How to Get the NodeRef of the Opened Document in Alfresco Share - yui

I am planning to generate direct download link from the client side when user open a document in document details window.
In order to do that I want to access noderef of the opened document. Can someone mention how to access noderef of the opened document from alfresco share client side (javascript).

Good for you that I've done that in the past for a customer.
You'll need to change the following files (create a module or just override them) (add a new label for download)
document-links.get.head.ftl (include your new overridded client side JavaScript)
document-links.get.html.ftl (add a new field like the current page url)
<h3 class="thin dark">${msg("")}</h3>
<div class="link-info">
<input id="${el}-download" value="${document.node.contentURL}"/>
document-links.js (client side JavaScript)
onReady: function DocumentLinks_onReady() {
// Display copy links
if (this.hasClipboard) {
Dom.removeClass(Selector.query("a.hidden",, "hidden");
// Make sure text fields auto select the text on focus
Event.addListener(Selector.query("input",, "focus", this._handleFocus);
// Prefix some of the urls with values from the client
Dom.get( + "-page").value = document.location.href;
// added Download link
var contentURL = Dom.get( + "-download").value;
Dom.get( + "-download").value = window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/alfresco/d/a" +
contentURL.replace('api/node/content/', ''); }


Include doc link and graphics in email form Xpages

I want to send emails from an Xpage application. Want to include some type of header graphic or HTML styling, and it must include a doc link.
I started using Ulrich Krause's modification of Tony McGuckin's excellent SSJS here
However, I have two issues that I cannot resolve - adding the doc link an and also a graphic.
var doc:NotesDocument = currentDocument.getDocument();
var tmp:String ="A New Location Has Been Created: " + document1.getDocument().getItemValueString("businessUnitName") + ".\n\n" + "Please click this doc link and add any additional approvers ==> ";
emailBean.setFooterHTML("<p>Kind regards,<br/>Samantha<br/>0012 3456 789</p>");
I have commented out the setDocument code as it doesn't work and isn't necessary.
I have an image resource in the db called locations.pgn that I want to include - or I can put it on the web at a url I control.
How do I pass in a doc link? I have computed it, but I just don't now how to add it.
The other method I have tried is a more roll my own.
I have this in a button on the Xpage form:
var doc:NotesDocument = currentDocument.getDocument();
var nteUrl:String = doc.getNotesURL();
var sndTo:String ="";
var sndFrm:String ="";
var sbj:String ="A New Location Has Been Created: blah blah blah");
var body:String =""A New Location Has Been Created: blah blah blah");
And then my function:
function sendEmail(sndTo,sndFrm,subject,body,trgDoc) {
var doc:NotesDocument = database.createDocument();
var memo:NotesRichTextItem = doc.createRichTextItem("Body")
var urlgif="/locations.png";
memo.embedObject(NotesEmbeddedObject.EMBED_OBJECT, "",urlgif,null);
return ;
This attaches the file as an attachment, not as a picture. Can't find a method to do that.
I am agnostic about which method I use, I just want to get one nailed down and tightened up so I can use it throughout my applications.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You create the email based on HTML with emailBean.addHTML(... your html ...).
Use the syntax
link text
to add links and
<img src="url" ...>
to add images.
Instead of an URL you can code the picture in base64 and include it completely in your html like this
<img src="

Accessing HTML controls inside iFrame

How do you access html controls inside an iframe from javascript in CRM?
I have:
var height = document.getElementById("IFRAME_TransactionProduct_RA").contentWindow.document.getElementById("txt").value;
but that results in "Error on page" and the content is not loaded.
The element I want to access is an html input with id of 'txt':
<input id="txt" type="hidden" />
Here's an example how you copy a value from a CRM field to a control in an embedded HTML control in an IFRAME. I'm assuming the names of the web resource and the field. You'll have to adapt those. You also might throw in a try-catch in case CRM throws in en exception (got the joke?) and please mind that I'm typing the code on my phone so there might be a typo somewhere (auto-correction, yey).
var source ="oneCoolField")
var information = source.getValue();
var customHtml = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get("WebResource_EmbeddedHtmlContent");
var destination = customHtml.getObject().contentWindow.document;
if(destination) {
var customControl = destination.getElementById("elementToAccess");
if(customControl) {
customControl.value = information;
This gets you to the web resource.
var customHtml = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get("WebResource_EmbeddedHtmlContent");
This gets you to the DOM of the IFRAME.
var destination = customHtml.getObject().contentWindow.document;
This gets you to the control on the custom page.
var customControl = destination.getElementById("elementToAccess");
This gets you the contents of the control.
var contents = customControl.innerHTML;
Which part fails on your computer?
With jQuery:
Pure JS:

Spotify apps tabs - update cache

I'm trying to display a div inside tab playlists if the href contains a spotifyURI. This will be used to display a playlist under a tab.
Step by step this is my problem:
Click playlist tab and then click the "My playlist1".
The href is displayed in the playlist container under the tab playlists. (perfect so far)
Click the start tab and then click the playlists tab.
Instead of displaying the list of playlists the playlist container is show again. So the last used url is cached?
Then if the playlists tab is clicked again the url will be "reseted" and the list of playlists will be shown and playlist container hidden.
I'd like 4. to show the playlist list right away instead.
Is there a way to reset or what am I missing?
$(document).ready(function() {
sp = getSpotifyApi(1);
var m = sp.require("sp://import/scripts/api/models");
m.application.observe(m.EVENT.ARGUMENTSCHANGED, updateTabs);
function updateTabs()
var args = m.application.arguments;
if (args[1] == "spotify") $("#playlist").html("args:"+args).show();
else $("#"+args[0]).show();
<div id="playlist" class="section">Container for playlist content</div>
<div id="start" class="section">Welcome</div>
<div id="playlists" class="section">
My playlist1
My playlist2
Thanks alot for all replys!
Here is how I will proceed using JQuery.
First of all you need to use the Localstorage :
var stor = sp.require("sp://import/scripts/storage");
Then if for exemple you get a list of playlist you can build the list like this
for (var i=0; i<d.playlists.length; i++) {
$('#playlists').append('My <a id="p' + i + '"href="'+ d.playlists[i] +'">playlist1</a>');
$('#playlists #p'+i).live('click', function(e) {
stor.set('choosenplaylist', d.playlists[i]);
This was for the storage now for when changing tad :
if (!stor.get('choosenplaylist')=='') {
Okay this is a suggestion and it need to be tested regarding to your app.
Im trying this out now, and i can reproduce your bug (im guessing it's a bug, the tab should replace the url in my opinion)
But, until it's fixed, my best guess is to capture the playlist links in an event handler and cancelling the original event, after cancelling you replace the content with the appropriate playlist view.
Tab test code (on
I've abstracted the actual view binding from the event handler, and added a click event hook that calls the abstract view binder instead of the "real" one, this also supports deep linking into the an app

How to retrieve query string from url of content loaded into a dojo tab container?

I have a dojo TabContainer where the tabs are created based off what is selected in a tree. The content of the tabs is loaded in the following manner:
var cp = new dojox.layout.ContentPane({
title: name + " Report",
closable: true,
cp.set("href", "SomePage.html#" + name);
SomePage has an associated JS file that runs the content for that page. How can I extract the hash tag from the URL? The location object gives me back the top level URL for the dojo app.
In the JS of SomePage you can get access to the contentpane widget and get its href attr

Jquery Cookies works across different tab, not different browser sessions

I am using jcookie to store certain information (user cart) and the idea is to re display the contents of the cart when the user visits the website at some other point in future.
So if user adds the item to his cart and i) closes the browser and opens a new browser window after some time OR ii) opens a new tab : In both cases should see the item added to the cart
I am using jcookie.js library.
The code I am using to create cookie and add cart contents to it is:
$.cookie('rented_car', $(rentContainer).html());
$.cookie('rented_car_timings', $(divRentalSumm).html());
Also when the page loads, I have in my index.html
<script type="text/javascript">
where checkcookies() is defined as follows:
function checkCookies(){
var rented_car_timings_cookie = $.cookie("rented_car_timings");
var $rentTimingsContainer = $('<div class="module">' + rented_car_timings_cookie + '</div>');
var rented_car_cookie = $.cookie("rented_car");
var $rentContainer = $('<div class="module">' + rented_car_cookie + '</div>');
if(rented_car_timings_cookie && rented_car_cookie){
Now the problem I am seeing is that the cookies work if I refresh the same page or open a new tab in the same Browser window: I am able to see content added to cart.
however, If I open a new window , then I do not see the same . Can anyone please point the problem in my logic?
$.cookie('rented_car', $(rentContainer).html(),{ expires: 20});
works as this sets expiration time explicitly, default expiration is when browser session closes.
