Komodo edit 8 - Python3 user input - python-3.x

I am having on going issues with this new editor to try and run code with user input. I have selected the python3 interpreter in the preferences: /usr/local/bin/python3
I have also set a shebang at the top of a .py file and I am using the following in my run command -
%(python) "-u" "%F"
However, I am still unable to use input() in my code. In the Komodo Edit Command output from this code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
print ("Name please?")
name = input()
print ("Hello ", name)
print ("Finish script...")
I get the following:
Name please?
('Hello ', <built-in function input>)
Finish script...
I'm sure it's something simple, but i'm stumped :(

Instead of:-
print ("Name please?")
name = input()
Try this:-
name=input("Name Please?")


how to run the selenium with python script for login using command line

here is my code
def test_login(self):
URL = (sys.argv[0])
Username = (sys.argv[1])
Password = (sys.argv[2])
print ("Browser launched")
self.driver.find_element(By.NAME, "username").send_keys(Username)
self.driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "btn-login-submit").click()
self.driver.find_element(By.NAME, "password").send_keys(Password)
self.driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "btn-login-submit").click()
print('login successful')
how to run in the vscode terminal
i could not get the proper command line to run in terminal
Try the following:
Copy Paste the code in a .py file say test.py
I do not see the calling of the function (test_login). So call it or remove the function if it is not necessary.
in the VS code terminal, type this command Python3 test.py to execute your python script.

How to run a python function from Windows 10 command prompt in 'python filename.py funcname' format?

I have the following python file, named hello.py:
def world():
print('Hello World')
If I type the following within the command prompt for windows 10 I get:
In: python hello.py
Out: 'Hello'
In: python hello.py world
Out: 'Hello'
Notice in the second command prompt, 'Hello World' is not an output. Any reason on why my file can't execute the python function when called in the command line but is able to load the file no problem?
Why do I need this?: I need to submit a larger file that has many functions for a project. For this file to be automatically graded I need to be able to call any given function from it using the specific sequence 'python filename.py functionname.'
Update: Some of the answers below do work, but they do not follow the specific sequence of 'python filename.py functionname' required for my project to be graded. I appreciate the insights that everyone has provided so far.
You can run functions directly from the command prompt by using:
python -c 'from hello import world; world()'
You can run the python interpreter as an alternative. cd to your file directory and launch python:
and then import the function from your file:
from hello import world
(Launching the python cmd from the same directory as your file.)
Then, you can run:
>>> world()
Hello World
Try this piece of code and type hello.py only:
def world():
return'Hello World'
def F1():
print('This is the first function.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
def F2():
print('This is the second function.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
now you can use form(file_name) import(function_name) create folder(1) with multiple functions in it and you can try to import the desired function into another folder(2) one at a time not all of them all at once by using this.
pardon me for the mistakes if found any feel free to ask further if this does not elaborate.
I found a solution that works for me:
After digging deeper, I realized that windows passes a sys.argv input that contains a string of all the command prompt inputs used to call the file.
In my case of 'python hello.py world', the system would pass ['hello.py','world'] as the argument for sys.argv. By creating a dictionary of callable functions, and then matching the string of the sys.argv with its respective function in the dictionary, I am able to execute the code as desired.
New code:
def world():
print('Hello World')
import sys
callable_functions = {'world':world}
Command prompt input and output now:
In: python hello.py world
Out: 'Hello'
Out: 'Hello World'

Python 3 does not recognize special characters

This is the app.py file.
import sys
def run():
filename = sys.argv[1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
I want to run this code from the command line, so I tried the two following lines each.
python3 app.py input.txt
python3 app.py < input.txt
The first command showed the result I expected, which is ['app.py', 'input.txt']. However the second command just ended up showing ['app.py'].
It seems like the Python code does not recognize the special symbols. How can I make the script recognize them without changing the script itself? i.e. not modifying the command like this: python3 app.py '<' input.txt.
The < character is special and will actually stream the file specified to stdin. You cannot override this behavior as it comes from your shell not python itself. Here is an example of what is really happening, and how you can get the file contents.
import sys
file_contents = sys.stdin.read() # This will read the entire stdin stream into file_contents
This will also work for the | character
echo "Hello, World" | python app.py

Can i access the variables of the python script after run that python script with console?

I run the python script using terminal command
python3 myScript.py
It's simply run my program but if i want to open python console after complete run of my script so that i can access my script's variables.
So, What should i do ? and How can i get my script's variables after run the code using terminal ?
Open a python terminal (type 'python' in cmd);
Paste this (replace 'myScript.py' with your script filename):
def run():
t = ""
with open('myScript.py') as f:
t = f.read()
return t
Type exec(run()). Now you will have access to the variables defined in myScript.py.
I needed to do this so I could explore the result of a request from the requests library, without having to paste the code to make the requests every time.
Make the program run the other program you want with the variables as arguments. For example:
import os
os.system("python %s %d %s" % (filename, var1, var2))
import sys
#do something such as:
print(sys.argv[1]) #for var1
print(sys.argv[2]) #for var2
Basically, you are running program2 with arguments that can be referenced later.
Hope this helps :)

Testing python programs without using python shell

I would like to easily test my python programs without constantly using the python shell since each time the program is modified you have to quit, re-enter the python shell and import the program again. I am using a 2012 Macbook pro with OSX. I have the following code:
import sys
def read_strings(filename):
with open(filename) as file:
return file.read().split('>')[1:0]
file1 = sys.argv[1]
filename = read_strings(file1)
Essentially I would like to read into and split a txt file containing:
I am entering this into my command line:
pal-nat184-102-127:python_stuff ceb$ python3 program.py string.txt
However when I try the sys.argv approach on the command line my program returns nothing. Is this a good approach to testing code, could anyone point me in the correct direction?
This is what I would like to happen:
pal-nat184-102-127:python_stuff ceb$ python3 program.py string.txt
['id1', 'id2', 'id3', 'id4']
Let's take this a piece at a time:
However when I try the sys.argv approach on the command line my
program returns nothing
The final result of your program is that it writes a string into the variable filename. It's a little strange to have a program "return" a value. Generally, you want a program to print it's something out or save something to a file. I'm guessing it would ease your debugging if you modified your program by adding,
print (filename)
at the end: you'd be able to see the result of your program.
could anyone point me in the correct direction?
One other debugging note: It can be useful to write your .py files so that they can be run both independently at the command line or in a python shell. How you've currently structured your code, this will work semi-poorly. (Starting a shell and then importing your file will cause an error because sys.argv[1] isn't defined.)
A solution to this is to change your the bottom section of your code as follows:
if __name__ == '__main__':
file1 = sys.argv[1]
filename = read_strings(file1)
The if guard at the top says, "If running as a standalone script, then run what's below me. If you imported me from some place else, then do not execute what's below me."
Feel free to follow up below if I misinterpreted your question.
You never do anything with the result of read_strings. Try:
