The current version of the Pipes tutorial, uses the following two functions in one of the example:
stdout :: () -> Consumer String IO r
stdout () = forever $ do
str <- request ()
lift $ putStrLn str
stdin :: () -> Producer String IO ()
stdin () = loop
loop = do
eof <- lift $ IO.hIsEOF IO.stdin
unless eof $ do
str <- lift getLine
respond str
As is mentinoed in the tutorial itself, P.stdin is a bit more complicated due to the need to check for the end of input.
Are there any nice ways to rewrite P.stdin to not need a manual tail recursive loop and use higher order control flow combinators like P.stdout does? In an imperative language I would use a structured while loop or a break statement to do the same thing:
while(not IO.isEOF(IO.stdin) ){
str <- getLine()
if(IO.isEOF(IO.stdin) ){ break }
str <- getLine()
I prefer the following:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
loop :: (Monad m) => EitherT e m a -> m e
loop = liftM (either id id) . runEitherT . forever
-- I'd prefer 'break', but that's in the Prelude
quit :: (Monad m) => e -> EitherT e m r
quit = left
You use it like this:
import Pipes
import qualified System.IO as IO
stdin :: () -> Producer String IO ()
stdin () = loop $ do
eof <- lift $ lift $ IO.hIsEOF IO.stdin
if eof
then quit ()
else do
str <- lift $ lift getLine
lift $ respond str
See this blog post where I explain this technique.
The only reason I don't use that in the tutorial is that I consider it less beginner-friendly.
Looks like a job for whileM_:
stdin () = whileM_ (lift . fmap not $ IO.hIsEOF IO.stdin) (lift getLine >>= respond)
or, using do-notation similarly to the original example:
stdin () =
whileM_ (lift . fmap not $ IO.hIsEOF IO.stdin) $ do
str <- lift getLine
respond str
The monad-loops package offers also whileM which returns a list of intermediate results instead of ignoring the results of the repeated action, and other useful combinators.
Since there is no implicit flow there is no such thing like "break". Moreover your sample already is small block which will be used in more complicated code.
If you want to stop "producing strings" it should be supported by your abstraction. I.e. some "managment" of "pipes" using special monad in Consumer and/or other monads that related with this one.
You can simply import System.Exit, and use exitWith ExitSuccess
Eg. if (input == 'q')
then exitWith ExitSuccess
else print 5 (anything)
I am trying to get a good grip on the do notation in Haskell.
I could use it with Maybe and then print the result. Like this:
maybeAdd :: Maybe Integer
maybeAdd = do one <- maybe1
two <- maybe2
three <- maybe3
return (one + two + three)
main :: IO ()
main = putStr (show $ fromMaybe 0 maybeAdd)
But instead of having a separate function I am trying to use the do notation with the Maybe inside the main function. But I am not having any luck. The various attempts I tried include:
main :: IO ()
main = do one <- maybe1
two <- maybe2
three <- maybe3
putStr (show $ fromMaybe 0 $ return (one + two + three))
main :: IO ()
main = do one <- maybe1
two <- maybe2
three <- maybe3
putStr (show $ fromMaybe 0 $ Just (one + two + three))
main :: IO ()
main = do one <- maybe1
two <- maybe2
three <- maybe3
putStr (show $ (one + two + three))
All of these leads to various types of compilation errors, which unfortunately I failed to decipher to get the correct way to do it.
How do I achieve the above? And perhaps maybe an explanation of why the approaches I tried were wrong also?
Each do block must work within a single monad. If you want to use multiple monads, you could use multiple do blocks. Trying to adapt your code:
main :: IO ()
main = do -- IO block
let x = do -- Maybe block
one <- maybe1
two <- maybe2
three <- maybe3
return (one + two + three)
putStr (show $ fromMaybe 0 x)
You could even use
main = do -- IO block
putStr $ show $ fromMaybe 0 $ do -- Maybe block
one <- maybe1
two <- maybe2
three <- maybe3
return (one + two + three)
-- other IO actions here
but it could be less readable in certain cases.
The MaybeT monad transformer would come handy in this particular case. MaybeT monad transformer is just a type defined something like;
newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT {runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a)}
Actually transformers like MaybeT, StateT etc, are readily available in Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe, Control.Monad.Trans.State... For illustration purposes it' Monad instance could be something like shown below;
instance Monad m => Monad (MaybeT m) where
return = MaybeT . return . Just
x >>= f = MaybeT $ runMaybeT x >>= g
g Nothing = return Nothing
g (Just x) = runMaybeT $ f x
so as you will notice the monadic f function takes a value that resides in the Maybe monad which itself is in another monad (IO in our case). The f function does it's thing and wraps the result back into MaybeT m a.
Also there is a MonadTrans class where you can have some common functionalities those are used by the transformer types. One such is lift which is used to lift the value into a transformer according to that particular instance's definition. For MaybeT it should look like
instance MonadTrans MaybeT where
lift = MaybeT . (liftM Just)
Lets perform your task with monad transformers.
addInts :: MaybeT IO ()
addInts = do
lift $ putStrLn "Enter two integers.."
i <- lift getLine
guard $ test i
j <- lift getLine
guard $ test j
lift . print $ (read i :: Int) + (read j :: Int)
test = and . (map isDigit)
So when called like
λ> runMaybeT addInts
Enter two integers..
Just ()
The catch is, since a monad transformer is also a member of Monad typeclass, one can nest them indefinitelly and still do things under a singe do notation.
Edit: answer gets downvoted but it is unclear to me why. If there is something wrong with the approach please care to elaborate me so that it helps people including me to learn something better.
Taking the opportunity of being on the edit session, i would like to add a better code since i think Char based testing might not be the best idea as it will not take negative Ints into account. So let's try using readMaybe from the Text.Read package while we are doing things with the Maybe type.
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
addInts :: MaybeT IO ()
addInts = do
lift $ putStrLn "Enter two integers.."
i <- lift getLine
MaybeT $ return (readMaybe i :: Maybe Int)
j <- lift getLine
MaybeT $ return (readMaybe j :: Maybe Int)
lift . print $ (read i :: Int) + (read j :: Int)
I guess now it works better...
λ> runMaybeT addInts
Enter two integers..
Just ()
λ> runMaybeT addInts
Enter two integers..
Not an Integer
I'm using pipes, attoparsec, and pipes-attoparsec to write a database dump file converter. The general format of the file is to have a create table command followed by an optional insert command. In addition to transforming the statements in place, the table definitions have to be held in memory until the very end for additional processing (indexes, constraints, etc.).
This works fine, but now I need to allow some of my internal parsers to have access to my Producer's State in order to determine which parser needs to be run while processing the values from the insert command.
I tried something like this:
-- IO
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS (putStrLn)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..), exitSuccess, exitFailure)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
-- Pipes
import Pipes (runEffect, for, liftIO, Producer, Effect)
import Pipes.Attoparsec (parsed, ParsingError)
import Pipes.Lift (runStateP)
import Pipes.Safe (runSafeT)
import qualified Pipes.ByteString as PBS (stdin)
-- State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
dump' :: StateT ParserState Parser Command
dump' = fmap Create createStatements' <|> fmap Insert justData'
doStuff :: MonadIO m => Effect m (Either (ParsingError, Producer ByteString (StateT ParserState m) ()) (), ParserState)
doStuff = runStateP defaultParserState theStuff
theStuff :: MonadIO m => Effect (StateT ParserState m) (Either (ParsingError, Producer ByteString (StateT ParserState m) ()) ())
theStuff = for runParser (liftIO . BS.putStrLn <=< lift . processCommand)
runParser :: MonadIO m => Producer Command (StateT ParserState m) (Either (ParsingError, Producer ByteString (StateT ParserState m) ()) ())
runParser = do
s <- lift get
liftIO $ putStrLn "runParser"
liftIO $ putStrLn $ show s
parsed (evalStateT dump' s) PBS.stdin
processCommand :: MonadIO m => Command -> StateT ParserState m ByteString
processCommand (Create xs) = do
currentState <- get
liftIO $ putStrLn "processCommand"
liftIO $ putStrLn $ show currentState
_ <- put (currentState { constructs = xs ++ (constructs currentState)})
return $ P.firstPass $ P.transformConstructs xs
processCommand (Insert x) = return x
Complete source (including parsers):
When I run it, I get a result that looks something like this:
ParserState {constructs = []}
ParserState {constructs = []}
ParserState {constructs = [ ... ]}
ParserState {constructs = [ ..... ]}
I was expecting runParser (which would grab the latest contents from State) to be run every time processCommand runs, but that's clearly not the case based on the output. When I check the contents of State within the parser, it's always empty no matter how many commands are parsed.
How can I extend State from my Producers to my Parser (dump') so that they share the same State? If my Producer has 4 values in State, the Parser should also see those same 4 values.
I was expecting runParser (which would grab the latest contents from State) to be run every time processCommand runs, but that's clearly not the case.
Your main effect is for runParser (liftIO . BS.putStrLn <=< lift . processCommand). To understand what this effect does you need to understand what for does:
(for p body) loops over p replacing each yield with body
"Loops over p" is accurate if a bit confusing. It doesn't run p once for each value produced by p; that would explode! Instead for replaces every yield in p with body. By replacing yield with body it runs body once for every yielded value. Running the body once for each produced value is similar to how in other languages a for-loop over a list runs the body once for each value in the list.
Your runParser is
runParser = do
s <- lift get
liftIO $ putStrLn "runParser"
liftIO $ putStrLn $ show s
parsed (evalStateT dump' s) PBS.stdin
It reads the state, outputs it, and produces the Commands parsed from stdin. Pipes-autoparsec's parsed parses the source and yields once for each completely successfully parsed value. Your for then replaces each of parsed's yields with liftIO . BS.putStrLn <=< lift . processCommand. The complete effect runs runParser once and processCommand once for each yield, which is what you're observing in the output.
It is possible to jump backward in a program with the continuation monad:
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont
setjmp = callCC (\c -> return (fix c))
backward = do
l <- setjmp
-- some code to be repeated forever
But when I try to jump forward, it is not accepted by GHC:
forward = mdo
-- some dead code
l <- setjmp
return ()
This does not work because there is no instance for MonadFix (ContT r m) for the continuation monad transformer ContT defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Cont. See Section 5.1 of Levent Erkok's thesis for further details.
Is there a way to encode forward jump without value recursion for the continuation monad?
Is there an alternative definition of ContT that has an instance for MonadFix (ContT r m)? There is an unpublished draft by Magnus Carlsson that makes such proposal but I am not sure what to do of it in my case.
You can do it if you move your dead code inside the callCC, like this:
import Control.Monad.Cont
forward :: ContT () IO ()
forward = do
callCC $ \skip -> do
skip ()
lift $ putStrLn "This is not executed"
lift $ putStrLn "Control flow continues here"
main :: IO ()
main = runContT forward return
It's not possible to do exactly what you want. To see why, consider this example:
c <- lift getChar
l <- if c == 'a' then setjmp else return (return ())
lift $ putStrLn "end"
What should this do?
You can also jump back later to the code that was skipped. You just need to pass a continuation to the code you skipped. Using your example, goto L2: L1: some code; goto END; L2: goto L1; END: return can be implemented as:
import Control.Monad.Cont
forward :: ContT () IO ()
forward = do
callCC $ \end -> do
l1 <- callCC $ \l2 -> do
callCC $ \l1 -> l2 l1
liftIO $ putStrLn "In L1"
end ()
liftIO $ putStrLn "In L2"
l1 ()
liftIO $ putStrLn "End"
main :: IO ()
main = runContT forward return
Here we pass the continuation to the part we skipped (l1) back to the outer code so that it can jump there.
I have a function with a type Map Int String -> Proxy () a () Void IO b. Right now it awaits, does whatever with the value it got, and then re-calls itself. I'd like to change it to use State (Map Int String) instead of having that passed as an argument, so I can just use forever and don't need to have every branch remember to recurse. I get that I need to use StateT to combine State with another monad, but I don't understand where in that type signature the StateT belongs, or whether or not I need to lift functions like get. What is the correct type for a function that is both a State (Map Int String) and a Proxy () a () Void IO b?
Note: Proxy () a () Void = Consumer a, so I will refer to it as a Consumer for this answer.
The simple way is to put your StateT monad transformer layer outside of the Consumer layer and then run it immediately. Here is an example:
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Pipes
example :: (Show a) => Consumer a IO r
example = flip evalStateT 0 $ forever $ do
-- Inside here we are using `StateT Int (Consumer a IO) r`
a <- lift await
n <- get
lift $ lift $ putStrLn $ "Received value #" ++ show n ++ ": " ++ show a
put (n + 1)
... and this is how it behaves in action:
>>> runEffect $ each ["Test", "ABC"] >-> example
Received value #0: "Test"
Received value #1: "ABC"
I have code in the Reader Monad, so as to pass a file handle as an invisible parameter down the Reader chain.
In writeMail, I am trying to create a Reader, which, when run using runReader, produces an IO () output which is itself the result of a chain of IO monads
writeMail :: Reader Handle (IO ())
writeMail mail = do
wmh <- writeMailHeaders mail
wmb <- writeMailBody mail
return $ wmh >>= \_ -> wmb
However I am finding that only the last in the IO chain i.e. wmb, prints at the console.
Can anyone see what I should be doing to get wmh, then wmb to print?
With simpler example:
module Read where
import Data.Functor.Identity
write :: Monad m => m (IO ())
write = do
a <- return $ putStrLn "foo"
b <- return $ putStrLn "bar"
return $ a >> b
main :: IO ()
main = runIdentity write
main prints both "foo" and "bar". So I suspect the error is in writeMailHeaders.
What you need is not just a reader, but a ReaderT monad transformer with IO as a base monad.
Since your example was incomplete, I made some changes to show your options:
import Control.Monad.Reader
writeMail :: ReaderT Handle IO ()
writeMail = do
-- Here's how you get your handle to further do something to it:
handle <- ask
-- Here's how you do the IO actions.
-- Notice the `lift` function,
-- which allows us to run actions of the base monad,
-- which in that case is `IO`.
lift $ do
print "bla bla"
print "bla"