Difference between free monads and fixpoints of functors? - haskell

I was reading http://www.haskellforall.com/2013/06/from-zero-to-cooperative-threads-in-33.html where an abstract syntax tree is derived as the free monad of a functor representing a set of instructions. I noticed that the free monad Free is not much different from the fixpoint operator on functors Fix.
The article uses the monad operations and do syntax to build those ASTs (fixpoints) in a concise way. I'm wondering if that's the only benefit from the free monad instance? Are there any other interesting applications that it enables?

(N.B. this combines a bit from both mine and #Gabriel's comments above.)
It's possible for every inhabitant of the Fixed point of a Functor to be infinite, i.e. let x = (Fix (Id x)) in x === (Fix (Id (Fix (Id ...)))) is the only inhabitant of Fix Identity. Free differs immediately from Fix in that it ensures there is at least one finite inhabitant of Free f. In fact, if Fix f has any infinite inhabitants then Free f has infinitely many finite inhabitants.
Another immediate side-effect of this unboundedness is that Functor f => Fix f isn't a Functor anymore. We'd need to implement fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b), but Fix has "filled all the holes" in f a that used to contain the a, so we no longer have any as to apply our fmap'd function to.
This is important for creating Monads because we'd like to implement return :: a -> Free f a and have, say, this law hold fmap f . return = return . f, but it doesn't even make sense in a Functor f => Fix f.
So how does Free "fix" these Fixed point foibles? It "augments" our base functor with the Pure constructor. Thus, for all Functor f, Pure :: a -> Free f a. This is our guaranteed-to-be-finite inhabitant of the type. It also immediately gives us a well-behaved definition of return.
return = Pure
So you might think of this addition as taking out potentially infinite "tree" of nested Functors created by Fix and mixing in some number of "living" buds, represented by Pure. We create new buds using return which might be interpreted as a promise to "return" to that bud later and add more computation. In fact, that's exactly what flip (>>=) :: (a -> Free f b) -> (Free f a -> Free f b) does. Given a "continuation" function f :: a -> Free f b which can be applied to types a, we recurse down our tree returning to each Pure a and replacing it with the continuation computed as f a. This lets us "grow" our tree.
Now, Free is clearly more general than Fix. To drive this home, it's possible to see any type Functor f => Fix f as a subtype of the corresponding Free f a! Simply choose a ~ Void where we have data Void = Void Void (i.e., a type that cannot be constructed, is the empty type, has no instances).
To make it more clear, we can break our Fix'd Functors with break :: Fix f -> Free f a and then try to invert it with affix :: Free f Void -> Fix f.
break (Fix f) = Free (fmap break f)
affix (Free f) = Fix (fmap affix f)
Note first that affix does not need to handle the Pure x case because in this case x :: Void and thus cannot really be there, so Pure x is absurd and we'll just ignore it.
Also note that break's return type is a little subtle since the a type only appears in the return type, Free f a, such that it's completely inaccessible to any user of break. "Completely inaccessible" and "cannot be instantiated" give us the first hint that, despite the types, affix and break are inverses, but we can just prove it.
(break . affix) (Free f)
=== [definition of affix]
break (Fix (fmap affix f))
=== [definition of break]
Free (fmap break (fmap affix f))
=== [definition of (.)]
Free ( (fmap break . fmap affix) f )
=== [functor coherence laws]
Free (fmap (break . affix) f)
which should show (co-inductively, or just intuitively, perhaps) that (break . affix) is an identity. The other direction goes through in a completely identical fashion.
So, hopefully this shows that Free f is larger than Fix f for all Functor f.
So why ever use Fix? Well, sometimes you only want the properties of Free f Void due to some side effect of layering fs. In this case, calling it Fix f makes it more clear that we shouldn't try to (>>=) or fmap over the type. Furthermore, since Fix is just a newtype it might be easier for the compiler to "compile away" layers of Fix since it only plays a semantic role anyway.
Note: we can more formally talk about how Void and forall a. a are isomorphic types in order to see more clearly how the types of affix and break are harmonious. For instance, we have absurd :: Void -> a as absurd (Void v) = absurd v and unabsurd :: (forall a. a) -> Void as unabsurd a = a. But these get a little silly.

There is a deep and 'simple' connection.
It's a consequence of adjoint functor theorem, left adjoints preserve initial objects: L 0 ≅ 0.
Categorically, Free f is a functor from a category to its F-algebras (Free f is left adjoint to a forgetful functor going the other way 'round). Working in Hask our initial algebra is Void
Free f Void ≅ 0
and the initial algebra in the category of F-algebras is Fix f: Free f Void ≅ Fix f
import Data.Void
import Control.Monad.Free
free2fix :: Functor f => Free f Void -> Fix f
free2fix (Pure void) = absurd void
free2fix (Free body) = Fix (free2fix <$> body)
fixToFree :: Functor f => Fix f -> Free f Void
fixToFree (Fix body) = Free (fixToFree <$> body)
Similarly, right adjoints (Cofree f, a functor from Hask to the category of F-coalgebras) preserves final objects: R 1 ≅ 1.
In Hask this is unit: () and the final object of F-coalgebras is also Fix f (they coincide in Hask) so we get: Cofree f () ≅ Fix f
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
cofree2fix :: Functor f => Cofree f () -> Fix f
cofree2fix (() :< body) = Fix (cofree2fix <$> body)
fixToCofree :: Functor f => Fix f -> Cofree f ()
fixToCofree (Fix body) = () :< (fixToCofree <$> body)
Just look how similar the definitions are!
newtype Fix f
= Fix (f (Fix f))
Fix f is Free f with no variables.
data Free f a
= Pure a
| Free (f (Free f a))
Fix f is Cofree f with dummy values.
data Cofree f a
= a <: f (Cofree f a)


Fold on non-lists?

In a recent assignment I have been asked to define fold functions for some non-list types. I'm still not quite able to wrap my head around this concept yet. Thus far, I have understood fold as performing over subsequent elements in the list. fold on Tree still do make intuitive sense, since one is able to apply some function recursively over the root's sub-trees.
However, on a datatype like:
Maybe a :: Nothing | Just a
There is no list (as it seems to me) to perform the fold action on.
I'm sure I have some issue with understanding the basic concepts here, and I would greatly appreciate some clearing up.
Foldable is a pretty confusing class, to be honest, because it doesn't have an awful lot of laws and it's quite possible to write quite a lot of different Foldable instances for almost any given type. Fortunately, it's possible to figure out what a Foldable instance should do in a purely mechanical way based on a Traversable instance for the same type—if there is one.
We have
class (Functor t, Foldable t) => Traversable t where
traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
Traversable has several different laws, but it turns out the most important one is traverse Identity = Identity. Let's see how this applies to Maybe:
traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Maybe a -> f (Maybe b)
traverse g Nothing = _none
traverse g (Just a) = _some
Now in the first case, you need to produce f (Maybe b), and all you have is g :: a -> f b. Since you don't have any f values, and you don't have any a values, the only thing you can produce is pure Nothing.
In the second case, you have to produce f (Maybe b) and you have g :: a -> f b and a. So the only interesting way to start is to apply g to a, getting g a :: f b. Now you have two options to consider: you could throw away this value, and just return Nothing, or you can wrap it up in Just.
By the identity law, traverse Identity (Just a) = Identity (Just a). So you're not allowed to return Nothing. The only legal definition is
traverse _ Nothing = pure Nothing
traverse g (Just a) = Just <$> g a
The Traversable instance for Maybe is completely determined by the Traversable laws and parametricity.
Now it's possible to fold using traverse:
foldMapDefault :: (Traversable t, Monoid m)
=> (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMapDefault f xs =
getConst (traverse (Const . f) xs)
As this applies to Maybe,
foldMapDefault f Nothing =
getConst (traverse (Const . f) Nothing)
foldMapDefault f (Just a) =
getConst (traverse (Const . f) (Just a))
Expanding our definitions,
foldMapDefault f Nothing = getConst (pure Nothing)
foldMapDefault f (Just a) = getConst (Just <$> (Const (f a)))
By the definitions of pure and <$> for Const, these are
foldMapDefault f Nothing = getConst (Const mempty)
foldMapDefault f (Just a) = getConst (Const (f a))
Unwrapping the constructor,
foldMapDefault f Nothing = mempty
foldMapDefault f (Just a) = f a
And this is indeed exactly how foldMap is defined for Maybe.
As "basic concepts" go, this is pretty mind-bending, so don't feel too bad.
It may help to set aside your intuition about what a fold does to a list and think about what type a specific folding function (let's use foldr) should have if applied to a Maybe. Writing List a in place of [a] to make it clearer, the standard foldr on a list has type:
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
Obviously, the corresponding fold on a Maybe must have type:
foldrMaybe :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Maybe a -> b
Think about what definition this could possibly have, given that it must be defined for all a and b without knowing anything else about the types. As a further hint, see if there's a function already defined in Data.Maybe that has a similar type -- maybe (ha ha) that'll give you some ideas.

Understanding signature of function traverse in haskell

traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
There are a lot of functions that I can't understand signature. Of course I understan that traverse get two arguments, that first is function. However,
what does mean (a -> f b) ? I can understand (a -> b).
Similary, t a, f (t b)
Could you explain it me ?
traverse is a type class-ed function so sadly the behaviour of this function depends on what exactly we choose t to be. This is not dis-similar to >>= or fmap. However there are rules for it's behaviour, just like in those cases. The rules are supposed to capture the idea that traverse takes a function a -> f b, which is an effectful transformation from a to b and lifts it to work on a whole "container" of as, collecting the effects of each of the local transformations.
For example, if we have Maybe a the implementation of traverse would be
traverse f (Just a) = Just <$> f a
traverse f Nothing = pure Nothing
For lists
traverse f [a1, a2, ...] = (:) <$> f a1 <*> ((:) <$> f a2 <*> ...))
Notice how we're taking advantage of the fact that the "effect" f is not only a functor, but applicative so we can take two f-ful computations, f a and f b and smash them together to get f (a, b). Now we want to come up with a few laws explaining that all traverse can do is apply f to the elements and build the original t a back up while collecting the effects on the outside. We say that
traverse Identity = Identity -- We don't lose elements
t . traverse f = traverse (t . f) -- For nicely composing t
traverse (Compose . fmap g . f) = Compose . fmap (traverse g) . traverse f
Now this looks quite complicated but all it's doing is clarifying the meaning of "Basically walks around and applies the local transformation". All this boils down to is that while you cannot just read the signature to understand what traverse does, an OK intuition for the signature is
We get a local, effectful function f :: a -> f b
A functor full of as
We get back a functor full of b gotten by repeatedly applying f, ala fmap
All the effects of f are accumulated so we get f (t b), not just t b.
Remember though, traverse can get used in some weird ways. For example, the lens package is chock-full of using traverse with very strange functors to great effect.
As a quick test, can you figure out how to use a legal traverse to implement fmap for t? That is
fmapOverkill :: Traversable f => (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b)
Or headMay
headMay :: Traversable t => t a -> Maybe a
Both of these are results of the fact that traversable instances also satisfy Functor and Foldable!

Product and Sum Type Parallels in Haskell Type Classes

It appears that type classes such as Applicative, Monad and Arrow have some sort of sum type equivalent in type classes such as Alternative, MonadPlus and ArrowPlus respectively. For example, Applicative and Alternative can be used to define the following:
(<&&>) :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
a <&&> b = (,) <$> a <*> b
(<||>) :: Alternative f => f a -> f b -> f (Either a b)
a <||> b = (Left <$> a) <|> (Right <$> b)
However, in all of these cases (as well as with ArrowChoice), the product type class is a prerequisite for the sum type class. Are there type class rules or common functions that depend on the prerequisite class? The Typeclassopedia touches on these relationships, but unfortunately I couldn't find any explicit reason for the dependency.
Arrow is basically the class for monoidal categories1 – with “monoid” not referring to Monoid, but the product-monoid of Haskell types. I.e., with unit element () and multiplication (,). Now, sum types make up a monoid as well, and that's what ArrowChoice uses. These two classes are in that sense complementary; ArrowChoice shouldn't really be a subclass of Arrow.
In a monoidal category, you can then go on to have monoidal functors. How these come out depends on what you use as your type-monoid. For (), (,), you get
class ProdMonoidalFtor f where
prodUnit :: () -> f ()
prodZip :: (f a, f b) -> f (a,b)
type (+) = Either
class SumMonoidalFtor f where
sumUnit :: Void -> f Void
sumZip :: f a + f b -> f (a+b)
Turns out the latter is basically useless, because Void is the initial object of Hask, meaning there exists exactly one Void -> a (namely absurd) for all types a. However, what does make some sense is comonoidal functors with +:
class SumCoMonoidalFtor f where
sumCounit :: f Void -> Void -- I bet you find this useless too, but it's not totally.
sumCozip :: f (a+b) -> f a + f b
That in turn wouldn't make sense for product types, because () is the terminal object.
What's interesting now is that ProdMonoidalFtor is equivalent to Applicative:
instance (ProdMonoidalFtor f) => Applicative f where
pure x = fmap (const x) $ prodUnit ()
fs <*> xs = fmap (\(f,x) -> f x) $ prodZip (fs,xs)
One might then suspect that Alternative is equivalent to SumMonoidalFtor, but it's not! Actually, it is equivalent to decisive functors, which are to comonads as applicatives are to monads.
Whereas Alternative and MonadPlus don't really seem to have much mathematical backing, they're essentially what you get when “un-Kleisliing” the ArrowChoice class, but using the Kleisli category that arises from ProdMonoidalFtor. It's all a bit dubious.
1That's considering only first/left, second/right, and ***/+++. As for the remaining &&&, ||| and arr, these are more specific and IMO belong in seperate classes.

Make Data Type of Kind * -> * That's Not a Functor

Brent Yorgey's Typeclassopedia gives the following exercise:
Give an example of a type of kind * -> * which cannot be made an
instance of Functor (without using undefined).
Please tell me what "cannot be made an instance of Functor" means.
Also, I'd appreciate an example, but perhaps as a spoiler so that you can, please, guide me to the answer.
Let's talk about variances.
Here's the basic notion. Consider the type A -> B. What I want you to imagine is that such a type is similar to "having a B" and also "owing an A". In fact, if you pay back your A you immediately receive your B. Functions are kind of like escrow in that way.
The notion of "having" and "owing" can extend to other types. For instance, the simplest container
newtype Box a = Box a
behaves like this: if you "have" a Box a then you also "have" an a. We consider types which have kind * -> * and "have" their argument to be (covariant) functors and we can instantiate them to Functor
instance Functor Box where fmap f (Box a) = Box (f a)
What happens if we consider the type of predicates over a type, like
newtype Pred a = Pred (a -> Bool)
in this case, if we "have" a Pred a, we actually "owe" an a. This arises from the a being on the left side of the (->) arrow. Where fmap of Functor is defined by passing the function into the container and applying it to all the places where we "have" our inner type, we can't do the same for Pred a since we don't "have" and as.
Instead, we'll do this
class Contravariant f where
contramap :: (a -> b) -> (f b -> f a)
Now that contramap is like a "flipped" fmap? It will allow us to apply the function to the places where we "own" a b in Pred b in order to receive a Pred a. We might call contramap "barter" because it encodes the idea that if you know how to get bs from as then you can turn a debt of bs into a debt of as.
Let's see how it works
instance Contravariant Pred where
contramap f (Pred p) = Pred (\a -> p (f a))
we just run our trade using f prior to passing it on into the predicate function. Wonderful!
So now we have covariant and contravariant types. Technically, these are known as covariant and contravariant "functors". I'll also state immediately that almost always a contravariant functor is not also covariant. This, thus, answers your question: there exist a bunch of contravariant functors which are not able to be instantiated to Functor. Pred is one of them.
There are tricky types which are both contravariant and covariant functors, though. In particular, the constant functors:
data Z a = Z -- phantom a!
instance Functor Z where fmap _ Z = Z
instance Contravariant Z where contramap _ Z = Z
In fact, you can essentially prove that anything which is both Contravariant and Functor has a phantom parameter.
isPhantom :: (Functor f, Contravariant f) => f a -> f b -- coerce?!
isPhantom = contramap (const ()) . fmap (const ()) -- not really...
On the other hand, what happens with a type like
-- from Data.Monoid
newtype Endo a = Endo (a -> a)
In Endo a we both owe and receive an a. Does that mean we're debt free? Well, no, it just means that Endo wants to be both covariant and contravariant and does not have a phantom parameter. The result: Endo is invariant and can instantiate neither Functor nor Contravariant.
A type t of kind * -> * can be made an instance of Functor if and only if it is possible to implement a law-abiding instance of the Functor class for it. So that means you have to implement the Functor class, and your fmap has to obey the Functor laws:
fmap id x == x
fmap f (fmap g x) == fmap (f . g) x
So basically, to solve this, you have to name some type of your choice and prove that there's no lawful implementation of fmap for it.
Let's start with a non-example, to set the tone. (->) :: * -> * -> * is the function type constructor, as seen in function types like String -> Int :: *. In Haskell, you can partially apply type constructors, so you can have types like (->) r :: * -> *. This type is a Functor:
instance Functor ((->) r) where
fmap f g = f . g
Intuitively, the Functor instance here allows you to apply f :: a -> b to the return value of a function g :: r -> a "before" (so to speak) you apply g to some x :: r. So for example, if this is the function that returns the length of its argument:
length :: [a] -> Int
...then this is the function that returns twice the length of its argument:
twiceTheLength :: [a] -> Int
twiceTheLength = fmap (*2) length
Useful fact: the Reader monad is just a newtype for (->):
newtype Reader r a = Reader { runReader :: r -> a }
instance Functor (Reader r) where
fmap f (Reader g) = Reader (f . g)
instance Applicative (Reader r) where
pure a = Reader (const a)
Reader f <*> Reader a = Reader $ \r -> f r (a r)
instance Monad (Reader r) where
return = pure
Reader f >>= g = Reader $ \r -> runReader g (f r) r
Now that we have that non-example out of the way, here's a type that can't be made into a Functor:
type Redaer a r = Redaer { runRedaer :: r -> a }
-- Not gonna work!
instance Functor (Redaer a) where
fmap f (Redaer g) = ...
Yep, all I did is spell the name backwards, and more importantly, flip the order of the type parameters. I'll let you try and figure out why this type can't be made an instance of Functor.

Derivation of Free Monad

Control.Monad.Free implements a free monad as:
data Free f a = Pure a | Free (f (Free f a))
instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where
fmap f = go where
go (Pure a) = Pure (f a)
go (Free fa) = Free (go <$> fa)
I am having a lot of trouble understanding the second go line, especially in the context of descriptions of what a free monad is. Can somenoe please describe how this works and why it makes Free f a a free monad?
At this point, you're just making Free a functor rather than a monad. Of course, to be a monad, it has to be a functor as well!
I think it would be a little easier to think about if we rename the Free constructor to avoid confusion:
data Free f a = Pure a | Wrap (f (Free f a))
Now let's look at the structure of what we're building up. For the Pure case, we just have a value of type a. For the Wrap case, we have another Free f a value wrapped in the f functor.
Let's ignore the constructors for a second. That is, if we have Wrap (f (Pure a)) let's think of it as f a. This means that the structure we're building up is just f--a functor--applied repeatedly some number of times. Values of this type will look something like: f (f (f (f (f a)))). To make it more concrete, let f be [] to get: [[[[[a]]]]]. We can have as many levels of this as we want by using the Wrap constructor repeatedly; everything ends when we use Pure.
Putting the constructors back in, [[a]] would look like: Wrap [Wrap [Pure a]].
So all we're doing is taking the Pure value and repeatedly applying a functor to it.
Given this structure of a repeatedly applied functor, how would we map a function over it? For the Pure case--before we've wrapped it in f--this is pretty trivial: we just apply the function. But if we've already wrapped our value in f at least once, we have to map over the outer level and then recursively map over all the inner layers. Put another way, we have to map mapping over the Free monad over the functor f.
This is exactly what the second case of go is doing. go itself is just fmap for Free f a. <$> is fmap for f. So what we do is fmap go over f, which makes the whole thing recursive.
Since this mapping function is recursive, it can deal with an arbitrary number of levels. So we can map a function over [[a]] or [[[[a]]]] or whatever. This is why we need to fmap go when go is fmap itself--the important difference being that the first fmap works for a single layer of f and go recursively works for the whole Free f a construction.
I hope this cleared things up a bit.
To tell you the truth, I usually just find it easier not to read the code in these simpler functions, but rather to read the types and then write the function myself. Think of it as a puzzle. You're trying to construct this:
mapFree :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> Free f a -> Free f b
So how do we do it? Well, let's take the Pure constructor first:
mapFree f (Pure a) = ...
-- I like to write comments like these while using Haskell, then usually delete
-- them by the end:
-- f :: a -> b
-- a :: a
With the two type comments in there, and knowing the type of Pure, you should see the solution right away:
mapFree f (Pure a) = Pure (f a)
Now the second case:
mapFree f (Free fa) = ...
-- f :: a -> b
-- fa :: Functor f => f (Free f a)
Well, since f is a Functor, we can actually use mapFree to apply mapFree f to the inner component of f (Free f a). So we get:
mapFree f (Free fa) = Free (fmap (mapFree f) fa)
Now, using this definition as the Functor f => Functor (Free f) instance, we get:
instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where
fmap f (Pure a) = Pure (f a)
fmap f (Free fa) = Free (fmap (fmap f) fa)
With a bit of work, you can verify that the definition we just arrived at here is the same thing as the one you're puzzling over. (As others have mentioned, (<$>) (defined in Control.Applicative) is just a synonym for fmap.) You may still not understand it, but you managed to write it, which for types as abstract as these is very often good enough.
As for understanding it, though, the thing that helps me is the following: think of a Free monad as a sort of list-like structure, with Pure as [] and Free as (:). From the definition of the type you should see this: Pure is the base case, and Free is the recursive case. What the fmap instance is doing is "pushing" the mapped function to the bottom of this structure, to where the Pure lives.
Since I am confused myself, I answer with a question...could this be a correct substitution (relying on Tikhon's Wrap clarification)?
fmap g = go where
go (Pure a) = Pure (g a)
go (Wrap fa) = Wrap (go <$> fa)
Substituting "fmap g" for "go", and "fmap" for "<$>" (since "<$>" is infix,
we flip "go" and "<$>"):
fmap g (Pure a) = Pure (g a)
fmap g (Wrap fa) = Wrap (fmap (fmap g) fa)
Substituting "f (Free f a)" for "fa" in the last line (from the first data
fmap g (Wrap fa) = Wrap ( fmap (fmap g) (f (Free f a)) )
= Wrap ( f ( fmap g (Free f a) ) )
= wrap ( f (Pure (g a) ) ) --if Free f a is Pure
= Wrap ( f ( fmap g (Wrap fa') ) ) --if Free f a is Wrap
The last line includes the recursion "fmap g (Wrap fa')", which would continue
unless Pure is encountered.
