Mongoose – linking objects to each other without duplicating - node.js

I have a model "Category". Collection categories contains several objects.
I also a have model "Post". Collection posts may contain a lot of objects with users' posts. "Post" object may relate to 1+ categories. How to link "Post" object to 1+ "Category"-objects without placing "Post"-object inside "Category"-object as subdocument? Certainly, I need to have an option to find all posts related to certain category.
One of the ways I can imagine is to store in "Post"-object obj_id of all categories which it's related to. Smth like this:
var postSchema = mongoose.Schema({
title: String,
description: String,
category: [ObjectId],
created_time: Number,
and add category later...
but is it really a mongoose-way? Which way is correct? Thanks.
P.S. I've also read about population methods in mongoose docs, may it be useful in my case? Still not completely clear for me what is this.

Populate is a better tool for this since you are creating a many to many relationship between posts and categories. Subdocuments are appropriate when they belong exclusively to the parent object. You will need to change your postSchema to use a reference:
var postSchema = mongoose.Schema({
title: String,
description: String,
category: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Category' }],
created_time: Number,
You can add categories by pushing documents onto the array:
Then rehydrate them during query using populate:
Post.findOne({ title: 'Test' })
.exec(function (err, post) {
if (err) return handleError(err);


Proper way of updating average rating for a review system using Mongoose

I'm currently learning some backend stuff using an Udemy course and I have an example website that lets you add campgrounds (campground name, picture, description, etc.) and review them. I'm using the Express framework for Node.js, and Mongoose to access the database.
My campground schema looks like:
const campgroundSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
image: String,
description: String,
price: String,
comments: [
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Comment"
rating: {type: Number, default: 0}
And my comment/review schema looks like:
const commentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
text: String,
rating: {
type: Number,
min: 1,
max: 5,
validate: {validator: Number.isInteger}
campground: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Campground"}
Campgrounds and Comments also have references to a User but I've left that out for simplicity.
I'm looking to know the best practice for updating and displaying the campground average rating.
The method used by the tutorial I'm following is to recalculate the average rating each time a comment is added, changed, or deleted. Here's how it would work for a new comment:
Campground.findById(campgroundId).populate("comments").exec(function(err, campground) {
Comment.create(newComment, function(err, comment) {
campground.rating = calculateRating(campground.comments);;
"calculateRating" iterates through the comment array, gets the total sum, and returns the sum divided by the number of comments.
My gut instinct tells me that there should be a way to make the "rating" field of Campground perform the functionality of the "calculateRating" function, so that I don't have to update the rating every time a comment is added, changed, or removed. I've been poking around documentation for a while now, but since I'm pretty new to Mongoose and databases in general, I'm a bit lost on how to proceed.
In summary: I want to add functionality to my Campground model so that when I access its rating, it automatically accesses each comment referenced in the comments array, sums up their ratings, and returns the average.
My apologies if any of my terminology is incorrect. Any tips on how I would go about achieving this would be very much appreciated!
I think what you are trying to do is get a virtual property of the document that gets the average rating but it does not get persisted to the mongo database.
according to mongoosejs :- Virtuals are document properties that you can get and set but that do not get persisted to MongoDB. They are set on the schema.
You can do this:
CampgroundSchema.virtual('averageRating').get(function() {
let ratings = [];
this.comments.forEach((comment) => ratings.push(comment.rating));
return (ratings.reduce((a,b)=>a+b)/ratings.length).toFixed(2);
After that on your view engine after finding campgrounds or a campground, all you need to call is ; campground.averageRating;
Read more here :
also note that you can not make any type of query on virtual properties.

mongoose own populate with custom query

I'm trying to create a custom query method in mongoose - similar to the populate()-function of mongoose. I've the following two simple schemas:
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const bookSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
title: String,
author: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, required: true, ref: 'Author'}
}, {versionKey: false})
const authorSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String
}, {versionKey: false})
Now, I want retrieve authors information and furthermore the books written by the author. As far as I know, mongoose provides custom queries, hence my idea was to write a custom query function like:
authorSchema.query.populateBooks = function () {
// semi-code:
return forAll(foundAuthors).findAll(books)
Now, to get all authors and all books, I can simply run:
This should result in something like this:
[ {name: "Author 1", books: ["Book 1", "Book 2"]}, {name: "Author 2", books: ["Book 3"] } ]
Unfortunately, it doesn't work because I don't know how I can access the list of authors selected previously in my populateBooks function. What I need in my custom query function is the collection of the previous-selected documents.
For example, authorModel.find({}) already returns a list of authors. In populateBooks() I need to iterate through this list to find all books for all authors. Anyone know how I can access this collection or if it's even possible?
populate: "Population is the process of automatically replacing the specified paths in the document with document(s) from other collection(s)" (from the docs i linked).
Based on your question, you're not looking for population. yours is a simple query (the following code is to achieve the example result you gave at the end. note that your books field had a value of an array of strings, I'm assuming those were the titles). Also, do note that the following code will work with the models you've already provided, but this is a bad implementation that i recommend against - for multiple reasons: efficiency, elegance, potential errors (for e.g, authors with identical names), see note after code:
Author.find({}, function(err, foundAuthors){
if (err){
console.log(err); //handle error
//now all authors are objects in foundAuthors
//but if you had certain search parameters, foundAuthors only includes those authors
var completeList = [];
for (i=0;i<foundAuthors.length;i++){
completeList.push({name: foundAuthors[i].name, books: []});
Book.find({}).populate("author").exec(function(err, foundBooks){
if (err){
console.log(err); //handle err
for (j=0;j<foundBooks.length;j++){
for (k=0;k<completeList.length;k++){
if (completeList[k].name === foundBooks[j]{
//at this point, completeList has exactly the result you asked for
However, as i stated, i recommend against this implementation, this was based on the code you already provided without changing it.
I recommend changing your author schema to include a books property:
var AuthorSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
books: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Book"
//all your other code for the schema
And add all books to their respective authors. This way, all you would need to do to get an array of objects, each of which contains an author and all of his books is one query:
Author.find({}).populate("books").exec(function(err, foundAuthors){
//if there's no err, then foundAuthors is an array of authors with their books
That is far simpler, more efficient, more elegant and more effective than the earlier possible solution i gave, based on your already existing code without changing it.

Best way to structure my mongoose schema: embedded array , populate, subdocument?

Here is my current Schema
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var BrandSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: { type: String, lowercase: true , unique: true, required: true },
photo: { type: String , trim: true},
email: { type: String , lowercase: true},
year: { type: Number},
timestamp: { type : Date, default: },
description: { type: String},
location: { },
social: {
website: {type: String},
facebook: {type: String },
twitter: {type: String },
instagram: {type: String }
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var StyleSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: { type: String, lowercase: true , required: true},
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var ProductSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: { type: String, lowercase: true , required: true},
brandId : {type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Brand'},
styleId: {type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Style'},
year: { type: Number },
avgRating: {type: Number}
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var PostSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
rating: { type: Number},
upVote: {type: Number},
brandId : {type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Brand'},
comment: {type: String},
productId: {type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Style'},
styleId: {type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'Style'},
photo: {type: String}
I'm currently making use of the mongoose populate feature:
exports.productsByBrand = function(req, res){
Product.find({product:}).populate('style').exec(function(err, products){
This works, however, being a noob --- i've started reading about performance issues with the mongoose populate, since it's really just adding an additional query.
For my post , especially, it seems that could be taxing. The intent for the post is to be a live twitter / instagram-like feed. It seems that could be a lot of queries, which could greatly slow my app down.
also, I want to be able to search prodcuts / post / brand by fields at some point.
Should i consider nesting / embedding this data (products nested / embedded in brands)?
What's the most efficient schema design or would my setup be alright -- given what i've specified I want to use it for?
User story:
There will be an Admin User.
The admin will be able to add the Brand with the specific fields in the Brand Schema.
Brands will have associated Products, each Product will have a Style / category.
Users will be able to search Brands by name and location (i'm looking into doing this with angular filtering / tags).
Users will be able to search Products by fields (name, style, etc).
Users will be able to search Post by Brand Product and Style.
Users will be able to Post into a feed. When making a Post, they will choose a Brand and a Product to associate the Post with. The Post will display the Brand name, Product name, and Style -- along with newly entered Post fields (photo, comment, and rating).
Other users can click on the Brand name to link to the Brand show page. They can click on the Product name to link to a Product show page.
Product show page:
Will show Product fields from the above Schema -- including associated Style name from Style schema. It will also display Post pertaining to the specific Product.
Brand show page:
Will simply show Brand fields and associated products.
My main worry is the Post, which will have to populate / query for the Brand , Product, and Style within a feed.
Again, I'm contemplating if I should embed the Products within the Brand -- then would I be able to associate the Brand Product and Style with the Post for later queries? Or, possibly $lookup or other aggregate features.
Mongodb itself does not support joins. So, mongoose populate is an attempt at external reference resolution. The thing with mongodb is that you need to design your data so that:
most of you queries need not to refer multiple collections.
after getting data from query, you need not to transform it too much.
Consider the entities involved, and their relations:
Brand is brand. Doesn't depend on anything else.
Every Product belongs to a Brand.
Every Product is associated with a Style.
Every Post is associated with a Product.
Indirectly, every Post is associated to a Brand and Style, via product.
Now about the use cases:
Refer: If you are looking up one entity by id, then fetching 1-2 related entities is not really a big overhead.
List: It is when you have to return a large set of objects and each object needs an additional query to get associated objects. This is a performance issue. This is usually reduced by processing "pages" of result set at a time, say 20 records per request. Lets suppose you query 20 products (using skip and limit). For 20 products you extract two id arrays, one of referred styles, and other of referred brands. You do 2 additional queries using $in:[ids], get brands and styles object and place them in result set. That's 3 queries per page. Users can request next page as they scroll down, and so on.
Search: You want to search for products, but also want to specify brand name and style name. Sadly, product model only holds ids for style and brand. Same issue with searching Posts with brand and product. Popular solution is to maintain a separate "search index", a sort of table, that stores data exactly the way it will be searched for, with all searchable fields (like brand name, style name) at one place. Maintaining such search collections in mongodb manually can be a pain. This is where ElasticSearch comes in. Since you are already using mongoose, you can simply add mongoosastic to your models. ElasticSearch's search capabilities are far greater than a DB Storage engine will offer you.
Extra Speed: There is still some room for speeding things up: Caching. Attach mongoose-redis-cache and have frequent repeated queries served, in-memory from Redis, reducing load on mongodb.
Twitter like Feeds: Now if all Posts are public then listing them up for users in chronological order is a trivial query. However things change when you introduce "social networking" features. Then you need to list "activity feeds" of friends and followers. There's some wisdom about social inboxes and Fan-out lists in mongodb blog.
Moral of the story is that not all use cases have only "db schema query" solutions. Scalability is one of such cases. That's why other tools exist.

Easy way to reference Documents in Mongoose

In my application I have a User Collection. Many of my other collections have an Author (an author contains ONLY the user._id and the, for example my Post Collection. Since I normally only need the _id and the name to display e.g. my posts on the UI.
This works fine, and seems like a good approach, since now everytime I deal with posts I don`t have to load the whole user Object from the database - I can only load my
Now my problem: A user changes his or her name. Obviously all my Author Objects scattered around in my database still have the old author.
is my approuch solid, or should I only reference the userId everywhere I need it?
If I'd go for this solution I'd remove my Author Model and would need to make a User database call everytime I want to display the current Users`s name.
If I leave my Author as is, what would be a good way to implement a solution for situations like the change?
I could write a service which checks every model which has Authors of the current user._id and updates them of course, but this sounds very tedious. Although I'm not sure there's a better solution.
Any pro tipps on how I should deal with problems like this in the future?
Yes, sometime database are good to recorded at modular style. But You shouldn't do separating collection for user/author such as
At that time if you use mongoose as driver you can use populate to get user schema data.
Example, I modeling user, author, post that.
var UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
type: { type: String, default: "user", enum: ["user", "author"], required: true },
name: { type: String },
// Author specific values
joinedAt: { type: Date }
var User = mongoose.model("User", UserSchema);
var PostSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
author: { type: mongoose.Scheam.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User" },
content: { type: String }
var Post = mongoose.model("Post", PostSchema);
In this style, Post are separated model and have to save like that. Something like if you want to query a post including author's name, you can use populate at mongoose.
Post.findOne().populate("author").exce(function(err, post) {
// do error handling
console.log( // author
One solution is save only id in Author collection, using Ref on the User collection, and populate each time to get user's name from the User collection.
var User = {
name: String,
//other fields
var Author = {
userId: {
type: String,
ref: "User"
Another solution is when updating name in User collection, update all names in Author collection.
I think first solution will be better.

query on many to many relation mongodb database struct

I have two collections in MongoDB: one saves post data of blog, the other saves comment data of blog with below schemas. How can I use nodejs and mongoose to query all posts with comment belong to it and respond to single page application?. Thanks!
var PostSchema = mongoose.Schema({
created: {
type: Date,
content: {
type: String,
default: '',
trim: true
user: {
type: Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'user'
var CommentSchema = mongoose.Schema({
created: {
type: Date,
content: {
type: String,
default: '',
trim: true
ofpost: {
type: Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'post' //which post this comment belong to
user: {
type: Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'user'
var Post = mongoose.model('Post', PostSchema);
var Comment = mongoose.model('Comment', CommentSchema);
//example:the Comment1 and Comment2 belong to Post1
var Post1 = new Post({ content: 'good day', user: 'John' });
var Comment1 = new Comment({content: 'yeah', ofpost: Post1._id, user:'Tom'})
var Comment2 = new Comment({content: 'agree', ofpost: Post1._id, user:'Tina'})
As mongodb is NoSQL type of database and has no JOIN's or any sort of relationship between documents, you have to take care of such.
There are generally two ways to do so:
Consider storing comments data within blog document. You can have embedded documents without any problem. In reality it leads to some extra caches, like comments count, array of user id's of comments and other stuff that will make your queries indexed and more easy ways to search through collection.
Multiple Queries
If you still need separate collections, then you need to 'simulate' joins. Most efficient ways is to make temporary indexing arrays and multiple queries to different collections. Usually it should be just 2 queries for one Join (many to many), and small iteration to add second query documents to first array of documents.
Here is the flow that is suitable and performs well still, on example:
Two collections, first is posts, and second is comments which has id of post.
Make query to posts.
Iterate through each post and add its id into postIds array, as well make postMap object where key will be id of post and value will be specific post. - this is so called indexing posts.
Make query to comments collection with $in argument with postIds array of post id's. This collection should have indexing on post id field in order to make this query very efficient. As well this query can include sorting by date (additional compound indexing will speedup it).
Iterate through each comment and using postMap add it to comments array of post.
So we have only 2 queries, and one iteration through all comments to embed data into posts O(n). Without second step, adding to posts will be potentially O(p*c) where p - number of posts and c - number of comments. Which is obviously much slower as well on big queries can be potentially slow.
Second approach is more manageable approach from data point of view, as well is easier on writes, while is more complicated on reads.
Still will require some caching, like number of comments for blog posts.
