Issue with passing parameter to function - excel

After hours of troubleshooting, I still cannot seem to find any good solution to this problem on my own. I've never done any VBA before, so this is mostly based on trial and error.
The function extractData_test() will define some variables, and then pass them on to other functions needed to do the work. There are still some more functions, but I've left them out, since they do not take any role in my issue.
I went for this solution since I need to do an extractData() for many, many sheets.
Function extractData_test()
'Define variables
Dim Token1 As String
Dim Token2 As String
Dim WSout As String
'Set attributes of the lines that should be returned, and to which worksheet.
Token1 = "TROLLEY"
Token2 = "TP"
WSout = "testWS2"
'Call Functions.FromRowNum //Line removed
Call exData(Token1, WSout, Functions.FromRowNum)
'Call Functions.FromRowNum //Line removed
Call exData(Token2, WSout, Functions.FromRowNum)
End Function
The function exData() will find lines in a source sheet that matches the criteria defined by the Token attribute. It will then copy the matching lines from the source sheet to the output sheet.
I need to call the exData() twice, with different parameter, since I need to match two different criteria. There could be several more calls on exData() too.
The problem arises when pasting on the second call. I have made a parameter "FromRowNum" that I want to pass into exData() when calling it. This parameter tells the function from which line it should start pasting. The FromRowNum function will just find the last row in ActiveSheet. But I'm not sure if I have got everything right.
Function FromRowNum()
Set WSout = ActiveSheet
With WSout
Set LastCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp)
FromRowNum = LastCell.Row
End With
End Function
I forgot to describe what is actually happening.
All the functions run fine, and they give an output, but the output is wrong.
The first call of exData does what I expect. But on the second call, it will paste on row 1+NumberOfRowsInResult. In my test case this means that it will paste results from the second call from row 999. What I want to happen is to paste from the first empty row (after the first call is finished).
Here is the function exData().
Function exData(Tokens, WSoutX, FromRowNumParam) 'Changed from FromRowNum to FromRowNumParam
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim LastCell As Range
Dim y As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim WSout As Worksheet
'PasteFromRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set WSout = Worksheets(WSoutX)
x = 0
xx = 0
n = 0
m = 0
rownumber = inf
Set WS = Worksheets("data")
With WS
Set LastCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp)
y = LastCell.Row
End With
Dim i As Long, iMatches As Long
Dim aTokens() As String: aTokens = Split(Tokens, "|")
For Each cell In Sheets("data").Range("C:C")
x = x + 1
If x = y Then Exit For
For i = 0 To UBound(aTokens)
n = n + 1
If InStr(1, cell.Value, aTokens(i), vbTextCompare) Then
rownumber = x
Exit For
End If
If rownumber = x Then Exit For
For Each cell In Sheets("data").Range("C:C")
xx = xx + 1
If xx = y Then Exit For
For j = 0 To UBound(aTokens)
If InStr(1, cell.Value, aTokens(j), vbTextCompare) Then
m = xx
End If
numrows = m - rownumber
Sheets("data").Range(rownumber & ":" & rownumber, m & ":" & m).Copy Sheets(WSoutX).Range(FromRowNumParam& ":" & FromRowNumParam, numrows & ":" & numrows) 'Changed from FromRowNum to FromRowNumParam
End Function
I implemented all the changes KazJaw suggested, and got further, though I still had some problems. Please see changes added to the previous code examples.
The line
Sheets("data").Range(rownumber & ":" & rownumber, m & ":" & m).Copy Sheets(WSoutX).Range(FromRowNumParam& ":" & FromRowNumParam, numrows & ":" & numrows)
had to be changed to
Sheets("data").Range(rownumber & ":" & rownumber, m & ":" & m).Copy Sheets(WSoutX).Range(FromRowNumParam& ":" & FromRowNumParam, FromRowNumParam+numrows & ":" & FromRowNumParam+numrows)
The end of the paste range was less than the start, causing problems. Therefore the need to add FromRowNumParam+numrows

First of all, your Function exData should be rather built as procedure Sub exData.
Second, you don't need to call this lines Call Functions.FromRowNum as it doesn't do anything. Returned function value isn't passed anywhere.
Third, to be sure you call correct function pass parameter to exData in this way:
Call exData(Token1, WSout, Functions.FromRowNum)
Forth, which could be biggest problem. You need to change FromRowNumber parameter in this line
Function exData(Tokens, WSoutX, FromRowNum)
to anything different like:
Function exData(Tokens, WSoutX, FromRowNumParam)
and change FromRowNum variable accordingly within the function. If not, each time you use FromRowNum variable within your function you rather call FromRowNum function instead of using value which was passed to the function.


Differentiate between "1" and "11"

I have 20 cases. For every row in my sheet, I have a cell that assigns related case numbers to it. A row could have multiple case numbers assigned to it in that cell (Example: 1,2,11,12)
I am writing a code to copy all the rows that have Case number 1 assigned to them, copy them someplace else..
and then go to case number 2 and repeat the same..
This is what I am using:
For CaseNumbers = 1 To 20
For i = Row1 To RowLast
If InStr(1, Range(CaseNoCell & i).Value, CaseNumbers & ",") Then
End If
The problem I am facing is, the code considers case number 11 as case number 1 too (since it has the digit 1).
This is the first time I am writing a VBA code and I have no background in this.
Can someone please advise on better way of doing this? Should I assign a checklist instead to each row?
All I want to do is find all the rows that have Case number 1 assigned, copy them.. then find all the rows that have Case 2 assigned, copy them.. and so on.
Please help.
You can use a function to do the test
Public Function isCaseNumberIncluded(ByVal caseToCheck As Long, ByVal caseNumbers As String) As Boolean
'add , to make all values distinct
caseNumbers = "," & caseNumbers & ","
Dim strCaseToCheck As String
strCaseToCheck = "," & caseToCheck & ","
If InStr(1, caseNumbers, strCaseToCheck) > 0 Then
isCaseNumberIncluded = True
End If
End Function
You would call this function within your main code like this:
Dim caseNumber As Long 'I removed the s - as this could be misleading in my eyes
For caseNumber = 1 To 20
For i = Row1 To RowLast
If isCaseNumberIncluded(caseNumber, Range(CaseNoCell & i).Value) Then
End If
Using a separate function to run the test has two advantages:
your code gets more readable, ie you know from reading the functions name what the result should be - without reading the whole code how to do it :-)
you can re-use this code propably at another place
Or you can test the function first:
Public Sub test_isCaseNumberIncluded()
Debug.Print isCaseNumberIncluded(1, "1,2,11,12"), "Should be true"
Debug.Print isCaseNumberIncluded(1, "2,11,12"), "Should be false"
Debug.Print isCaseNumberIncluded(11, "1,2,11,12"), "Should be true"
Debug.Print isCaseNumberIncluded(11, "1,2,12"), "Should be false"
End Sub
Well, you are working with this piece of code:
If InStr(1, Range(CaseNoCell & i).Value, CaseNumbers & ",") Then
This checks against 1,, 12,, ..., but obviously it won't cover the last entry so that's something you'll need to add. And you have the problem that 11, gets treated as 1,.
In a similar way you can use this piece of code:
If InStr(1, Range(CaseNoCell & i).Value, "," & CaseNumbers & ",") Then
This checks against ,1,, ,12,, ... so it will solve your error, but obviously it won't cover the last and the first entry so that's something you'll need to add.
This is something that should be encapsulated in a function rather than being done in line. The method provided in VBA for tokenising a string is 'Split'.
You could wite a function that checks tokens 1 by 1, or which compile a collection of the tokens which then uses a built checking method of the collection to determine if the specified token is present or not.
In this specific case I've chosen to use the collection method. The specific object for the collection is the ArrayList (but a Scripting.Dictionary is also possible). The function contains checks for zero length strings and allows the seperator to be specified if it isn't a comma.
Option Explicit
Function FindToken(ByVal ipToken As String, ByVal ipTokenList As String, Optional ByVal ipSeparator As String = ",") As Boolean
' Guard against ipSeparator being vbnullstring
Dim mySeparator As String
mySeparator = IIf(VBA.Len(ipSeparator) = 0, ",", ipSeparator)
'Raise an error if ipToken or ipTokenList are empty strings
If VBA.Len(ipToken) = 0 Or VBA.Len(ipTokenList) = 0 Then
Err.Raise 17, "Empty string error"
End If
'Convert the token list to tokens
Dim myTokens As Variant
myTokens = VBA.Split(ipTokenList, mySeparator)
' Put the tokens in an ArrayList so we can use the contains method
' no point is doing early binding as arraylist doesn't provide intellisense
Dim myAL As Object
Set myAL = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Dim myItem As Variant
For Each myItem In myTokens
' Trim just in case there are spaces
myAL.Add VBA.Trim(myItem)
'Finally test if the Token exists in the token list
Find = myAL.contains(VBA.Trim(ipToken))
End Function
This means that your code
If InStr(1, Range(CaseNoCell & i).Value, CaseNumbers & ",") Then
can now be rewritten as
If FindToken(CStr(CaseNUmbers), Range(CaseNoCell & cstr(i)).Value) Then
Identify Criteria Rows
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Const WordSeparator As String = ","
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet ' improve!
Dim CaseNumber As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim cValue As Variant
Dim cString() As String
For CaseNumber = 1 To 20
For i = Row1 To RowLast
cValue = CStr(ws.Range(CaseNoCell & i).Value)
If Len(cValue) > 0 Then
cString = Split(cValue, WordSeparator)
If IsNumeric(Application.Match( _
CStr(CaseNumber), cString, 0)) Then
' CopyAndPasteCode CaseNumber
Debug.Print "Case " & CaseNumber & ": " & "Row " & i
End If
End If
Next i
Next CaseNumber
End Sub

Stop a macro if rows generated in a structured table repeat X number of times

I've got a workbook containing a Summary sheet and 200 numbered sheets that the user fills in one after the other.
The following macro checks about 125 cell values on every numbered sheet, and fills in the Summary, one line per numbered sheet.
If a numbered sheet hasnt been used yet, the macro fills in every column from column D to column DV with the minus sign "-" and goes on to check every numbered sheet one after the other till there's no more to check.
Is there a way to set it so that if an arbitrary number (let's say 10 lines) of the newly generated lines contain only the minus sign "-" from D to DV (Iw,4 to Iw, 126), then the macro would reach its end as it means all the remaining numbered sheets aren't used yet?
Sub SummaryMacro()
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Iw = 2 ' Index Write
For Each Sh In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
If Sh.Name = "Summary" Then GoTo EndConsolidation
Cells(Iw, 1).Select
With Selection
.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & Sh.Name & "'" & "!" & "A1", TextToDisplay:="Go to"
End With
Cells(Iw, 2) = Sh.Name
If Sh.Range("D8") = "" Then
Cells(Iw, 3) = "-"
Cells(Iw, 3) = Sh.Range("D8")
End If
'Here the rest of the process (Iw, 4 till Iw, 125)
'The process also includes a few variations:
'Something like 20 of those with various text
If Sh.CheckBoxes("Check Box 1").Value = 1 Then Cells(Iw, 40) = "Declared" Else Cells(Iw, 40) = "-"
'Something like 30 of those with various text
If Sh.Range("H33") = "Issued" Then
Cells(Iw, 42) = "-"
Cells(Iw, 42) = Sh.Range("H33")
End If
'But all in all they are mostly like that
If Sh.Range("C134") = "" Then
Cells(Iw, 126) = "-"
Cells(Iw, 126) = Sh.Range("C134")
End If
Iw = Iw + 1
Next Sh
End Sub
Try adding this code to your For loop at the end:
If (WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("D" & Iw & ":DV" & Iw), "-") = 123) Then
Cntr = Cntr + 1 'Blank sheet found
Cntr = 0 'Not blank - Restart counter
End If
If (Cntr = 10) Then Exit For
This counts the number of - in your row and if it equals 123 (D-DV) then it increments the counter otherwise it clears the counter. When Cntr reaches 10 it exits the loop.
Add this code before your For loop ends
Dim counter As Integer
Dim previousRowBlank As Boolean
counter = 0
previousRowBlank = True
'count if all the 123 cells contain - string
If (WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets("Summary").Range("D" & Iw & ":DV" & Iw), "-") = 123) Then
If (counter = 0) Then
counter = counter + 1
previousRowBlank = True
If (previousRowBlank = True) Then
counter = counter + 1
End If
End If
previousRowBlank = False
counter = 0
End If
'assuming you want to exit when 10 consecutive rows are blank
If (counter = 10) Then
Exit Sub
End If
When I have something like this I Dim a Boolean variable (perhaps call it isPopulated) which only gets switched to true when one of the cells has a value to act on. Then for your case after 10 (or however many you choose) lines, insert an If isPopulated = False Then Exit For to skip the remaining sheets.
EDIT; another idea I just had for you - if all the cells you're checking are supposed to have numeric values then you could use the below;
If Not WorksheetFunction.Concat(Range("D8"), Range("C134"), etc) Like "*#*" Then
'Code here to skip this and remaining sheets.
Obviously you'd need to add the relevant ranges inside the concat() brackets. What that will do is join the contents of those cells together, then check the result for any numbers "*#*" (you could also check for any letters using "*?*"). That gives you a one-code-line answer to the basic question 'is this sheet populated or not'.
I'm sure it's a bad idea to terminate the macro prematurely, based on such an imprecise criterion as the number of "empty" sheets in series. If data starts again on the 11th, 15th or 30th sheet, then you will not process it, you will lose it.
Your macro is not very complex, it shouldn't take longer than a few seconds. For modern Excel, 25K cells are very few
Your code can be shortened a little, simplified. After all, you know all the addresses of the cells that you need to check on each sheet, you enter them in the macro code sequentially, right? Write them on one line separated by commas and put them in a constant.
After that, the whole code will become much shorter:
Sub SummaryMacro()
Const REQUIRED_CELLS_ADDRESS As String = "D8,...<all other source cells>...,B6"
Const SUM_SHEETNAME As String = "Summary"
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wsSum As Worksheet
Dim rCell As Range
Dim oTargetCell As Range
Dim oSumCell As Range
Dim aAddress As Variant
Dim i As Integer
aAddress = Split(REQUIRED_CELLS_ADDRESS, ",")
Set wsSum = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(SUM_SHEETNAME)
wsSum.UsedRange.Offset(1, 0).ClearContents
Set oTargetCell = wsSum.Range("A1")
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Name <> SUM_SHEETNAME Then
Set oTargetCell = oTargetCell.Offset(1, 0)
wsSum.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=oTargetCell, Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & ws.Name & "'" & "!" & "A1", TextToDisplay:="Go to"
oTargetCell.Resize(1, 123).Value = "-"
Set oSumCell = oTargetCell.Offset(0, 1)
oSumCell.Value = ws.Name
For i = LBound(aAddress) To UBound(aAddress)
Set rCell = ws.Range(aAddress(i))
Set oSumCell = oSumCell.Offset(0, 1)
If Not IsEmpty(rCell) Then oSumCell.Value2 = rCell.Value2
Next i
End If
Next ws
End Sub
Update Everyone knows that working with an array in RAM is much faster than working with sheet cells. Therefore, the outer loop - iterating over the sheets of the book - remains the same, but we change the code inside the loop in this way:
Sub SummaryMacro()
Const SUM_SHEETNAME As String = "Summary"
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wsSum As Worksheet
Dim oTargetCell As Range
Dim aResData As Variant
aAddress = Split(REQUIRED_CELLS_ADDRESS, ",")
Set wsSum = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(SUM_SHEETNAME)
wsSum.UsedRange.Offset(1, 0).ClearContents
Set oTargetCell = wsSum.Range("A1")
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Name <> SUM_SHEETNAME Then
Set oTargetCell = oTargetCell.Offset(1, 0)
wsSum.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=oTargetCell, Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & ws.Name & "'" & "!" & "A1", TextToDisplay:="Go to " & ws.Name
aResData = validateData(ws.Range("A1:L140").Value2) ' Or "D8:C134" or any other
oTargetCell.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, UBound(aResData) + 1).Value = aResData
End If
Next ws
End Sub
The main trick is hidden in this line aResData = validateData(ws.Range("A1:L140").Value2)
We call our function and pass it as a parameter an array of cell values ​​from the entire next sheet. Further work on analysis and processing will be carried out with the elements of this array. However, this is not the whole trick.
The validateData() function is very simple and looks like this:
Function validateData(aD As Variant) As Variant
validateData = validateValues(aD(1, 5), aD(2, 8), aD(3, 1), aD(2, 11), _
........ , _
aD(111, 3), aD(112, 8), aD(123, 9), aD(126, 10))
End Function
In other words, we select from the entire large array of aD (the name is deliberately made short, because in this function it will have to be repeated 123 times) only those values ​​that need to be analyzed and we pass on to the next function. Despite the seeming simplicity, this is the most time-consuming part - you need to select from the sheet all cells "D8", "C134", etc. and write down their coordinates (row, column) as numbers aD(4,8), aD(3,134), etc.
Perhaps can help in this the mode R1C1 of displaying the sheet. Or some kind of helper function that will be used when preparing the code (not when executing - we agreed that we will no longer access cells for get values ​​or for .Row and .Column properties!)
What will the validateData() function get? A long one-dimensional array aData(0 To 122) of cell values ​​in the listed order. That is, as many values ​​as there are cells to be filled in the Summary row for this sheet.
The last trick is the process of processing values. It would seem that we have gained nothing from all these transformations. But you claim that there are three groups of checks - for an empty value, for a boolean value (checkbox) and for text lines. This is how it is handled:
Function validateValues(ParamArray aData() As Variant) As Variant
Dim i As Variant
Dim aResult As Variant
ReDim aResult(LBound(aData) To UBound(aData))
For i = LBound(aData) To UBound(aData)
Select Case i
Case 1, 5, 7, 9 ' Checking cells empty / value
aResult(i) = IIf(aData(i) = "", "-", aData(i))
Case 4, 6, 10 ' Checking cells boolean True / "not True" (False or blank)
aResult(i) = IIf(aData(i), "Declared", "-")
Case 0, 3, 8 ' Checking cells string "Issued" / other
aResult(i) = IIf(aData(i) = "Issued", "-", aData(i))
Case 2, 91, 118 ' Checking cells string "Pending" / other
aResult(i) = IIf(aData(i) = "Issued", "-", aData(i))
Case Else ' In a real macro, this line is not needed, it will never be executed because all the cells of the array are already listed above, this is useful only for debugging while all conditions will be written
aResult(i) = "-"
Debug.Print "Cell #" & i & " not processed yet"
End Select
Next i
validateValues = aResult
End Function
And now - again, in just one call! - we write a whole row of results:
oTargetCell.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, UBound(aResData) + 1).Value = aResData
I am sure that these tricks will reduce the time it takes to form the summary sheet many times over. Please try this and let me know if it gets better?

Trouble running a macro which selects every second column in a range and inputs the result in a formula

I have a macro that selects every second column and inputs the addresses in to an excel defined function:
Dim calcrange As Range
Dim c As Long
Set calcrange = Range("InvestmentOutlay")
For c = 3 To Range("C57").End(xlToRight).Column Step 2
Set calcrange = Union(calcrange, Cells(57, c))
Range("IRR").Formula = "=IRR((" & calcrange.Address & "))"
This code works, however, when I try to run this code:
Dim npvRange As Range
Dim n As Long
Set npvRange = Range("C57")
For n = 3 To Range("C57").End(xlToRight).Column Step 2
Set npvRange = Union(Range("C57"), Cells(57, n))
Range("NPV").Formula = "=NPV((EconGrowth1," & npvRange.Address & "))"
I get an "Application defined or object defined error". The debug highlights the last line of code. I'm still pretty new with VBA, and am unsure what is causing this error, and how to fix it. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thanks,
The brackets you are placing around both the EconGrowth1 and npvRange values is making them into one parameter, but EconGrowth1 should be the first parameter, and the other cells should be the second parameter.
So you need to move your brackets:
Range("NPV").Formula = "=NPV(EconGrowth1,(" & npvRange.Address & "))"
And, as SJR mentioned in a comment, your Union should be changed to:
Set npvRange = Union(npvRange, Cells(57, n))
And, as you have already initialised npvRange to be C57, you can start the loop at column 5.
The final code could look like:
Dim npvRange As Range
Dim n As Long
Set npvRange = Range("C57")
For n = 5 To Range("C57").End(xlToRight).Column Step 2
Set npvRange = Union(npvRange, Cells(57, n))
Range("NPV").Formula = "=NPV(EconGrowth1,(" & npvRange.Address & "))"
SJR has just pointed out in a comment that the NPV formula doesn't even need brackets because, unlike the IRR formula which only takes one parameter for values, the NPV formula has parameters of rate, value1, [value2], ....
So that means the Formula line can be just:
Range("NPV").Formula = "=NPV(EconGrowth1," & npvRange.Address & ")"

On error skip to next

I am trying to get some text between two words from a column of similar data, so far I have:
Dim I As Integer
For I = 1 To 989
thisSTRING = Worksheets(1).Range("A" & I).Value
ref = Split(Split(thisSTRING, "RING ")(1), " EM")(0)
Worksheets(1).Range("B" & I).Value = ref
Next I
The problem I have is that not all text in the column is the same and when I reach such a point in the for loop I get an error message as there is either no "RING" or "EM", to avoid this I tried to use "on error resume next". This worked but it duplicates in the cells which had the errors. Is there any simple method for making this skip the cell/leave it blank instead of creating a duplicate?
Here's what I was thinking:
Sub PrintSplit()
Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet
Dim i As Long
Dim thisSTRING As String
Dim ref As String
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
For i = 1 To 989
thisSTRING = ws.Range("A" & i).Value
If InStr(thisSTRING, "RING ") > 0 And InStr(thisSTRING, " EM") > 0 Then
ref = Split(Split(thisSTRING, "RING ")(1), " EM")(0)
ws.Range("B" & i).Value = ref
End If
Next i
End Sub
This assumes that you want a blank if either of the strings are missing. If you only wanted it if both strings are missing the logic would be different, but similar.
Note that I changed i to a Long which is a good practice, as it's the native type for whole numbers and will accommodate larger values. I also created a worksheet variable, just to make it a little more flexible, and to get Intellisense.

How to hide rows in VBA based on values in row, quickly

this is my first time using the site, so forgive me for any inept explaining. I have a working macro to hide/unhide rows based on content of the rows, I just want it to be faster. Using a check box, when the box is checked, all rows with an "x" in column D get unhidden, those without an "x" get hidden. Same thing happens when it is unchecked, except it references column C, not D.
Right now, this code works. It's just a little slower than I'd like, since I'm sharing this with a bunch of people. Any ideas for how to speed it up? I'm pretty darn new to VB (the internet is astoundingly wise and a good teacher), but that doesn't matter. I already improved the code - before it selected each row, then referenced the column, and it was awful. Any ideas to speed it up (preferably without moving the screen) would be great.
Thanks so much folks,
Sub NewLuxCheck()
Dim x As Integer
NumRows = Range("A42", "A398").Rows.Count
If ActiveSheet.Shapes("checkbox2").OLEFormat.Object.Value = 1 Then
For x = 42 To NumRows + 41 Step 1
If Worksheets("Base").Range("D" & x).Value = "x" Then
Worksheets("Base").Range(x & ":" & x).EntireRow.Hidden = False
Worksheets("Base").Range(x & ":" & x).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
For x = 42 To NumRows + 41 Step 1
If Worksheets("Base").Range("C" & x).Value = "x" Then
Worksheets("Base").Range(x & ":" & x).EntireRow.Hidden = False
Worksheets("Base").Range(x & ":" & x).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
End If
MsgBox ("Done")
End Sub
You could use array formula and let Excel to return array with row-numbers where 'x' value occures. It will be quicker but you'll have to reorganise your code and create separate functions etc.
Here example where array formula finds rows whre in column 'D' the cell has value 'x'. Then string of this row numbers is created in form of "A1,A5,A10" ...means 'x' was found in rows 1,5,10. And finally Range(rowsJoind).EntireRow.Hidden is used for all the rows to be hidden/un-hidden in one step.
For rows with value different then 'x' you'll have to use formula like '=IF({0}<>""x"", ROW({0}), -1)'.
Sub test()
Dim inputRange As Range
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim myFormula As String
Dim rowsJoined As String, i As Long
Dim result As Variant
With Worksheets("Base")
lastRow = .Range("D" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set inputRange = .Columns("D").Resize(lastRow)
Application.ReferenceStyle = xlR1C1
myFormula = "=IF({0}=""x"", ROW({0}), -1)"
myFormula = VBA.Strings.Replace(myFormula, "{0}", inputRange.Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1))
result = Application.Evaluate(myFormula)
result = Application.Transpose(result)
Application.ReferenceStyle = xlA1
For i = LBound(result) To UBound(result)
If (result(i) > -1) Then
rowsJoined = rowsJoined & "A" & result(i) & IIf(i < UBound(result), ",", "")
End If
Next i
.Range(rowsJoined).EntireRow.Hidden = False
End With
End Sub
