Issue with App.Config in the Startup Folder - c#-4.0

I am writing a console app in I have a batch file that currently copies the exe and exe.config to the startup folder on local machine from the network. It is set up that way so the user only has to run the batch file and then everytime the computer is started the exe will run.
Problem I am running into is that it also opens (or tries to open) the exe.config file as well. I am looking for the best workaround for this without it being overly complicated. Thought about putting the config file in a diferent location and then hardcoding the new location into the configuration manager but one of the concepts with the config file is to keep all hardcoded paths out of the code for easier updates if locations change. Also thought about putting a shortcut to the exe in the startup folder which would work but I want it to be transparant to the user. In other words all I want the user to do is run the .bat file once and forget about it.
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated as I am very new to .bat files

I like your idea of a shortcut, or for that matter a batch file pointing to the executable, with both the executable and config file located outside the startup folder.


How to change directory (outside directory i.e. desktop) of file system in node.js

Hello I'm having difficulties in creating files in nodejs, when i try to create a file it only creates within the folder of my program. For example, I created test.txt then it will create on the program folder. what i want is to create a file outside the program folder. For example, I wanted to create test.text on desktop. is it possible?
I am using this:
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'assets')));
I believe if the purpose of this is to have backup of files, then you should rather run a basic script which will dump your files from your program location. You could always schedule it based on your choice of frequency.
It would be a much better approach instead of going out of your program folder just to create files. Not recommended!

Application installed with Inno Setup writes files to unknown location instead of its installation folder

I try to make a setup with Inno Setup for my program.
I have installed more file XML in the same folder as the .exe. The install work well, but when I run the program and modify the XML, the file is saved in another place, not the folder of the .exe and I can't find it. I think the file is stored in the PC because the program can open it without problems.
I also try to make the same setup with InstallAware Express 7 and it works well. Io I think it's not a problem in my exe but in Inno Setup.
I think you are a victim of Windows File virtualization.
You probably install data files to Program Files folder.
That folder is not writable (unless your program runs with elevated privileges). If your program does not have application manifest, Windows considers it a legacy application that is not aware of its inability to write to Program Files and enables file virtualization. So, when your application tries to write the data/XML files, Windows redirects the write (and future reads) to a virtual store (C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore). The actual files in the Program Files are not modified.
It's difficult to answer, why it works with the InstallAware Express. If you tried it after the Inno Setup, the results can be affected by an existence of the file in the virtual store.
Anyway, the root cause is that your application tries to write the files in the Program Files. That's just wrong. No application should write to Program Files.
See also Application does not work when installed with Inno Setup.

Can I keep the application settings when updating with installshield?

I finally managed to get my application updating through installshield LE, without the user having to uninstall manually first, what I am now wondering is:
Can I get the installer to use the application settings from the previous install, so the users saved settings don't change, causing the user to enter their settings every time there is an update. But at the same time, add any new settings to the config file.
Is there anyway to get the installer to not update certain files, for example, the database file is held in a folder called 'db' inside the program files directory, I obviously don't want the users database getting overwritten with a blank one.
Thank you.
Im not sure what programming language you are writing in, but I had this concern with a C# application I wrote. I see 2 easy ways of doing it:
1) With C# you can setup application setting variables that get written to an XML file in the users Application Data (on WinXP) directory. The nice thing about this is that writing to and reading from the settings file is really easy through the API:
To save and store a variable:
Properties.Settings.Default.UserName = UserName_txtbox.Text; // save contents of UserName_txtbox to UserName setting variable
Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); // write variable to file
To restore a variable:
UserName_txtbox.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.UserName; //load contents of UserName variable to UserName_txtbox
Because the file that contains these are not included in the installation directory of the application, they are preserved.
If you are using a different programming language, you can try to implement the same concept.
Create a settings file that your program updates externally from the install location. (Perhaps it can be in the install location. Im not sure how your installer "updates". Does it replace files or uninstall the old version and install the new version automatically? Play this this to find out...)
Your settings file can be a simple txt file, a bin file, an XML file, etc. Anything that you can read and parse easily. Then you can load settings from the file when the program loads and save settings to the file when the program exits.

Program File saved file

I have developed an application in Visual When I install this application to a ProgramFiles/[Appname] folder, and I create a file that is saved in the same folder (a settings file, created from in the application), the file is not visible, yet the application can still read it.
Where is this file saved?
On Windows Vista and higher, writing to the Program Files directory requires administrative privileges. Your file is probably being affected by virtualization (a redirection of the write operation) to the virtual store. You can find it (in Windows 7) in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore.
The obvious solution is not to try to save the settings in the wrong location in the first place. Your app should create a folder under %APPDATA%, and write it's settings there instead. This answer to a related question can provide some links that might help.

How do I launch an application from a .sh script?

Help me please with a bash script of a few lines.
I have a MyApplication executable in some folder, and I need to make a launcher script to call that application from it's folder when I click it from a grafical interface.
(I need this because I need my application to be launched from it's folder, so that Qt::currentPath() will return the current folder the executable is in)
Please help me, I just had to power off my linux machine two times in a row, I made fork bombs instead of launchers :(.
P.S. I'm a linux newbie, trying to figure out scripting.
More about my current problem: Qt how to open a file in current dir ? or what's wrong with this?
Details: MyApplication is a GUI project compiled in Qt-Creator. It uses .xml files for storage. If I cd manually to the folder the executable is in, and run it, everything works fine, the application knows the path to the .xml files (current directory). But, if I just click the icon of the application it launches from $HOME, and my application is not able to find those .xml files.
That's why, I suppose, I need a .sh launcher, to call it from it's directory when I'll click it.
If its a graphical application, any sort of link will do. That works fine for me, unless you have something I'm not aware of, in which case please explain more.
Ps, fork bombs are limitable -
