What the difference between Release|AnyCPU and Release|ARM - visual-studio-2012

I'm working on WinRt version of my class library dll. Finally, after the huge "code cleanup" my project is on building step and I have two ways. To build the solution with Release|AnyCPU as usually or build it with Release|ARM (Which unclear for me). Which dependencies my dll will get or avoid in process of building, what will be different, will there a specific IL optimizations on a second way?

If you're only using managed code, there's no reason not to use Release|AnyCPU. This way the same package will be used for all three platforms (ARM, x86 and x64).
On the other hand, if your project references natively compiled library, you'll need to set a specific platform, like Release|ARM, that your native library is compiled for. If the native library is installed as an extension (e.g. SQLite for Windows Runtime), you'll be able to compile your app for all 3 target platforms, each one referencing the appropriate native library, though they will need to be individual packages instead of a single universal one.
You'll still be able to submit your app to the store as a single app even if it has 3 separate packages, one for each platform.


Possible to use a static library built from a different Android NDK?

The Android app I am working on is completely written in C++. I need to integrate it with a static library that also is written in C++. There is no dependency on STL in any of the projects.
The static library uses cmake to build. Unfortunately, the app is based on an old AOSP version of Android NDK and has no support for cmake.
I also have a newer version of Android NDK in a different directory. This version does support cmake toolchains.
I am thinking I will build the static library against the new NDK and use it in my main project. The ABI is the same for both the projects - armv7a.
I have tested this logic with a sample code. It seems to work. I am able to invoke methods in the static library from my main app.
Also, there are no name-mangling issues.
The question I have is if there is any issue I am overlooking.
I am thinking it should not matter that the compilers used to build the sources are different. As long as they are producing arm-compatible code, I should be able to able to integrate them.
As a matter of fact, another library that I am using, gstreamer, is available for download as pre-built binaries at https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/pkg/android.
Please advice.
For those interested, mixing NDKs doesn't seem to be an issue as long as you follow certain guidelines. Some of them are listed at https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/cpp-support.
Essentially, there is no problem if your project is 'C' based. However, if you are using C++, you must not use STL.
I have managed to build part of my code with two NDKs and I am not seeing any link time or runtime errors.

Distribute wxWidgets applications on Linux platforms

I started to learn wxWidgets some days ago and I found it really good, but when I tried to "export" it to another platform, it didn't work. I expected that, but when I searched how to distribute wxWidgets apps, I didn't find that much, except to install all the wxWidgets library on that platform.
I use Debian 10, while the other platform where I need to export my app uses Lubuntu. It says that it needs a wxgtk3.0 library, but I guess that library will need even more libraries.
How do I export my wxWidgets application without asking the user to manually install and build all the library on its platform? Maybe even using .deb package (if really needed). Thanks in advance.
Please understand that every single distribution uses it own format comparing to Windows where there is an Installation Wizard or OSX where there is a Bundle.
Now, you can create a deb file where you set everything up.
So you can create an rpm (which is basically the same thing as deb, just for different distribution).
This is the best way as it ensures that all dependencies and their versions are satisfied.
Hope this helps!
Many Linux distributions have wxWidgets packages, so one possibility would be to simply ask users to install these packages when they need to use your application. This is not really different from installing GTK libraries or even X11 (or Wayland) that your application also depends on -- the only difference is that these libraries are almost surely already installed on any Linux desktop system, while wxWidgets ones might not be.
Another alternative is to link your application statically with wxWidgets libraries. This will make it much bigger and will prevent the users from upgrading the libraries on their system to improve the application behaviour, but can be simpler for the users to install. Note that if you choose the static linking route, you typically need to build your application on the oldest distribution you want to support (which is probably not Debian 10, which is relatively recent), as this is a simple way to ensure that it doesn't require newer versions of the (other, non-wx) libraries than the ones already present on the user's system.

Application deployment with 3rd-party dependencies for both Linux and Windows, using CMake and Conan

I'm working on a project, which targets both Windows and Linux (and possible in the future MacOS). It consists of some applications with several shared libraries. It is written in modern C++ and modern CMake. It also uses 3rd-party libraries like Qt, OpenCV, Boost, GraphicsMagick, samplerate, sndfile. Those dependencies are handled through Conan package manager. I'm building both on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04, GCC 8.1) and Windows (via WSL - also Ubuntu 18.04, MinGW-w64 8.1). I'm using fairly recent versions of 3rd-party libraries with custom built options (strictly speaking - different versions than available on Ubuntu's APT, e.g. Qt v5.11.3, or custom built of GraphicsMagick)
I'm using CPack. On Windows I'm building NSIS installer, but on Linux I would like to use DEB generator (may be other if needed). All of my targets (written apps and shared libs) have appropriate CMake's INSTALL configurations, so they are copied correctly into the generated installers (component based installation). The real problem comes with packaging of 3rd-party dependencies.
Strictly speaking, I have no idea, how to do it well using CMake+CPack+Conan, both on Linux and Windows. I've read a lot of articles and posts, but I'm stucked. I would like to have something, that automatically bundles into the installer all 3rd party libraries used by project with needed plugins and, what is the most important, with needed system/compiler libraries (libgomp, libstdc++ and so on).
Possible solution
To my surprise, on Windows, this task is fairly easy, because every DLL used by app (my libs, 3rd-party libs and system/compiler libs) needs to be located where executable is. I'm engaging Conan into this, by importing all used DLLs into bin directory. In the end, in most naive way of packaging, I will just copy the bin directory into the installer and it should work. But I'm not sure, if this approach is OK.
On Linux, things are more complicated. First, there is arleady a package manager. Unfortunately, libraries/compilers available there are too old for me (e.g. on APT there is only Qt 5.9.6 ) and are built using different compile options. So, the only way for me is to ship them with my software (like in Windows). There are also issues with searching for dynamic libraries by ld, RPATH handling and so on. At the moment, the only solution I see is to write something like 'launcher' for my app, which sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH before program starts. After that, in this case we can just copy bin or lib directory to the DEB installer and this should work. But still, I don't know if this is correct approach.
Other solutions
I've also looked into other solutions. One of them was BundleUtilities from CMake. It doesn't work for me. It has a lot of problems in recognizing, whether some library is system or local one. Especially in WSL, where it stucked in processing dependencies to USER32.dll, KERNEL32.dll. BundleUtilities in Windows worked for me only with MSYS, but in MSYS I've failed to compile some 3rd-party libraries (GraphicsMagicks via Conan) and that's the reason, why I'm using WSL.
I'm looking for good and verified method of packaging C++ projects with multiple apps, libs and shipped 3rd-party libs, both for Windows and Linux. How are you doing things like this? Are you just copying bin and/or lib dirs to the installers? How (in terms of CMake/CPack code) are you doing that? INSTALL(DIRECTORY ...), or similar? I'm not sure, but I think that this problem should be already solved in the industry. ;)
Thanks for all suggestions.
First, Conan is a package manager for development, not for distribution, that's why you didn't find an easy way to solve your problem. Second, most of discussions are made at Conan issue, including bugs and questions. There you will find a big community + Conan devs which are very helpful.
with needed system/compiler libraries
This is not part of Conan. Why you don't use static linkage for system libraries?
Talking about CPack, we have an open discussion about it usage with Conan: https://github.com/conan-io/conan/issues/5655
Please, join us.
I see few options for your case:
on package method, run self.copy and all dependencies from self.cpp_deps, which includes all libraries, so you can run Cpack
Use Conan deploy generator to deploy all artifacts, and using a hook you can run cpack or any other installer tool
Out friend SSE4 is writing a new blog post about Deployment + Conan, I think it can help you a lot. You can read a preview here.

Is it possible to use media sdk (NDK) introduced in lollipop into a project to run on Android 16 +

I am trying to build a project using NDK media sdk, but I need it to run on older phones too (to support 90% of the market...). Now, I am able to include the libmediasdk.so & libOpenMAXAL.so manually, and it seem to link properly, but I am not sure this is a correct practice.
Moreover, the libraries (libmediasdk.so & libOpenMAXAL.so) are expected to be available on the target device, so unless I do copy them manually to the project/libs/arch-arm the application complains libraries are not found.
Have I gone too far ? :) hope not..
You can write code that optionally uses the new native media functions (libmediandk.so), but you can only use it on Android 21+. So if you want to support older android versions, you must make this codepath optional, allowing it to fail cleanly on other devices where libmediandk.so doesn't exist.
If the MediaCodec APIs are optional within your app and you are ok with them only being available on Android 21+, you can just make sure you build this into a separate lib (like libyourapp-media.so), and be ready to handle the case when System.loadLibrary() for this library fails.
However, if you want to use other native code components in your app, there's a few gotchas you need to know. If you build your app targeting android-21 and your native code uses certain functions (such as atof), it will only run on android-21 or newer (even if code using the function atof would build just fine for the older platforms). The reason for this is that the atof function didn't exist before, and calls to it were redirected to strtod. If you build your library targeting android-21, it will actually do the calls to atof instead, which doesn't exist in the older platform versions. This also goes for quite a number of other functions, not only atof. See http://b.android.com/73725 for details on this.
Therefore, if you want to use the new native media APIs in a library that should be loadable on older versions (except for the native media APIs that obviously won't work on older versions), you need to build your native components targeting an older android version. You'd need to duplicate the media/* headers from android-21, but instead of linking to libmediandk.so (-lmediandk in LOCAL_LDLIBS), you'd need to load this library at runtime using dlopen.
If you need to do the same on older platforms as well, you should use the MediaCodec API in java (which you can call via JNI). Then, there's little point in doing all of this extra work just to use the native version of the API on Android 21+, when you can use the java API on all versions (it works from Android 16, and more reliably since Android 18).

Is /nodefaultlib:msvcr100 the proper approach to handling msvcr100.dll vs msvcr100d.dll defaultlib issue

For a cross-platform software project that builds on Linux and Windows we have distinct ways to handle third-party libraries. On Linux we build and link against the versions distributed with the CentOS/RHEL distribution, which means we link against release builds, whereas on Windows we maintain our own third-party library "packages" and on Windows we build two versions of every library - a release version that links msvcr100 and msvcp100 and a debug version that links msvcr100d and msvcp100d.
My question is simply whether it is necessary to build the debug version of the third-party dependencies on Windows or can we simply use /nodefaultlib:msvcr100 when building debug builds of our own software.
A follow up question: Where can I learn about good practices in this regard. I've read the MSDN pages about the msvc runtime, but there is very little there in terms of recommendations.
Let me rephrase the question more concisely. With VS2010, what is the problem with using /nodefaultlib:msvcr100 to link an executable build with /MDd when linking with libraries that are compiled with /MD.
My motivation for this is to avoid to have to build both release and debug version of third party libraries that I use. Also I want my debug build to run faster.
From the document for /MD, /MT, /LD (Use Run-Time Library):
MD: Causes your application to use the multithread- and DLL-specific version of the run-time library. Defines _MT and _DLL and causes the compiler to place the library name MSVCRT.lib into the .obj file.
Applications compiled with this option are statically linked to MSVCRT.lib. This library provides a layer of code that allows the linker to resolve external references. The actual working code is contained in MSVCR100.DLL, which must be available at run time to applications linked with MSVCRT.lib
/MDd: Defines _DEBUG, _MT, and _DLL and causes your application to use the debug multithread- and DLL-specific version of the run-time library. It also causes the compiler to place the library name MSVCRTD.lib into the .obj file.
So there is no documentation for any difference done to the generated code other than _DEBUG being defined.
You only use the Debug build of the CRT to debug your app. It contains lots of asserts to help you catch mistakes in your code. You never ship the debug build of your project, always the Release build. Nor can you, the license forbids shipping msvcr100d.dll. So building your project correctly automatically avoids the dependency on the debug version of the CRT.
The /nodefaultlib linker option was intended to allow linking your program with a custom CRT implementation. Quite rare but some programmers care a lot about building small programs and the standard CRT isn't exactly small.
Some programmers use the /nodefaultlib has a hack around a link problem. Induced when they link code that was built with Debug configuration settings with code built with Release configuration settings. Or link code that has incompatible CRT choices, /MD vs /MT. This can work, no guarantee, but of course only sweeps the real problem under the floor mat.
So no, it is not the proper choice, fixing the core problem should be your goal. Ensure that all your .obj and .lib files are built with the same compiler options and you won't have this problem. If that means that you have to pester a library owner for a proper build then pester first, hack around it only when you've discovered that you don't want to have a dependency on that .lib anymore but don't yet have the time to find an alternative.
