Assigning a value to the primary field in code fails - dynamics-crm-2011

I have a custom entity named eld_timereg. This entity has an attribute named eld_name (which is the primary field). Records are created in a generic handler (after pushing a button in the ribbon). I'm using late binding.
var myService = ...;
var t = new Entity( "eld_timereg" );
t["field1"] = "abc";
t["eld_name"] = GenerateAnUniqueStringCode("ZXC");
// returns something like ZXC-16398-T1VC
return myService.Create(t);
The record is created without any error. Checking the entity in SSMS, the value is blank although it is a required field.
What is happening here?

Found the problem. You put me on the right track James. Thank you for that. The eld_name attribute was overwritten in the plug-in (I forgot). Here it should be filled with some information. This was going wrong and always returned a null.


Can't modify/remove a field from an ActivityNode using sbt

I created an ActivityNode (an Entry) and I can add custom fields with the
setFields(List<Field> newListField)
I am unable to modify these fields. (In this case I try to modify the value of the field named LIBENTITE)
FieldList list = myEntry.getTextFields();
List<Field> updatedList = new ArrayList<Field>();
//I add each old field in the new list, but I modify the field LIBENTITE
for(Field myField : list){
((TextField)myField).setTextSummary("New value");
This code should replace the old list of fields with the new one, but I can't see any change in the custom field LIBENTITE of myEntry in IBM connections.
So I tried to create a new list of fields, not modifying my field but adding a new one :
for(Field myField:list){
Field newTextField = new TextField("New Value");
newTextField .setFieldName("LIBENTITE");
updatedList.add(newTextField );
And this code is just adding the new field in myEntry. What I see is that the other custom fields did not change and I have now two custom fields named LIBENTITE, one with the old value and the second with the new value, in myEntry.
So I though that maybe if I clear the old list of Fields, and then I add the new one, it would work.
I tried the two fonctions
but none of them seems to work, I still can't remove a custom field from myEntry using SBT.
Any suggestions ?
I have two suggestions, as I had (or have) similar problems:
If you want to update an existing text field in an activity node, you have to call node.setField(fld) to update the field in the node object.
Code snippet from my working application, where I'm updating a text field containing a (computed) start time:
ActivityNode node = activityService.getActivityNode(id);
node.setTitle(formatTitle()); // add/update start and end time in title
boolean startFound = false;
// ...
FieldList textfields =node.getTextFields();
Iterator<Field> iterFields = textfields.iterator();
while (iterFields.hasNext()) {
TextField fld = (TextField);
if (fld.getName().equals(Constants.FIELDNAME_STARTTIME)) {
fld.setTextSummary(this.getStartTimeString()); // NOTE: .setFieldValue does *not* work
node.setField(fld); // write updated field back. This seems to be the only way updating fields works
If there is no field with that name, I create a new one (that's the reason I'm using the startFound boolean variable).
I think that the node.setField(fld) should do the trick. If not, there might be a way to sidestep the problem:
You have access to the underlying DOM object which was parsed in. You can use this to tweak the DOM object, which finally will be written back to Connections.
I had to use this as there seems to be another nasty bug in the SBT SDK: If you read in a text field which has no value, and write it back, an error will be thrown. Looks like the DOM object misses some required nodes, so you have to create them yourself to avoid the error.
Some code to demonstrate this:
// ....
} else if (null == fld.getTextSummary()) { // a text field without any contents. Which is BAD!
// there is a bug in the SBT API: if we read a field which has no value
// and try to write the node back (even without touching the field) a NullPointerException
// will be thrown. It seems that there is no value node set for the field. We
// can't set a value with fld.setTextSummary(), the error will still be thrown.
// therefore we have to remove the field, and - optionally - we set a defined "empty" value
// to avoid the problem.
// node.remove(fld.getName()); // remove the field -- this does *not* work! At least not for empty fields
// so we have to do it the hard way: we delete the node of the field in the cached dom structure
String fieldName = fld.getName();
DeferredElementNSImpl fldData = (DeferredElementNSImpl) fld.getDataHandler().getData();
fldData.getParentNode().removeChild(fldData); // remove the field from the cached dom structure, therefore delete it
// and create it again, but with a substitute value
Field newEmptyField = new TextField (Constants.FIELD_TEXTFIELD_EMPTY_VALUE); // create a field with a placeholder value
Hope that helps.
Just so that post does not stay unanswered I write the answer that was in a comment of the initial question :
"currently, there is no solution to this issue, the TextFields are read-only map. we have the issue recorded on"

Can't set Orchard field values unless item already created

I seem to be having a problem with assigning values to fields of a content item with a custom content part and the values not persisting.
I have to create the content item (OrchardServices.ContentManager.Create) first before calling the following code which modifies a field value:
var fields = contentItem.As<MyPart>().Fields;
var imageField = fields.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name.Equals("Image"));
if (imageField != null)
((MediaLibraryPickerField)imageField).Ids = new int[] { imageId };
The above code works perfectly when against an item that already exists, but the imageId value is lost if this is done before creating it.
Please note, this is not exclusive to MediaLibraryPickerFields.
I noticed that other people have reported this aswell:
Is it simply the case that an item must be created prior to amending it's value field?
This would be a shame, as I'm assigning this fields as part of a large import process and would inhibit performance to create it and then modify the item only to update it again.
As the comments on this issue explain, you do need to call Create. I'm not sure I understand why you think that is an issue however.

xpages copy field value to another field from other datasource

I followed How do you copy a datetime field from the current document to a new document and I try something like this:;
But I get a handling error message.
Thanks for your time!
Assuming Cdoc and Pdoc are defined as xp:dominoDocument data sources then you have to change your code to:;
So, you only need to add .getDocument() to Pdoc to get the Notes Document. Otherwise it fails and you get the error "Error calling method 'copyItem(lotus.domino.local.Item)' on an object of type 'NotesXspDocument'".
Keep in mind that you have to save Pdoc after copying item too if you want to show the copied item in your exampleDialog.
If you don't want to save document Pdoc at this point yet then you can copy the item on NotesXspDocument level with just:
Pdoc.replaceItemValue("mytest1", Cdoc.getItemValueDateTime("mytest1"));
I do not often use "copyItem". You are not specifying if you are using NotesDocuments or NotesXspDocuments, so I will write a quick thing about both because they should be handled differently.
var currentDoc:NotesDocument = ....
var newDoc:NotesDocument= ...
newDoc.replaceItemValue("fldname", currentDoc.getItemValueDateTimeArray("fldname").elementAt(0))
if currentDoc is a NotesXspDocument, use the following
var currentDoc:NotesXspDocument = ...
var newDoc:NotesDocument=...
newDoc.replaceItemValue("fldname", currentDoc.getItemValueDateTime("fldname"))
Otherwise, you could continue trying with copyItem, I just lack experience with it.
Just some things to add, remember that putting calling xspDoc.getDocument(true) will update the background document and this might be needed. Also, in the comments for that article you posted, they mentioned the possible need to put that document into another variable.
var docSource:NotesDocument = xspDoc.getDocument(true);
var docNew:NotesDocument = ...
Also remember that copyItem is a function of NotesDocument and not NotesXspDocument.

SQL Azure Database / Can't Insert Record into a Table / ID not getting set during SubmitChanges

In the following instance, I have tried to simplify an issue to root components.
I've got a very simple SQL Azure database where I created a test table called Table1. Azure creates an ID field with Is Required, Is Primary Key checked. It will NOT allow to check the box Is Identity. There are a couple of other fields which are simply required.
In my VS2012 Project, I have created an LinqToSql Class which created a ProductionDataClasses1.dbml object.
I simply want to add a record to this table thru the method shown below. From what I am reading, ID would be set during the SubmitChanges() after InsertOnSubmit(NewRecord) is specified.
It does work the first time but value is set to zero. On subsequent save, I get an exception (basically it a duplicate record because ID=0 already exists).
To put this into context, I have included some sample code below. The idea is to first check if the record exists and update. If not, I want to add a record.
My question is... Do I need to manually set ID? If so, how do I set the value to an int and how to a retrieve the next value. I tried changing to a Guid but not allowed.
Here is my code sample:
public bool AddTestRecord(string someValue)
ProductionDataClasses1DataContext context = new ProductionDataClasses1DataContext();
var ExistingRecord = context.Table1s.SingleOrDefault(c => c.TextKey == someValue);
if (ExistingRecord == null)
var NewRecord = new Table1();
// NewRecord.ID = ???? ; How Do I Manually Set. It is getting set to 0 causing a duplicate value exception
NewRecord.TextKey = someValue;
NewRecord.AnotherValue = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();
ExistingRecord.AnotherValue = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString();
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
I would suggest manually running a SQL script to alter the table and make the column an identity. Look at this answer
Adding an identity to an existing column
Thanks for your reply.
I just was finally able to make this work on a new table and will try to follow along your instructions to make modifications to my real table. My code (as written above) was OK so the issue is in the SQL Azure table definition.
I found the issue is that when you create a new table in SQL Azure, it creates a table with three fields, ID, Column1, Column2. By default, ID is set as the Primary Key but none are checked as Is Identity.
To make this work, I made ID the Is Identity and unchecked PrimaryKey and Column1 the In Primary Key. Thus when a new record is saved, the ID is set and Column1 is checked to make sure it is not already in the system. I had to do this when the table was first created. Once saved, it would not allow me to change.
Afterwards, I updated my Linq To SQL class and dropped the new table in. I noted that now the AutoGenerated Value on ID and PrimaryKey on Column1 was set and my code worked.

Retrieving Properties from DbSqlQuery

Background: Project is a Data Import utility for importing data from tsv files into a EF5 DB through DbContext.
Problem: I need to do a lookup for ForeignKeys while doing the import. I have a way to do that but the retrieval if the ID is not functioning.
So I have a TSV file example will be
Code Name MyFKTableId
codevalue namevalue select * from MyFKTable where Code = 'SE'
So when I process the file and Find a '...Id' column I know I need to do a lookup to find the FK The '...' is always the entity type so this is super simple. The problem I have is that I don't have access to the properties of the results of foundEntity
string childEntity = column.Substring(0, column.Length - 2);
DbEntityEntry recordType = myContext.Entry(childEntity.GetEntityOfReflectedType());
DbSqlQuery foundEntity = myContext.Set(recordType.Entity.GetType()).SqlQuery(dr[column])
Any suggestion would be appreciated. I need to keep this generic so we can't use known type casting. The Id Property accessible from IBaseEntity so I can cast that, but all other entity types must be not be fixed
Note: The SQL in the MyFKTableId value is not a requirement. If there is a better option allowing to get away from SqlQuery() I would be open to suggestions.
Ok What I did was create a Class called IdClass that only has a Guid Property for Id. Modified my sql to only return the Id. Then implemented the SqlQuery(sql) call on the Database rather than the Set([Type]).SqlQuery(sql) like so.
IdClass x = ImportFactory.AuthoringContext.Database.SqlQuery<IdClass>(sql).FirstOrDefault();
Ok What I did was create a Class called IdClass that only has a Guid Property for Id. Modified my sql to only return the Id. Then implemented the SqlQuery(sql) call on the Database rather than the Set([Type]).SqlQuery(sql) like so.
IdClass x = ImportFactory.AuthoringContext.Database.SqlQuery<IdClass>(sql).FirstOrDefault();
