Newly downloaded 1.6.1 Orchard CMS wont build - orchardcms

I just downloaded the 1.6.1 source for Orchard CMS.
I loaded the solution file into Visual Studio 2012 Express - and get 722 Errors, including:
Error 919 The type or namespace name 'WhenAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Orchard\Orchard.Profile\Tests\HttpClient.cs 29 10 Orchard.Profile
Any idea what the problem is here?
I'm new to Orchard.

I copied the 'src' folder to wwwroot - and tried building.
You have to copy the entire 'Orchard.Source' folder - then load the solution in src within that folder - keeping all the files in place.

When you downloaded Orchard source code, i saw many .bat file: build.cmd, ClickToBuild.cmd... => For prepare before open the solution,


TeamCity WindowsAzure.targets causing errors in deployment

We are currently trying to setup an Angular 2 project that also contains a Cloud Service project in its solution. We have set up numerous Angular 1 projects containing Cloud Service projects and have had no errors. When trying to run the MSBuild step for the Angular 2 project, we get the following error on the TeamCity build server:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\Windows Azure Tools\2.7\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets(2787, 5): error MSB3021: Unable to copy file "C:\TeamCityBuildAgent\temp\buildTmp\.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1.AssemblyAttributes.cs" to "C:\SourceControlFolder\Apps\MyApp\MyApp.CloudDeployment\obj\Debug\Website\C:\TeamCityBuildAgent\temp\buildTmp\.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1.AssemblyAttributes.cs". The given path's format is not supported.
The main problem seems to be the build attempting to throw the full C:\TeamCityBuildAgent.. path into the obj\Debug\Website folder.
My current MSBuild parameters are:
/p:platform="Any CPU"
I've tried the following solutions:
Making sure the latest Visual Studio Update is installed (for MSBuild)
Running the install tool to repair Azure Tools 2.7 on the build server.
Changing the debug configuration in the build.
Ensuring TypeScript 1.7.6 is installed on the build server (even though it's an Azure.targets issue) []
Updated the project to Azure Tools 2.9. The same error remains except it's failing on the 2.9 folder instead now.
Curious if anyone else has experienced this error and knows a fix. I'll keep this post updated as I try other solutions.
It appears that what is causing this issue is this line within the .csproj file:
This is specified for our build configurations to copy all files generated by the ng build to the output directory of the publish. What I don't understand at the moment is how this works on all of the devs' local machines but does not work on our build server. Will keep this posted as I find more info or any kind of workaround.
This ended up being the fix:
Instead of targeting the .sln in MSBuild, we specifically targeted the .csproj file. This fixed the build errors and allowed us to keep the FilesToIncludeForPublish tag inside.

The imported project "C:\Dot42.CSharp.targets" was not found

I installed Shardevelop yesterday and I can't open any Android templates without getting this error message.
The imported project “C:\Dot42.CSharp.targets” was not found
The error message also tells me that there is a .csproj file in my project folder. However, I can't seem to find it.
I got around this issue by copying all the dot42.*.target files to the root of my c:\ drive from C:\Program Files\dot42\Android

How to remove Designer tools 1.6 moduls from orchard?

I install designer tools modules on orchard 1.7 . but after installation it give me the following Error :
1. Install any dependent module.
2. Remove the assembly reference from the project file if it's not needed.
3. Ensure the assembly reference is present in the 'bin' directory of the module.
4. Ensure the assembly reference is present in the 'bin' directory of the application.
5. Specify the strong name of the assembly (name, version, culture, publickey) if the assembly is present in the GAC.
not I need help how to resolve this problem .
or learn me how can I remove this modules from the command line ?
what's that I must enter in orchard command line to remove this modules ?
Regards :
You probably installed the wrong version of the module. You actually didn't have to install anything as it comes standard with Orchard. Delete Modules/Orchard.DesignerTools and copy it back from the original distribution of Orchard that you used.

Error with cssparser-0.9.5.jar in Netbeans using richfaces/JSF

For some reason when I make minor chances to the title or anything linked to css I get the following error:
Deleting directory C:\Users...
C:\Users...\nbproject\build-impl.xml:1057: Unable to delete file
BUILD FAILED (total time: 6 seconds)
Line 1057: <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
I undid the changes but the error seems to persist.
Why would it want to delete the cssparser jar file?
What's the solution to the problem.
I am using Richfaces in JSF using Netbeans as my IDE, thanks.
By default, NetBeans does a Clean to the project, that means NetBeans will try to delete the compiled files and any libraries it has copied into the deploy directory. In Windows, NetBeans can't find the deploy dir and shows this error, specially when this dir is inside My Documents. I recommend you to change your project directory, or just performing Run or Debug, these commands will Compile, Build, Deploy and Launch your application so there won't be the Clean error.
For more info, see

InstallShield 2011 Standalone Builder does not include SetupPrerequisites required for .NET 3.5

The 2011 InstallShield Standalone Builder does not include the SetupPrerequisites required for .NET 3.5; when building with the Full installation, it completes successfully, but when building with the SAB, it gives the following set of errors:
ISDEV : error -1007: Cannot copy source 'c:\Program Files\InstallShield\2011 SAB\SetupPrerequisites\Microsoft .net\3.5\Full\dotnetfx35.exe' to target '[path]\Release\DiskImages\DISK1\ISSetupPrerequisites{2B692A0F-7172-44B2-B0CB-9991078AFD31}\dotnetfx35.exe'
ISDEV : error -5054: Could not determine the size of the file "[path]\Release\DiskImages\DISK1\ISSetupPrerequisites{2B692A0F-7172-44B2-B0CB-9991078AFD31}\dotnetfx35.exe"
ISDEV : error -1007: Cannot copy source 'c:\Program Files\InstallShield\2011 SAB\SetupPrerequisites\Microsoft .net\3.5\Full\Helper.exe' to target '[path]\Release\DiskImages\DISK1\ISSetupPrerequisites{2B692A0F-7172-44B2-B0CB-9991078AFD31}\Helper.exe'
ISDEV : error -5054: Could not determine the size of the file "[path]\Release\DiskImages\DISK1\ISSetupPrerequisites{2B692A0F-7172-44B2-B0CB-9991078AFD31}\Helper.exe"
It is somewhat strange that after not being able to copy (from SRC to DEST), it still tries to determine the file size of DEST!
But anyway, the root cause is that the "Microsoft .net" folder under SetupPrerequisites in the install directory (c:\Program Files\InstallShield\2011 SAB) is missing. It should have a folder "3.5", which should have a folder "Full", which should contain two files: dotnetfx35.exe and Helper.exe.
We have fixed this in our SAB installations by copying these files from the Full installation to the SAB installation.
Actually, we already had an InstallShield folder with the ISM in it, so we just created a SetupPrerequisites folder under there, put the same structure as should have been installed, and then added logic to the build such that if it sees this folder, it will copy everything in it down to the SAB install folder so that the build will succeed.
I'm answering my own question in the above paragraph; I wanted to put this out there for anyone else who might experience this issue.
Your observations are correct and I don't like the way InstallShield works ( by default ) as it encourages the magical (build) machine antipattern.
Instead, I prefer to edit the PRQ files and the ISM references to the PRQs ( ISSetupPrerequisites table, ISBuildSourcePath column ) and make everything use relative paths based on the ISPROJECTDIR path variable. I check then check all the PRQ files and redist files into my source control so that when my build pulls the tree everything can be found. This pattern can be made more complex if you are reusing redists across multiple builds but the concept is the same.
