!error! [execution] runtime context during PEX exploration - visual-studio-2012

I have the following during PEX exploration:
!error! [execution] runtime context Microsoft.Pex.Engine.Libraries.MicrosoftVisualBasicLibrary+ProjectErrorRuntimeContextAttribute+Context failed to open
[symbols] could not load symbols for C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.VisualBasic\v4.0_10.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
[symbols] search path: ;
!error! [execution] runtime context Microsoft.Pex.Engine.Libraries.MicrosoftVisualBasicLibrary+ProjectErrorRuntimeContextAttribute+Context failed to rollback
I tried fixing this problem by uninstalling a couple of software updates (as explained in While running PEX getting error) but unfortunately the problem still remains.
Have anyone find a solution to this?
Best regards,

I got same error.
At that time, I replaced .NET 4 with .NET 4.5.
After that, pex run successfully then.
Please try.

As a workaround, you can tell Pex not to instrument the VisualBasic assembly, if you do not need it.
Place the following line into PexAssemblyInfo.cs:
[assembly: PexInstrumentAssembly("Microsoft.VisualBasic", InstrumentationLevel=PexInstrumentationLevel.Excluded)]


WPF/Catel :The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context

When I check out the latest source from one of the sample projects of Catel (Logviewer/CsvTextEditor) and I build my solution.
I get a lot of build errors.
All of these error are related to one error:
The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context.
I've both tried to build the solution in Visual Studio 2017 (15.9.11) as well as Jetbrains Rider.
Can anyone help me with this issue?
Some of the libraries require .net core 3.0 (see https://github.com/dotnet/core-sdk) and might require VS 2019 prerelease.

Infragistics CodedUI extension for vs2012

Since CodedUI does not support Infragistics winforms by default, a hotfix has to be installed which imports a specific assembly enabling codedUI to work with infragistics controls. This hotfix works with vs2010 pretty fine, but not actually with vs2012. Their site says that this hotfix should work with vs2012 but I just can't install this hotfix because of a compatibility issue. When I try to install it, this is the error message I get:
KB2696646 does not apply, or is blocked by another condition on your computer. Please see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=225649 for more details.
Is there a way to get the assembly without installing this hotfix?
Or could someone just share it? This is the one I need: Infragistics4.Win.CodedUITest.UIA.VS11.v12.2.dl
Please take a look at : http://www.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/79850/402667.aspx#402667 for more details. Also there you could find mentioned assembly.

Groovy 2.1.3 compilation failure in IDEA 12.1.1

I'm getting a compilation failure in IDEA 12 when trying to compile a Gradle project with the Groovy plugin installed and using Groovy version 2.1.3. The error I'm getting in IDEA that I don't see on the command line is here:
I'm using #CompileStatic in extension classes, if that's helpful.
Any ideas on workarounds?
Apparently when you create a new project in the latest versions of IDEA, the "external build" option is by default checked.
If you go into the settings and uncheck it [1], this error goes away (and the extremely excessive CPU usage goes away as well!).
Thanks to JetBrains support for the pointer.
[1] - http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/3550/20121206235318.png

Generate Debug Info is fixing an issue?

I am using VC++ 6. Don't ask why. It's just required.
My debug version is working fine. But release version was looking for a different version of OpenCV library and subsequently generated an error message "can't find cxcore100.dll" (correct one: 1.1, wrong one: 1.0) So I tried to find a reason while debugging it. So I set the "Generate Debug Info" in Link of Settings. When I run the release version, it does not generate the error message any more.
I don't think this is a good sign. What can be wrong here. Any guess or hint would be appreciated.
Then in the linker options for vc6 you are linking against cxcore100.lib in the release build and cxcore110.lib in the debug build. Just change them both to cxcore110.lib
ps although in more modern version of opencv there are separate release builds of the libs which end in 'd' - I don't remember what happened in v1

vld_x86 dll not found error shown when i try to run the debug mode of the application

i am new in using the Visual Leak Detector, after creating the settings as per the documentations for Visual C++ 6, and running the program in the debug mode
the error
"The application has failed to start because vld_x86.dll was not found.Re-installing the application may fix this problem"
i have reinstalled and included the path for the dll in the VC6 settings.
thanks in advance for the help.
After searching for the answer myself for quite a long time, two things finally corrected the problem for me. First, if you haven't already restarted Visual Studio after including these new files and libraries, then you should do so. Second, when I went to look into my computer to see what was added to my path in environment variables, it had add the win64. and I run win32. Hope that was descriptive enough and helps.
the include is correct and needed as far as i know.
i was having the same problem and could solve it by copying all files in vld's "bin" directory into the same folder as the executable i wanted to check for leaks.
not a very elegant way but working, i hope it works for you aswell!
