node module install error (Node.js) - node.js

I can't install any node.js module without the follwing errors popping up. The error codes refer to the package.json file. Any idea why this would be happening would be hugely appreciated.

Those are not errors, they are just warnings. Everything is as it should be, though the module owners should probably clean up their package.json files.

Those are not errors, are warnings.
As I already stated in the same question right here, this is just a new check added as of NPM 1.2.20.
There are so much packages in NPM that still lack the repository field in their package.json file.


Webpack loading wrong version of Node Module for Angular project

I have a project in Angular 13. I want to use quillJS and I want to add tables so I tried to install quill-better-table in my project.
For some reason the package is not working. I used the web inspector and found this to be the issue:
ERROR TypeError: quill.keyboard.bindings.Backspace is undefined
The problem seems to be located at: quill_better_table_BetterTable quill-better-table.js:2979 and when I check the debugger I can see the line:
let thisBinding = quill.keyboard.bindings['Backspace'].pop();
quill.keyboard.bindings['Backspace'].splice(0, 1, thisBinding); // add Matchers to match and render quill-better-table for initialization
// or pasting
I found a github repo that had this issue fixed:
The problem I'm running into is I dont know how to get that particular repo into my project. I have tried updating the current package and webpack continues to load the old one. I've tried clearing the npm cache and reinstalling the node packages.
I found this guide: which seems to indicate what I should do but I'm not quite npm literate enough to figure it out. Specifically, I dont know that I understand how to create the NPM link.
I'm looking for advice as to how to fix this package. I am going to be reading up on NPM link but I figured if there was another easier way to get this fixed then I would ask. I can load that repo into my node module folder, but I dont know how to make webpack reload the updated module.
Thanks in advance for the help, let me know what details I for got to add.

angular project npm modules randomly deleted

I have the weirdest problem I've ever seen with npm where in the middle of running an angular ng serve, packages from both node and for angular will randomly go missing. In the middle of a save, the project will suddenly not recompile, and will complain about a missing module. Each time it has been different but so far I have had:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '.../node_modules/core-js/internals/hidden-keys.js'
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../internals/is-pure' in '/.../node_modules/#angular-devkit/build-angular/node_modules/core-js/internals'
An unhandled exception occurred: Cannot find module './internal/streams/stream
An unhandled exception occurred: Cannot find module '/.../node_modules/minipass-collect/node_modules/minipass/index.js'.
Please verify that the package.json has a valid "main" entry
These have just been errors from the last few days, but issues like this has been happening all. to the point where I need to delete node_modules and reinstall everything via npm at least once a day. I'm thinking the error has more to do with node or NPM than with my Angular set up, as some of these missing packages appear to be node core packages.
I've already tried reinstalling npm globally via npm install -g npm and it hasn't helped anything. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to just reinstall node completely.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
EDIT: upon further debugging, I'm noticing that the modules missing are always from #angular-devkit/build-angular/node_modules/core-js/modules. In addition to losing random modules like 'is-pure', the app will also randomly recompile many times when running ng serve
I figured out what was going on, if anyone in the future has the same problem. Turns out the answer has nothing to do with me botching my npm config. I didn't realize that on new Macbooks, any directory in the desktop is automatically managed by iCloud. At some point, probably an older version of the code before I migrated to Angular 9 was syncing the old code into my project. I was able to resolve this issue by changing the name of the parent directory where my project lived from filename to filename.nosync. adding '.nosync' causes iCloud to ignore syncing for whatever is in that file. I know I should have caught this, but hopefully this will help any mac users in the future who are experiencing similar problems.

Cant resolve 'sha1'

I already run "npm install" and when I hovered sha1, the code already seen it.
but I got a error like this when I'm about to build it:
Please help me for my problem :) thanks
Seems like you have installed the typescript definitions but not the module it self. Try running npm i --save sha1 (please note that not #types/sha1 which is the typescript definitions)

How to resolve bycrypt dependency issue in module.

I keep getting this issue:
[snip of my issue][1]
I'm teaching myself node and am trying to make a CRUD RESTful application in my spare time. I'm working off this book:
For the past 3 days I've been stuck with this issue. It is specifically concerning the bcrypt-node.js . It's job is to hash passwords. Some things I have tried.
Downloaded python 3.5 as I got errors saying the runtime was needed to execute.
Setting python environment variable in PATH
npm uninstall and install.
Tried creating a new project, same issues cropped up.
npm clear cache
Since it is an old version of the bcrypt-node.js module changed the version in package.json from "0.0.3" to "0.0.5". I thought it could be a bug. Unlikely as that is.
I'm very new to node.js so I feel like I'm doing something silly that I just cannot see. Also I don't understand a lot of the information the command line is providing me. Thank you in advance.
Picture of my code.
Edit. (For future visitors) I needed to pay more attention to the various dependencies and a further understanding of JS in general to utitlise the power of Node.js, which is something I didn't do. Also recommended is a good understanding of Express.
A deeper understand of the npm is needed.
I found a fix through trial and error and some googling.
In case any one looks up this again in the future I entered:
npm install node-gyp -g && npm cache clean && rm -rf node_modules && npm installinto the command line and it appeared to fix the issue when I ran nodemon server.js
Fingers crossed it does not crop up again.
If someone would like to explain to me what exactly was the problem I had I would really appreciate it. I have a feeling a module or dependency wasn't installed correctly?
EDIT 1. Furthermore configure the PATH in your environment variables.
ie I created a path for python in the command line
PATH python = C:\Python27\python.exe & another PATH for MongoDB
i.e C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin

npm problems with windows

I've looked through the different articles here, but I'm not finding out the answer I need, or don't understand necessarily what has been explained in other posts.
I downloaded node.js got my github up and have cloned the phonecat site, that part works fine. I can even check npm/node versions through cmd, but whenever I install using either "npm install" or "npm install -g" "Couldn't read depndencies" couldn't find package.json" has a long list of errors:
I have tried caching, updating, restarting, uninstalling, reinstalling, giving permissions to fully allow windows system32 for commands. I have been reading for a few hours, and I am just at a complete loss here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
When you don't specify a module to download, npm will look for a package.json. It's not finding one, which is why you're seeing all kinds of errors.
Is there a project you're working on? If you want to start a new one you can run npm init. If there's an existing one that has a package.json, you can navigate to that directory in your terminal and then npm install should work.
I didn't. I'm still wrestling with it. I'm not sure what to do about it either. I had one of my friends come over that's familiar with node and he couldn't figure it out. It must be a permissions issue somewhere on the computer. I can't figure out what else it could be.
