how to know the height of a control? I get NaN - c#-4.0

I have an application that use the MVVM pattern. In the main view model, I create a view and its viewmodel of another control.
I need to know the height of the control, but when I create the control, if I see the Height value of the control I get NaN.
I use this code in my main view model:
miSecondControl = new mySecondControl(param1, param2);
double myHeight = miSecondControl.height;
This secondary control does not use the MVVM patter but it has code behind, because I only want to use it to print a fixed document, so I think that in this case MVVM would make more complex the solution.
I need the heigh property of the control to know if I need to create a new page because I don't have space in the actual page.

Height/Width are values that are specified at design/layout time.
Use FrameworkElement.ActualHeight and FrameworkElement.ActualWidth to get the rendered Height/Width of a control.


What exactly does layout_scrollFlags = "snapMargins" do?

I've read the documentation of this attribute:
An additional flag to be used with 'snap'. If set, the view will be snapped to its top and bottom margins, as opposed to the edges of the view itself.
But I can't observe any actual effect in my app. What margin are they talking about? Every margin on the CollapsingToolbarLayout (on which this attribute is set) completely destroys the layout.
Not sure if it's useful yet, but here is the difference:)
If you pass snap as scroll flag, then it will move your view (in my case this search bar, it's linearLayout) to it's edge NOT INCLUDING the margin_layout
Then I've tried snap|snapMargin and it moved with the margin
P.S. No idea why snapMargin doesn't work without snap ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This attribute is responsible for a scrolling behavior of AppBarLayout and its children. You can apply it directly to AppBarLayout or on the inside views, in the xml layout of your AppCompatActivity. It has to be an instance of AppCompatActivity if you want to use AppBar features. Also, the design library must be included in Gradle dependencies, like so: implementation ''
Please refer this link:-[][1]

reuse and extend PresenterWidget GWTP?

i am new to GWT and GWTP and the question sounds stupid.. Can I make an abstract PresenterWidget or similiar?
Like in normal Java extending the "class" and reuse / extend the logic. But not only the class, the whole thing of View and Presenter. I try to explain my initial situation and maybe you have another idea.
The image hopefully helps to explain it. The "Main-Tab" and every other tab consists of a collection of views which have the same base structure and the same logic.
the base structure consists of
border around EVERYTHING
an image (the wwitch)
a title
a textarea
a PresenterWidget which is added to a contentSlot of the parent (the menu left)
and below the base are view specific components like buttons, text or any other widget. So a main part of the view with logic is repeading. If the switch is "toggled" the view is hidden (the textarea and any childs / view specific components) like the lowest view in the picture. Furthermore the PresenterWidget left changes the color.
The logic is working, but now I am searching a proper way to solve this without repeading code and the possibility to add child elements which are hidden as well by toggling the switch. Can I add to a PresenterWidget child widgets and define where there should be added? like: Even if this is possible, it feels a bit inconvenient.
Thanks in advance.
I just want to post the solution:
I have now a simple Composite (KPICommonView) for the switch, title and the description. It got another FlowPanel below the description, where the specific components will be added later. For this the Composite implements "HasWidgets" and overrides the "add(Widget w)"-method which is called by UiBinder if the Widget is added and has child elements.
<own:KPICommonView title="First Header" description="I am a happy description :)" anchorToken="{nameAnchors.getFirst}">
<g:Label>child component</g:Label>
I am not sure if I do a PresenterWidget for every segment and every PresenterWidget has one of the KPICommonView added, or if I do one normal Presenter which adds more than one of the CommonViews.
The CommonView furhter creates the PresenterWidget for the menu item on the side. It gets the attributes from the constructor (anchorToken, title) and adds it to the slot (which happens ugly, because the View has hard coded the parent saved to call "addInSlot()". The repeading code for the switch is handled by the KPICommonView.

Dynamically add / remove editable area to custom control embedded in XPage

Okay... this is a little difficult to explain but I will try my best.
In Custom Control while adding properties in Property Definition we can set "Allow multiple instances" which allows us to add multiple instances of that property when the control is embedded in XPage.
Similarly, I need to know whether it is possible to add (and remove) Editable Areas in a custom control when it is embedded in XPage? What I plan is that I would have a repeat control inside my custom control and I would be able to put the contents in each editable area in every loop of that repeat.
Is this the right way to go about or am I looking at this problem incorrectly? Any solution not involving editable areas is also welcome :)
Update 4 Apr 2013:
A use case context I am looking for is a simple carousel where contents of each screen in carousel can have different contents. These contents would be put into each (dynamically added) editable area. The contents can be very different from each other with one screen containing only text, other only image and another both image and text.
Look at the table walker example in the 26 original exercises. It does mostly what you are looking for (conceptually). You won't need multiple editable areas. Whatever is inside the repeat gets repeated.
What you want to do is to give the control a custom property "boolean editMode" so you can render that one line to be edited - if that's the UI pattern you want to follow.
You also could consider a dojo table with Ajax which allows for a familiar spreadsheet UI

how to set lwuit textarea scrolling false

I want to add large string content to a container dynamically.
There are 60 different contents(strings) to be displayed in this container.
To add the string to container, I am adding a TextArea(empty border with 100% transparency).
The problem is that TextArea offers scroll and I do not want it to scroll. Instead I want to grow(increase height) according to content. I am unable to achieve this.
Can you help me out with this?
Or can I use any other component for the purpose?
I am using LWUIT with J2ME.
You can derive text area and return false for isScrollableY() although it should generally work seamlessly even if you don't do that (since your parent layout is scrollable). Is it possible you changed the text area and don't revalidate the parent form on the EDT?
There are problems with text area layout when it is modified by a separate thread (race condition with the layout code).
First put the TextArea.setSingleLineTextArea(false) , and grow by content true.

How place the components the front of another one?

I want to place the components A and B over component with List. I need that would text of list will be to visible. I can not find which layout can do it.
How this behavior is in lwuit? What solutions exist?
The question is somewhat unclear, jmunoz answer is correct if you want component's A and B to reside at the bottom of the screen and the list to scroll above. However from the drawing it seems you want an "always on top" effect which you can achieve either via a glass pane (for non-interactive components) or via the LayeredLayout class.
This is actually quite simple using the following:
myForm.setLayout(new LayeredLayout());
// will occupy the entire area of the form but should be scrollable
Container south = new Container(new BorderLayout());
south.addComponent(BorderLayout.SOUTH, whateverYouWantToPlaceOnTopInTheSouth);
You must do the following:
The Form must not do scroll. Use Form.setScrollable(false). Set the layout of the ´Form´ to BORDER_LAYOUT, myForm.setLayout(new BorderLayout()) . Ok in BorderLayoutyou can put the components in the Form as you want.
Put the Listcomponent in the center of the BorderLayout with myForm.addComponent(BorderLayout.CENTER, List) and the other two elements in the south of the layout using
Container southContainer = new Container();
myForm.addComponent(BorderLayout.SOUTH, southContainer)
With this you can get a scrollable Listand two elements always visible.
