Hi I cant get the global intent to work for me
I am trying to use the intent=global, which says that the other parameters are then ignored:
"global Finds the most globally relevant venues for the search, independent of location. Ignores all other parameters other than query and limit."
So I thought, Ok I'll add a near to satisfy the api and the global intent will then ignore it. however it doesn't ignore my near. Here's the parameters I am trying:
v=20130618&limit=1&intent=global&query='beirut%20hilton' which fails with "Must provide parameters (ll and radius) or (sw and ne) or (near and radius)"
and of course this finds what I was really after:
when I add a near of somewhere ion the UK, its returning UK based results - which is not the intent!
What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
If you are looking for venues in a specific region, do not provide intent=global. intent=global and near= are not compatible.
We are interested in producing a list of venues in an app that we are building. We call the FourSquare API for this, and we want it to return only venues that fit the parameters we specify in the call. We have specified that we want venues in the category "gay bar", within 100 meters of the coordinates that the call is made from.
When we make the call from coordinates in Oslo, the API returns one gay bar, but does not return two other gay bars that are within 100m of the coordinates (these are in FourSquare's database). Instead, the API returns a set of places that are not in the category we have specified (offices, convention centres, regular pubs, etc). We are obviously not interested in these venues - we are interested in the two venues that the API does not return.
The URL for the call is below. Please, if you can help me understand how to correct this, I would be very grateful.
The documentation suggests that the parameter name is categoryId (not plural). Try that.
Dialogflow offers a pre-built agent called "Maps" that helps to catch the location from user's statement. This Maps intent resolves the location and returns data such as
City name (when I search for Google, Chicago)
Business name (when I search for Chennai)
subdomain-area (when I search for "where is saidapet")
admin-area (when I search for Schaumburg)
What is the logic behind this Agent?
Is there any schema defined anywhere so that I know which field to expect for a given search?
Is it possible to get lat/long part of this response?
Appreciate any thoughts.
When you use one of these prebuilt agents, you are basically creating a new agent of your own based on a Google-provided samplete/template. Click on the intent definitions and you’ll see what parameter names they map things to. You can also change these names, add parameters, remove parameters, edit the list of example utterances, etc. What you don’t get is example fulfillment code - your on your own to do something useful with the intents Google has provided in these samples.
Does anyone know what the Foursquare venues/search return? Does it give the up-to-date Foursquare venues or all the venues ever created for an area? I read this page https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/venues/search but it was not that specific. It goes like: "Returns a list of venues near the current location, optionally matching a search term". Does anyone have more information about this?
In my experience, the search request doesn't distinguish user created places like "Joe Bob's House" from a business like "Starbucks." It returns all of the nearby places best matched to this particular user if the intent is to checkin, or all of the nearby places if the intent is to browse for "coffee," for example.
Does that answer your question?
You should take a closer look at the intent parameter on that page. You can specify the type of results you're looking for. Depending on your needs, you might also want to check out venues/explore
We have a website where users put up ads for stuff they want to sell, with parameters such as price, location, title and description. These can then be searched for using sphinx and allowing users to specify min- and maxprice, a location with a searchradius (using google maps) etc. Users can choose to save these searches and get emails when new ads appear that fit their search. Herein lies the problem: We want to perform a reverse search every time an ad is posted. With the price, location, title and description as parameters we want to search through all the saved "searches" and get the ones that would have found the ad. The min- and maxprice should just be performed in a query i suppose, and some Quorom syntax to get all ads with at least 2 or mby just 1 occurance in the title/description. Our problem lies mostly in the geo-search. How do we find all searches where the "search-circles" would include our newly posted location without performing a search for every saved search?
That is the main-question, any comment on our suggested solution to the other problems is also very welcome. Thank you in advance / Jenny
The standard 'geo-search' support on sphinx should work just as well on a Prospective Index, as a normal retrospective search.
Having built a sphinx 'index' of all the saved searches...
And you run a query using the 'ad' as the search query:- rather than the 'filter' using a fixed radius, you just use the radius from the attribute (ie the radius stored on the particular query) - if using the API cant use setFilterRange directly, need to use setSelect, to make a new virtual attribute.
$cl->setSelect("*,IF(#geodist<radius,1,0) as myfilter");
(and yes, the min/maxprice can just be done with normal filters too - just inverting the logic to that you would use in a retrospective search)
... the complication is in the 'full-text' query, if the saved search is anything more than a single keyword, but you appear to have already figured out that part.
I'm integrating the suggestion complete venues search into my site. It's pulling back results from places that are way to far away from the city we want to search in. Can you add a search radius param to the api method?
A radius parameter is in fact available, though documentation for this parameter was missing. Thanks for pointing this out, documentation will be added.