I'm trying to parse a huge 3d-data array of complex values from binary. Later this should become l matrices (n x m). Since I'm going to work on these matrices, I'm limited to matrix libraries - hmatrix seems to be promising.
The data layout is not in my requried format, so I have to jump around in positions (i,j,k) -> (k,i,j), where i and j are elements of n and m and k element of l.
I think the only way to read in this in is my using mutables, otherwise I'll end up with several Terrabytes of garbage. My idea was to use boxed mutual arrays or vectors of mututal matrices (STMatrix from Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Devel), so I end up with something like:
data MVector s (STMatrix s t)
But I'm not sure how to use them correctly:
I can modify one single element of the MVector with modify:
modify :: PrimMonad m => MVector (PrimState m) a -> (a -> a) -> Int -> m ()
or use modifyM (Strange: in stack vector- does not have modifyM...)
modifyM :: PrimMonad m => MVector (PrimState m) a -> (a -> m a) -> Int -> m ()
so I could use the function call (a -> a) to a runST-routine to modify the SMatrix. I'm not sure, if I should put an ST in an IO (?)
Nevertheless - I think, this should work but is only useful, when I want to modify the whole Matrix, calling this (a->a)-routine n x m x l- times will be a little bit overhead (Maybe it will be optimized out...).
So I'll end up, in marshalling the Array, modify the content via pointers (i,j,k) -> (k,i,j) and read everything Matrix by Matrix - but this does not feel right and I wanted to avoid such dirty tricks.
Do you have any ideas of a way to do this a little but more ...clean?
Thx to K. A. Buhr. His solution works so far. Now, I'm only running into some performance impacts. If I compare the solution:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where
import Data.List
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as VSM
-- Create an l-length list of n x m hmatrix Matrices
toMatrices :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [C] -> [Matrix C]
toMatrices l n m dats = map (reshape m) $ VS.createT $ do
mats <- V.replicateM l $ VSM.unsafeNew (m*n)
sequence_ $ zipWith (\(i,j,k) x ->
VSM.unsafeWrite (mats V.! k) (loc i j) x) idxs (dats ++ repeat 0)
return $ V.toList mats
where idxs = (,,) <$> [0..n-1] <*> [0..m-1] <*> [0..l-1]
loc i j = i*m + j
test1 = toMatrices 1000 1000 100 (fromIntegral <$> [1..])
main = do
let !a = test1
print "done"
With the simpliest C-code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
const int n = 1000;
const int m = 1000;
const int l = 100;
double *src = malloc(n*m*l * sizeof(double));
for (int i = 0; i < n*m*l; i++) {
src[i] = (double)i;
double *dest = malloc(n*m*l * sizeof(double));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < l; k++) {
dest[k*n*m+i*m+j] = src[i*m*l+j*l+k];
printf("done: %f\n", dest[n*m*l - 1]); // Need to access the array, otherwise it'll get lost by -O2
Both compiled with -O2 give following performance guesses:
real 0m5,611s
user 0m14,845s
sys 0m2,759s
real 0m0,441s
user 0m0,200s
sys 0m0,240s
This are approx 2 magnitudes per-core performance. From profiling I learn that
VSM.unsafeWrite (mats V.! k) (loc i j) x
is the expensive function.
Since I'll use this procedure in a minute-like intervall, I want to keep the parsing time as low as the disk access time. I'll see, if I can speed this up
PS: This is for some tests, if I could move usual DSP from C-like to Haskell
Edit2 :
Ok, this is what I get after sum trying:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as VSM
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
-- Create an l-length list of n x m hmatrix Matrices
toMatrices :: Int -> Int -> Int -> VS.Vector C -> V.Vector (Matrix C)
toMatrices l n m dats = (reshape m) newMat
newMat = VS.createT $
V.generateM l $ \k -> do
curMat <- VSM.unsafeNew (m * n)
(\i ->
(\j -> VSM.unsafeWrite curMat (loc i j) (dats VS.! (oldLoc i j k)))
return curMat
loc i j = i * m + j
oldLoc i j k = i * m * l + j * l + k
!idis = VS.generate n (\a->a)
!idjs = VS.generate m (\a->a)
test1 = toMatrices 100 1000 1000 arr
arr = VS.generate (1000 * 1000 * 100) fromIntegral :: VS.Vector C
main = do
let !a = test1
print "done"
It gives something about:
real 0m1,816s
user 0m1,636s
sys 0m1,120s
, so ~4 times slower than C code. I think I can live with this.
I guess, I'm destroying all the stream-functionality of the vector with this code. If there are any suggestions to have them back by a comparable speed, I would be grateful!
As I understand it, you have a "huge" set of data in i-major, j-middling, k-minor order, and you want to load it into matrices indexed by k whose elements have i-indexed rows and j-indexed columns, right? So, you want a function something like:
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
-- load into "l" matrices of size "n x m"
toMatrices :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [C] -> [Matrix C]
toMatrices l n m dats = ...
Note that you've written n x m matrices above, associating i with n and j with m. It would be more usual to flip the roles of n and m, but I've stuck with your notation, so keep an eye on that.
If the entire data list [C] could fit comfortably in memory, you could do this immutably by writing something like:
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
toMatrices :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [C] -> [Matrix C]
toMatrices l n m = map (reshape m . fromList) . transpose . chunksOf l
This breaks the input data into l-sized chunks, transposes them into l lists, and converts each list to a matrix. If there was some way to force all the Matrix C values in parallel, this could be done with one traversal through the data, without the need to hold on to the whole list. Unfortunately, the individual Matrix C values can only be forced one-by-one, and the whole list needs to be kept around until all of them can be forced.
So, if the "huge" [C] list is too big for memory, you're probably right that you need to load the data into a (partially) mutable structure. The code is somewhat challenging to write, but it's not too bad in its final form. I believe the following will work:
import Data.List
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as VSM
-- Create an l-length list of n x m hmatrix Matrices
toMatrices :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [C] -> [Matrix C]
toMatrices l n m dats = map (reshape m) $ VS.createT $ do
mats <- V.replicateM l $ VSM.unsafeNew (m*n)
sequence_ $ zipWith (\(i,j,k) x ->
VSM.unsafeWrite (mats V.! k) (loc i j) x) idxs (dats ++ repeat 0)
return $ V.toList mats
where idxs = (,,) <$> [0..n-1] <*> [0..m-1] <*> [0..l-1]
loc i j = i*m + j
test1 = toMatrices 4 3 2 (fromIntegral <$> [1..24])
test2 = toMatrices 1000 1000 100 (fromIntegral <$> [1..])
main = do
print $ test1
print $ norm_Inf . foldl1' (+) $ test2
Compiled with -O2, the maximum residency is about 1.6Gigs, which matches the expected memory needed to hold 100 matrices of one million 16-byte complex values in memory, so that looks right.
Anyway, this version of toMatrices is made somewhat complicated by the use of three different vector variants. There's Vector from hmatrix, which is the same as the immutable storable VS.Vector from vector; and then there are two more types from vector: the immutable boxed V.Vector, and the mutable storable VSM.Vector.
The do-block creates a V.Vector of VSM.Vectors and populates those with a sequence of monadic actions performed across index/value pairs. You can load the data in any order by modifying the definition of idxs to match the order of the data stream. The do-block returns the final VSM.Vectors in a list, the helper function VS.createT freezes them all to VS.Vectors (i.e., Vector from hmatrix), and reshape is mapped across the vectors to turn them into m-column matrices.
Note that you'll have to take care that in your actual application, the list of data items read from the file isn't kept around by code other than toMatrices, either in the original text form or the parsed numeric form. This shouldn't be too tough to get right, but you might want to test on medium-sized test input before locking up your computer on the real dataset.
Here is a simple programming problem from SPOJ:
Basically, you are asked to output the biggest Collatz cycle for numbers between i and j. (Collatz cycle of a number $n$ is the number of steps to eventually get from $n$ to 1.)
I have been looking for a Haskell way to solve the problem with comparative performance than that of Java or C++ (so as to fits in the allowed run-time limit). Although a simple Java solution that memoizes the cycle length of any already computed cycles will work. I haven't been successful at applying the idea to obtain a Haskell solution.
I have tried the Data.Function.Memoize, as well as home-brewed log time memoization technique using the idea from this post: Memoization in Haskell?. Unfortunately, memoization actually makes the computation of cycle(n) even slower. I believe the slow down comes from the overhead of haskell way. (I tried running with the compiled binary code, instead of interpreting.)
I also suspect that simply iterating numbers from i to j can be costly ($i,j\le10^6$). So I even tried precompute everything for the range query, using idea from However, this still gives "Time Limit Exceeding" error.
Can you help to inform a neat competitive Haskell program for this?
>>> using the approach bellow, I could submit an accepted answer to SPOJ. You may check the entire code from here.
The problem has bounds 0 < n < 1,000,000. Pre-calculate all of them and store them inside an array; then freeze the array. The array can be used as its own cache / memoization space.
The problem would then reduce to a range query problem over an array, which can be done very efficiently using trees.
With the code bellow I can get Collatz of 1..1,000,000 in a fraction of a second:
$ time echo 1000000 | ./collatz
real 0m0.177s
user 0m0.173s
sys 0m0.003s
Note that collatz function below, uses mutable STUArray internally, but itself is a pure function:
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import Control.Monad (mapM_)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray, elems)
import Data.Array.ST (STUArray, readArray, writeArray, runSTUArray, newArray)
collatz :: Int -> UArray Int Int
collatz size = out
next i = if odd i then 3 * i + 1 else i `div` 2
loop :: STUArray s Int Int -> Int -> ST s Int
loop arr k
| size < k = succ <$> loop arr (next k)
| otherwise = do
out <- readArray arr k
if out /= 0 then return out
else do
out <- succ <$> loop arr (next k)
writeArray arr k out
return out
out = runSTUArray $ do
arr <- newArray (1, size) 0
writeArray arr 1 1
mapM_ (loop arr) [2..size]
return arr
main = do
size <- read <$> getLine
print . maximum . elems $ collatz size
In order to perform range queries on this array, you may build a balanced tree as simple as below:
type Range = (Int, Int)
data Tree = Leaf Int | Node Tree Tree Range Int
build_tree :: Int -> Tree
build_tree size = loop 1 cnt
ctz = collatz size
cnt = head . dropWhile (< size) $ iterate (*2) 1
(Leaf a) +: (Leaf b) = max a b
(Node _ _ _ a) +: (Node _ _ _ b) = max a b
loop lo hi
| lo == hi = Leaf $ if size < lo then minBound else ctz ! lo
| otherwise = Node left right (lo, hi) (left +: right)
i = (lo + hi) `div` 2
left = loop lo i
right = loop (i + 1) hi
query_tree :: Tree -> Int -> Int -> Int
query_tree (Leaf x) _ _ = x
query_tree (Node l r (lo, hi) x) i j
| i <= lo && hi <= j = x
| mid < i = query_tree r i j
| j < 1 + mid = query_tree l i j
| otherwise = max (query_tree l i j) (query_tree r i j)
where mid = (lo + hi) `div` 2
Here is the same as in the other answer, but with an immutable recursively defined array (and it also leaks slightly (can someone say why?) and so two times slower):
import Data.Array
upper = 10^6
step :: Integer -> Int
step i = 1 + colAt (if odd i then 3 * i + 1 else i `div` 2)
colAt :: Integer -> Int
colAt i | i > upper = step i
colAt i = col!i
col :: Array Integer Int
col = array (1, upper) $ (1, 1) : [(i, step i) | i <- [2..upper]]
main = print $ maximum $ elems col
In solving's problem #31 [SPOILERS AHEAD] (counting the number of ways to make 2£ with the British coins), I wanted to use dynamic programming. I started with OCaml, and wrote the short and very efficient following programming:
open Num
let make_dyn_table amount coins =
let t = Array.make_matrix (Array.length coins) (amount+1) (Int 1) in
for i = 1 to (Array.length t) - 1 do
for j = 0 to amount do
if j < coins.(i) then
t.(i).(j) <- t.(i-1).(j)
t.(i).(j) <- t.(i-1).(j) +/ t.(i).(j - coins.(i))
let _ =
let t = make_dyn_table 200 [|1;2;5;10;20;50;100;200|] in
let last_row = Array.length t - 1 in
let last_col = Array.length t.(last_row) - 1 in
Printf.printf "%s\n" (string_of_num (t.(last_row).(last_col)))
This executes in ~8ms on my laptop. If I increase the amount from 200 pence to one million, the program still finds an answer in less than two seconds.
I translated the program to Haskell (which was definitely not fun in itself), and though it terminates with the right answer for 200 pence, if I increase that number to 10000, my laptop comes to a screeching halt (lots of thrashing). Here's the code:
import Data.Array
createDynTable :: Int -> Array Int Int -> Array (Int, Int) Int
createDynTable amount coins =
let numCoins = (snd . bounds) coins
t = array ((0, 0), (numCoins, amount))
[((i, j), 1) | i <- [0 .. numCoins], j <- [0 .. amount]]
in t
populateDynTable :: Array (Int, Int) Int -> Array Int Int -> Array (Int, Int) Int
populateDynTable t coins =
go t 1 0
where go t i j
| i > maxX = t
| j > maxY = go t (i+1) 0
| j < coins ! i = go (t // [((i, j), t ! (i-1, j))]) i (j+1)
| otherwise = go (t // [((i, j), t!(i-1,j) + t!(i, j - coins!i))]) i (j+1)
((_, _), (maxX, maxY)) = bounds t
changeCombinations amount coins =
let coinsArray = listArray (0, length coins - 1) coins
dynTable = createDynTable amount coinsArray
dynTable' = populateDynTable dynTable coinsArray
((_, _), (i, j)) = bounds dynTable
dynTable' ! (i, j)
main =
print $ changeCombinations 200 [1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200]
I'd love to hear from somebody who knows Haskell well why the performance of this solution is so bad.
Haskell is pure. The purity means that values are immutable, and thus in the step
j < coins ! i = go (t // [((i, j), t ! (i-1, j))]) i (j+1)
you create an entire new array for each entry you update. That's already very expensive for a small amount like £2, but it becomes utterly obscene for an amount of £100.
Furthermore, the arrays are boxed, that means they contain pointers to the entries, which worsens locality, uses more storage, and allows thunks to be built up that are also slower to evaluate when they finally are forced.
The used algorithm depends on a mutable data structure for its efficiency, but the mutability is confined to the computation, so we can use what is intended to allow safely shielded computations with temporarily mutable data, the ST state transformer monad family, and the associated [unboxed, for efficiency] arrays.
Give me half an hour or so to translate the algorithm into code using STUArrays, and you'll get a Haskell version that is not too ugly, and ought to perform comparably to the O'Caml version (some more or less constant factor is expected for the difference, whether it's larger or smaller than 1, I don't know).
Here it is:
module Main (main) where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Array.ST
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.Unboxed
standardCoins :: [Int]
standardCoins = [1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200]
changeCombinations :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
changeCombinations amount coins = runST $ do
let coinBound = length coins - 1
coinsArray :: UArray Int Int
coinsArray = listArray (0, coinBound) coins
table <- newArray((0,0),(coinBound, amount)) 1 :: ST s (STUArray s (Int,Int) Int)
let go i j
| i > coinBound = readArray table (coinBound,amount)
| j > amount = go (i+1) 0
| j < coinsArray ! i = do
v <- readArray table (i-1,j)
writeArray table (i,j) v
go i (j+1)
| otherwise = do
v <- readArray table (i-1,j)
w <- readArray table (i, j - coinsArray!i)
writeArray table (i,j) (v+w)
go i (j+1)
go 1 0
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let amount = case args of
a:_ -> read a
_ -> 200
print $ changeCombinations amount standardCoins
runs in not too shabby time,
$ time ./mutArr
real 0m0.002s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.001s
$ time ./mutArr 1000000
real 0m0.439s
user 0m0.128s
sys 0m0.310s
and uses checked array accesses, using unchecked accesses, the time could be somewhat reduced.
Ah, I just learned that your O'Caml code uses arbitrary precision integers, so using Int in Haskell puts O'Caml at an unfair disadvantage. The changes necessary to calculate the results with arbitrary precision Integers are minmal,
$ diff mutArr.hs mutArrIgr.hs
< changeCombinations :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
> changeCombinations :: Int -> [Int] -> Integer
< table <- newArray((0,0),(coinBound, amount)) 1 :: ST s (STUArray s (Int,Int) Int)
> table <- newArray((0,0),(coinBound, amount)) 1 :: ST s (STArray s (Int,Int) Integer)
< writeArray table (i,j) (v+w)
> writeArray table (i,j) $! (v+w)
only two type signatures needed to be adapted - the array necessarily becomes boxed, so we need to make sure we're not writing thunks to the array in line 28, and
$ time ./mutArrIgr
real 0m0.002s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.002s
$ time ./mutArrIgr 1000000
real 0m1.314s
user 0m1.157s
sys 0m0.156s
the computation with the large result that overflowed for Ints takes noticeably longer, but as expected comparable to the O'Caml.
Spending some time understanding the O'Caml, I can offer a closer, a bit shorter, and arguably nicer translation:
module Main (main) where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Array.ST
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Control.Monad (forM_)
standardCoins :: [Int]
standardCoins = [1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200]
changeCombinations :: Int -> [Int] -> Integer
changeCombinations amount coins = runST $ do
let coinBound = length coins - 1
coinsArray :: UArray Int Int
coinsArray = listArray (0, coinBound) coins
table <- newArray((0,0),(coinBound, amount)) 1 :: ST s (STArray s (Int,Int) Integer)
forM_ [1 .. coinBound] $ \i ->
forM_ [0 .. amount] $ \j ->
if j < coinsArray!i
then do
v <- readArray table (i-1,j)
writeArray table (i,j) v
else do
v <- readArray table (i-1,j)
w <- readArray table (i, j - coinsArray!i)
writeArray table (i,j) $! (v+w)
readArray table (coinBound,amount)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let amount = case args of
a:_ -> read a
_ -> 200
print $ changeCombinations amount standardCoins
that runs about equally fast:
$ time ./mutArrIgrM 1000000
real 0m1.440s
user 0m1.273s
sys 0m0.164s
You could take advantage of Haskell being lazy and not schedule the array filling yourself, but instead relying on lazy evaluation to do it in the right order. (For large inputs you'll need to increase the stack size.)
import Data.Array
createDynTable :: Integer -> Array Int Integer -> Array (Int, Integer) Integer
createDynTable amount coins =
let numCoins = (snd . bounds) coins
t = array ((0, 0), (numCoins, amount))
[((i, j), go i j) | i <- [0 .. numCoins], j <- [0 .. amount]]
go i j | i == 0 = 1
| j < coins ! i = t ! (i-1, j)
| otherwise = t ! (i-1, j) + t ! (i, j - coins!i)
in t
changeCombinations amount coins =
let coinsArray = listArray (0, length coins - 1) coins
dynTable = createDynTable amount coinsArray
((_, _), (i, j)) = bounds dynTable
dynTable ! (i, j)
main =
print $ changeCombinations 200 [1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200]
This is my best attempt to solve the String Similarity challenge for InterviewStreet.
import Control.Monad
import Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
sumSimilarities s = (T.length s) + (sum $ (similarity s) (Prelude.tail $ tails s))
similarity :: Text -> Text -> Int
similarity a b = case commonPrefixes a b of
Just (x,_,_) -> T.length x
Nothing -> 0
main = do
cases <- fmap read getLine
inputs <- replicateM cases TIO.getLine
forM_ inputs $ print . sumSimilarities
It only passes 7/10 of the test cases. Test cases 7, 8, and 9 fail because they exceed the allotted execution time.
I'm half trying to verify that this is indeed possible to solve in Haskell and half looking for what an optimized Haskell program looks like.
Like user5402, I'd be curious whether an equivalent (for certain values of equivalent) C programme would finish within the time limit or also time out. If it would, it would be interesting to see whether an equivalent programme using ByteStrings could finish in time. - Not that ByteStrings are per se faster than Text, but since the input must be converted to the internal representation of Text while ByteString takes it as is, that might make a difference. Another possible reason that ByteStrings might be faster - if the testing machines have 32-bit GHCs - would be that text's fusion at least used to need more registers than generally available on 32 bit architectures to get full profit [a long time ago, in the days of text-0.5 to text-0.7, on my 32-bit box, bytestring used to be quite a bit faster, no idea whether that still holds for newer text versions].
Okay, since user5402 has verified that the naïve algorithm is fast enough in C, I've gone ahead and wrote an implementation of the naïve algorithm using ByteStrings
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main (main) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as U
import Control.Monad
import Data.Word
main :: IO ()
main = do
cl <- C.getLine
case C.readInt cl of
Just (cases,_) -> replicateM_ cases (C.getLine >>= print . similarity)
Nothing -> return ()
-- Just to keep the condition readable.
(?) :: B.ByteString -> Int -> Word8
(?) = U.unsafeIndex
similarity :: B.ByteString -> Int
similarity bs
| len == 0 = 0
| otherwise = go len 1
!len = B.length bs
go !acc i
| i < len = go (acc + prf 0 i) (i+1)
| otherwise = acc
prf !k j
| j < len && bs ? k == bs ? j = prf (k+1) (j+1)
| otherwise = k
and compared it to the OP's Text version on some bad cases. On my box, that is more than four times faster than the Text version, so it'd be interesting whether that's fast enough (the C version is another 4.5 times faster, so it may well not be).
However, I consider it more likely that the time limit is exceeded due to using the naïve algorithm that has quadratic worst-case behaviour. Probably there are test cases that evoke the worst-case for the naïve algorithm.
So the solution would be to use an algorithm that scales better, optimally linear. One linear algorithm to compute the similarity of a string is the Z-algorithm.
The idea is simple (but, like most good ideas, not easy to have). Let us call a (non-empty) substring that is also a prefix of the string a prefix-substring. To avoid recomputation, the algorithm uses a window of the prefix-substring starting before the currently considered index that extends farthest to the right (initially, the window is empty).
Variables used and invariants of the algorithm:
i, the index under consideration, starts at 1 (for 0-based indexing; the entire string is not considered) and is incremented to length - 1
left and right, the first and last index of the prefix-substring window; invariants:
left < i, left <= right < length(S), either left > 0 or right < 1,
if left > 0, then S[left .. right] is the maximal common prefix of S and S[left .. ],
if 1 <= j < i and S[j .. k] is a prefix of S, then k <= right
An array Z, invariant: for 1 <= k < i, Z[k] contains the length of the longest common prefix of S[k .. ] and S.
The algorithm:
Set i = 1, left = right = 0 (any values with left <= right < 1 are allowed), and set Z[j] = 0 for all indices 1 <= j < length(S).
If i == length(S), stop.
If i > right, find the length l of the longest common prefix of S and S[i .. ], store it in Z[i]. If l > 0 we have found a window extending farther right than the previous, then set left = i and right = i+l-1, otherwise leave them unchanged. Increment i and go to 2.
Here left < i <= right, so the substring S[i .. right] is known - since S[left .. right] is a prefix of S, it is equal to S[i-left .. right-left].
Now consider the longest common prefix of S with the substring starting at index i - left.
Its length is Z[i-left], hence S[k] = S[i-left + k] for 0 <= k < Z[i-left] and
S[Z[i-left]] ≠ S[i-left+Z[i-left]]. Now, if Z[i-left] <= right-i, then i + Z[i-left] is inside the known window, therefore
S[i + Z[i-left]] = S[i-left + Z[i-left]] ≠ S[Z[i-left]]
S[i + k] = S[i-left + k] = S[k] for 0 <= k < Z[i-left]
and we see that the length of the longest common prefix of S and S[i .. ] has length Z[i-left].
Then set Z[i] = Z[i-left], increment i, and go to 2.
Otherwise, S[i .. right] is a prefix of S and we check how far it extends, starting the comparison of characters at the indices right+1 and right+1 - i. Let the length be l. Set Z[i] = l, left = i, right = i + l - 1, increment i, and go to 2.
Since the window never moves left, and the comparisons always start after the end of the window, each character in the string is compared at most once successfully to an earlier character in the string, and for each starting index, there is at most one unsuccessful comparison, therefore the algorithm is linear.
The code (using ByteString out of habit, ought to be trivially portable to Text):
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main (main) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as U
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.Base
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad
import Data.Word
main :: IO ()
main = do
cl <- C.getLine
case C.readInt cl of
Just (cases,_) -> replicateM_ cases (C.getLine >>= print . similarity)
Nothing -> return ()
-- Just to keep the condition readable.
(?) :: B.ByteString -> Int -> Word8
(?) = U.unsafeIndex
-- Calculate the similarity of a string using the Z-algorithm
similarity :: B.ByteString -> Int
similarity bs
| len == 0 = 0
| otherwise = runST getSim
!len = B.length bs
getSim = do
za <- newArray (0,len-1) 0 :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int)
-- The common prefix of the string with itself is entire string.
unsafeWrite za 0 len
let -- Find the length of the common prefix.
go !k j
| j < len && (bs ? j == bs ? k) = go (k+1) (j+1)
| otherwise = return k
-- The window with indices in [left .. right] is the prefix-substring
-- starting before i that extends farthest.
loop !left !right i
| i >= len = count 0 0 -- when done, sum
| i > right = do
-- We're outside the window, simply
-- find the length of the common prefix
-- and store it in the Z-array.
w <- go 0 i
unsafeWrite za i w
if w > 0
-- We got a non-empty common prefix and a new window.
then loop i (i+w-1) (i+1)
-- No new window, same procedure at next index.
else loop left right (i+1)
| otherwise = do
-- We're inside the window, so the substring starting at
-- (i - left) has a common prefix with the substring
-- starting at i of length at least (right - i + 1)
-- (since the [left .. right] window is a prefix of bs).
-- But we already know how long the common prefix
-- starting at (i - left) is.
z <- unsafeRead za (i-left)
let !s = right-i+1 -- length of known prefix starting at i
if z < s
-- If the common prefix of the substring starting at
-- (i - left) is shorter than the rest of the window,
-- the common prefix of the substring starting at i
-- is the same. Store it and move on with the same window.
then do
unsafeWrite za i z
loop left right (i+1)
else do
-- Otherwise, find out how far the common prefix
-- extends, starting at (right + 1) == s + i.
w <- go s (s+i)
unsafeWrite za i w
loop i (i+w-1) (i+1)
count !acc i
| i == len = return acc
| otherwise = do
n <- unsafeRead za i
count (acc+n) (i+1)
loop 0 0 1
I'm currently working on project euler problem 14.
I solved it using a poorly coded program, without memoization, that took 386 5 seconds to run (see edit).
Here it is:
step :: (Integer, Int) -> Integer -> (Integer, Int)
step (i, m) n | nextValue > m = (n, nextValue)
| otherwise = (i, m)
where nextValue = syr n 1
syr :: Integer -> Int -> Int
syr 1 acc = acc
syr x acc | even x = syr (x `div` 2) (acc + 1)
| otherwise = syr (3 * x + 1) (acc + 1)
p14 = foldl step (0, 0) [500000..999999]
My question is about several comments in the thread related to this problem, where were mentionned execution times of <1 s for programs as follow (C code, credits to the project euler forum user ix for the code -- note: I didn't check that the execution time is in fact as mentionned):
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int longest = 0;
int terms = 0;
int i;
unsigned long j;
for (i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++) {
j = i;
int this_terms = 1;
while (j != 1) {
if (this_terms > terms) {
terms = this_terms;
longest = i;
if (j % 2 == 0) {
j = j / 2;
} else {
j = 3 * j + 1;
printf("longest: %d (%d)\n", longest, terms);
return 0;
To me, those programs are kind of the same, when talking about the algorithm.
So I wonder why there is such a big difference? Or is there any fondamental difference between our two algorithms that can justify a x6 factor in performance?
BTW, I'm currently trying to implement this algorithm with memoization, but am kind of lost as to me, it's way easier to implement in an imperative language (and I don't manipulate monads yet so I can't use this paradigm). So if you have any good tutorial that fits a beginner to learn memoization, I'll be glad (the ones I encountered were not detailed enough or out of my league).
Note: I came to declarative paradigm through Prolog and am still in the very early process of discovering Haskell, so I might miss important things.
Note2: any general advice about my code is welcome.
EDIT: thanks to delnan's help, I compiled the program and it now runs in 5 seconds, so I mainly look for hints on memoization now (even if ideas about the existing x6 gap are still welcome).
After having compiled it with optimisations, there are still several differences to the C programme
you use div, while the C programme uses machine division (which truncates) [but any self-respecting C compiler transforms that into a shift, so that makes it yet faster], that would be quot in Haskell; that reduced the run time by some 15% here.
the C programme uses fixed-width 64-bit (or even 32-bit, but then it's just luck that it gets the correct answer, since some intermediate values exceed 32-bit range) integers, the Haskell programme uses arbitrary precision Integers. If you have 64-bit Ints in your GHC (64-bit OS other than Windows), replace Integer with Int. That reduced the run time by a factor of about 3 here. If you're on a 32-bit system, you're out of luck, GHC doesn't use native 64-bit instructions there, these operations are implemented as C calls, that's still rather slow.
For the memoisation, you can outsource it to one of the memoisation packages on hackage, the only one that I remember is data-memocombinators, but there are others. Or you can do it yourself, for example keeping a map of previously calculated values - that would work best in the State monad,
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map, singleton)
type Memo = Map Integer Int
syr :: Integer -> State Memo Int
syr n = do
mb <- gets (Map.lookup n)
case mb of
Just l -> return l
Nothing -> do
let m = if even n then n `quot` 2 else 3*n+1
l <- syr m
let l' = l+1
modify (Map.insert n l')
return l'
solve :: Integer -> Int -> Integer -> State Memo (Integer,Int)
solve maxi len start
| len > 1000000 = return (maxi,len)
| otherwise = do
l <- syr start
if len < l
then solve start l (start+1)
else solve maxi len (start+1)
p14 :: (Integer,Int)
p14 = evalState (solve 0 0 500000) (singleton 1 1)
but that will probably not gain too much (not even when you've added the necessary strictness). The trouble is that a lookup in a Map is not too cheap and an insertion is relatively expensive.
Another method is to keep a mutable array for the lookup. The code becomes more complicated, since you have to choose a reasonable upper bound for the values to cache (should be not much larger than the bound for the starting values) and deal with the parts of the sequences falling outside the memoised range. But an array lookup and write are fast. If you have 64-bit Ints, the below code runs pretty fast, here it takes 0.03s for a limit of 1 million, and 0.33s for a limit of 10 million, the corresponding (as closely as I reasonably could) C code runs in 0.018 resp. 0.2s.
module Main (main) where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.Base
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let bd = case args of
a:_ -> read a
_ -> 100000
print $ collMax bd
next :: Int -> Int
next n
| n .&. 1 == 0 = n `unsafeShiftR` 1
| otherwise = 3*n + 1
collMax :: Int -> (Int,Int16)
collMax upper = runST $ do
arr <- newArray (0,upper) 0 :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int16)
let go l m
| upper < m = go (l+1) $ next m
| otherwise = do
l' <- unsafeRead arr m
case l' of
0 -> do
l'' <- go 1 $ next m
unsafeWrite arr m (l'' + 1)
return (l+l'')
_ -> return (l+l'-1)
collect mi ml i
| upper < i = return (mi, ml)
| otherwise = do
l <- go 1 i
if l > ml
then collect i l (i+1)
else collect mi ml (i+1)
unsafeWrite arr 1 1
collect 1 1 2
Well, the C program uses unsigned long, but Integer can store arbitrarily large integers (it's a bignum). If you import Data.Word, then you can use Word, which is a machine-word-sized unsigned integer.
After replacing Integer with Word, and using ghc -O2 and gcc -O3, the C program runs in 0.72 seconds, while the Haskell programs runs in 1.92 seconds. 2.6x isn't bad. However, ghc -O2 doesn't always help, and this is one of the programs on which it doesn't! Using just -O, as you did, brings the runtime down to 1.90 seconds.
I tried replacing div with quot (which uses the same type of division as C; they only differ on negative inputs), but strangely it actually made the Haskell program run slightly slower for me.
You should be able to speed up the syr function with the help of this previous Stack Overflow question I answered about the same Project Euler problem.
On my current system (32-bit Core2Duo) your Haskell code, including all the optimizations given in the answers, takes 0.8s to compile and 1.2s to run.
You could transfer the run-time to compile-time, and reduce the run-time to nearly zero.
module Euler14 where
import Data.Word
import Language.Haskell.TH
terms :: Word -> Word
terms n = countTerms n 0
countTerms 1 acc = acc + 1
countTerms n acc | even n = countTerms (n `div` 2) (acc + 1)
| otherwise = countTerms (3 * n + 1) (acc + 1)
longestT :: Word -> Word -> (Word, Word)
longestT mi mx = find mi mx (0, 0)
find mi mx (ct,cn) | mi == mx = if ct > terms mi then (ct,cn) else (terms mi, mi)
| otherwise = find (mi + 1) mx
(if ct > terms mi then (ct,cn) else (terms mi, mi))
longest :: Word -> Word -> ExpQ
longest mi mx = return $ TupE [LitE (IntegerL (fromIntegral a)),
LitE (IntegerL (fromIntegral b))]
(a,b) = longestT mi mx
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Euler14
main = print $(longest 500000 999999)
On my system it takes 2.3s to compile this but the run-time goes down to 0.003s. Compile Time Function Execution (CTFE) is something you can't do in C/C++. The only other programming language that I know of that supports CTFE is the D programming language. And just to be complete, the C code takes 0.1s to compile and 0.7s to run.