How to return a function from callback? - node.js

If I have the following code:
var content;
var f = fs.readFile('./index.html', function read(err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err;
content = data;
return console.log(content);
I got the following:
TypeError: undefined is not a function
How can I do to return a function, which is not undefined?
My real issue, in a bigger context is the following

You can't usefully return from within the callback to your code.
Using return inside the callback doesn't return a value to your code. fs.readFile() calls the callback itself so the return value is given to it. For your code to receive it, fs.readFile() would have to return the value it got from the callback, which it doesn't.
And, since fs.readFile() is asynchronous, it actually can't. Your code spans 2 different points in time:
var content;
var f = fs.readFile('./index.html', /* ... */);
/* ... */
function read(err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err;
content = data;
return console.log(content);
/* ... */
You simply can't use a value from the "Future" in the "Present" -- or, at that point, the "Past."
This all generally leads to continuing the callback pattern rather than using return. Taking your "real" code:
var cheerioURLContent = function (url, callback) {
rest.get(url).on("complete", function (result) {
cheerioURLContent('./index.html', function (t) {

You can assign event handlers for custom events and trigger (emit) the events from within the callback. It's a bit hard to get your head around at first, but pretty elegant.
See Emitting event in Node.js for an example.


Node.js - Unable to use callback in if statement

Hi I am trying to execute a callback in a if statement but I get "TypeError: callback is not a function"
This is my code:
socket.on('authenticate', function (data, callback) {
// this works
// this doesn't work
if (data == "abc") {
Always check if callable function is passed, at least just do if(callback)
in Your problem there may be situation that clientside not waiting for callback (done emit call without passing callback argument).
Try this solution:
socket.on('authenticate', function (data, callback) {
console.debug('socket authenticate:', data); // for debug purposes
if (data == "abc") {
if(callback) { // callback may not be passed
callback(null, true); // keep in mind in callbacks first argument is error second is result
return; // return will prevent execution to go down, because most of times used for resulting call.
if(callback) { // callback may not be passed
callback("Not authenticated", false);

NodeJs Mongoose How can I get out a data from "find().then" in a "find().then"?

Sorry for my Title, I don't know what can I put.
Can you help me please, I would like to print data from a "then" in a "then" ?
Thank you
.then( function (content) {
var i = 0;
while (content[i]) {{"_id": content[i].author_id}, function(err, data) {
console.log(data); //here, it' good
content[i] = data;
MY_DATA = content;
return MY_DATA;
.then(function (result) {
console.log(result); // here I would like to print MY_DATA
There are a number of problems with your code, and I don't think it's behaving as you're expecting it to.
Chaining Promises
In order to effectively chain promises how you're expecting, each promise callback needs to return another promise. Here's an example with yours changed around a bit.
var promise =; // This returns a promise
// Let's hook into the promise returned from
var promise2 = promise.then( function (books) {
// Let's only get the author for the first book for simplicity sake
return{ "_id": books[0].author_id }).exec();
promise2.then( function (author) {
// Do something with the author
In your example, you're not returning anything with your callback (return MY_DATA is returning within the callback, so nothing happens), so it's not behaving as you're expecting it to. is asynchronous is asynchronous, so you can't expect to call it multiple times in the callback without handling them asynchronously.
// This code will return an empty array function (err, books) {
var i = 0, results = [];
while (books[i]) {{ "_id": books[i].author_id}, function (err, data) {
// This will get called long after results is returned
return results; // Returns an empty array
Handling multiple promises
Mongoose uses mpromise, and I don't see a method to handle multiple promises together, but here's a way your case could be done.
var Promise = require('mpromise');
.then( function (books) {
var i = 0,
count = 0,
promise = new Promise(),
results = [];
while (books[i]) {{ "_id": books[i].author_id }, function (err, author) {
// Keep doing this until you get to the last one
if (count === books.length) {
// Fulfill the promise to get to the next then
return promise.fulfill(results);
return promise;
.then( function (results) {
// Do something with results
I don't know if this will work exactly like it is, but it should give you an idea of what needs to be done.

Pushing to an array inside of a loop inside of a callback function

I have a loop that I need to run inside of a callback, unfortunately accessing the array outside of the callback leaves me with a blank array. I know why this happens, but I want to know the best solution to tackle this.
Gallery.prototype.getGallery = function(cb) {
self = this;
var cos = new pb.CustomObjectService();
var ms = new pb.MediaService();
var s = [];
cos.loadTypeByName('Gallery Image', function(err, gallery){
cos.findByType(gallery._id.toString(), function(err, rpy){
for(var i = 0; i < rpy.length; i++){
ms.loadById(rpy[i].Image, function(e,r){
console.log(r.location); /* <-- logs expected data */
console.log(s[0]); /* <-- this is undefined */
Replace your for loop with a call to async.*; in this case seems right. Pass a callback to; it will be invoked when all the individual calls to ms.loadById are done, with the array of results.
function(elt, callback) {
ms.loadById(elt.Image, callback);
function(err, data) {
// comes here after all individual async calls have completed
// check errors; array of results is in data
If you want to go into the promises world, then wrap the calls to ms.loadById in a promise. Here's a roll-your-own version, but various versions of what is usually called promisify are also out there.
function loadByIdPromise(elt) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
ms.loadById(elt.image, function(err, data) {
if (err) return reject(err);
Then do a Promise.all on the resulting promises:
.then(function(data) {
// comes here when all individual async calls complete successfully
// data is your array of results
Using the promises style, your entire code would look like:
loadTypeByNamePromise('Gallery Image') .
then(function(gallery) { return findByTypePromise(gallery._id.toString(); }) .
then(function(rpy) { return Promise.all(; }) .
then(function(results) { /* do something with [results] */ });

async/flow series on node.js

Consider this code:
var async = require('async');
var a = function()
console.log("Hello ");
var b = function()
Output is
Why is World not part of the output?
The async.series function passes one callback to each of the methods that must be called before the next one is called. If you change your functions a and b to call the function it will work.
function a(done){
done(null, null); // err, value
function b(done){
done(null, null); // err, value
For each method called in series it is passed a callback method which must be run, which you are ignoring in your example.
The docs say:
tasks - An array or object containing functions to run, each function
is passed a callback(err, result) it must call on completion with an
error err (which can be null) and an optional result value.
The reason why your code is stopping after the first method is that the callback isn't being run, and series assumed an error occurred and stopped running.
To fix this, you have to rewrite each method along these lines:
var b = function(callback)
callback(null, null) // error, errorValue

Promise with q framework and the callback pattern in Node.js?

Even if well documented q framework is quite hard to understand if you are programming with Node.js for a few days. But I like to learn about it!
var Q = require('q');
var fs = require('fs');
// Make the promise manually (returns a value or throws an error)
var read1 = fs.readFile(fname, enc, function (err, data) {
if(err) throw err;
return data;
// Convenient helper for node, equivalent to read1?
var read2 = Q.nfbind(fs.readFile);
// Uh?!
var read3 = function (fname, enc) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
fs.readFile(fname, enc, function (error, text) {
if (error) {
deferred.reject(new Error(error));
} else {
return deferred.promise;
// Execute
Q.fncall(read1).then(function (data) {}, function (err) {}).done();
Are read1, read2 and read3 equivalent? Can I use Q.nfbind every time the last parameter of a function accept a callback in the style of function (err, value)?
You have a few errors in your examples.
This is not 'make a promise manually', this is just making a normal asynchronous call. In your code, you call readFile immediately, so read1 would be the return value of readFile which is undefined. To get a behavior similar to read2 and read3 you would need to do something like this:
var read1 = function(fname, env, success, error){
fs.readFile(fname, enc, function (err, data) {
// Throwing here would just crash your application.
if(err) error(err);
// Returning from inside 'readFile' does nothing, instead you use a callback.
else success(data);
// Not equivalent to read1 because of the notes above,
// Equivalent to read3, with the fixes I mention below.
var read2 = Q.nfbind(fs.readFile);
var read3 = function (fname, enc) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
fs.readFile(fname, enc, function (error, text) {
if (error) {
// 'error' is already an error object, you don't need 'new Error()'.
} else {
// HERE: Again returning a value from 'readFile' does not make sense.
return deferred.promise;
// INSTEAD: Return here, so you can access the promise when you call 'read3'.
return deferred.promise.
You can indeed use nfbind on anything that takes a callback as the last parameter.
With my comments, read2 and read3 accomplish the same goal, which is to create a function that will take a filename and encoding, and return a promise object.
For those, you can do this:
read2('file.txt', 'utf8').then(function (data) {}, function (err) {}).done();
read3('file.txt', 'utf8').then(function (data) {}, function (err) {}).done();
For read1, you would call it like this:
read1('file.txt', 'utf8', function (data) {}, function (err) {});
Standard promises have evolved a bit since this was answered, and if you are leaning toward read3, I'd recommend doing the following:
var read4 = function (fname, enc) {
return Q.promise(function(resolve, reject){
fs.readFile(fname, enc, function (error, text) {
if (error) {
// 'error' is already an error object, you don't need 'new Error()'.
} else {
This is more in line with standard ES6 promises, and with bluebird, so you'll have an easier time with the code moving forward. Using the method mentioned in read3 also introduces the possibility of synchronously throwing exceptions instead of capturing them in the promise chain, which is usually undesirable. See the deferred antipattern.
