How to populate the Author name and Date automatically in Excel - excel

I have a spreadsheet which is acessed by a team of 5 members, put in a shared folder. Tracking the changes over the spreadsheet becomes difficult over time.
I would like to achieve the following. The Excel has around 8 columns (Only Sheet 1) with more than 250 rows. I would like to add another 2 columns, say Owner (Column 9) and Last Update (column 10) to Sheet1.
Owner - Column 9 - Team Member Name, whoever make the change to that row
Date - Column10 - Current Date and time whenever the last update made to that row.
Please suggest me the VBA code to automatically populate the Column 9 and Column 10.

EDIT - Changed row = ActiveCell.row to row = Target.row (allows for if you are no longer on the same row)
Something like this should work. Obviously you may want to consider adding some error handling and perhaps further validation if you only want to do the update if certain fields are changed etc. but this certainly covers the basics:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' declare constants and variables
Const owner_col As String = "I"
Const date_col As String = "J"
Dim row As Double
Dim owner_addr As Range
Dim date_addr As Range
' initialise
row = Target.row
Set owner_addr = Range(owner_col & row)
Set date_addr = Range(date_col & row)
' check that the update is not to the fields you want to update to avoid infinite loop
If Target.Address <> owner_addr.Address And Target.Address <> date_addr.Address Then
' set values
owner_addr.Value = Environ("username")
date_addr.Value = Now()
End If
' free up the memory
Set owner_addr = Nothing
Set date_addr = Nothing
End Sub
This needs to be added to the sheet that you want the changes to be tracked in (i.e. not a module or the whole workbook). Let me know if you have any questions.
The Environ("username") gets the username from the Windows environment variable.


Moving Data to new tab and reformatting it to make it easier to Export To Access

We currently have a spreadsheet that is used for scheduling, the gentleman using it doesn't want it changed so what I was thinking was create a new sheet with different formatting using VBA or a macro or?? I will then be able to import the new sheet into access where it is needed for a different program. I am attaching 2 different pictures the first is what it looks like now and 2nd is what I would like it to look like.
Old format
Better picture of Old Format
New format
. I have not done a lot of coding in Excel, normally just ='Sheet1'!E5, but didn't see how I could move the date properly and then not have the date show up any where else. The schedule may have 1 item assigned for a day or multiple items. If I have left something out that would be helpful please let me know.
If I understand you correctly...
The old format is something like this :
The expected result for the new format :
If that's what you mean...
Sub test()
Dim rg As Range: Dim cell As Range
Dim rgCnt As Range: Dim cnt As Long
Sheets("Sheet1").Copy Before:=Sheets(1)
With ActiveSheet
.Name = "TEST"
.Range("A1").Value = "DATE"
Set rg = .Range("C2", .Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
End With
For Each cell In rg.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
Set rgCnt = Range(cell.Offset(1, 0), cell.Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown))
If cell.Offset(2, 0).Value = "" Then cnt = 1 Else cnt = rgCnt.Rows.Count
cell.Offset(1, -2).Resize(cnt, 1).Value = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
End Sub
There is a consistent pattern in the old format, where to the right of each blank cell in column B is the date. So we use the blank cell in column B as the benchmark to get the date in column C.
The process:
it copy sheet1 where the old format is.
name the copied sheet to "TEST"
insert one column, and put the header name "DATE"
since HD-2 now is in column C (after insert one column)
so the code make a rg variable to data range in column C.
Then it loop to only the blank cell in rg
set the range to check how many data under each date into rgCnt variable
if the looped cell offset(2,0) is blank then there is only one data under the date so it make the value of cnt variable = 1
if the looped cell offset(2,0) is not blank then there is more than one data under the date, then have the value of cnt from the rgCnt rows count.
then it fill column A (DATE header) with the date as many rows defined by the cnt value.
After the loop done, it delete the entire row of all blank cell in rg variable.

Non-Standard "Conditional" configuration of ComBox1

My problem is how to populate the cmbSelProp ComboBox with propIDs from a workbook scoped Named Range called PropLocs. The columns of interest Column "A" which contains the list of propIDs and Column "K" which contains the ActiveStatus of each propID. I also have Named Ranges for both columns of interest, propIDs and actStatus respectively. The actStatus, Column "K", portion of the range are set to True/False when the properties are added and subsequently initialized and annual worksheets are automatically generated.
I only want cmbRptPrpID populated with propIDs having an actStatus = True.
I have spent many hours over the past few weeks going blind doing Web Searches, looking at links, and trying suggestions from the various links without success. I,m as "Lost as a blind man in a snow storm!"
There are broader issues associated with the problem I am dealing with and understanding how to solve, and understand, the issue at hand will help me in the future development of my application.
the 2 mentioned additional ranges are in columns "A" and "K"
Update 2
Business Logic
The application I am developing utilizes a multipage object and there are pairs of dynamic comboboxes, cmbSelProp and cmbYears for example, used to select the active worksheet and enter Monthly expenses, view/generate Reports, etc. cbmSelPropselects the property ID, and the cbmSplProp_Change() event configures cmbYears list values based on the variable wsStartYr in column "K" and wbCurYear which is the Current Calendar Year. the annual worksheets have a Worksheet TabName of propId_Year and are selected using a variable wsA = pID & "_" & wsYr. I do not want propIDs with an Inactive status to appear as a part of the cmbSelProp list values.
This is a link to My First Question here on StakOverflow which is related to this question.
I really need some help figuring this out!
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
here is the code I have been trying to work with.
selectedRow = cmbSelProp.ListIndex + 3
For Each cPart In wsCntrl.Range(Range("propIDs"), Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
pAct = wsCntrl.Cells(selectedRow, "K").Value
With Me.cmbSelProp
If pAct = "True" And cPart.Value <> "" Then cmbSelProp.AddItem cPart.Value
End With
Next cPart
There are a number of issues in your code. Rather than breaking down all the errors/issues, I'll show you how I would do it.
From your previous Q, I take it that your Combo Box is on a Userform.
I've created a Userform with a combo box and a button to load it. You can change how you call the load function to suit your needs.
The UserForm code
Option Explicit
Private Sub btnTest_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Load_cmbSelProp()
Dim propIDs As Range
Dim actStatus As Range
Dim rw As Long
Set propIDs = ThisWorkbook.Names("propIDs").RefersToRange
Set actStatus = ThisWorkbook.Names("actStatus").RefersToRange
For rw = 1 To propIDs.Count
If propIDs.Cells(rw, 1).Value2 <> vbNullString Then
If actStatus.Cells(rw, 1).Value2 = True Then
Me.cmbSelProp.AddItem propIDs.Cells(rw, 1).Value2
End If
End If
End Sub
The Named ranges
The result

In Excel, how do I have a line of code check what the value of a dropdown selection is. Then, how do I check that value vs another value

I am trying to create a macro that will first allow the user to easily transfer data to another sheet based on a dropdown list to select the month. I want the user to able to enter the date in the field I have created, then use buttons on the sheet to first select which month to paste though, then confirm the paste. I have twelve named ranges from Ref_Jan to Ref_Dec on a sheet named "DB - Ref Monthly" I am working on putting together the pieces but I'm stuck here with my test program:
Sub Button8_Click()
Dim MonthSelector As Range
Dim Ref_May As Range
If Range("MonthSelector") = Range("Ref_May") Then
Sheets("DB - Ref Current").Range("Ref_Current").Copy
Sheets("DB - Ref Monthly").Range("Ref_May").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
End Sub
My current plan is to use 12 if statements to refer to each month, as I already have the copy/paste portion of the code working in another sheet. If I am going about this all wrong I would not mind some guidance. Please let me know if I have been unclear and can provide additional information.
Use looping to iterate months then no need to duplicate a code logic.
Dim arrMonth As New Collection
Dim idx As Integer
Dim val As String
Call arrMonth.Add("Jan")
Call arrMonth.Add("Feb")
Call arrMonth.Add("Mar")
Call arrMonth.Add("Dec")
For idx = 1 To arrMonth.Count
val = arrMonth.Item(idx)
Call MsgBox(idx & "=" & val)
Assuming Range("MonthSelector") is a cell that has a value from a list of months (Jan, Feb, Mar, etc.), and you've got corresponding named ranges Ref_Jan, Ref_Feb, Ref_Mar, etc., you could just do this:
Sub Button8_Click()
Sheets("DB - Ref Current").Range("Ref_Current").Copy
Sheets("DB - Ref Monthly").Range("Ref_" & Range("MonthSelector").Value).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Copy (Named) Table multiple times within the same sheet and change the tables names

I'm building a project management spreadsheet where multiple teams are going to have a copy. I want to create a simple address book. I have the names of the teams in a table and using VBA, I create the Master Table.
In the range B4:D5 there is a simple table with three column names:
I have named this table (in Name Manager) as ContactTeam1
I want to copy and paste this exact 3x2 table to be below each corresponding team such as the image Here and change each Named Table as ContactTeam2, ContactTeam3 and so on.
The reason I want to use VBA is because, we have many different projects, so I want to automate the process as much as I can, for future projects as well.
I will fill in the tables with all the necessary information (Names,Phones,Emails) - by hand. The reason I want to use tables is that it has the benefit to auto-expand to include any new lines below the last.
As a bonus functionality, when somebody clicks the cell on top that contains the name of the Team. (Team Blue, Team Red etc.) all the emails of the corresponding range will be copied to clipboard, to be used in an email client. (This can be done easier with tables - one more reason I want to use them).
I hope this helps
Sub Bouton()
Dim cell As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim cnt As Integer
Dim RangeName As String
Dim CellAdd1, CellAdd2 As String
For cnt = 2 To ActiveSheet.Range("NumberTimes")
Set rng = Range("ContactTeam" & (cnt - 1))
RangeName = "ContactTeam" & cnt
CellAdd1 = Cells(rng.Row, rng.Column + 3).Address
CellAdd2 = Cells(rng.Row + 1, rng.Column + 5).Address
'+ 1 in the row so the named range goes from B4 to D5
Set cell = ActiveSheet.Range(CellAdd1, CellAdd2)
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=RangeName, RefersTo:=cell
Range("ContactTeam1").Copy Range("ContactTeam" & cnt)
Next cnt
End Sub
I'm not the best in VBA, but what this does is that it creates a new range each 3 cells and names it from ContactTeam2 to whatever your limit is. I created a named range called NumberTimes. Basically, you tell it how many new ranges you want to be created.
easiest of all, i guess we can use dictionary here. would be faster but here he what i tested/tried , EXACTLY on your data and works.
Sub d()
Range("b3:d4").Name = "mainteam"
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Select
Range("mainteam").Copy ActiveCell
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown).End(xlToRight)).Select
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown).End(xlToRight)).Name = "team" & i
i = i + 1
Loop While i <> 5
End Sub

Data validation list, combo box, or active X combo box in Excel 2010?

Started with a data validation list and I like that it is in the cell where I want the data to appear. Tried combo box and active X combo box and don't like that they do not reside in the cell. This is very different than Access. This is what I am trying to accomplish:
My named range (Employee) is A4:C100, 3 columns, with headings Title, MI, and LN on a sheet named "Emp".
My form location is C6. I wanted to be able to show 3 columns and end up with data from the three columns. For example, Officer J. Doe.
Currently I am using data validation list entering data into one column as Doe, J., Officer and it works. The list can be long and I will need it to be in alphabetical order.
Is this the best way or am I confused with combo box and active X combo box?
The only way to show a combination of all 3 columns in a dropdown list is to concatenate the data in a 4th column e.g. use the following formula in Cell D4
=A4&" "&B4&" "&C4
...then you can name the range D4:D100. You may wish to hide this column for presentational reasons
Actually, you will probably want to avoid naming the whole range as the bottom cells may be blank/make scrolling more awkward than strictly necessary. I would recommend dynamic ranges
The next extension exercise might be to develop your formula to allow for e.g. a missing middlename e.g.
=A4&" "&IF(B4<>"",B4&" ","")&C4
The above assumes you can sort the data manually. If the data is not being sorted manually, you will need to use VBA e.g. ensure Column D gets completed and the named range created each time a user moves off Sheet("Emp"). You can embed the following code in the Emp sheet...
Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate
For n = 4 to 100
If Cells(n, 1) <> "" Then
Cells(n, 4) = Cells(n, 1) & " " & Cells(n, 2) & " " & Cells(n, 3)
End If
Next n
Range(Cells(4,4),Cells(100,4)).Sort Key1:=Cells(4,4), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
LastRow = 4
Do Until Cells(LastRow + 1, 4) = ""
LastRow = LastRow + 1
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Employee", RefersTo:=Range(Cells(4,4),Cells(LastRow,4))
End Sub
The expressions for sorting/adding range names can be found by recording macros and eliminating code as in this expert Excel support video. Your data validation would refer to 'Employee' which is the range name created in the 4th column
There are a number of assumptions made above such as the idea that all employees have data in the first column and you would need to add logical tests if you do not always have data in all three columns
It may also be that you would prefer to create the Employee range when a user clicks in cell C6 of your form, as this may be more robust. My assumption in using Worksheet_Deactivate is that 'Employee' may be used elsewhere in your spreadsheet
Something like this. Put this code in your worksheet where the comboBox is
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim topY As Integer, leftX As Integer
topY =
leftX = ComboBox1.left
Dim c As Range
Set c = Cells(5, 5)
c.Left = topY
c.Top = leftX
c.Width = ComboBox1.Width
c.Height = ComboBox1.Height
End Sub
It should keep it locked in place if you move things around. Or you could try it in your Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) event.
