I've been using EVIL with Emacs 24.3 for a few weeks now, and I wish I could get it to tab complete case-insensitively in the minibuffer when using the :ed command.
I looked into it, and :ed is mapped to 'evil-edit, a function that essentially calls Emacs's 'find-file function with a 'file' argument if said argument is present. Otherwise, it reloads the current buffer.
I did a little reading into 'find-file as well, but I'm not having any luck figuring out why it won't be case-insensitive. The 'read-file-name-completion-ignore-case' variable is non-nil, so it's not that.
Any ideas?
I have been driven crazy for years with Vim's behavior of throwing away input characters. I start vim like this:
$ vim file.c
and then immediately begin typing commands. However, Vim discards some of those characters, causing the wrong action to take place.
Is there something we can put in the .vimrc to solve this issue?
Vim should be able to change the TTY to raw mode without flushing buffered input.
Update: the issue is more precisely characterized, thanks to the following investigation method. I created a script called delayvim which contains:
sleep 2.0
vim "$#"
Now during this two second pause I can type something like iabc<ESC> and then when Vim comes up, everything is cool: the command is processed, abc is inserted and Vim pops back into command mode, with the cursor backed up over the c. Thus, it is not simply flushing the TTY input buffer.
However, if I keep typing during this delay, for instance iabcdefghijk..., it will sometimes lose a letter or two of the alphabet that is typed right around the time when the sleep terminates and the editor launches. For instance, here is the result of one trial I just performed:
Where are jk, oops? I am sure I typed them. I didn't type very fast; my cadence was around 4-5 strokes per second, yet two consecutive events disappeared.
Basically, it might be trying to interrogate the terminal, and in the process discarding the input that is mixed up in the response. Or it could be a combination of reading some of the prior input, then flushing the input buffer and losing the rest.
2 points that might help:
1) are you being sure to hit i first, to enter input mode, so that all characters you type afterward should go ahead and be seen in your buffer (on the screen?). Otherwise the letters you type will be processed as commands, which will often do nothing, especially if you're starting an empty file.
Note that a and o are other common commands for telling vim that you are about to begin inserting text starting with the next keystroke.
2) In case the reason on your system has to do with speed, you can look for options to change what happens at startup. For example, if you put this in your .vimrc file
autocmd VimEnter * :sleep 5
Then after processing other startup files, vim or gvim will literally do nothing for 5 seconds before showing your file on the screen. On my system, I was able to type iabcdef during those 5 seconds and when the time was up, I did see abcdef entered into my text file.
If your file was not empty, beware, as (depending on your settings) your vim installation might be kindly returning you to the last place you were editing inside the file, and you will have inserted the text there, instead of at the start.
If this doesn't work, you could try to find other things vim can do (on the web, or using :help from within vim) and program it using autocmd to happen at startup to see if it helps.
I am trying to use the icicle-search-file/icicle-search-buffer commands, but am having the same problem with both where C-RET seems to perform no operation on completion options once I have already entered the search context pattern.
The operations described are using Emacs 24.3.1 on Ubuntu 13.10 with icicles, workgroups2, and some custom key bindings all done with H-_ or C-c _ to avoid conflicts. I have icicles and workgroups2 set to be on at start in my .emacs file. I don’t have anything custom bound to C-c `.
I have learned to use icicle-search (C-c `) with progressive completion (S-SPC) and it works well, which is why I wanted to figure out these commands.
I have called the icicle-search-buffer command with each of these options just to be sure there is no difference, and the result are the same:
C-9 C-c `
M-s M-s b
M-x icicle-search-buffer RET
I enter the search regex (.* RET - to make things simple) just as with icicle-search, and am then prompted for the buffers to search. I move through the completion options with arrow keys and use C-RET on the buffers I want to search. The result of this is the buffer I chose disappearing from the completion list and no obvious result appearing. Hitting RET at any point just searches the buffer I had active before beginning the search, just as if I had used C-c `. It does not search the currently selected buffer in the completions list.
Does anyone see where I am failing to understand the usage of these commands? I have read through the information on the Icicles - Search Commands, Overview page.
The "Search Multiple Buffers, Files, and Bookmarks" section seems to describe this simply, but beyond using C-RET not much is said that suggests to me where my problem is.
I also followed the link in that section to the Icicles - Multi-Commands page
which was helpful in seeing how icicles modifies vanilla Emacs commands and how multi-commands work in general, but I could not determine from that where my mistake is.
You were doing nothing wrong. (And your description of using Icicles search is a good one.)
I introduced a bug recently.
Should be OK now. Please download the latest version of icicles-mac.el. Or wait (up to a day) for it to be mirrored on MELPA and download it from there. Sorry for your trouble, and thanks for bringing this to my attention.
If you byte-compile Icicles (recommended), then whenever (as now) icicles-mac.el is updated, you
must load icicles-mac.el (not just icicles-mac.elc), then compile it, then *recompile ALL***of the other **Icicles source files as well. You want to make sure that all byte-compiled files are up-to-date.
This is normal for Lisp. Code that depends on macros needs to be byte-compiled anew after loading the updated macros.
When I call gVim from Stata with shell (or equivalently with !) Stata doesn't wait for the command to finish and continues on with the .do file. I usually specify a short sleep and everything works great (discussed on the Stata mailing list here).
But sometimes the gVim call is lengthy and the length is unknown a priori. For example. I use gVim's argdo to remove headers from a folder of text files.
!gvim -c "argdo 1,3d | update" *sheet*.txt
Is there any way that I can force gVim to not return control to Stata? Or are my best options to complete this step outside the .do file or with a pause/lengthy sleep? Thanks!
Oh, I'm on Win 8 (64 bit) with gVim 7.3.
I think you would need to make this call a Stata command or the equivalent thereof.
That is, try running this separately from a do-file editor window or as wrapped up in a separate do-file.
I realise that is not an attractive solution, but in principle it seems the only one.
(sleep solutions I dislike as fudges, but I guess no one likes them on principle.)
This may be an odd question, but still. I use cat to display a file in bash (KDE Konsole),
cat foobar.rb
Now, I would like to use Vim to colourize that foobar.rb file according to what you would get when you start foobar.rb in Vim. Edit: But only for display purpose, on the terminal.
I am not sure this is possible, but I thought it would be neat if I could use Vim for that.
I really just want colourized keywords, and Vim has the perfect colour definitions.
So I thought combining this would be great.
Is this possible in Vim out of the box though?
One approach would be to use a library such as Pygments, which is a general purpose syntax highlighter. You could write a wrapper called ccat or something that would apply syntax highlighting to an input file and write to stdout.
If you want to page up and down in a highlighted file, you can use less with the -R switch, which passes control characters through to the terminal directly, preserving colours. So:
ccat file.rb | less -R
But at that point, you're pretty much at the capabilities of view.
I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly, but if you are only looking for a command that will give you a read-only view of the input file (like cat) but with coloured keywords, use view. view is an alternative way to start vim in read-only mode, so you have all syntax highlighting possibilities. From the vim man page:
view Start in read-only mode. You will be protected from writing
the files. Can also be done with the "-R" argument.
gvim gview
The GUI version. Starts a new window. Can also be done with
the "-g" argument.
evim eview
The GUI version in easy mode. Starts a new window. Can also
be done with the "-y" argument.
rvim rview rgvim rgview
Like the above, but with restrictions. It will not be possi-
ble to start shell commands, or suspend Vim. Can also be
done with the "-Z" argument.
I have always seen view on systems that have vim installed.
Closest is the less script that comes with vim:
cat myfile | vim -u /usr/share/vim/vim72/macros/less.vim -
Note the - argument to vim. You may need to change the vim72 to your version (and the whole path if you have it installed elsewhere)
Now, this isn't exactly what you want, because its behaviour is less-like, in that you have to press keys to make it scroll down or complete. However, they are briefer than usual vim. For example, space to scroll down; and q to quit (not :q).
You want a cat-like version; me too. But there doesn't seem to be one.
EDIT uh, there's also a vimpager project, that includes vimcat - exactly what you want. But it doesn't come with vim, and I haven't tried it yet.
vim.org: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1723
github: https://github.com/rkitover/vimpager
Bash uses readline, and readline can delete the word to the right of the cursor with "kill-word".
The problem is in recognizing the keypress of control-delete. When I press them in bash, "5~" is output on the screen. I could just bind for this, but it would mean that one day I need to type "5~", and it deletes a word to the right instead! So I'd much rather discover the correct control sequence.
I have googled, and quite a few resources discuss the "delete" key, but none that I've found discuss "control-delete" key. I've experimented with many variations, but nothing works.
The worst is the hours I've spent on this tedious, mindless grind, when it really should be a non-problem.
EDIT: It's through X, so maybe there's a solution with xev and xmodmap
On my machine, pressing Ctrl-V, Ctrl-Delete outputs this:
The ^[ escape character can be replaced with \e, so you can then use bind like this for bash (in your ~/.bashrc for example):
bind '"\e[3;5~":kill-word'
Or, you can add the following to your ~/.inputrc so Ctrl-Delete does kill-word in any program that uses readline:
"\e[3;5~": kill-word
This will bind only the Ctrl-Delete key, you don't have to worry about what will happen if you need to type 5~.
What you see is not the whole truth. It's probably <ESC>5~ or something like that. Try Ctrl-V Ctrl-Delete. The Ctrl-V means "do not interpret the next thing".
So binding <ESC>5~ that should be pretty safe.
Alt+D deletes one word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl+W deletes one word to the left of the cursor
(both are based on Emacs, I believe)
If you type ^Q^V (that's Control-Q followed by Control-V, releasing the Control key between them is fine), and then press Control-Delete, do you get the output you mentioned? I just tried it, and at least using Putty I don't get a response at all. Perhaps the behvior is different on an actual Linux console, though.
For other keys, readline prints a longer sequence, often including a special "command sequence introduction" character, which is hard to type by mistake. Try it, and see if you get a longer sequence with the ^Q^V command (which is, btw, called quoted-insert).
For example, if I press ^Q^V and then Delete (without control held down), readline prints ^[[3~. This tells me I can bind stuff to the Delete key by saying \e[[3~. It seems highely likely that the CSI character is present for you, but you're not seeing it since you're not asking readline to quote the input properly.
Ctrl-W deletes words.
Ctrl-u deletes lines.
They're based on Emacs (M-w and M-u).