I was searching for a value from contract record in Purchase record but i am unable to get the field where the value is. Below is the code for that. I am applying this code for the contract record and the function is for before submit.
I think I am applying the search in wrong way.
function srchfield()
var recordid = nlapiGetRecordId() //retunrs the contract id
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'recordid ', recordid );
var recordtype = nlapiGetRecordType(); //retunrs the contract recordtype = jobs
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'RecordType', recordtype);
var loadrecord = nlapiLoadRecord(recordtype, recordid); //loads the record
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'Load Record', loadrecord );
var contractname = nlapiGetFieldValue('entityid'); //returs the value of the field contractname whose fieldid is = entityid
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'ContractName ', contractname );
var filters = new Array();
new nlobjSearchFilter('entityid', null, 'anyof', contractname ); // entityid is field id in contract Record and contractname is defined above for contract record
// nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'SearchFilter', filters );
var columns = new Array();
new nlobjSearchColumn('custbodycontract'); // custbodycontractis field id in PO Record
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('purchaseorder', null, filters, columns);
for ( var i = 0; searchresults != null && i < searchresults.length; i++ )
var searchresult = searchresults[ i ];
var record = searchresult.getId( );
var rectype = searchresult.getRecordType( );
var cntrct_name= searchresult.getValue( 'custbodycontract' );
Thanks in advance
****Update: I have completed my answer based on the comments provided. Please see at the last section. I hope it helps. Thanks!***
**I might provide you the snippet if you will explain this further. Please advise
If I understand correctly your code, these are what you are doing and you want to do:
Your contract record is the native entity record - project/job. It had just been renamed to contract by your functional consultant.
You have an user event script (SuiteScript 1.0) before submit and deployed to the contract (project/job) record.
Using the information from the contract record (in this case using the contract name (entityid), you wanted to search for POs to get 'custbodycontract' at the header.
Then you are filtering the search on POs using "entityid" but PO doesnt have that native field on the header. It only has it on the expense line and item line but the id is 'customer'.
Can you explain how is the contract record related to PO. Which field (native/custom) is available on PO that can be used as a join on contract record?
Then, please take note this best practice as freebie.
To optimize your script. You don't need to use nlapiLoadRecord on beforesubmit. Please see below the best practice.:
- With beforesubmit and if you are only getting or setting values on the script deployed record, use nlapiGet** and nlapiSet** API.
- On beforesubmit, only use nlapiLoadRecord if you are getting and setting the value on the sublist of a different record. But utilize first nlapiSearchRecord if you are only getting value at the line level (different record). If it will not give what you need, use nlapiLoadRecord.
- On aftersubmit, only use nlapiLoadRecord if you are setting and getting value at the line level of the deployed record and different record. If you are only getting value at the level, same practice with beforesubmit.
- On aftersubmit, use nlapiLookUp for getting value from the header, and nlapiSubmitField if you are setting. Only use nlapiLoadRecord if it doesnt give you what you need.
****This might what you need...
function srchfield()
var stRecordid = nlapiGetRecordId(); /*retunrs the contract id*/
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'recordid ', stRecordid);
var stRecordtype = nlapiGetRecordType(); /*retunrs the contract recordtype = jobs*/
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'RecordType', stRecordtype);
var stContractname = nlapiGetFieldValue('entityid'); /*returs the value of the field contractname whose fieldid is = entityid*/
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'ContractName ', stContractname);
var arrFilters = new Array();
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('type', null, 'anyof',
])); /*As best practice, instead of directly searching on POs, add filter for transaction type since you might use this later in other transaction.*/
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('mainline', null, 'is', 'T')); /*This is to exclude line level results*/
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('custbodycontract', null, 'is', stContractname));
var arrColumns = new Array();
arrColumns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('trandate')); /*I just wanted to include this column on the result. :)*/
arrColumns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('type')); /*I just wanted to include this column on the result. :)*/
arrColumns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('tranid')); /*I just wanted to include this column on the result. :)*/
arrColumns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('custbodycontract')); /*This is what you need.*/
var arrSearchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('transaction', null, arrFilters, arrColumns);
for (var i = 0; arrSearchresults != null && i < arrSearchresults.length; i++)
var objResult = arrSearchresults[i];
var stRecId = objResult.getId();
var stRecType = objResult.getRecordType();
var stCntrctName = objResult.getValue('custbodycontract');
The problem I notice on your code is the creation of the filter.
You instantiated nlobjSearchFilter but you didn't push it in an array. So basically, you are searching without filter.
And I believe your search criteria were complete.
Try below codes. By the way make sure that the field type of custbodycontract is a freeform text to properly compare it with the entityid of the contract record.
function srchfield()
var stRecordid = nlapiGetRecordId(); /*retunrs the contract id*/
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'recordid ', stRecordid);
var stRecordtype = nlapiGetRecordType(); /*retunrs the contract recordtype = jobs*/
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'RecordType', stRecordtype);
var stContractname = nlapiGetFieldValue('entityid'); /*returs the value of the field contractname whose fieldid is = entityid*/
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'ContractName ', stContractname);
var arrFilters = new Array();
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('type', null, 'anyof',
])); /*As best practice, instead of directly searching on POs, add filter for transaction type since you might use this later in other transaction.*/
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('mainline', null, 'is', 'T')); /*This is to exclude line level results*/
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('custbodycontract', null, 'is', stContractname));
var arrColumns = new Array();
arrColumns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('trandate')); /*I just wanted to include this column on the result. :)*/
arrColumns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('type')); /*I just wanted to include this column on the result. :)*/
arrColumns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('tranid')); /*I just wanted to include this column on the result. :)*/
arrColumns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('custbodycontract')); /*This is what you need.*/
var arrSearchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('transaction', null, arrFilters, arrColumns);
for (var i = 0; arrSearchresults != null && i < arrSearchresults.length; i++)
var objResult = arrSearchresults[i];
var stRecId = objResult.getId();
var stRecType = objResult.getRecordType();
var stCntrctName = objResult.getValue('custbodycontract');
for my website I try to spice my CV a little up.
If you hover about an Icon on canvas_2, which I created as an Object, a static shape + dynamic message will appear on canvas_3 (canvas_1 is solely for navigation, which does not matter at this point). However if I hover over the first Object, the second Object, not the first, fires its animation and displays the description.
I set up a fiddle, maybe this will clear things up better than my english.
function Achievement(set, rect, circ, symb, label, text, icon)
var ach = this;
ach.set = set;
ach.rect = rect;
ach.circ = circ;
ach.symb = symb;
ach.lab = label;
ach.desText = text;
ach.desIcon = icon;
ach.builder = function()
ach.cir = canvas_2.path(circ);
ach.sym = canvas_2.path(symb);
ach.set.push(ach.rect, ach.sym, ach.cir);
ach.set.attr({"stroke":"none", "fill":"rgb(238, 238, 238)"});
ach.hoverSetup = function()
ach.set.forEach(function(el){el.animate(el.transform("s1.25"), "bounce")});
function(){ach.set.forEach(function(el){el.animate(el.transform("s1"), "elastic")});
ach.descriptor = function()
ach.des = canvas_3.text(320, 60, ach.desText);
ach.ico = canvas_3.path(ach.desIcon).attr({"stroke":"none"});
ach.description = canvas_3.setFinish();
ach.description.attr({"font-family":"cabinregular", "font-size":"14px", "fill":"rgb(25,106,141)", "text-anchor":"start", "opacity":0});
return ach;
/*Static Content*/
var title = canvas_2.text(200, 20, 'Achievements');
title.attr({"font-family": 'franchiseregular',"font-size": '24','stroke-width': '0','stroke-opacity': '1','fill': 'rgb(238,238,238)'});
var achTemplate = canvas_3.set();
var templ = canvas_3.path("M635.5,57c0,27.615-18.851,50-42.105,50H277.605c-23.253,0-42.105-22.385-42.105-50l0,0 c0-27.613,18.853-50,42.105-50h315.789C616.649,7,635.5,29.387,635.5,57L635.5,57z");templ.attr({"stroke":"none", "fill":"rgb(238,238,238)"});
var templHe = canvas_3.text(410, 20, "Achievement Unlocked");
templHe.attr({"font-family":"cabinsemibold", "font-size":"18px", "fill":"rgb(25, 106, 141)", "font-weight":"bold" });
var tempCir = canvas_3.path("M260.75,55.884c0-0.714,0.04-1.417,0.117-2.111l-10.838-3.522c-0.346,1.824-0.529,3.707-0.529,5.633 c0,8.626,3.644,16.404,9.472,21.875l6.696-9.217C262.614,65.206,260.75,60.762,260.75,55.884z M298.25,55.884 c0,4.877-1.863,9.322-4.918,12.658l6.695,9.217c5.828-5.471,9.473-13.248,9.473-21.875c0-1.926-0.184-3.809-0.531-5.632 l-10.84,3.521C298.21,54.466,298.25,55.169,298.25,55.884z M283.25,37.509c5.387,1.093,9.934,4.495,12.566,9.131l10.84-3.521 c-4.29-9.107-13.024-15.706-23.406-17.003V37.509z M263.184,46.642c2.631-4.634,7.18-8.037,12.566-9.131V26.117 c-10.382,1.297-19.116,7.896-23.404,17.004L263.184,46.642z M287.266,72.954c-2.365,1.078-4.992,1.68-7.766,1.68 c-2.773,0-5.4-0.602-7.766-1.68l-6.698,9.217c4.29,2.365,9.219,3.713,14.463,3.713s10.174-1.348,14.464-3.713L287.266,72.954z");
tempCir.attr({"stroke":"none", "fill":"rgb(25, 106, 141)"});
achTemplate.push(templ, templHe, tempCir);
var tooltip = canvas_3.path("M34.308,44c-3.472,0-6.737,1.352-9.192,3.808c-2.456,2.455-3.808,5.721-3.808,9.192s1.352,6.737,3.808,9.192 C27.57,68.648,30.836,70,34.308,70s6.737-1.352,9.192-3.808c2.456-2.455,3.808-5.721,3.808-9.192s-1.352-6.737-3.808-9.192 C41.045,45.352,37.779,44,34.308,44z M34.308,41L34.308,41c8.837,0,16,7.163,16,16s-7.163,16-16,16s-16-7.163-16-16 S25.471,41,34.308,41z M32.308,63h4v4h-4V63z M32.308,47h4v12h-4V47z");
tooltip.attr({"stroke":"none", "fill":"rgb(238, 238, 238)", "title":"Hover over the Symbols to get more Information"});
/*Berlin Achievement */
var ber = canvas_2.set();
var selBe = canvas_2.rect(89.466, 109, 60.001, 60);
var berlin = Achievement
"M100.92,138.885c0-0.714,0.039-1.417,0.117-2.111L90.2,133.251c-0.347,1.824-0.529,3.707-0.529,5.633 c0,8.626,3.644,16.404,9.472,21.875l6.696-9.217C102.784,148.207,100.92,143.763,100.92,138.885z M138.42,138.885 c0,4.877-1.863,9.322-4.918,12.658l6.695,9.217c5.828-5.471,9.473-13.248,9.473-21.875c0-1.926-0.184-3.809-0.531-5.632 l-10.84,3.521C138.381,137.467,138.42,138.169,138.42,138.885z M123.42,120.51c5.387,1.093,9.934,4.495,12.566,9.131l10.84-3.521 c-4.289-9.107-13.023-15.706-23.406-17.003V120.51z M103.354,129.642c2.631-4.634,7.18-8.037,12.566-9.131v-11.395 c-10.383,1.297-19.116,7.896-23.404,17.004L103.354,129.642z M127.436,155.955c-2.365,1.078-4.992,1.68-7.766,1.68 s-5.4-0.602-7.766-1.68l-6.699,9.217c4.291,2.365,9.22,3.713,14.463,3.713c5.246,0,10.176-1.348,14.465-3.713L127.436,155.955z",
"M119.67,126.938c-4.143,0-7.5,3.357-7.5,7.5c0,7.5,7.5,16.5,7.5,16.5s7.5-9,7.5-16.5 C127.17,130.295,123.813,126.938,119.67,126.938z M119.67,139.033c-2.537,0-4.594-2.057-4.594-4.594s2.057-4.594,4.594-4.594 s4.594,2.057,4.594,4.594S122.208,139.033,119.67,139.033z M116.765,134.438c0,1.605,1.301,2.906,2.906,2.906 c1.604,0,2.905-1.301,2.905-2.906s-1.301-2.906-2.905-2.906C118.065,131.533,116.765,132.833,116.765,134.438z",
"The Passenger",
"250G - The Passenger \n Moved to Berlin \n Unlocked on 09/08/2004",
"M279.764,44.938c-4.143,0-7.5,3.357-7.5,7.5c0,7.5,7.5,16.5,7.5,16.5s7.5-9,7.5-16.5 C287.264,48.295,283.906,44.938,279.764,44.938z M279.764,57.031c-2.537,0-4.594-2.056-4.594-4.593s2.057-4.594,4.594-4.594 s4.594,2.057,4.594,4.594S282.301,57.031,279.764,57.031z M276.858,52.438c0,1.605,1.301,2.906,2.906,2.906 c1.605,0,2.906-1.301,2.906-2.906s-1.301-2.906-2.906-2.906C278.159,49.532,276.858,50.833,276.858,52.438z"
/*Python Achievement */
var py = canvas_2.set();
var selPy = canvas_2.rect(89.795, 362.5, 60, 60);
var python = Achievement
"M101.045,392.384c0-0.713,0.04-1.416,0.117-2.109l-10.839-3.521c-0.347,1.824-0.528,3.707-0.528,5.633 c0,8.627,3.645,16.405,9.473,21.876l6.695-9.217C102.91,401.706,101.045,397.262,101.045,392.384z M138.545,392.384 c0,4.878-1.863,9.322-4.918,12.659l6.695,9.217c5.828-5.471,9.473-13.249,9.473-21.876c0-1.926-0.184-3.809-0.531-5.631 l-10.84,3.521C138.506,390.966,138.545,391.669,138.545,392.384z M123.545,374.009c5.387,1.094,9.934,4.496,12.566,9.132 l10.84-3.521c-4.289-9.107-13.023-15.707-23.406-17.004V374.009z M103.48,383.142c2.631-4.635,7.18-8.037,12.564-9.131v-11.395 c-10.382,1.297-19.115,7.896-23.402,17.004L103.48,383.142z M127.561,409.455c-2.363,1.078-4.99,1.68-7.766,1.68 c-2.771,0-5.398-0.602-7.767-1.68l-6.697,9.217c4.29,2.365,9.22,3.713,14.463,3.713c5.245,0,10.175-1.348,14.464-3.713 L127.561,409.455z",
"M127.295,390.938h-1.5v-4.5c0-3.313-2.688-6-6-6s-6,2.688-6,6v4.5h-1.5c-0.824,0-1.5,0.678-1.5,1.5v10.5 c0,0.825,0.676,1.501,1.5,1.501h15c0.824,0,1.5-0.676,1.5-1.501v-10.5C128.795,391.614,128.119,390.938,127.295,390.938z M119.795,399.938c-0.828,0-1.5-0.671-1.5-1.5c0-0.828,0.672-1.5,1.5-1.5c0.83,0,1.5,0.672,1.5,1.5 C121.295,399.268,120.625,399.938,119.795,399.938z M122.795,390.938h-6v-4.5c0-1.652,1.348-3,3-3c1.654,0,3,1.348,3,3V390.938z",
"250G - Rattlesnake \n Mastering Python \n Not yet Unlocked",
"M287.264,54.5h-1.5V50c0-3.313-2.688-6-6-6c-3.313,0-6,2.687-6,6v4.5h-1.5c-0.824,0-1.5,0.676-1.5,1.5v10.5 c0,0.824,0.676,1.5,1.5,1.5h15c0.824,0,1.5-0.676,1.5-1.5V56C288.764,55.176,288.088,54.5,287.264,54.5z M279.764,63.5 c-0.829,0-1.5-0.671-1.5-1.5s0.671-1.5,1.5-1.5s1.5,0.671,1.5,1.5S280.593,63.5,279.764,63.5z M282.764,54.5h-6V50 c0-1.654,1.346-3,3-3c1.654,0,3,1.346,3,3V54.5z"
You have missed the new keyword when creating new instance of the Achievement object.
var berlin = new Achievement();
var python = new Achievement();
BTW: Nice animation :)