Set Event ID per log when writing to Windows Event Log - nlog

I've got the EventLog target set up like so:
<target xsi:type="EventLog"
log="Application" />
Now, obviously not all my events will have the same ID, so I want to set event ID on a per message basis, rather than setting a static ID in the config. I believe this should work:
var logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
var logEvent = new LogEventInfo(LogLevel.Warn, logger.Name, "Test message");
logEvent.Properties.Add("EventID", 4444);
...but my events always have event ID set to 0. Anyone know how to get this working?

I figured it out - you have to use a layout in the eventId property of the target:
<target xsi:type="EventLog"
>> eventId="${event-properties:EventID:whenEmpty=0}" <<
log="Application" />
I've also created the Timber logging facade called for both NLog and log4net, which makes logging messages with different event IDs very simple.

On the github hub repo there's an example config for EventLog targets that includes an eventId. The eventId will use a Layout that renders an event ID.


Nlog / event-properties: how to hint NLog to ignore/skip empty/null properties from the final log entry

Basically the title itself kinda explains what i'm trying to achieve but in greater detail:
Let's say the one has similar to the following XML setup for the layout:
layout="<log level='${level:lowerCase=True}' time='${longdate:universalTime=true}' myCustomProperty1='${event-properties:item=myCustomProperty1}' myCustomProperty2='${event-properties:item=myCustomProperty2}'>${newline}
Now when myCustomProperty1 is set to let's say 'blah1' but myCustomProperty2 is not added to eventInfo.Properties collection the resulting entry looks like following:
<log level='blah' time='blah' myCustomProperty1='blah1' myCustomProperty2=''>
The question is - what can be done (preferably in the config file) to exclude the myCustomProperty2 attribute from finally rendered result so the output looks as following:
<log level='blah' time='blah' myCustomProperty1='blah1'>
Here is the gotcha - the same logger is used by multiple threads so i can't simply alter target's layout configuration at the runtime since it may negatively affect the rest of the threads
Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
You could try using When :
<variable name="var_myCustomProperty1" value="${when:when=length('${event-properties:item=myCustomProperty1}')>0:Inner= myCustomProperty1="${event-properties:item=myCustomProperty1}"}"/>
<variable name="var_myCustomProperty2" value="${when:when=length('${event-properties:item=myCustomProperty2}')>0:Inner= myCustomProperty2="${event-properties:item=myCustomProperty2}"}"/>
<target name="test" type="Console" layout="<log level='${level:lowerCase=True}' time='${longdate:universalTime=true}'${var_myCustomProperty1}${var_myCustomProperty2} />" />
NLog 4.6 will include the XmlLayout, that might make things easier:
Alternative you can use the JsonLayout, if xml-output is not a requirement (renderEmptyObject="false")

Spring integration: an aggregator that can release when all messages are processed

I am building a system that call many and diffrent web service and i wish to generate a report about all errors returned after calling ws.
For that, I use an <int:aggregator: > to aggregate messages from error-channel but i can't know the release-strategy because , i like to aggregate all messages of error-channel. so how can i configure <int:aggregator > to aggregate all messages.
And the activator:
public void handleMessage(Message<Collection<Object>> errorList) {
Collection<Object> payload=errorList.getPayload();
System.out.println("error list: "+payload.toString());
Aggregation either needs an appropriate release strategy, or you can simply use release-strategy-expression="false" (never release), and use a group-timeout to release whatever's in the group after some time.
You may want to use a constant correlation correlation-strategy-expresision="'foo'" and set expire-groups-upon-completion="true" so a new group starts with the next message.

log4net AdoNetAppender with bufferSize>1 and a pattern containing "aspnet-session"

I'm using log4net in a ASP.NET MVC application. I want to log to the database and am using AdoNetAppender with a bufferSize=10 to reduce the load on the database.
I also want to capture some session variables e.g. username. I can do this with a pattern like so:
The problem is that the session values seem to be evaluated when the buffer is filled, not when the entry is logged, so I get 10 log entries with the same username even through each log entry was created by a different user.
This problem also effects calculated properties - i.e. the calculated property is evaluated when the buffer is filled, not when the entry is loggedd.
This is not a problem if bufferSize=1 because each log entry is logged, evaluated and written at the same time.
Is there a way to evaluate the session variables when the item is logged and buffer the log entries?
In Application_PostAcquireRequestState, set the username via the ThreadContext:
protected void Application_PostAcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Make sure there's a Session in this request if you need it
if (Context.Handler is IRequiresSessionState)
var username = Session["UserName"];
log4net.ThreadContext.Properties["username"] = username ;
Then, in your config file you have this:
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%property{username}" />

Nlog: send mail when Loglevel >= Loglevel.Error with last x messages

I'd like to do this (from log4net docu) with nlog:
This example shows how to deliver only significant events. A LevelEvaluator is specified with a threshold of WARN. This means that an email will be sent for each WARN or higher level message that is logged. Each email will also contain up to 512 (BufferSize) previous messages of any level to provide context. Messages not sent will be discarded.
Is it possible?
I only found this on codeproject.
But it uses a wrapper target that flushes in behalf of the number of messages, not on the log level.
There is a QueuedTargetWrapper ( a target that buffers log events and sends them in batches to the wrapped target)
that seems address the requirement. I haven't tried it yet.
There is a related discussion "The Benefits of Trace Level Logging in Production Without the Drawback of Enormous Files"
Simple solution that will write last 200 log-events on error:
<target name="String" xsi:type="AutoFlushWrapper" condition="level >= LogLevel.Error" flushOnConditionOnly="true">
<target xsi:type="BufferingWrapper"
<target xsi:type="wrappedTargetType" properties... />
See also:

Windows Workflow 4 Correlation Query includes website instance name in instance key calculation and fails

I am trying to host a long running workflow service on Azure but I am having problems with correlation.
I have got the timeToUnload and the timeToPersist set to 0 and I have ticked the "persist before send" in the worklow - this is not a problem with persistence, it is to do with how instance keys are calculated.
When one web server starts a workflow and another then tries to take another action on the workflow, it fails with
System.ServiceModel.FaultException: The execution of an InstancePersistenceCommand was
interrupted because the instance key '12e0b449-7a71-812d-977a-ab89864a272f' was not
associated to an instance. This can occur because the instance or key has been cleaned up,
or because the key is invalid. The key may be invalid if the message it was generated from
was sent at the wrong time or contained incorrect correlation data.
I used the wcf service diagnostic to dig into this and I found that it is because the calculation of the instance key includes the website instance name, thus a given workflow instance can only be called back from the same machine that instantiated it (because Azure set a different website instance name on each role instance).
To explain, when I create a new instance of the workflow, I have an activity that gets the workflow instance Guid and then returns that guid and also uses the correlation initializer to set the correlation handle.
I have enabled Service Tracing in web.config so in the Service Trace Viewer I can see the following happening when I instantiate a new instance of the workflow;
<ApplicationData >
<TraceData >
<DataItem >
<TraceRecord Severity ="Information" Channel="Analytic " xmlns=" ">
<TraceIdentifier >225</ TraceIdentifier>
<Description >Calculated correlation key '496e3207-fe9d-919f-b1df-f329c5a64934' using values 'key1:10013d62-286e-4a8f-aeb2-70582591cd7f,' in parent scope '{/NewOrbit.ExVerifier.Web_IN_2_Web/Workflow/Application/}Application_default1.xamlx'.</Description >
<AppDomain >/LM/W3SVC/1273337584/ROOT-1-129811251826070757</AppDomain >
</TraceRecord >
</DataItem >
</TraceData >
</ApplicationData >
The important line is this:
Calculated correlation key '496e3207-fe9d-919f-b1df-f329c5a64934' using values 'key1:10013d62-286e-4a8f-aeb2-70582591cd7f,' in parent scope '{/NewOrbit.ExVerifier.Web_IN_2_Web/Workflow/Application/}Application_default1.xamlx'.
The Guid of this particular workflow instance is 10013d62-286e-4a8f-aeb2-70582591cd7f so the workflow engine calculates an "instance key" from that which is 496e3207-fe9d-919f-b1df-f329c5a64934.
I can see the workflow instance with the guid in [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InstancesTable] and I can see the instance key in [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[KeysTable].
So far, so good and if the same server makes a later call to that same workflow, everything works fine. However, if a different server tries to access the workflow, I get the correlation error mentioned above. Once again looking at the diagnostics trace, I can see this:
<TraceData >
<DataItem >
<TraceRecord Severity ="Information" Channel="Analytic " xmlns=" ">
<TraceIdentifier >225</ TraceIdentifier>
<Description >Calculated correlation key '12e0b449-7a71-812d-977a-ab89864a272f' using values 'key1:10013d62-286e-4a8f-aeb2-70582591cd7f,' in parent scope '{/NewOrbit.ExVerifier.Web_IN_5_Web/Workflow/Application/}Application_default1.xamlx'. </Description >
<AppDomain >/LM/W3SVC/1273337584/ROOT-1-129811251818669004</AppDomain >
</TraceRecord >
</DataItem >
</TraceData >
The important line is
Calculated correlation key '12e0b449-7a71-812d-977a-ab89864a272f' using values 'key1:10013d62-286e-4a8f-aeb2-70582591cd7f,' in parent scope '{/NewOrbit.ExVerifier.Web_IN_5_Web/Workflow/Application/}Application_default1.xamlx'.
As you can see, it is the same Guid being passed in but the system includes the name of the website instance in the calculation of the Instance key so it ends up with a completely different instance key.
I have created a completely new project to test this out and found the exact same problem. I feel I must be doing something very simple wrong as I can't find anyone else with the same problem.
A few months later and I have found a solution to this problem. The root problem is that Azure names the Web site something different on each role instance; Rather than "Default Web SIte", the web site is called something like NewOrbit.ExVerifier.Web_IN_0_Web (given a namespace for your web project of NewOrbit.ExVerifier.Web). Workflow uses the website name as part of the algorithm used to calculate the instance key, hence the problem.
The solution is, quite simply, to rename the website during role startup so it is called the same thing on all instances. Fixing the root problem rather than handling the consequences and so obvious I never saw it the first time round.
Here is how you can do this (losely based on this:
Configure powershell to have elevated access rights so you can make changes after IIS has been configured:
In ServiceDefinition.csdef add a startup task:
<ServiceDefinition name="WasInAzure" xmlns="">
<WebRole name="WebRole1">
<Task commandLine="setup\startup.cmd" executionContext="elevated" />
Setup\Startup.cmd should have this content:
powershell -command "set-executionpolicy Unrestricted" >> out.txt
Configure Role OnStart to have admin priviliges
In ServiceDefinition.csdef add this:
<ServiceDefinition name="WasInAzure" xmlns="">
<WebRole name="WebRole1">
<Runtime executionContext="elevated" />
Create a powershell script to rename the web site
Create a setup\RoleStart.ps1 file:
write-host "Begin RoleStart.ps1"
import-module WebAdministration
$siteName = "*" + $args[0] + "*"
Get-WebSite $siteName | Foreach-Object {
$site = $_;
$siteref = "IIS:/Sites/" + $site.Name;
try {
Rename-Item $siteref 'MyWebSite'
write-host $siteName + " was renamed"
write-host "Failed to rename " + $siteName + " : " + $error[0]
write-host "End RoleStart.ps1"
(replace MyWebSite with whatever you want the website to be called on all the servers).
Run RoleStart.ps1 on role start:
Create or Edit WebRole.cs in the root of your website project and add this code:
public class WebRole : RoleEntryPoint
public override bool OnStart()
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo()
FileName = "powershell.exe",
Arguments = #".\setup\rolestart.ps1",
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
var writer = new StreamWriter("out.txt");
var process = Process.Start(startInfo);
return base.OnStart();
And that should be it. If you spin up multiple web role instances and connect to them with RDP, you should now be able to see that the website is called the same on all the instances and workflow persistence therefore works.
It appears this is a problem with running workflow services in a web role. Looks like the workaround is to run you workflow services in a worker role which doesn't have the same problem.
I’m not familiar with Workflow persistence. But others have reported they’ve successfully made SQL Azure work with WF persistence, I would like to suggest you to check and to see if they help.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.
We are new to WF and WCF but was wondering if you could build your own Instance Store.
This should give you the ability to override InstanceKey whereby you could calculate your own.
There are quite a few examples on the internet.
After decompiling and searching a lot, I finnaly found where the key is Generated.
In the class System.ServiceModel.Channels.CorrelationKey, System.ServiceModel
The method GenerateKeyString does the trick. Now I have to find a way to override this method and make my own generating key algorithm so the same instance can run in multiple web servers with different names.
private static Guid GenerateKey(string keyString)
return new Guid(HashHelper.ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(keyString)));
private static string GenerateKeyString(ReadOnlyDictionaryInternal<string, string> keyData, string scopeName, string provider)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scopeName))
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgument("scopeName", System.ServiceModel.SR.GetString("ScopeNameMustBeSpecified"));
if (provider.Length == 0)
throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgument("provider", System.ServiceModel.SR.GetString("ProviderCannotBeEmptyString"));
StringBuilder stringBuilder1 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder();
SortedList<string, string> sortedList = new SortedList<string, string>((IDictionary<string, string>) keyData, (IComparer<string>) StringComparer.Ordinal);
stringBuilder2.Append(sortedList.Count.ToString((IFormatProvider) NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
for (int index = 0; index < sortedList.Count; ++index)
if (index > 0)
stringBuilder2.Append(sortedList.Keys[index].Length.ToString((IFormatProvider) NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
stringBuilder2.Append(sortedList.Values[index].Length.ToString((IFormatProvider) NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
if (sortedList.Count > 0)
stringBuilder2.Append(scopeName.Length.ToString((IFormatProvider) NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
stringBuilder2.Append(provider.Length.ToString((IFormatProvider) NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
stringBuilder1.Append((object) stringBuilder2);
return ((object) stringBuilder1).ToString();
