Package Control no module named package_control.add_repository_channel_command - python-3.x

I've updated to the most recent version of Package Control for Sublimetext 3 via Git, but none of the commands work. The menu items are still present, strangely enough. When I open the log with Ctrl+`, I see this error:
ImportError: No module named 'Package Control.package_control.add_repository_channel_command'
How can I get it to work again?

Apparently the Package Control .sublime-package file is outdated, and in this case, referencing a python module that has been moved to a different python package (from package_control to package_control.commands).
This can be easily fixed by deleting Installed Packages/Package Control.sublime-package.

I use sublime text 3
From this site, I Follow these steps:
Go to
& copy the long command there.
Open the Sublime Text 2 console by
pressing Ctrl+.
Paste the command you copied into the Sublime Text
Press Enter.
After Package Control installs, restart
Sublime Text.
Then I got the error like that.
I have tried :
check ignored_packages on set but I found nothing.
Download package manager and copy it to Installed Packages, but not works.
Then I update my sublime to the newest version, then the error is gone.
That is my tips, you should try one of the steps, like what I have tried.


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pygame'

I have python 3.7 with 32bit and after I did pip install pygame, I'm still getting
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pygame'
when running my code. I'm using pycharm.
I would just like to add to what the first answer is saying:
If you are using pycharm, it still won't work until you go to file >> settings >> >> [your project name] >> python interpreter. You will see a list of packages there. If pygame is on it, then good, else, you must double click on the field where the packages are. It leads you to a little pop up box where you can type in things. If you type in pygame, you should be able to install the package.
To be sure that you installed the python3 proper module u need to use
pip3 install pygame
I ran into the same error a few days ago! Thankfully, I found the answer.
You see, the problem is that pygame comes in a .whl (wheel) file/package. So, as a result, you have to pip install it.
Pip installing is a very tricky process, so please be careful. The steps are:-
Step1. Go to C:/Python (whatever version you are using)/Scripts. Scroll down. If you see a file named pip.exe, then that means that you are in the right folder. Copy the path.
Step2. In your computer, search for Environment Variables. You should see an option labeled 'Edit the System Environment Variables'. Click on it.
Step3. There, you should see a dialogue box appear. Click 'Environment Variables'. Click on 'Path'. Then, click 'New'. Paste the path that you copied earlier.
Step4. Click 'Ok'.
Step5. Shift + Right Click wherever your pygame is installed. Select 'Open Command Window Here' from the dropdown menu. Type in 'pip install py' then click tab and the full file name should fill in. Then, press Enter, and you're ready to go! Now you shouldn't get the error again!!!
Probably you have several instances of Pythion on your computer. You may install pygame in one instance, but IDE uses another.

Smalltalk syntax highlighting in Sublime?

I'm trying to get sublime to highlight smalltalk .st files but am running into some trouble.
A quick search found this package, but after adding the repository like it says in the README, I don't see the package that its supposed to add when doing Package Control: install package.
I also tried looking into this one but am completely lost when it says This syntax file can be converted to .tmLanguage using PackageDev 'Convert to PList'. Place the converted file in Packages/Smalltalk/Smalltalk.tmLanguage and reopen any .st file.
Can anybody help me out please? I'm running ST3 on MacOSX.
The installtion instructions using Package Control did not work for me either, but you can take the language file, Smalltalk.tmLanguage, from Smalltalk syntax for Sublime Text 3 and use the manual installation instructions you cited:
Place the file in Packages/Smalltalk/Smalltalk.tmLanguage
As you asked about macOS, on macOS this means:
/Users/<your user name>/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Smalltalk/Smalltalk.tmLanguage
The Library folder might be hidden by default. Use the Terminal or Finder's Go ▶︎ Go To Folder… to access it.
For Smalltalk/X you can download a highlighting package at - sublime highlighting for smalltalk/X called Smalltalk.sublime-package.
You can copy it to the path provided by #MartinW above.

Disappearing package

I am trying to install the Local History package in Sublime 3. I am behind a proxy and so far have not been able to get package control to work so I am installing the package by pulling the repo into my packages directory.
When I installed it the first time I had Sublime Text 3 open and was surprised to see that the Local History commands appeared with out a restart. However, they did not seem to work so I restarted Sublime Text. Package gone.
I have reinstalled it, and stopped and started Sublime multiple times and for whatever reason everytime Sublime starts it removes the entire Local History package from my packages directory.
I have several packages installed in Sublime Text 3 and they all work without issue. This is the first time I have encountered this issue. Any ideas what may be going on?
Go to Preferences -> Settings-User and check if Local History is listed under ignored_packages. If that's the case the package fails to load. Normally deleting Packages/User/Package Control.cache directory solves the problem.

Can't find certain package in Package control: Install Package

I can't find this package in Package control. Looks like my list is outdated.
How can i fix it?
Sublime Text 3083
I had a similar problem with a different package, this is the only result I found when searching so I'll post my answer.
I already had the package installed!
I apparently installed it previously then forgot I had done so. Check your packages list if you can't find one! Command Palette > Package Control: List Packages
Not sure what the issue with Sublime is, but if anyone else gets stuck on this you can just install from Github directly. Works for babel-sublime and should work for other packages.
1) Find the relevant repo (assuming open source)
2) Clone into your packages folder
On a mac this would be
$ cd /Users/(username)/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/
$ git clone
And that was it for me - restart Sublime Text and the package is available.
Open Package Control Options(Commad+Shift+P) and add the repository if its not exist.
Open Package Control Again and choose Install package and write the package name which in your case its (babel-sublime) and you should find it.
If you want to install babel-sublime but it is not included in package control it is in GitHub repository, it can be added manually.
Go to Preferences > Package Control
In the command palette, type Package Control: Add Repository
A text box will appear at the bottom, paste the URL to the repository, i.e.
Now that you have added the GitHub repository, you can add the package as you would have originally:
Go to Preferences > Package Control
In the Command Palette, type Package Control: Install Package
In the dialog box, type the name of your package, i.e. babel-sublime Auto complete will find if it is present. If that is the case, press enter and wait for it to install, then restart sublime. It will be installed upon restart.
PS: the same way to install any package from GitHub
you can Google sublime plugins to find some really cool ones
I had to add it 2 times, each time closing. Then it finally worked and got all packages. Thats the only solution i found. Some glitch in Sublime.
Heres is info how to install full packages list
In Sublime Text 3, go to View, Show Console. Paste in the code below and hit Enter.
import urllib.request,os,hashlib; h =
'df21e130d211cfc94d9b0905775a7c0f' +
'1e3d39e33b79698005270310898eea76'; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-
package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path();
urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener(
urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); by = urllib.request.urlopen(
'' + pf.replace(' ', '%20')).read(); dh =
hashlib.sha256(by).hexdigest(); print('Error validating download (got
%s instead of %s), please try manual install' % (dh, h)) if dh != h
else open(os.path.join( ipp, pf), 'wb' ).write(by)
the solution was found here:
My version of Sublime Text 3 was old. I solved this problem by simply running the command:
sudo apt-get update
which will update sublime after sublime v 3.0, restarted sublime, and all was good.
open command pallette
Package Control: install package -> enter
you search Babel -> enter
good luck

Package Control in Sublime3 not working?

Note: I´ve searched for sublime here at the forum first, in order to post a question, because I wasn´t sure if this question was adequate for this specific forum and wanted to compare it with other posts. If it shouldn´t be here, please tell me so, and I´ll gladly close it here and open it in any other stackoverflow´s forum. Thanks.
I´ve just installed sublime3. After that I´ve installed package control.
But even when I try and install some packages using package control not all packages get installed, even when I get the "successfully installed" message at the bottom of the window.
To install a new package I go to preferences/package control/install package, and after getting the "successfully installed message" I go to /list packages and it´s not there.
I realised that maybe that´s because some packages are not compatible with sublime 3 (even there it shouldn´t be the successfully installed message there).
So, I´ve tried the latest sublime3 version of emmet, but it seems that´s not working (I´ve tried some shortcuts without any success). So I´ve watched Chris Coyer screencast to check out if I´ve missed something, but it still won´t work.
I´ve tried installing it manually: I´ve went to C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\Packages (I´ve installed the x64 package, but for some reason it´s not installed into \Program Files (x86)).
And then I copy/paste the unzipped folders of /emmet-sublime-master and /PyV8 (I´ve tried naming the folder just emmet).
And still, it won´t work. This kinda happened to me with a lot of packages, I´ve installes several of them, and when I go to preferences/package control/list packages, I get only 3 of them.
I came across this issue as well. This thread ( directed me to delete the entry for Package Control under "Ignored Packages" in my User Settings File. Once that was deleted, I restarted, and it worked as expected.
In SublimeText go to Preferences -> Settings. In the opened file Preferences.sublime-settings remove Package Control from ignored_packages list (see below). Save the file and restart Sublime.
"font_size": 11,
"Package Control" <---- REMOVE
For me, Package Control was already removed from ignored_packages, so that didn’t help. But the Sublime Text console held messages which indicated the problem. (Press Ctrl+` to open the console.)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/myuser/.config/sublime-text-3/Cache/Package Control/merged-ca-bundle.crt'
And changing ownership on the Package Control directory allowed me to use Package Control again:
chown -R myuser:myuser '/home/myuser/.config/sublime-text-3/Cache/Package Control/'
For me, after try to remove and reinstall the Sublime and verified the ignored_packages, I installed python and restart the sublime. So it worked.
In Terminal:
sudo apt install python python3
I am using Ubuntu 20.04.
