Avoid newline in list-directed output with Intel Fortran compiler - io

I have noticed the results of list-directed output write(*,*) in Fortran is compiler dependent.
Indeed, with the code:
program one
real(8), dimension(5):: r1
do i=1,5
end do
write(*,*) (r1(i), i =1,5)
end program one
intel compiler ifort gives standard output broken by a newline:
3.16227769851685 4.47213602066040 5.47722530364990
6.32455539703369 7.07106781005859
while gfortran gives the equivalent one line result:
3.1622776601683795 4.4721359549995796 5.4772255750516612 6.3245553203367590 7.0710678118654755
I think that ifort is writing maximum 3 items per line (when floating real numbers).
Is there any way to make the ifort output be like gfrotran, i.e. avoid the newline?
Ideally, I would like to keep list-directed output (*,*) instructions, so I am looking for something like a compiler option or so, if any.

Since verson 14, intel fortran compiler has the wrap-margin function. By default, the record is wrapped after 80 characters. For disabling this restriction, you should specify:
on Linux: -no-wrap-margin
on WIndows: /wrap-margin-
See more on Intel Fortran's reference guide

No. List-directed (free-format) output provides convenience, but you give up control. Various aspects of the output are unspecified and allowed to be chosen to the compiler. If you want full control, you have to use formatted output.

Look into edit descriptors in your favorite Fortran book or online documentation. You can use fmt specifier in the write statement to specify edit descriptors. For example:
write(*,fmt='(5(F6.4,3X))') (r1(i), i =1,5)
should output something similar to:
3.1623 4.4721 5.4772 6.3246 7.0711

See https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/topic/401555
Specify FORT_FMT_RECL or use
write (,"(G0,1X))"


Fortran internal write suddenly an error according to Intel compiler

A Fortran code I am working on has several lines similar to
WRITE(filename, '(A16,"_",I4,".dat")') filename, indx
This code has been successfully compiled and run literally hundreds of times, on many different platforms and pretty much all major compilers. But suddenly the newest (or, new, anyway) Intel compiler doesn't like it. It gives a warning message "forrtl: .... Internal file write-to-self; undefined results". After this line executes, "filename", which was a reasonable character array, becomes blank.
I suppose the problem is that filename is both an input into the write and the destination of the internal write. The fix is easy enough. It works to replace filename as the destination with something like filename_tmp. But as I have said, this has never been necessary until now.
So I am wondering, does filename as both an input and destination violate the Fortran standard, but all these compilers have been turning a blind eye to it for all these years, and now Intel is getting strict? Or is Intel being "snobbish"? Or outright buggy?
Execution1 of the write statement of the question has always been explicitly prohibited.
We currently see (F2018 p7):
During the execution of an output statement that specifies an internal file, no part of that internal file shall be referenced, defined, or become undefined as the result of evaluating any output list item.
filename is an internal file, and the evaluation of the output list item filename is a reference to that internal file.
This is not a programming violation that the compiler is required to detect, so you can view this as a case of improved diagnostic capability/pickiness of the compiler as you desire. No Fortran program is harmed by the change in this behaviour of the compiler.
Fortran 66 didn't have internal files (or character types), of course, and Fortrans 77, 90 and 95 used different words for the same effect (see for example, F90 9.4.4):
If an internal file has been specified, an input/output list item must not be in the file or associated with the file.
In case it looks like this is more restrictive, from Fortran 2003 the restrictions for input and output statements are stated separately (only output was quoted above, p8 for input).
1 Note the use of execution: there's nothing wrong with the statement itself as a statement. It is allowed to exist in source code that isn't reached. Checking this statement when compiling is not a simple matter.

Check GNU Octave compile flag

I have GNU Octave installed across different operating systems, and would like to check the compile flag for them. Specifically on RPM-based systems, the Octave package is compiled with enable64=no, from https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/scitech/octave5.1/
Is there a way to check what are the command line options for octave?
As a workaround, I can declare a large array, for example
octave:1> a = zeros (1024*1024*1024*3, 1, 'int8');
error: out of memory or dimension too large for Octave's index type
But I would prefer a more definitive way to check Octave's compile flags.
You shouldn't be checking for compilation flags because you never know when they will change or what other flags may affect what you really care about. That is why __octave_config_info__ is a private function, meant for internal use only.
In your case, it seems that what you really care about is the max number of elements you can have in an array. In that case, you should use sizemax (largest value allowed for the size of an array):
octave> sizemax
ans = 9223372036854775806

Fortran `write (*, '(3G24.16)')` error

I have a Fortran file that must write these complicated numbers, basically I can't change these numbers:
File name: complicatedNumbers.f
implicit none
write (*,'(3G24.16)') 0.4940656458412465-323, 8.651144521298990, 495.6336980600139
It's then run with gfortran -o outa complicatedNumbers.f on my Ubuntu, but this error comes up:
Error: Expected expression in WRITE statement at (1)
I'm sure it has something to do with the complicated numbers because there are no errors if I change the three complicated numbers into simple numbers such as 11.11, 22.2, 33.3.
This is actually a stripped-down version of a complex Fortran file that contains many variables and links to other files. So ideally, the 3G24.16 should not be changed.
What does the 3G24.16 mean?
How can I fix it so that I can ultimately print out these numbers with ./outa?
There is nothing syntactically wrong in the snippet you've shown us. However, your use of a file name with the suffix .f makes me think that the compiler is assuming that your code is written in fixed form. That is the usual default behaviour of gfortran. If that is the case it probably truncates that line at about the last , which means that the compiler sees
write (*,'(3G24.16)') 0.4940656458412465-323, 8.651144521298990,
and raises the complaint you have shared with us. Either join us in the 21st Century and switch to free form source files, change .f to .f90 and see what fun ensues, or continue the line correctly with some character in column 6 of the next line.
As to what 3G24.16 means, refer to your favourite Fortran reference material under the heading of data edit descriptors, in particular the g data edit descriptor.
Oh, and if my bandying about of the terms fixed form source and free form source bamboozles you, read about them in your favourite Fortran reference material too.
Three errors in your program :
as you clearly use the Fortran fixed format, instructions are limited to 72 characters (132 in free format)
the number 0.4940656458412465-323 is probably not correctly written. The exponent character is missing. Try 0.4940656458412465D-323 instead. Here Fortran computes the substraction => 0.4940656458412465-323 is replaced by -322.505934354159. Notice that I propose the exponent D (double precision). Writing 0.4940656458412465E-323 is inaccurate because, for a single precision number, the minimum value for the exponent is -127.
other numbers should have an exponent D0 too because, in single precision, the number of significant digits do not exceed 6.
Possible correction, always in fixed format :
implicit none
write (*,'(3G24.16)') 0.4940656458412465D-323,
& 8.651144521298990d0,
& 495.6336980600139d0

Fortran77 compiler treatment of PI=4.D0*DATAN(1.D0)

When using the following to compute PI in fortran77, will the compiler evaluate this value or will it be evaluated at run time?
EDIT: depends on the compiler: see my EDIT below. EDIT END
i second Mick Sharpe's suggestion that it will be evaluated at runtime. just out of curiosity, i compiled PI=4.D0*DATAN(1.D0) with Silverfrost's ftn77 compiler and looked at the generated binary. the relevant part looks like so:
fld1 ; push 1.D0 onto the FPU register stack
call ATAN_X
fmul dbl_404000 ; multiply by 4.D0
so indeed, no compiler cleverness here.
this of course might be different with another compiler (eg. g77). EDIT: apparently, with g77 (the fortran77 front-end for gcc) it is possible (and enabled by default) to use gcc's built-in atan function to auto-fold PI=4.D0*DATAN(1.D0) into a constant. EDIT END
Calls to math functions are normally evaluated at run time. After all, there's nothing to stop you writing your own math functions. This would not be possible if they were evaluated at compile time.

for a function in binary without source code, is there any way to get the number of parameters

I don't have the source code but have the binary. With command "nm binary_name" I could know the functions inside the binary.
Can I know how many parameters a function has? Under solaris, is there anyway to do that?
e.g, if the function is: func1(a int,b int,c int), then there are 3 parameters.
No. Neil Butterworth's suggestion to examine the function signature is a good one for C++ (since the parameters are often encoded into the function so the linker can tell the difference between "int x(int)" and "int x(float)" for example) but, for C, you're going to have to get your hands dirty and disassemble the function, taking particular note of how the stack frames are built and used in your environment.
Keep in mind that SPARC has a rotating window stack rather than regular grow-down stack. You're really going to delve deep into the way the CPU works. If you're talking Solaris for Intel, the rotating stack is not there, of course.
Assuming this is C code, then no there is not - the
compiler/linker elides that information. If it is C++ code, it is just possible that the mangled name of the function is retained and includes the parameters in encoded form.
At the lowest level, if you emulate the function running on the machine, then it will read some information either from registers or the stack which it has not written. If you compare these reads to the ABI of the platform ( You don't say whether it's Sparc Solaris or Intel Solaris ) then some of them should correspond to the registers/stack locations of the parameters of the function. Of course, there's no guarantee that a function will read all its parameters.
For Solaris, elfdump might give more information than nm ( a quick google for elfdump signature indicates support was requested and added, but you'd need to check what version you've got )
IDA Pro (http://www.hex-rays.com/idapro/) is a disassembler which is pretty clever at infering parameters of a function from object code;
maybe there is also symbolic information you can use; eg. on Win32 the symbol _function#8 reveals that 8 bytes (2 parameters) are passed
one can also demangle C++ names to get the parameters and types
