Replace forward slash with double backslash enclosed in double quotes - linux

I'm desperately trying to replace a forward slash (/) with double backslash enclosed in double quotes ("\\")
a=`echo "$var" | sed 's/^\///' | sed 's/\//\"\\\\\"/g'`
does not work, and I have no idea why. It always replaces with just one backslash and not two

When / is part of a regular expression that you want to replace with the s (substitute) command of sed, you can use an other character instead of slash in the command's syntax, so you write, for example:
sed 's,/,\\\\,g'
above , was used instead of the usual slash to delimit two parameters of the s command: the regular expression describing part to be replaced and the string to be used as the replacement.
The above will replace every slash with two backslashes. A backslash is a special (quoting) character, so it must be quoted, here it's quoted with itself, that's why we need 4 backslashes to represent two backslashes.
$ echo /etc/passwd| sed 's,/,\\\\,g'

How about this?
Demo in a shell:
$ var=a/b/c
$ a=${var//\//\\\\}
$ echo "$a"

Another way of doing it: tr '/' '\'
$ var=a/b/c
$ echo "$var"
$ tr '/' '\' <<< "$var"


How to accomodate single quotes in sed bash [duplicate]

How to escape a single quote in a sed expression that is already surrounded by quotes?
For example:
sed 's/ones/one's/' <<< 'ones thing'
Quote sed codes with double quotes:
$ sed "s/ones/one's/"<<<"ones thing"
one's thing
I don't like escaping codes with hundreds of backslashes – hurts my eyes. Usually I do in this way:
$ sed 's/ones/one\x27s/'<<<"ones thing"
one's thing
One trick is to use shell string concatenation of adjacent strings and escape the embedded quote using shell escaping:
sed 's/ones/two'\''s/' <<< 'ones thing'
two's thing
There are 3 strings in the sed expression, which the shell then stitches together:
sed 's/ones/two'
Escaping single quote in sed: 3 different ways:
From fragile to solid...
Note: This answer is based on GNU sed!!
1. Using double-quotes to enclose sed script:
Simpliest way:
sed "s/ones/one's/" <<< 'ones thing'
But using double-quote lead to shell variables expansion and backslashes to be considered as shell escape before running sed.
1.1. Specific case without space and special chars
In this specific case, you could avoid enclosing at shell level (command line):
sed s/ones/one\'s/ <<<'ones thing'
will work until whole sedscript don't contain spaces, semicolons, special characters and so on... (fragile!)
2. Using octal or hexadecimal representation:
This way is simple and efficient, if not as readable as next one.
sed 's/ones/one\o047s/' <<< 'ones thing'
sed 's/ones/one\x27s/' <<< 'ones thing'
And as following character (s) is not a digit, you coul write octal with only 2 digits:
sed 's/ones/one\o47s/' <<< 'ones thing'
3. Creating a dedicated sed script
cat <<eosedscript >sampleSedWithQuotes.sed
#!$(which sed) -f
chmod +x sampleSedWithQuotes.sed
From there, you could run:
./sampleSedWithQuotes.sed <<<'ones thing'
one's thing
This is the strongest and simpliest solution as your script is the most readable:$ cat sampleSedWithQuotes.sed
#!/bin/sed -f
3.1 You coud use -i sed flag:
As this script use sed in shebang, you could use sed flags on command line. For editing file.txt in place, with the -i flag:
echo >file.txt 'ones thing'
./sampleSedWithQuotes.sed -i file.txt
cat file.txt
one's thing
3.2 Mixing quotes AND double quotes
Using dedicated script may simplify mixing quotes and double quotes in same script.
Adding a new operation in our script to enclose the word thing in double quotes:
echo >>sampleSedWithQuotes.sed 's/\bthing\b/"&"/;'
( now our script look like:
#!/bin/sed -f
./sampleSedWithQuotes.sed <<<'ones thing'
one's "thing"
The best way is to use $'some string with \' quotes \''
sed $'s/ones/two\'s/' <<< 'ones thing'
Just use double quotes on the outside of the sed command.
$ sed "s/ones/one's/" <<< 'ones thing'
one's thing
It works with files too.
$ echo 'ones thing' > testfile
$ sed -i "s/ones/one's/" testfile
$ cat testfile
one's thing
If you have single and double quotes inside the string, that's ok too. Just escape the double quotes.
For example, this file contains a string with both single and double quotes. I'll use sed to add a single quote and remove some double quotes.
$ cat testfile
"it's more than ones thing"
$ sed -i "s/\"it's more than ones thing\"/it's more than one's thing/" testfile
$ cat testfile
it's more than one's thing
This is kind of absurd but I couldn't get \' in sed 's/ones/one\'s/' to work. I was looking this up to make a shell script that will automatically add import 'hammerjs'; to my src/main.ts file with Angular.
What I did get to work is this:
sed -i '' '/environments/a\
import '$apost'hammerjs'$apost';' src/main.ts
So for the example above, it would be:
sed 's/ones/one'$apost's/'
I have no idea why \' wouldn't work by itself, but there it is.
Some escapes on AppleMacOSX terminals fail so:
sed 's|ones|one'$(echo -e "\x27")'s|1' <<<'ones thing'
I know this is going to sound like a cop out but I could never get sed working when there were both single and double quotes in the string. To help any newbies like me that are having trouble, one option is to split up the string. I had to replace code in over 100 index.hmtl files. The strings had both single and double quotes so I just split up the string and replaced the first block with
<!-- and the second block with -->. It made a mess of my index.html files but it worked.
use an alternative string seperator like ":" to avoid confusion with different slashes
sed "s:ones:one's:" <<< 'ones thing'
or if you wish to highligh the single quote
sed "s:ones:one\'s:" <<< 'ones thing'
both return
one's thing

remove backslash only from quote character using sed

I have string: this is a [\"sample\"] sample\'s.
What would be the correct way to remove backslashes from the double quote, preserving the double quote.
Expected output: this is a ["sample"] sample\'s.
I've tested: sed -i 's/\\\"//g' file.txt which is removing the "
Your command is almost correct. You just forgot to substitute with a double quote:
sed -i 's/\\"/"/g' file.txt
sed's s command substitutes the first part (between / here) with the second part. The g flag repeats the operation throughout the line. Your mistake was that the second part was empty, thus effectively deleting the whole \" string.
BTW, escaping the double quote is not necessary since your sed command is inside single quotes.

How to correctly detect and replace apostrophe (') with sed?

I'm having a directory with many files having special characters and spaces. I want to perform an operation with all these files so I'm trying to store all filenames in a list.txt and then run the command with this list.
The special characters in my list are & []'.
So basically I want to use sed to replace each occurence with \ + the character in question.
E.g. : filename .txt => filename\ .txt etc...
The thing is I have trouble handling apostrophes.
Here is my command as of now :
ls | sed 's/\ /\\ /g' | sed 's/\&/\\&/g' | sed "s/\'/\\'/g" | sed 's/\[/\\[/g' | sed 's/\]/\\]/g'
At first I had issues with, I believe, the apostrophes in the string command in conflict with the apostrophes surrounding the string. So I used double quotes instead, but it still doesn't work.
I've tried all these and nothing worked :
sed "s/\'/\\'/g" (escaping the apostrophe)
sed "s/'/\'/g" (escaping nothing)
sed "s/'/\\'/g" (escaping the backslash)
sed 's/"'"/\"'"/g' (double quoting single quote)
As a disclaimer, I must say, I'm completely new to sed. I just run my first sed command today, so maybe I'm doing something wrong I didn't realize.
PS : I've seen those thread, but no answer worked for me :
How to replace to apostrophe ' inside a file using SED
This may do:
cat file
more [ yes
this ]
sed -r 's/(\x27|&|\[|\])/\\\1/g' file
more \[ yes
this \]
\x27 is equal to singe quote '
\x22 is equal to double quote "
Whoops, I found the answer to my question. Here is the working input :
sed "s/'/\\\'/g"
This will effectively replace any ' with \'.
However I'm having trouble understanding exactly what's happening here.
So if I understand correctly, we are escaping the backslash and the apostrophe in the replacement string. Now, if somebody could answer some those, I would be grateful :
Why don't we need to escape the first quote (the one in the pattern to find) ?
Why do we have to escape the backslash whereas for the other characters, there's no need ?
Why do we need to escape the second quote (the one in the replacement string) ?
I think all of your sed matches actually need that replacement pattern. This one seems to work for all examples:
ls | sed "s/\ /\\\ /g" | sed "s/\&/\\\&/g" | sed "s/\[/\\\[/g" | sed "s/\]/\\\]/g" | sed "s/'/\\\'/g"
So it is s/regex/replacement/command and 'regex' and 'replacement' have different sets of special characters.
The only one that's different is s/'/\\\'/g and there only because I don't believe there is any special ' character on the regex expression. There is some obscure \' special character in the replacement expression, for matching buffer ends in multi-line mode, accord to the docs. That might be why it needs an escape in the replacement side, but not in the regex side.
For example, \5 is a special character in the replacement expression, so to replace:
filename5.txt -> filename\5.txt
You would also need, as with apostrophe:
sed "s/5/\\\5/g"
It probably has to do with the mysterious inner works of sed parsing, it might read from right to left or something.
Please try the following:
sed 's/[][ &'\'']/\\&/g' file
By using the same example by #Jotne, the result will be:
gmore\ \[\ yes
gthis\ \]
[How it works]
The regex part in the sed s command above just defines a character
class of & []', which should be escaped with a backslash.
The right square bracket ] does not need escaping when put
immediately after the left square bracket [.
The obfuscating part will be the handling of a single quote.
We cannot put a single quote within single quotes even if we escape it.
The workaround is as follows: Say we have an assignment str='aaabbb'.
To put a single quote between "aaa" and "bbb", we can say as
It may look puzzling but it just concatenates the three sequences;
1) to close the single-quoted string as 'aaa'.
2) to put a single quote with an escaping backslash as \'.
3) to restart the single-quoted string as 'bbb'.
Hope this helps.

When grep "\\" XXFile I got "Trailing Backslash"

Now I want to find whether there are lines containing '\' character. I tried grep "\\" XXFile but it hints "Trailing Backslash". But when I tried grep '\\' XXFile it is OK. Could anyone explain why the first case cannot run? Thanks.
The difference is in how the shell treats the backslashes:
When you write "\\" in double quotes, the shell interprets the backslash escape and ends up passing the string \ to grep. Grep then sees a backslash with no following character, so it emits a "trailing backslash" warning. If you want to use double quotes you need to apply two levels of escaping, one for the shell and one for grep. The result: "\\\\".
When you write '\\' in single quotes, the shell does not do any interpretation, which means grep receives the string \\ with both backslashes intact. Grep interprets this as an escaped backslash, so it searches the file for a literal backslash character.
If that's not clear, we can use echo to see exactly what the shell is doing. echo doesn't do any backslash interpretation itself, so what it prints is what the shell passed to it.
$ echo "\\"
$ echo '\\'
You could have written the command as
grep "\\\\" ...
This has two pairs of backslashes which bash will convert to two single backslashes. This new pair will then be passed to grep as an escaped backslash getting you what you want.

What is wrong with 'echo 'a\\b' | grep "\\"'

When I am running this
echo 'a\\b' | grep '\\'
it correctly identifies the backslashes
but when I used the double quotes
echo 'a\\b' | grep "\\"
It is not running and it is returning a trailing backlash error, I can't figure out why that happens. It should work exactly similar to single quotes as I have escaped the backslashes.
When using double quotes the \\ gets evaluated into \. Single quotes leaves things as-is. Do an echo "\\" to see what I mean.
There are multiple places where backslash escapes can be processed:
In your shell: This happens when you use double quotes and not single quotes. Note that this is a very limited processing and escapes like "\n" will not work. This means when you do echo "a\\b" echo will get a\b as first argument while when you're executing echo 'a\\b' echo will get a\\b as first argument.
In the program you're calling: grep will parse the input as POSIX regular expression which has its own set of escapes. echo may or may not handle escape codes by default. My /bin/echo will not process escape codes by default, my bash bulitin echo also won't but my zsh builtin echo will. If a certain behaviour is wanted this can be specified by -e to enable escapes or by -E to disable escapes.
So if you're calling grep "\\" the shell will process the \\ escape sequence and pass \ to grep which will try to parse that as a regular expression and correclty complains about a trailing backslash.
So when you use double quotes you have to double escape everything resulting in the rather clumsy echo 'a\\b' | grep "\\\\".
To get the least amount of escaping you can use echo 'a\\b' | grep '\\' or even echo 'a\\b' | grep -F '\', where the -F flag tells grep to interpret the pattern as verbatim string and not as a regular expression. If you happen to have an echo that processes escapes by default (this will result in echo 'a\\b' printing a\b) you also need to add -E to the echo command.
grep does a bit of basic regular expression matching.
When in double quotes, the shell parses \\, so \\ will resolve to a single backslash as a parameter.
Additionally, grep does a bit of basic regular expression matching, so to match a single backslash you need to pass two backslashes to grep.
So by calling grep "\\" you actually get grep \, which does not parse as a regular expression, therefore makes grep fail.
To correctly match only double backslashes, do grep -F '\\' (which means fixed string matching instead of regex), grep '\\\\' or grep "\\\\\\\\".
