApp class override of ExitInstance:
int MyApp::ExitInstance()
// <your other exit-time code>
m_pszHelpFilePath = nullptr;
return CWinApp::ExitInstance(); // Call base class
However, this may seem like much ado about nothing and, as others have said, you may be justified in simply supressing the warning.
Technically, you can take advantage of the fact that new / delete map to usual malloc/free by default in Visual C++, and just go ahead and replace. The portability won't suffer much as MFC is not portable anyway. Sure you can use unique_ptr<TCHAR[]> instead of direct new / delete, like this:
CString strHelp = GetProgramPath();
strHelp += _T("MeetSchedAssist.CHM");
std::unique_ptr<TCHAR[]> str_old(m_pszHelpFilePath);
auto str_new = std::make_unique<TCHAR[]>(strHelp.GetLength() + 1);
_tcscpy_s(str_new.get(), strHelp.GetLength() + 1, strHelp.GetString());
m_pszHelpFilePath = str_new.release();
For robustness for replaced new operator, and for least surprise principle, you should keep free / strdup.
If you replace multiple of those CWinApp strings, suggest writing a function for them, so that there's a single place with free / strdup with suppressed warnings.

finer-grained control than with LD_PRELOAD?

I have a dynamically linked ELF executable on Linux, and I want to swap a function in a library it is linked against. With LD_PRELOAD I can, of course, supply a small library with a replacement for the function that I compile myself. However, what if in the replacement I want to call the original library function? For example, the function may be srand(), and I want to hijack it with my own seed choice but otherwise let srand() do whatever it normally does.
If I were linking to make said executable, I would use the wrap option of the linker but here I only have the compiled binary.
One trivial solution I see is to cut and paste the source code for the original library function into the replacement - but I want to handle the more general case when the source is unavailable. Or, I could hex edit the needed extra code into the binary but that is specific to the binary and also time consuming. Is something more elegant possible than either of these? Such as some magic with the loader?
(Apologies if I were not using the terminology precisely...)
Here's an example of wrapping malloc:
// LD_PRELOAD will cause the process to call this instead of malloc(3)
// report malloc(size) calls
void *malloc(size_t size)
// on first call, get a function pointer for malloc(3)
static void *(*real_malloc)(size_t) = NULL;
static int malloc_signal = 0;
// real_malloc = (void *(*)(size_t))dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "malloc");
*(void **) (&real_malloc) = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "malloc");
if (malloc_signal == 0)
char *string = getenv("MW_MALLOC_SIGNAL");
if (string != NULL)
malloc_signal = 1;
// call malloc(3)
void *retval = real_malloc(size);
fprintf(stderr, "MW! %f malloc size %zu, address %p\n", get_seconds(), size, retval);
if (malloc_signal == 1)
return retval;
The canonical answer is to use dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, ...).
From the man page:
Find the next occurrence of the desired symbol in the search
order after the current object. This allows one to provide a
wrapper around a function in another shared object, so that,
for example, the definition of a function in a preloaded
shared object (see LD_PRELOAD in ld.so(8)) can find and invoke
the "real" function provided in another shared object (or for
that matter, the "next" definition of the function in cases
where there are multiple layers of preloading).
See also this article.
Just for completeness, regarding editing the function name in the binary - I checked and it works but not without potential hiccups. E.g., in the example I mentioned, one can find the offset of "srand" (e.g., via strings -t x exefile | grep srand) and hex edit the string to "sran0". But names of symbols may be overlapping (to save space), so if the code also calls rand(), then there is only one "srand" string in the binary for both. After the change the unresolved references will then be to sran0 and ran0. Not a showstopper, of course, but something to keep in mind. The dlsym() solution is certainly more flexible.

Variant type storage and alignment issues

I've made a variant type to use instead of boost::variant. Mine works storing an index of the current type on a list of the possible types, and storing data in a byte array with enough space to store the biggest type.
unsigned char data[my_types::max_size];
int type;
Now, when I write a value to this variant type comes the trouble. I use the following:
template<typename T>
void set(T a) {
int t = type_index(T);
if (t != -1) {
type = t;
puts("writing atom data");
*((T *) data) = a; //THIS PART CRASHES!!!!
puts("did it!");
} else {
throw atom_bad_assignment;
The line that crashes is the one that stores data to the internal buffer. As you can see, I just cast the byte array directly to a pointer of the desired type. This gives me bad address signals and bus errors when trying to write some values.
I'm using GCC on a 64-bit system. How do I set the alignment for the byte array to make sure the address of the array is 64-bit aligned? (or properly aligned for any architecture I might port this project to).
EDIT: Thank you all, but the mistake was somewhere else. Apparently, Intel doesn't really care about alignment. Aligned stuff is faster but not mandatory, and the program works fine this way. My problem was I didn't clear the data buffer before writing stuff and this caused trouble with the constructors of some types. I will not, however, mark the question as answered, so more people can give me tips on alignment ;)
See http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.0.4/gcc/Variable-Attributes.html
unsigned char data[my_types::max_size] __attribute__ ((aligned));
int type;
I believe
#pragma pack(64)
will work on all modern compilers; it definitely works on GCC.
A more correct solution (that doesn't mess with packing globally) would be:
#pragma pack(push, 64)
// define union here
#pragma pack(pop)

Two structs, one references another

typedef struct Radios_Frequencia {
char tipo_radio[3];
int qt_radio;
int frequencia;
typedef struct Radio_Cidade {
char nome_cidade[30];
char nome_radio[30];
char dono_radio[3];
int numero_horas;
int audiencia;
Radiof *fre;
void Cadastrar_Radio(R_cidade**q){
printf("informa a frequencia da radio\n");
scanf("%d",&q[0]->fre->frequencia); //problem here
printf("%d\n",q[0]->fre->frequencia); // problem here
i want to know why this function void Cadastrar_Radio(R_cidade**q) does not print the data
You allocated storage for your primary structure but not the secondary one. Change
q[0]->fre = malloc(sizeof(Radiof));
which will allocate both. Without that, there's a very good chance that fre will point off into never-never land (as in "you can never never tell what's going to happen since it's undefined behaviour).
You've allocated some storage, but you've not properly initialized any of it.
You won't get anything reliable to print until you put reliable values into the structures.
Additionally, as PaxDiablo also pointed out, you've allocated the space for the R_cidade structure, but not for the Radiof component of it. You're using scanf() to read a value into space that has not been allocated; that is not reliable - undefined behaviour at best, but most usually core dump time.
Note that although the two types are linked, the C compiler most certainly doesn't do any allocation of Radiof simply because R_cidade mentions it. It can't tell whether the pointer in R_cidade is meant to be to a single structure or the start of an array of structures, for example, so it cannot tell how much space to allocate. Besides, you might not want to initialize that structure every time - you might be happy to have left pointing nowhere (a null pointer) except in some special circumstances known only to you.
You should also verify that the memory allocation succeeded, or use a memory allocator that guarantees never to return a null or invalid pointer. Classically, that might be a cover function for the standard malloc() function:
#undef NDEBUG
#include <assert.h>
void *emalloc(size_t nbytes)
void *space = malloc(nbytes);
assert(space != 0);
That's crude but effective. I use non-crashing error reporting routines of my own devising in place of the assert:
#include "stderr.h"
void *emalloc(size_t nbytes)
void *space = malloc(nbytes);
if (space == 0)
err_error("Out of memory\n");
return space;

MFC multithreading with delete[] , dbgheap.c

I've got a strange problem and really don't understand what's going on.
I made my application multi-threaded using the MFC multithreadclasses.
Everything works well so far, but now:
Somewhere in the beginning of the code I create the threads:
m_bucketCreator = new BucketCreator(128,128,32);
CEvent* updateEvent = new CEvent(FALSE, FALSE);
CWinThread** threads = new CWinThread*[numThreads];
for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
threads[i]=AfxBeginThread(&MyClass::threadfunction, updateEvent);
this creates 8 threads working on this function:
UINT MyClass::threadfunction( LPVOID params ) //executed in new Thread
Bucket* bucket=m_bucketCreator.getNextBucket();
...do something with bucket...
delete bucket;
m_bucketCreator is a static member. Now I get some thread error in the deconstructor of Bucket on the attempt to delete a buffer (however, the way I understand it this buffer should be in the memory of this thread, so I don't get why there is an error). On the attempt of delete[] buffer, the error happens in _CrtIsValidHeapPointer() in dbgheap.c.
Visual studio outputs the message that it trapped a halting point and this can be either due to heap corruption or because the user pressed f12 (I didn't ;) )
class BucketCreator {
void init(int resX, int resY, int bucketSize);
Bucket* getNextBucket(){
Bucket* bucket=NULL;
//enter critical section
CSingleLock singleLock(&m_criticalSection);
int height = min(m_resolutionY-m_nextY,m_bucketSize);
int width = min(m_resolutionX-m_nextX,m_bucketSize);
bucket = new Bucket(width, height);
//leave critical section
return bucket;
int m_resolutionX;
int m_resolutionY;
int m_bucketSize;
int m_nextX;
int m_nextY;
CCriticalSection m_criticalSection;
and class Bucket:
class Bucket : public CObject{
Bucket(int a_resX, int a_resY){
resX = a_resX;
resY = a_resY;
buffer = new float[3 * resX * resY];
int buffersize = 3*resX * resY;
for (int i=0; i<buffersize; i++){
buffer[i] = 0;
delete[] buffer;
int getResX(){return resX;}
int getResY(){return resY;}
float* getBuffer(){return buffer;}
int resX;
int resY;
float* buffer;
Bucket& operator = (const Bucket& other) { /*..*/}
Bucket(const Bucket& other) {/*..*/}
Can anyone tell me what could be the problem here?
edit: this is the other static function I'm calling from the threads. Is this safe to do?
static std::vector<Vector3> generate_poisson(double width, double height, double min_dist, int k, std::vector<std::vector<Vector3> > existingPoints)
CSingleLock singleLock(&m_criticalSection);
std::vector<Vector3> samplePoints = std::vector<Vector3>();
...fill the vector...
return samplePoints;
All the previous replies are sound. For the copy constructor, make sure that it doesn't just copy the buffer pointer, otherwise that will cause the problem. It needs to allocate a new buffer, not the pointer value, which would cause an error in 'delete'. But I don't get the impression that the copy contructor will get called in your code.
I've looked at the code and I am not seeing any error in it as is. Note that the thread synchronization isn't even necessary in this GetNextBucket code, since it's returning a local variable and those are pre-thread.
Errors in ValidateHeapPointer occur because something has corrupted the heap, which happens when a pointer writes past a block of memory. Often it's a for() loop that goes too far, a buffer that wasn't allocated large enough, etc.
The error is reported during a call to 'delete' because that's when the heap is validated for bugs in debug mode. However, the error has occurred before that time, it just happens that the heap is checked only in 'new' and 'delete'. Also, it isn't necessarily related to the 'Bucket' class.
What you need to need to find this bug, short of using tools like BoundsChecker or HeapValidator, is comment out sections of your code until it goes away, and then you'll find the offending code.
There is another method to narrow down the problem. In debug mode, include in your code, and sprinkle calls to _CrtCheckMemory() at various points of interest. That will generate the error when the heap is corrupted. Simply move the calls in your code to narrow down at what point the corruption begins to occur.
I don't know which version of Visual C++ you are using. If you're using a earlier one like VC++ 6.0, make sure that you are using the Multitreaded DLL version of the C Run Time Library in the compiler option.
You're constructing a RenderBucket. Are you sure you're calling the 'Bucket' class's constructor from there? It should look like this:
class RenderBucket : public Bucket {
RenderBucket( int a_resX, int a_resY )
: Bucket( a_resX, a_resY )
Initializers in the Bucket class to set the buffer to NULL is a good idea... Also making the Default constructor and copy constructor private will help to make double sure those aren't being used. Remember.. the compiler will create these automatically if you don't:
Bucket(); <-- default constructor
Bucket( int a_resx = 0, int a_resy = 0 ) <-- Another way to make your default constructor
Bucket(const class Bucket &B) <-- copy constructor
You haven't made a private copy constructor, or any default constructor. If class Bucket is constructed via one of these implicitly-defined methods, buffer will either be uninitialized, or it will be a copied pointer made by a copy constructor.
The copy constructor for class Bucket is Bucket(const Bucket &B) -- if you do not explicitly declare a copy constructor, the compiler will generate a "naive" copy constructor for you.
In particular, if this object is assigned, returned, or otherwise copied, the copy constructor will copy the pointer to a new object. Eventually, both objects' destructors will attempt to delete[] the same pointer and the second attempt will be a double deletion, a type of heap corruption.
I recommend you make class Bucket's copy constructor private, which will cause attempted copy construction to generate a compile error. As an alternative, you could implement a copy constructor which allocates new space for the copied buffer.
Exactly the same applies to the assignment operator, operator=.
The need for a copy constructor is one of the 55 tips in Scott Meyer's excellent book, Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs:
This book should be required reading for all C++ programmers.
If you add:
class Bucket {
/* Existing code as-is ... */
Bucket() { buffer = NULL; } // No default construction
Bucket(const Bucket &B) { ; } // No copy construction
Bucket& operator= (const Bucket &B) {;} // No assignment
and re-compile, you are likely to find your problem.
There is also another possibility: If your code contains other uses of new and delete, then it is possible these other uses of allocated memory are corrupting the linked-list structure which defines the heap memory. It is common to detect this corruption during a call to delete, because delete must utilize these data structures.
