I'm producing a Perl module that provides an OO interface for a 3rd party API. I want to capture and store the user's password in an encrypted format before it is transmitted to the 3rd party API. The module is intended to be run on UNIX-based systems only.
I've produced the following script that performs the capture function - is this correct in the sense that it only stores the password variable in an encrypted format? I'm concerned that the password may be available in memory elsewhere (e.g. under $_ although $_ is undef).
NB. I'm using STDIN rather than #ARGV with the assumption that the OS will not log the entry or include the password in the process name. I'm using a substitute regex rather than chomp so that the input would not have to be stored in a temporary non-encrypted variable. I'm also assuming that it is not possible to be completely secure in the sense that input capture software could still capture the user's input.
Thanks in advance
use strict;
use warnings;
use Crypt::CBC;
use 5.14.0;
print 'Please enter your password: ';
system('tty -echo');
my $key = Crypt::CBC->random_bytes(56);
my $iv = Crypt::CBC->random_bytes(8);
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(-key => $key,
-cipher => 'Blowfish',
-salt => 1,
my $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt(<STDIN> =~ s/\n$//r);
system('tty echo');
$ strace perl -E '<STDIN>'
.... scroll, scroll, scroll ....
... type, type, type ....
"secret\n", 4096) = 7
exit_group(0) = ?
I don't think that you can prevent someone with sufficient access rights from peeking inside your system calls or memory.
That's tough.
Run your encrypting code as a separate process, child of the main code, which process reads from STDIN and returns the encrypted password (and perhaps key). In that way, the code using your module will itself never hold the plaintext in memory.
Sure, tracing and memory inspection (and system memory inspection after process death) of the child helper will reveal the plaintext. The same techniques will reveal key and ciphertext read from a child helper, too. However, if the scenario against which you wish to defend is accidental retention of the plaintext in your process — in a complex object or a closure or I-didn't-know-a-temp-var-was-allocated-there — then do the work in a dedicated, short-lived process.
Sounds like you're implementing the Password Anti-pattern. That's a terrible idea - it teaches users to be phished. Please don't do that. You should look at using OAuth instead.
I am trying to figure out a way to implement decent crypto on a micro-controller project. I have an ARMv4 based MCU that will control my garage door and receive commands over a WiFi module.
The MCU will run a TCP/IP server, that will listen for commands from Android clients that can connect from anywhere on the Internet, which is why I need to implement crypto.
I understand how to use AES with shared secret key to properly encrypt traffic, but I am finding it difficult to deal with Replay Attacks. All solutions I see so far have serious drawbacks.
There are two fundamental problems which prevent me from using well
established methods like session tokens, timestamps or nonces:
The MCU has no reliable source of entropy, so I can't generate
quality random numbers.
The attacker can reset the MCU by cutting power to the garage,
thus erasing any stored state at will, and resetting time counter to
zero (or just wait 49 days until it loops).
With these restrictions in mind, I can see only one approach that seems
ok to me (i.e. I don't see how to break it yet). Unfortunately, this
requires non-volatile storage, which means writing to external flash,
which introduces some serious complexity due to a variety of technical details.
I would love to get some feedback on the following solution. Even better, is there a solution I am missing that does not require non-volatile storage?
Please note that the primary purpose of this project is education. I realize that I could simplify this problem by setting up a secure relay inside my firewall, and let that handle Internet traffic, instead of exposing the MCU directly. But what would be the fun in that? ;)
= Proposed Solution =
A pair of shared AES keys will be used. One key to turn a Nonce into an IV for the CBC stage, and another for encrypting the messages themselves:
Shared message Key
Shared IV_Key
Here's a picture of what I am doing:
1) Android takes current time in milliseconds (Ti) (64-bit long) and
uses it as a nonce input into the CBC stage to encrypt the command:
a) IV(i) = AES_ECB(IV_Key, Ti)
b) Ci = AES_CBC(Key, IV(i), COMMAND)
2) Android utilizes /dev/random to generate the IV_Response that the
MCU will use to answer current request.
3) Android sends [<Ti, IV_Response, Ci>, <== HMAC(K)]
4) MCU receives and verifies integrity using HMAC, so attacker can't
modify plain text Ti.
5) MCU checks that Ti > T(i-1) stored in flash. This ensures that
recorded messages can't be replayed.
6) MCU calculates IV(i) = AES_ECB(IV_Key, Ti) and decrypts Ci.
7) MCU responds using AES_CBC(Key, IV_Response, RESPONSE)
8) MCU stores Ti in external flash memory.
Does this work? Is there a simpler approach?
EDIT: It was already shown in comments that this approach is vulnerable to a Delayed Playback Attack. If the attacker records and blocks messages from reaching the MCU, then the messages can be played back at any later time and still be considered valid, so this algorithm is no good.
As suggested by #owlstead, a challenge/response system is likely required. Unless I can find a way around that, I think I need to do the following:
Port or implement a decent PRGA. (Any recommendations?)
Pre-compute a lot of random seed values for the PRGA. A new seed will be used for every MCU restart. Assuming 128-bit seeds, 16K of storage buys be a 1000 unique seeds, so the values won't loop until the MCU successfully uses at least one PRGA output value and restarts a 1000 times. That doesn't seem too bad.
Use the output of PRGA to generate the challenges.
Does that sound about right?
Having an IV_KEY is unnecessary. IVs (and similar constructs, such as salts) do not need to be encrypted, and if you look at image you linked to in the youtube video you'll see their description of the payload includes the IV in plaintext. They are used so that the same plaintext does not encode to the same ciphertext under the same key every time, which presents information to an attacker. The protection against the IV being altered is the HMAC on the message, not the encryption. As such, you can remove that requirement. EDIT: This paragraph is incorrect, see discussion below. As noted though, your approach described above will work fine.
Your system does have a flaw though, namely the IV_Response. I assume, from that you include it in your system, that it serves some purpose. However, because it is not in any way encoded, it allows an attacker to respond affirmatively to a device's request without the MCU receiving it. Let's say that your device's were instructing an MCU that was running a small robot to throw a ball. Your commands might look like.
1) Move to loc (x,y).
2) Lower anchor to secure bot table.
3) Throw ball
Our attacker can allow messages 1 and 3 to pass as expected, and block 2 from getting to the MCU while still responding affirmatively, causing our bot to be damaged when it tosses the ball without being anchored. This does have an imperfect solution. Append the response (which should fit into a single block) to the command so that it is encrypted as well, and have the MCU respond with AES_ECB(Key, Response), which the device will verify. As such, the attacker will not be able to forge (feasibly) a valid response. Note that as you consider /dev/random untrustworthy this could provide an attacker with plaintext-ciphertext pairs, which can be used for linear cryptanalysis of the key provided an attacker has a large set of pairs to work with. As such, you'll need to change the key with some regularity.
Other than that, your approach looks good. Just remember it is crucial that you use the stored Ti to protect against the replay attack, and not the MCU's clock. Otherwise you run into synchronization problems.
If the user knows the output from multiple digestions with a different message. Is that able to be so that the user can get the secret?
Example: Can the user find the unknown secret by knowing the following data?
Edit: updated to make a bit more sense.
unknown = ??;
(unknown+"A") = "";
SHA512(unknown+"B") = "";
SHA512(unknown+"C") = "";
.. etc ... ( can continue indefinitely )
can the unknown variable be discovered?
No secure hash function allows recovering a valid unknown input faster than brute force, even given a set of known plaintexts and hashes. That includes SHA512.
Also, note that HMAC-SHA512 is not implemented as you're suggesting. A system of SHA512(key+data) is vulnerable to a length extension attack: Given the hash for SHA512(key+"Hi"), an attacker can compute the hash for any string with that prefix, such as SHA512(key+"Hi, I'm a hacker") without knowing the key. The HMAC construction avoids this issue.
I want to write unformatted (binary) data to STDOUT in a Fortran 90 program. I am using AIX Unix and unfortunately it won't let me open unit 6 as "unformatted". I thought I would try and open /dev/stdout instead under a different unit number, but /dev/stdout does not exist in AIX (although this method worked under Linux).
Basically, I want to pipe my programs output directly into another program, thus avoiding having an intermediate file, a bit like gzip -c does. Is there some other way I can achieve this, considering the two problems I have encountered above?
I would try to convert the data by TRANSFER() to a long character and print it with nonadvancing i/o. The problem will be your processors' limit for the record length. If it is too short you will end up having an unexpected end of record sign somewhere. Also your processor may not write the unprintable characters the way you would like.
i.e., something like
character(len=max_length) :: buffer
buffer = transfer(data,buffer)
write(*,'(a)',advance='no') trim(buffer)
The largest problem I see in the unprintable characters. See also A suprise with non-advancing I/O
Another possibility, try to use file /proc/self/fd/1 or /dev/fd/1
write(11) 11
write(11) 1.1
This is more of a comment/addition to #VladimirF than a new answer, but I can't add those yet. You can first inquire about the location of the preconnected I/O units and then open the unformatted connection:
character(1024) :: stdout
inquire(6, name = stdout)
open(11, file = stdout, access = 'stream', action = 'write')
This is probably the most convenient way, but it uses stream access, a Fortran 2003 feature. Without this, you can only use sequential access (which adds header data to each record) or direct access (which does not add headers but requires a fixed record length).
Imagine a NIS user database /var/yp/input-files/passwd consisting of old crypt DES hashes. The aim is to migrate this database to md5 or sha hashes. When changing a password using yppasswd, it is generated using the same algorithm as for the existing entry (probably for legacy reasons), i.e. crypt stays crypt, md5 stays md5.
Our current plan is to write a special password change script wrapping yppasswd. Is there a more elegant way to tell yppasswd to generate changed passwords in md5 format by default?
I figured it out by now:
Download the nis-package of your distribution e.g. apt-get source nis under Debian.
Edit corresponding yp-tools-2.9/src/yppasswd.c
Replace int has_md5_passwd = 0; by int has_md5_passwd = 1; in the beginning of int main (int argc, char **argv)
yppasswd then always creates md5 hashes.
Recent Linux distributions support NIS password updates through PAM, which means you can use the local passwd program instead of yppasswd. This also means that you can configure the hash algorithm, which is still (as of yp-tools 2.12) not possible with yppasswd.
Your system should have an /etc/pam.d/passwd file, which will either contain or, more likely, refer to another file that contains a line of the form:
password sufficient pam_unix.so md5 nis
The second field might differ, and there might be other parameters at the end, but you want the password line that loads pam_unix.so and it should have at least the nis parameter as well as a hash function appropriate to your NIS server (md5, sha256, etc.)
Your distribution might have a better way of configuring this, though, so make sure your changes aren't going to be overwritten by an automated process later.
On RedHat-derived systems (including at least RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux, and Fedora), you need to use the authconfig program with at least the --enablenis parameter. For the above scenario with MD5 hashes, the following command line would be sufficient:
authconfig --enablenis --usemd5 --update
On Debian systems (and possibly Debian derivatives, but I can't check at the moment), the proper way to do this appears to be to copy /usr/share/pam-configs/unix to something else (say, /usr/share/pam-configs/nis), edit the new file to give it appropriate settings and a new profile name, then run pam-auth-update, disable the "Unix authentication" profile and enable your new profile.
Is it possible to "wipe" strings in Delphi? Let me explain:
I am writing an application that will include a DLL to authorise users. It will read an encrypted file into an XML DOM, use the information there, and then release the DOM.
It is obvious that the unencrypted XML is still sitting in the memory of the DLL, and therefore vulnerable to examination. Now, I'm not going to go overboard in protecting this - the user could create another DLL - but I'd like to take a basic step to preventing user names from sitting in memory for ages. However, I don't think I can easily wipe the memory anyway because of references. If I traverse my DOM (which is a TNativeXML class) and find every string instance and then make it into something like "aaaaa", then will it not actually assign the new string pointer to the DOM reference, and then leave the old string sitting there in memory awaiting re-allocation? Is there a way to be sure I am killing the only and original copy?
Or is there in D2007 a means to tell it to wipe all unused memory from the heap? So I could release the DOM, and then tell it to wipe.
Or should I just get on with my next task and forget this because it is really not worth bothering.
I don't think it is worth bothering with, because if a user can read the memory of the process using the DLL, the same user can also halt the execution at any given point in time. Halting the execution before the memory is wiped will still give the user full access to the unencrypted data.
IMO any user sufficiently interested and able to do what you describe will not be seriously inconvenienced by your DLL wiping the memory.
Two general points about this:
First, this is one of those areas where "if you have to ask, you probably shouldn't be doing this." And please don't take that the wrong way; I mean no disrespect to your programming skills. It's just that writing secure, cryptographically strong software is something that either you're an expert at or you aren't. Very much in the same way that knowing "a little bit of karate" is much more dangerous than knowing no karate at all. There are a number of third-party tools for writing secure software in Delphi which have expert support available; I would strongly encourage anyone without a deep knowledge of cryptographic services in Windows, the mathematical foundations of cryptography, and experience in defeating side channel attacks to use them instead of attempting to "roll their own."
To answer your specific question: The Windows API has a number of functions which are helpful, such as CryptProtectMemory. However, this will bring a false sense of security if you encrypt your memory, but have a hole elsewhere in the system, or expose a side channel. It can be like putting a lock on your door but leaving the window open.
How about something like this?
procedure WipeString(const str: String);
iSize := Length(str);
pData := PChar(str);
for i := 0 to 7 do
ZeroMemory(pData, iSize);
FillMemory(pData, iSize, $FF); // 1111 1111
FillMemory(pData, iSize, $AA); // 1010 1010
FillMemory(pData, iSize, $55); // 0101 0101
ZeroMemory(pData, iSize);
DLLs don't own allocated memory, processes do. The memory allocated by your specific process will be discarded once the process terminates, whether the DLL hangs around (because it is in use by another process) or not.
How about decrypting the file to a stream, using a SAX processor instead of an XML DOM to do your verification and then overwriting the decrypted stream before freeing it?
If you use the FastMM memory manager in Full Debug mode, then you can force it to overwrite memory when it is being freed.
Normally that behaviour is used to detect wild pointers, but it can also be used for what your want.
On the other hand, make sure you understand what Craig Stuntz writes: do not write this authentication and authorization stuff yourself, use the underlying operating system whenever possible.
BTW: Hallvard Vassbotn wrote a nice blog about FastMM:
Jeroen Pluimers
Messy but you could make a note of the heap size that you've used while you've got the heap filled with sensitive data then when that is released do a GetMem to allocate you a large chunk spanning (say) 200% of that. do a Fill on that chunk and make the assumption that any fragmentation is unlinkely to be of much use to an examiner.
How about keeping the password as a hash value in the XML and verify by comparing the hash of the input password with the hashed password in your XML.
Edit: You can keep all the sensitive data encrypted and decrypt only at the last possible moment.
Would it be possible to load the decrypted XML into an array of char or byte rather than a string? Then there would be no copy-on-write handling, so you would be able to backfill the memory with #0's before freeing?
Be careful if assigning array of char to string, as Delphi has some smart handling here for compatibility with traditional packed array[1..x] of char.
Also, could you use ShortString?
If your using XML, even encrypted, to store passwords your putting your users at risk. A better approach would be to store the hash values of the passwords instead, and then compare the hash against the entered password. The advantage of this approach is that even in knowing the hash value, you won't know the password which makes the hash. Adding a brute force identifier (count invalid password attempts, and lock the account after a certain number) will increase security even further.
There are several methods you can use to create a hash of a string. A good starting point would be to look at the turbo power open source project "LockBox", I believe it has several examples of creating one way hash keys.
But how does knowing the hash value if its one way help? If your really paranoid, you can modify the hash value by something prediticable that only you would know... say, a random number using a specific seed value plus the date. You could then store only enough of the hash in your xml so you can use it as a starting point for comparison. The nice thing about psuedo random number generators is that they always generate the same series of "random" numbers given the same seed.
Be careful of functions that try to treat a string as a pointer, and try to use FillChar or ZeroMemory to wipe the string contents.
this is both wrong (strings are shared; you're screwing someone else who's currently using the string)
and can cause an access violation (if the string happens to have been a constant, it is sitting on a read-only data page in the process address space; and trying to write to it is an access violation)
procedure BurnString(var s: UnicodeString);
If the string is actually constant (reference count of -1), then any attempt to burn it will be
an access violation; as the memory is sitting in a read-only data page.
But Delphi provides no supported way to get the reference count of a string.
It's also an issue if someone else is currently using the string (i.e. Reference Count > 1).
If the string were only referenced by the caller (with a reference count of 1), then
our function here, which received the string through a var reference would also have the string with
a reference count of one.
Either way, we can only burn the string if there's no other reference.
The use of UniqueString, while counter-intuitiave, is the best approach.
If you pass an unencrypted password to BurnString as a var parameter, and there were another reference,
the string would still contain the password on exit. You can argue that what's the point of making a *copy*
of a string only to burn the copy. Two things:
- if you're debugging it, the string you passed will now be burned (i.e. your local variable will be empty)
- most of the time the RefCount will be 1. When RefCount is one, UniqueString does nothing, so we *are* burning
the only string
if Length(s) > 0 then
System.UniqueString(s); //ensure the passed in string has a reference count of one
ZeroMemory(Pointer(s), System.Length(s)*SizeOf(WideChar));
By not calling UniqueString, we only save on a memory allocation and wipe if RefCnt <> 1
It's an unsafe micro-optimization because we're using undocumented offsets to reference counts.
And i'm really uncomfortable using it because it really is undocumented.
It is absolutely a given that it won't change. And we'd have stopping using Delphi long before
it changes. But i just can't do it.
//if PLongInt(PByte(S) - 8)^ = 1 then //RefCnt=1
// ZeroMemory(Pointer(s), System.Length(s)*SizeOf(WideChar));
s := ''; //We want the callee to see their passed string come back as empty (even if it was shared with other variables)
Once you have the UnicodeString version, you can create the AnsiString and WideString versions:
procedure BurnString(var s: AnsiString); overload;
if Length(s) > 0 then
ZeroMemory(Pointer(s), System.Length(s)*SizeOf(AnsiChar));
//if PLongInt(PByte(S) - 8)^ = 1 then //RefCount=1
// ZeroMemory(Pointer(s), System.Length(s)*SizeOf(AnsiChar));
s := '';
procedure BurnString(var s: WideString);
//WideStrings (i.e. COM BSTRs) are not reference counted, but they are modifiable
if Length(s) > 0 then
ZeroMemory(Pointer(s), System.Length(s)*SizeOf(WideChar));
//if PLongInt(PByte(S) - 8)^ = 1 then //RefCount=1
// ZeroMemory(Pointer(s), System.Length(s)*SizeOf(AnsiChar));
s := '';