Mac OS X: recvmsg returns EMSGSIZE when sending fd's via Unix domain datagram socket - linux

I have a piece of code that uses Unix domain sockets and sendmsg/recvmsg to send fd's between two processes. This code needs to run on both Linux and Mac (it is complied separately for both platforms). I'm using SOCK_DGRAM (datagram) sockets.
I send one fd at a time in my code. On Mac, after sending a couple of fd's succesfully this way, recvmsg() fails with an EMSGSIZE. According to the manpage for recvmsg, this can only happen if msg->msg_iovlen <=0 or >= a constant which is 2048 on Mac. In my code, I've pegged msg_iovlen to 1 always, I verified this on the sender and receiver, and also from reading the message header right after recvmsg() faults. This same code works fine on Linux.
Another possibility, from looking at the XNU kernel source, is that the receiver could have run out of fd's, but I've only sent 4 or 5 fd's before the error happens so there should be plenty of fd's left.
If I don't send fd's and only send data, this error does not occur.
Here's what the code that's packing the control message looks like:
// *obj is the fd, objSize is sizeof(*obj)
// cmsg was allocated earlier as a 512 byte buffer
cmsgLength = CMSG_LEN(objSize);
cmsgSpace = CMSG_SPACE(objSize);
cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET;
cmsg->cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS;
cmsg->cmsg_len = cmsgLength;
memcpy(CMSG_DATA(cmsg), obj, objSize);
msg->msg_control = cmsg;
msg->msg_controllen = cmsgSpace;
And here's the receiver:
msg = (struct msghdr *)pipe->msg;
iov = msg->msg_iov;
iov->iov_base = buf;
iov->iov_len = size;
// msg->msg_control was set earlier
msg->msg_controllen = 512;
return recvmsg(sockFd, msg, 0);
Any clues?
Thanks in advance

Are you actually using the cmsg stuff that you are receiving? I notice that you set msg_controllen to 512. What have you set msg_flags to?
Would you be able to try the same thing out with the following one addition.
msg = (struct msghdr *)pipe->msg;
memset (msg, 0, sizeof(msghdr)); /* added this */
iov = msg->msg_iov;
iov->iov_base = buf;
iov->iov_len = size;
// msg->msg_control was set earlier
msg->msg_controllen = 512;
return recvmsg(sockFd, msg, 0);


Delay in receiving Socket can messages

I implement linux application which receives CAN messages and calculates period(using socketcan on raspberry pi4). The problem is that sometimes (about 0.5%) socketcan receives messages with delay. When I send 10ms messages with baudrate 500Kbps from my laptop(using vector tool), normally I can get reasonable period(9ms ~ 11ms) from raspberry pi. But sometimes it comes with 15ms ~ 16ms(then, next message comes after 4ms ~ 5ms). Even if I send 1 message only, same phenomenon occurs, so that the bus load could not be the reason. How can I resolve this issue?
Here is my source code as below.
if ((s = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW)) < 0)
return 1;
strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, "can0");
ioctl(s, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr);
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
addr.can_family = AF_CAN;
addr.can_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0)
return 1;
while (1)
nbytes = read(s, &frame, sizeof(struct can_frame));
period = micros() - last_timer;
last_timer = micros();
I think that for the correct frame reception time, you need to get the frame timestamp, not the system value.
you can get the exact timestamp with ioctl call after reading the message from the socket.
struct timeval tv;
ioctl (s, SIOCGSTAMP, & tv);
Your CAN messages are received into SocketCAN buffer, and they are not processed immediately because Linux is a multitasking operating system, and SocketCAN is just waiting for its time slice to process the buffer and distribute messages to all CAN application(s). While you can not avoid this delay (which depends on current system load and number of processes), you can ask SocketCAN to deliver timestamps (as #fantasista has answered) so you can determine arrival time of each CAN message.

ttyACM0 only reads 64 bytes

I'm bit of a newbie but I have an legacy app that reads 64 bytes of AES encrypted data from a device using ttyACM0. I now need to read 128 bytes. Sounded simple; increase the sizes of buffers etc. But no matter what I try, I still can only read 64 bytes. After that it just hangs. I verified the communications in Windows with a terminal and cdc-acm driver. Device does not use flow control. I cant upload code because its proprietary but below are some snippets:
The Intialization:
int iRet = 1;
struct termios dev_settings;
if(( m_fdRefdev = open("/dev/ttyACM0", O_RDWR))<0)
g_dbg->debug("CACS_RefID::Failed to open device\n");
return 0;
g_dbg->debug("CACS_RefID::Initialse completed\n");
// Configure the port
tcgetattr(m_fdRefdev, &dev_settings);
//tcflush(m_fdRefdev, TCIOFLUSH);
tcsetattr(m_fdRefdev, TCSANOW, &dev_settings);
return iRet;
The implementation:
int CACS_RefID::Readport_Refid(int ilen, char* buf)
int ierr=0, iret = 0, ictr=0;
fd_set fdrefid;
struct timeval porttime_refrd;
porttime_refrd.tv_sec = 1;
porttime_refrd.tv_usec = 0; //10 Seconds wait time for read port
iret = select(m_fdRefdev + 1, &fdrefid, NULL, NULL, &porttime_refrd);
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Select timeout:readlen=%d \n",ilen);
ierr = -1;
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Select error:readlen=%d \n",ilen);
ierr = -1;
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, buf, ilen);
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Read len(%d):%d\n",ilen,iret);
}while((ierr == 0) && (iret<ilen) );
//Flush terminal content at Input and Output after every read completion
// tcflush(m_fdRefdev, TCIOFLUSH);
return ierr;
If I initialize every time that I before running the implementation, I get 128 bytes but the data is corrupt after 64 bytes. Even before working on it, I get a lot of READ_ERRORs. Looks like the original author expected the device to block with select() but it doesn't.
Is there some type of limitation on ttyACM0 buffer size in the system? Does baud rate matter with the ttyACM driver? Does read() stop reading after all bytes are read (thinking the first 64 are available, then empty, then more data)?
Pouring thru man pages but I'm stymied. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.
Heres my latest:
int CACS_RefID::Get_GasTest_Result(int ilen)
int ierr=0, iret = 0, ictr=0, iread=0;
fd_set fdrefid;
struct timeval porttime_refrd;
porttime_refrd.tv_sec = 5;
porttime_refrd.tv_usec = 0; //10 Seconds wait time for read port
if (Get_GasTest_FirstPass == 0)
memset(strresult, 0, sizeof(strresult)); //SLY clear out result buffer
Get_GasTest_FirstPass = 1;
iread = strlen(strresult);
iret = select(m_fdRefdev + 1, &fdrefid, NULL, NULL, &porttime_refrd);
case READ_TIMEOUT: //0
g_dbg->debug("Get_GasTest_Result: Select timeout\n");
ierr = -1;
case READ_ERROR: //-1
g_dbg->debug("Get_GasTest_Result: Select error=%d %s \n", errno,strerror(errno)) ;
ierr = -1;
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, (&strresult[0] + iread), (ilen-iread));
g_dbg->debug("Get_GasTest_Result: ilen=%d,iret=%d,iread=%d \n",ilen,iret,iread);
}while((ierr == 0) && (iread<ilen) );
return ierr;
Note: I am now reading data regardless of select errors and STILL only getting 64bytes. I've contacted my device mfg. Must be something odd going on.
Here is one possible problem with your code; this may not be the one that is causing you to only get 64 bytes but it could explain what you are seeing. Assume that you invoke the function Readport_Refid() with a buffer of 128 bytes. In other words, your invocation was something like:
char buffer[128];
Readport_Refid(128, buffer);
Assume for whatever reason that the first call to select() gets you a return value of 1 (since one bit is set). Your code is only setting one bit so you go off and you read()
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, buf, ilen);
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Read len(%d):%d\n",ilen,iret);
iret returns 64 (which means 64 bytes are read) and your program prints a nice message and since ierr is still 0 and iret (64) is less than ilen (128) you go round again and call select().
Assume that you get more data and select() returns 1 again. Then you will go read again on the same buffer with the same ilen and overwrite the first 64 bytes that were read.
At the very least, you should do the following. I have only shown below the changed lines. First add an iread variable and make sure you use it to preserve data that you've already read. Then use iread to determine whether you've read enough or not.
int CACS_RefID::Readport_Refid(int ilen, char* buf)
int ierr=0, iret = 0, ictr=0, iread = 0;
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, buf + iread, ilen - iread);
if (iret > 0)
iread += iret;
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Read len(%d):%d\n",ilen,iret);
}while((ierr == 0) && (iread<ilen) );
**** EDITED 2013-08-19 ****
I want to reiterate a comment made by #wildplasser
You should really also be setting FD_SET on each trip around the loop. Great catch.
With respect to your new code, does it work or do you still have a problem?
**** EDITED again 2013-08-19 ****
Getting EINTR is nothing to be worried about. You should just plan on resetting FD_SET and trying again.
I can't say I know why but the fix was to call the initialization code at the beginning of the implementation even though it is called previously. If I call it again, I can read in 128 bytes. If I don't, I can only read up to 64 bytes.

TCP stream relay [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I have two program communicating with TCP/IP.
this works fine.
program A opens a TCP socket.
program B connects to this socket.
program B gives data to program A.
everything works very fine.
but when i put a relay between A and B
and just pass the byte stream, something goes wrong.
program C opens two TCP socket(socket1, socket2).
program B connects to this socket(socket1).
program A connects to this socket(socket2).
program C relays TCP strem from B to A with following code.
(this is based on linux)
char buf[BUFSIZE];
// recv a packet segment
if( my_recv(socket1, buf, BUFSIZE) <= 0 ){
return 0;
if( send(socket2, buf, BUFSIZE, MSG_NOSIGNAL) != BUFSIZE ){
return 0;
my_recv is a wrapper for recv to guarantee it will recv
request size.
int my_recv(int sd, char* p, unsigned int len){
// recv a packet segment
unsigned int ssize=0;
int d;
while(ssize < len){
if( (d=recv( sd, p+ssize, len - ssize, 0))<=0){
return -1;
ssize += d;
return ssize;
this works fine for first time.
but after few seconds, everything is messed up.
I have debugged program A and B.
there is nothing wrong with them.
they send and recv in correct order but it seems
that relay gives false data...
some advise would be appreciated.
thank you in advance.
You are assuming each read fills the buffer. You have to use the count returned by the recv() call as the length argument to the send() call.
while ((count = recv(fd, buffer, sizeof buffer, 0)) > 0)
send(fd, buffer, count, 0);

Sending UDP packets from the Linux Kernel

Even if a similar topic already exists, I noticed that it dates back two years, thus I guess it's more appropriate to open a fresh one...
I'm trying to figure out how to send UDP packets from the Linux Kernel (3.3.4), in order to monitor the behavior of the random number generator (/drivers/char/random.c). So far, I've managed to monitor a few things owing to the sock_create and sock_sendmsg functions. You can find the typical piece of code I use at the end of this message. (You might also want to download the complete modified random.c file here.)
By inserting this code inside the appropriate random.c functions, I'm able to send a UDP packet for each access to /dev/random and /dev/urandom, and each keyboard/mouse events used by the random number generator to harvest entropy. However it doesn't work at all when I try to monitor the disk events: it generates a kernel panic during boot.
Consequently, here's my main question: Have you any idea why my code causes so much trouble when inserted in the disk events function? (add_disk_randomness)
Alternatively, I've read about the netpoll API, which is supposed to handle this kind of UDP-in-kernel problems. Unfortunately I haven't found any relevant documentation apart from an quite interesting but outdated Red Hat presentation from 2005. Do you think I should rather use this API? If yes, have you got any example?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
PS: It's my first question here, so please don't hesitate to tell me if I'm doing something wrong, I'll keep it in mind for future :)
#include <linux/net.h>
#include <linux/in.h>
#include <linux/netpoll.h>
#define MESSAGE_SIZE 1024
#define INADDR_SEND ((unsigned long int)0x0a00020f) //
static bool sock_init;
static struct socket *sock;
static struct sockaddr_in sin;
static struct msghdr msg;
static struct iovec iov;
int error, len;
mm_segment_t old_fs;
char message[MESSAGE_SIZE];
if (sock_init == false)
/* Creating socket */
error = sock_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP, &sock);
if (error<0)
printk(KERN_DEBUG "Can't create socket. Error %d\n",error);
/* Connecting the socket */
sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_port = htons(1764);
sin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_SEND);
error = sock->ops->connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(struct sockaddr), 0);
if (error<0)
printk(KERN_DEBUG "Can't connect socket. Error %d\n",error);
/* Preparing message header */
msg.msg_flags = 0;
msg.msg_name = &sin;
msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
msg.msg_control = NULL;
msg.msg_controllen = 0;
msg.msg_iov = &iov;
msg.msg_control = NULL;
sock_init = true;
/* Sending a message */
sprintf(message,"EXTRACT / Time: %llu / InputPool: %4d / BlockingPool: %4d / NonblockingPool: %4d / Request: %4d\n",
iov.iov_base = message;
len = strlen(message);
iov.iov_len = len;
msg.msg_iovlen = len;
old_fs = get_fs();
error = sock_sendmsg(sock,&msg,len);
I solved my problem a few months ago. Here's the solution I used.
The standard packet-sending API (sock_create, connect, ...) cannot be used in a few contexts (interruptions). Using it in the wrong place leads to a KP.
The netpoll API is more "low-level" and works in every context. However, there are several conditions :
Ethernet devices
IP network
UDP only (no TCP)
Different computers for sending and receiving packets (You can't send to yourself.)
Make sure to respect them, because you won't get any error message if there's a problem. It will just silently fail :) Here's a bit of code.
#include <linux/netpoll.h>
#define MESSAGE_SIZE 1024
#define INADDR_LOCAL ((unsigned long int)0xc0a80a54) //
#define INADDR_SEND ((unsigned long int)0xc0a80a55) //
static struct netpoll* np = NULL;
static struct netpoll np_t;
Initialization = "LRNG";
strlcpy(np_t.dev_name, "eth0", IFNAMSIZ);
np_t.local_ip = htonl(INADDR_LOCAL);
np_t.remote_ip = htonl(INADDR_SEND);
np_t.local_port = 6665;
np_t.remote_port = 6666;
memset(np_t.remote_mac, 0xff, ETH_ALEN);
np = &np_t;
char message[MESSAGE_SIZE];
int len = strlen(message);
Hope it can help someone.
Panic during boot might be caused by you trying to use something which wasn't initialized yet. Looking at stack trace might help figuring out what actually happened.
As for you problem, I think you are trying to do a simple thing, so why not stick with simple tools? ;) printks might be bad idea indeed, but give trace_printk a go. trace_printk is part of Ftrace infrastructure.
Section Using trace_printk() in following article should teach you everything you need to know:

Transferring an Image using TCP Sockets in Linux

I am trying to transfer an image using TCP sockets using linux. I have used the code many times to transfer small amounts but as soon as I tried to transfer the image it only transfered the first third. Is it possible that there is a maximum buffer size for tcp sockets in linux? If so how can I increase it? Is there a function that does this programatically?
I would guess that the problem is on the receiving side when you read from the socket. TCP is a stream based protocol with no idea of packets or message boundaries.
This means when you do a read you may get less bytes than you request. If your image is 128k for example you may only get 24k on your first read requiring you to read again to get the rest of the data. The fact that it's an image is irrelevant. Data is data.
For example:
int read_image(int sock, int size, unsigned char *buf) {
int bytes_read = 0, len = 0;
while (bytes_read < size && ((len = recv(sock, buf + bytes_read,size-bytes_read, 0)) > 0)) {
bytes_read += len;
if (len == 0 || len < 0) doerror();
return bytes_read;
TCP sends the data in pieces, so you're not guaranteed to get it all at once with a single read (although it's guaranteed to stay in the order you send it). You basically have to read multiple times until you get all the data. It also doesn't know how much data you sent on the receiver side. Normally, you send a fixed size "length" field first (always 8 bytes, for example) so you know how much data there is. Then you keep reading and building a buffer until you get that many bytes.
So the sender would look something like this (pseudocode)
int imageLength;
char *imageData;
// set imageLength and imageData
send(&imageLength, sizeof(int));
send(imageData, imageLength);
And the receiver would look like this (pseudocode)
int imageLength;
char *imageData;
guaranteed_read(&imageLength, sizeof(int));
imageData = new char[imageLength];
guaranteed_read(imageData, imageLength);
void guaranteed_read(char* destBuf, int length)
int totalRead=0, numRead;
while(totalRead < length)
int remaining = length - totalRead;
numRead = read(&destBuf[totalRead], remaining);
if(numRead > 0)
totalRead += numRead;
// error reading from socket
Obviously I left off the actual socket descriptor and you need to add a lot of error checking to all of that. It wasn't meant to be complete, more to show the idea.
The maximum size for 1 single IP packet is 65535, which is extremely close to the number you are hitting. I doubt that is a coincidence.
