How do I truly reset every setting in Visual Studio 2012? - visual-studio-2012

I am trying to reset every single setting inside Visual Studio as I have completely lost all IntelliSense. I tried the Tools -> Import/Export settings -> Reset, but that is not clearing all the settings. I know it is not since the color theme was not reset, and I still do not have IntelliSense. Short of uninstalling and deleting every trace of the program including the registry, is there another way to reset every single setting to the factory default?

Visual Studio has multiple flags to reset various settings:
/ResetUserData - (AFAICT) Removes all user settings and makes you set them again. This will get you the initial prompt for settings again, clear your recent project history, etc.
/ResetSettings - Restores the IDE's default settings, optionally resets to the specified VSSettings file.
/ResetSkipPkgs - Clears all SkipLoading tags added to VSPackages.
/ResetAddin - Removes commands and command UI associated with the specified Add-in.
The last three show up when running devenv.exe /?. The first one seems to be undocumented/unsupported/the big hammer. From here:
Disclaimer: you will lose all your environment settings and customizations if you use this switch. It is for this reason that this switch is not officially supported and Microsoft does not advertise this switch to the public (you won't see this switch if you type devenv.exe /? in the command prompt). You should only use this switch as the last resort if you are experiencing an environment problem, and make sure you back up your environment settings by exporting them before using this switch.

How to hard reset Visual Studio instance
When developing extensions sometimes you just mess up, others someone else does. If you start getting errors loading even the most mundane extensions, these are the instructions to hard reset your instance.
Close Visual Studio (if you haven’t already).
Open the registry editor (regedit.exe)
Delete the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\{version}
Delete the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\{version}_Config
Delete the %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\{version} directory.
Enjoy your brand new Visual Studio instance.
Use {version}=10.0 for Visual Studio 2010
Use {version}=11.0 for Visual Studio 2012
Use {version}=12.0 for Visual Studio 2013
If on the other side you want to reset the experimental hive you can do the same to with the ‘{version}Exp’ ones.
Happy coding!

Click on Tools menu > Import and Export Settings > Reset all settings > Next > "No, just reset settings, overwriting all current settings" > Next > Finish.

To reset your settings
On the Tools menu, click Import and Export Settings.
On the Welcome to the Import and Export Settings Wizard page, click Reset all settings and then click Next.
If you want to delete your current settings combination, choose No, just reset settings, overwriting all current settings, and then click Next. Select the programming language(s) you want to reset the setting for.
Click Finish.
The Reset Complete page alerts you to any problems encountered during the reset.

Executing the command: Devenv.exe /ResetSettings like :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE>devenv.exe /ResetSettings , resolved my issue :D
For more:

Just repair Visual Studio itself from the control panel and that should do the trick!

1) Run Visual Studio Installer
2) Click More on your Installed version and select Repair
3) Restart
Worked on Visual Studio 2017 Community


Visual Studio crashing when trying to diff or compare files

I'm using TFS for source control and the other day I undocked my laptop while running VS. I couldn't connect to the internet and then unfortunately there was an unexpected shutdown. Since then I have not been able to go into pending changes and compare the file to it's previous version. When I do, it crashes Visual Studio.
I can change the user tool in Options > Source Control > Visual Studio Team Foundation Server to use a third party diff checker and it works no problem. However, I've gotten used to Visual Studio's diff checker and would like to continue using it, if only because it doesn't open a separate window to diff in.
Since I'm not sure as to the source of the problem, my question is two-fold:
First, how do I fix Visual Studio's diff checker and stop it from crashing every time I try to compare with previous version.
Or, if the issue lies with TFS, why is it crashing and how do I fix it?
Click on Visual Studio Menu:
TOOLS > Options
Then on Left Panel:
Text Editor > HTML > Advanced
And finally on Right Panel:
Extension Management > Identify Helpful Extensions
Change this setting to false.
This is an old question, but I needed to fix this recently, so the bug still exists!
I solved this problem by going to Tools -> Options -> Source control -> Plug-in Selection and changing the plug-in to "Git"
Try to disable ability to Identify Helpful Extensions:
Go to Tools->Options->Text Editor->Html->Advanced->Extension Management->Identify Helpful Extensions and switch to false.
You can start VS in safe mode with "/SafeMode" param.

Visual studio 2012 crashes when I try to edit .hlsl or .fx files

Visual studio 2012 crashes when I try to edit .hlsl or .fx files, even after I disabled all of my extensions. I also uninstalled Parallel NSight and NShader but the syntax highlighting still shows up for these file types (and seems to be the cause of the problem). Renaming my shader file to have a different extension doesn't cause any problems. Is there a way to manually remove custom syntax highlighting rules?
Resetting the user data solved my problem.
devenv.exe /ResetUserData - Removes all user settings and makes you set them again. This will get you the initial prompt for settings again, clear your recent project history, etc.
How do I truly reset every setting in Visual Studio 2012?
Make sure you have all updates/service packs installed. I don't know if there were any VS 2012 service packs, I use VS 2008 SP1 which is last really stable version known to me.
Rename or move temporarily your Visual Studio 2012 folder which is located in "Documents". Visual Studio will create new one.
Open VS and see if it helped. If not - problem is elsewhere, so rename/move your Visual Studio 2012 folder back and go to step 3.
Backup your Visual Studio settings (Tools -> Import and export settings -> Export...) and then reset them to default (Tools -> Import and export settings -> Reset...).
Open VS and try again. If settings reset didn't helped - restore your settings from backup. If it helped - you can import settings by categories and see which one is messed up.
Reinstall Visual Studio, something must be messed up in Program Files.

Pressing Ctrl + S automatically opens Output window

Whenever i press Ctrl+S from keyboard or whenever i click on any file in Solution Explorer it automatically opens output window only in Visual Studio 2012.
I tried
Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Show output window when build starts
I am using Visual Studio Professional 2012
But its just not working. Its irritates a lot. Please suggest how to get rid of it.
if someone is facing this issue in visual studio community 2015, in my case the issue was caused because of the use of Backup and sync utility from google, I have synced my source directory to my google drive to maintain the latest copy of source backed up.
The backup utility locks the file which you might be editing for syncing it to cloud storage. since the file is locked by another process, the visual studio cannot save the changes in the file.
The fix was to pause the syncing for the time you are doing frequent changes.
In your case, it might be some other process which might be locking the file.
If you're using an extension, one of them could be the reason.
I had the same problem while saving the CMakeLists.txt files. I checked one of the extension's setting, "CMake Tools", it has a "Cmake: Reveal Log" settings which causing this problem. I simply deactivated it
I suggest you to check extensions' settings or try to find on settings with searching "output", "focus" etc.

VMDebugger add-in crashes each time Visual Studio opens up

I'm experiencing the following error each time I open up an instance of VS 2012, for about a week
(so it's not due to the yesterday's Update 4).
Even if I click Yes, the error is shown again when I re-open Visual Studio.
Anyway, the VMWare debugger seems to be correctly loaded
(actually I don't use it, it came with VMWare workstation).
I can't isolate a single operation that caused the error to start appearing.
Anyone is experiencing the same error?
[Edit] See Attilas answer for a much easier solution producing the same result [/Edit]
For anyone who could not solve this problem by re-installing the VMWare plug-in but do not want to sacrifice all his VS settings, here is a solution that did work for me:
Export 'Menu and Command Bar Customizations' VS settings only using
Tools => Import and Export Settings... => Export selected environment settings
Deselect 'All Settings'
Select only 'All Settings/General Settings/Menu and Command Bar Customizations'
Open exported .vssettings file in a text editor, scroll to the end and remove the entry <add_toolbar Menu=... Name='VMware' .../> in the UserCustomizations section
Import edited .vssettings file using
Tools => Import and Export Settings... => Import selected environment settings
and restart Visual Studio to check if the error has gone.
I know this is an old thread, but I solved this problem with a rather simple step. Had the same scenario, clicking Yes in the popup window didn't change a thing.
What worked for me: you should start VS as an administrator, wait for the popup window and click Yes. After that the popup never came up again (even when VS was run as a non-administrator). So there was no need for me to uninstall the VMWare pluging (or the whole VMWare WS).
Run the VMware Workstation installer
Choose Modify/Change
Uncheck Visual Studio Plugin
Problem gone!
Run the VMware Workstation installer
Choose Modify/Change
Check Visual Studio Plugin
Problem back again!
one possible solution:
Tools => Import and Export Settings => Reset all settings
seems to work for me.
VS 2013
Tools > Customize.. > Toolbars
Here I selected VMware and clicked Delete button.
I really don't use this plugin, this was the easiest solution for me.
None of the solutions here worked for me since I have already uninstalled vmware a long time ago and I was not willing to re-install it again.
MSDN suggests that there should be a registry key under
Root\Software\Microsoft\Visual Studio\...\AddIns\...
for VMdebugger, just delete that entry (the whole folder) and it'll be gone.
This worked for me:
completely uninstall VMWare workstation, reinstall it (select or deselect the VS plugin as you wish)
old school
If the option to install for all users was requested these Registry entries must also be removed.
They correspond to the following HKCU entries. Hunt and kill.
From VS2012 menu bar select [Tools] [Add-in Manager]
Then check mark the radio box to install VMDebugger.
Worked on my system:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012
Version 11.0.61030.00 Update 4
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.5.51209
Installed Version: Professional
Visual Studio Integrated Virtual Machine Debugger

Why don't tabs open automatically when I reopen my solution?

I have an ASP.NET MVC4 application solution (.sln). When I close Visual Studio and then reopen it and my solution, my tabs and my navigation structure in the solution explorer do not restore to the way they were.
The solution is big and it takes me a long time to reopen many tabs and open lots of folders in the solution explorer.
Is there an option in VS that would allow me to restore the solution to where it was when I left it?
I've already done "Reset all settings" in the Import and Export Settings Wizard, but it didn't help.
I've also tried booting VS in /SafeMode which disables any extensions. No difference.
Searching around I can't see anyone have similar issues.
As far as I know the .suo-File saves which files are opened. Try to delete this file (VS will generate it new) and make sure that windows-file-permissions are set correct (read, write access).
I had the same problem with Visual Studio 2013, and I solved it by doing this:
Export my current settings, making sure to UNMARK General Settings > Window Layouts.
Re-import the settings I just exported, but making sure I left General Settings > Window Layouts MARKED now (so it would overwrite the current Window Layouts with the "clean slate" of the imported settings.
Perhaps you can try the Workspace Reloader plugin that Scott Hanselman blogged about?
You can install it from here -
Got this issue also for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition.
How to fix :
First, be sure, that tools->Project and solutions->General:'Reopen documents on solution load' and 'Restore Solution Explorer project hierarchy state on solution load' enabled
Second, just close VS and delete .vs folder, then re-start VS.
Works fine for me
