Generate token after login nodejs API - node.js

I am creating an API using nodejs and express. I need to provide local username/password authentication. I may need to provide additional authentication in the future so I am using passportjs as it seems the most flexible/plug-able.
The API will be used by a web application as well as a mobile application. Instead of having to pass the username/password with every single api request I was thinking I could let the user login and provide the client with a token. The client can store the token and provide that on each api request.
I have looked at using JWT tokens ie, However I am not really sure how to create a secure token with JWT. I have read that using the username in a token is a bad idea. Has anyone use JWT in node to create tokens. Got an example?
Any other modules for node that I can take a look at for token generation.

node-uuid is the module you are looking for. I use it to authenticate the users and any task that requires a random and unique identifier. Encoding the credentials in the token is generally a bad idea.

It was already built into nodes crypto pacakge.


What are the recommended strategies for authorising API calls from my react native application to my node server?

I have a react native application that I want to make API calls from. I am getting confused about how I should be authorising these calls on the node back end.
Method 1:
User logs in to application and authenticates, I then return a JWT with refresh token. This is then stored client side / in react native app and is sent upon each request. If token expires, then refresh using refresh token.
Method 2:
Create API key for each client. When a user creates an account, I create an API key (or maybe access key and secret key like AWS does) and send that with each request.
Is there a preferred / recommend method out of these two? Perhaps they are not mutually exclusive? Do I still need to provide an API key to my react native app so that it can make API calls and then I use JWT for authenticating users?
In my personal opinion,
You may go for the Method 1, since it is not secure to store / create API keys or Secret keys on the client side.
JWT are more secure, you may read the following article
In the Method 2, you will most probably try this approach
Generate Api key based on client IP or the device token, whatever suits you, and set an expiration time including the AES techniques, then decrypt it on the server, check the client's IP against the requestor IP and also the expiration time.
Complexity and time taken to do Method 2 is much more that Method 1, also considering I might have not covered all the security use cases.
Do I still need to provide an API key to my react native app so that it can make API calls and then I use JWT for authenticating users
You can make the http calls normally. The recommended way is call your token generation api and then authenticate other valuable api's based on that token if you're using JWT
Hope it helps.

ReST API: Should I associate the access token with a user in my database

I am building a secure ReST API on a nodeJS server so that my Android application can access the data on my site. Based on reading some other posts, I've come to understand that I should use an access token. So my idea is to do the following:
1) When the user logs in on the Android app, the app sends a request to /api/login on my site, providing the username and password (this of course needs to happen over SSL to guard against eavesdropping).
2) My server validates that the username + password match, and, if so, responds with an access token.
3) The app uses this access token to make all subsequent requests to my API.
My question is should I store the access token in the database on my server? Specifically, should I store the fact that the access token is associated with that particular user? Most tutorials I looked at did not do this, but if I don't, then what is to stop a user with this access token modifying or viewing the data of another user? Don't I need to pair an access token with a user in my database?
try using this library, i did the same type of project and this life saver was my solution.
If you need to build a secure API the things are little more complicated. You need to sign the access token with a private keystore.
Would it be a option to use a authentication service like Auth0? They are generating a JWT token for you and you only need to validate this token. The API is completely stateless. You can find a lib for almost any programming language on their website.
What you want to do is exactly HTTP Sessions do.
So, I think you can just use HTTP Session functionality It's already implemented in WAS frameworks like Django, Spring etc. If NodeJS provide session functionality, Just use session functionality in the framework. If not, look up the HTTP Session library. Maybe you can find many library that treat session implementation.

How to combine node express with passport providers and jwt?

I'm writing a single page web app using express and react.
I am now trying to choose the way to authenticate my users.
I want to let them register and log in with email and password and 3rd party provider like Facebook, Google etc...
I read some articles about passport and jwt (express-with-passport, jwt-with-passport), but none of them combined jwt and 3rd party provider.
The only way I could think of is to save the tokens in my db, and for each request to compare them (tokens provided by a 3rd party and tokens generated by myself using jwt)
Saving the token from a provider in my db and compare with each request makes sense, but using jwt I just need to verify the token without accessing the db.
How can I differ the tokens that I receive from the client? How can I tell when to access the db (for provider tokens) and when to verify using jwt?
The way of implementation I was thinking about is as follows:
- Username & password: Upon login, generate a token (using jwt) and send it to the client. Every request will include the token and the server will verify it.
- 3rd party provider: Let's say that the user is authenticated with Facebook. My server receive the token (using passport-js) from Facebook. Now I need to send the client its token. I could send the token I just received from facebook, but then how can I verify the token the client send to me afterward on every request?
So I could generate once again a token using jwt and work just like described above.
Is this a good implementation or am I missing something? I couldn't find
a full tutorial that describe all of those aspects.
Rather than using a token that an identity provider might give you, you might consider generating your own tokens based on a successful login callback to your application. Issue new tokens on every request for sliding expiration, and possibly consider the use of refresh tokens.
In your DB, you could store the authentication method for a given user (Facebook / Google / etc.) when they log in. When you receive a request with an invalid token, query for this auth method from the DB, then redirect them to the respective identity provider for re-authentication.
This will avoid DB lookups for most "normal" JWT validations for your app and gives you the full benefits of the stateless nature of the token.

nodejs authentication using api

I am building an application which needs to authenticate from another application (via api)which provides response status(success, failure) and an access-token.I need simple authentication where when user supplies correct credentials, I hit the api and save the authentication user name and access-token in session and have a persistent session.I have tried looking passport http and other strategies.But I don't think they serve this use case?Kindly let me know if I am wrong and what is the easy and effective way to achieve this.
You don't need store access-token in session.
The easiest way is use JWT (JSON Web Token) - When user sends username\password credentials to your API, you check if these credentials is correct. After that you are signing JWT and respond to the client.
When client sends to you signed access-token, you can check it with passport-jwt module -

Restful API Authentication and Session management for Express.js

I have been researching on RESTful authentication alot, and I still can't get a very clear idea, how can I design my web architecture. I have many questions that are unanswered.
I want my API to be served to mobile and web too and I am using Express v4.
I don't want to use Basic Authentication, as many posts have suggested as a simple way out, or I can use the Passport middleware, but I want to use token based authentication or something similar or better,and I want to make my authentication, so I could understand better, but I am not sure how can I achieve it.
I will simplify my intended authentication architecture below:
Registration of a new user
Client side
Post username and password to server
(I know if you want to make the connection secured is to use https connection, or else I will expose my credentials, or you got any other options besides https? or else I will need to use the public and private key with timestamp and hash my credentials before sending to server? How can i do this? Is there any other better option?
Server side
Hashed the password using salt cryptography, and stored the hashed password and salt, then generate a token ID and sent to the client, and the token ID is stored in sessions or using the REDIS database?
Isn't that using sessions violates REST again? But, if I don't use sessions, how can I store the token ID and compare it with the client side?
Client side
Since now I have the token ID, how can I store on client side?
Should I use cookie? If yes, will this violate the RESTful? And how can my mobile application store the cookie too?
What other options can I have besides cookie? I can't think of any.
Authorizing API
Client side
Now, I have the token ID, I will place this in the authorization header each time I would like to make a request to the server.
Server side
When a request is received, the server will check the token API, and compare it with the session token, if it is true, request allow else reject
Is this a standard way for Express application authorization?
I am sorry for the lengthy post, but I feel that I should really master the authentication and authorization because it is important. I do hope someone can correct my misconception of REST authentication and answer my questions or suggest me a better way to do it.
Send the user credentials encoded over https
To compare the token at the client side you can either keep it in map or in Redis store corresponding to user id and match it to consider user authenticated. It does not kills the significance of Rest as in Rest as well authorization tokens are sessions only which after expiry
Express does not have any specific or standard method of authorization , it only enables you to use any db in backend to perform authentication and authorization as required by your application
Your solution is the use JWT tokens for your authentication .You can read more about JWT at
With JWT tokens you can have a token base auth system with no sessions UID at cookies , but you have to implement logic to handle tokens that have sign out something like blacklist tokens.
