Trying to create seo friendly url - .htaccess

I'm trying to create friendly url for my site but with no success :(( and i have two questions
The first is:
How to change the url from to
And the second is:
Will the changes make duplicate content and if how to fix the problem.
Thank you for your time,
Have a nice day

Check out the official URL Rewriting guide:
You'll be using the simplest use case, Canonical URLs. Assuming you have no other pages that you need to worry about, you can use a rule like this: (note: untested, your usage may vary)
RewriteRule ^/(.*)([^/]+)$ /$1$2.php
While that example might not exactly work for your use case, hopefully reading the guide and my example will help you get you on your way.


Redirect issues: New category/article structure / How to get rid of the article id?

I guess, this is an easy one but anyway, I haven't figured it out yet.
After migrating my website from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 the structure of categories and articles will change. That's why I will need some rules in .htaccess to redirect the old urls to the new ones.
The website is hosted on an Apache server.
The old URL structure looks something like that.[articleID]-[articleAlias].html
[articleID] is a digit.
[articleAlias], e.g. „this-is-article-number-233“
This should be redirected to...[articleAlias].html
An example:
… should be redirected to...
I've played around with RedirectMatch and Rewrite Rule but haven't been successful to make it work. How do I get rid of the article id?
My latest try failed with...
RedirectMatch ^category/subcategory/item/([0-9]+)-(.*)$ /newcategory/newsubcategory/$1
Is there a simple and elegant solution to this? Thanks in advance!
Maybe it's more complex than I thought it was.
Main problem is that not only my categories changed but also the ids of the articles.
So, to stick with my example...
first turns into something like:
Anyway, Joomla 4 is able to drop the article id automatically (guess with an internal rewrite) for seo-friendly URLs. I activated that feature to make the new URLs look like[articleAlias].html
The [articleAlias] stays the same.
A redirection according to what you actually ask should be possible like that:
RewriteEngine on
RedirectRule ^/?category/subcategory/item/[0-9]+-(.*)\.html$ /newcategory/newsubcategory/$1.html [R,L]
However I doubt that this really is what you want: this completely drops the numeric ID of the resource. Which means that it won't be available for processing when the redirected request comes back requesting the new, stripped URL. How do you want to internally rewrite that request back to the internal resource then, without that ID?
I made some more tests and it this is the final solution to my problem:
RedirectMatch 301 ^/?category/subcategory/item/[0-9]+-(.*)\.html$ /newcategory/newsubcategory/$1.html

.htaccess redirect to another page while retaining the complete query string

I am a little lost. I tried searching this site and the web at large, but I couldn't seem to find exactly what I need. So please forgive me if this has been answered before, I really tried to find it.
I have … inherited a .htaccess file with quite a lot of 301 redirects in the
Redirect 301 /shorthand /actual-link/actual-file.php
syntax (with a RewriteEngine On line somewhere high up in the file). I don't know exactly much about redirects, but that seems pretty straightforward to me. It just sits there and sometimes new shorthand links get added. There is some non-www to www, and http to https kind of stuff at the top, that's it.
Now the structure of the site changes, and two similar pages that process query parameters get consolidated into one. Basically there is
Old page: /path/subpath/index.php?some=query&parameter=or&other
New page: /other-path/file.php?added=parameter&some=query&parameter=or&other
I can't predict what parameters exactly will be part of the URL, I just have to take everything starting from the ? and append it to the new URL, that already has to include an added parameter, so everything after the ? follows ?added=parameter& .
I suppose that is not exactly hard, but alas, I lack the experience. And all I could find was something like "Take this specific defined query parameter you already know and set it as a path name" or vice versa, and I couldn't get that to work for my problem.
Is there a solution compatible with the syntax used elsewhere in the file? Or does that matter at all? Can I combine Redirect 301 … lines with RewriteCond … RewriteRule … commands? Does %{QUERY_STRING} help me somehow? If so, how can I figure out the correct syntax?
I would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.
Many thanks in advance!

AGAIN: how to hide subdirectories in browser bar with htaccess

Sorry to bother you perhaps again, but I can't get it working after trying at least 30 answers already given on this subject!!
I use a somewhat deep directory structure and the I would like to rewrite the address browser bar of all subdirectories been replaced by one: simply (www.) Even if I redirect from within the subdirectories to a higher level.
In other words:
So I have: ----> this what I would like to show every time. Here is also my main index.html located.
Then the structure beneath is e.g.
I have tried all the REWRITE CODES available (well, practically). But nothing works.
Can and will someone please give me the ultimate answer how to code this in htaccess? Please don't forget to tell me please, in which directory I should place this htaccess (allthough I tried all).
By the way, I don't care about SEO - the (sub-)pages don't have to be 'searchable'.
By the way, this is a site which I like to protect a little against theft, since it concerns my living of bookselling.
Thanks a lot beforehand!
There is one way to do this, a frame redirect.
That'll always show the same URL in the address bar - but it's trivial to find the actual URL for anyone with the slightest bit of technical knowledge.
Users will also be unable to link to a specific page or magazine.
If you have intellectual property you want to protect, it might be worth looking into other, more suitable ways to do so.

CakePHP nice urls - how to prevent normal urls from working

I have a website that's written using CakePHP. I've added some rewrite rules in the .htacces file to change the default urls to different ones (instead of /controller1/action1/parameter I have /some-string-about-controller-and-action/parameter, for example).
The problem is that now both the normal url and the nice one are available, and google seems to be indexing both, which is a problem. I'd like to only keep the nice one, which is the proper way to handle this so that it affects the google results as little as possible?
I don't know why you don't want to use cakes own routing (if you are having trouble doing what you want, you can accomplish what you want with a custom route class), then make sure that you redirect all relevant URL's in your .htaccess file to the desired URL using a MOVED PERMANENTLY redirect.
This way google will index the target url instead of the one that is undesirable. You are right to take offense to this, double indexing is a great way to harm your SEO rankings.

Hiding URL parameters with .htaccess while still making them available to $_GET

I have a script on my site ('write-review.php') that takes an optional url parameter 'site'. So server-side requests could be:
I'm using .htaccess to create search engine friendly URLs and hide my php extensions, so that requests to this script are respectively rewritten as
I think having 'foo' in the URL may cause confusion for my users, so I'm trying to write an htaccess rewrite rule that removes 'foo' while still passing this variable to my script. Thus, a request to /reviews/write-a-review/foo would be rewritten as /reviews/write-a-review/ but write-review.php would be passed 'foo'.
The rewrite rule I currently have in place is:
RewriteRule ^reviews/write-a-review/?$ reviews/write-review.php
RewriteRule ^reviews/write-a-review/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/?$ reviews/write-review.php?site=$1
Is it even possible to do what I've described above? There are MANY questions on Stack Overflow that are similar to this, and I've read through at least a dozen, but I haven't found a way to do this specifically.
Any help is really appreciated.
Is it even possible to do what I've described above?
No. To alter the actual URL the user inputs, you'd have to do a header redirect, during which you would lose foo.
This is not possible, except maybe by using ridiculous technical tricks like storing foo in a session variable or something. I would not recommend going that route.
