How to create issue in BitNami Redmine Stack using Gmail? - gmail

I spent a lot of time to find out a really working solution for this problem. I read all the documents, blogs, forums and etc about this, but nothing worked. Let's go straightly to the question.
I'm using BitNami Redmine Stack, and I wanted to prepare a totally free helpdesk on redmine. As you know, redmine can originally create issue by email (in my case Gmail). Someone (let's say a customer) sends an email to redmine stack and declares an issue that need to be fixed by the support team. Then support team could see all the issues reported by customers and begin the fixing workflow. This way the customer will be informed about the updates for tissue and how the process is going forward

I used this article originally to solve the problem, but I changed some parts as needed. Here are the steps:
1. Create the Customer role and set the permissions
Sign in to Redmine as Administrator and go to the Administration > Roles and permissions > New role. Name it Customer, uncheck "Issues can be assigned to this role" and for Issue visibility select "Issues created by or assigned to the user".
Now in permission section, check the Issue tracking > Add Issue.
2. Create Redmine User for issues creation
Go to Administration > Users > New user and create an account, use the email of the customer here. Then go back to "Users", choose the user, go to Projects tab. In the "New project" panel, select the project, check the Customer role and click add.
3. You need a Gmail account for Redmine
Customers will send their mails to this Gmail address (let's call it Then we fetch mails and create issues in Redmine. So, go to Gmail settings and enable IMAP (cause we use IMAP)
4. Get the CACert.pem
Get the cacert.pem file from here and put it somewhere inside Redmine installation folder (I put it inside "C:\BitNami\redmine-2.3.1-1\apps\redmine\htdocs\cert.pem").
5. Now the script to fetch mails and create issues
Go to the directory that Redmine is installed. Then go to apps > redmine > htdocs (mine is "C:\BitNami\redmine-2.3.1-1\apps\redmine\htdocs\"), hold Shift key, right click and select "Open command window here". Now run this script in command window:
rake redmine:email:receive_imap unknown_user=accept no_permission_check=1 RAILS_ENV="production" port=993 password=YourGmailPassword ssl=1 project=YourProject
set SSL_CERT_FILE=C:\BitNami\redmine-2.3.1-1\apps\redmine\htdocs\cert.pem
This script fetches mails in your Gmail account ( and creates issues in Redmine. You may run this script periodically, so you could do it manually or create a job for it (i.e. a task in Task Scheduler)


Gitlab's "Clear Runner Caches" missing for developer user(s)

We are running permissions re-ordering. Moving teams to smaller groups in order to achieve it, and I created three groups as well:
For users under developer rank, the button Clear Runner Caches has gone missing. How can I allow every user to execute this option?
It's currently available only for maintainers and owners roles.
Nevertheless, there's an open ticket to allow developers to execute this command as well.
Refer: GitLab Issue

Azure Devops Wishlist backlog (StakeHolder create Work Item, but don't edit)

We are using Azure Devops with our team, we want to have a space were other colleagues out of our team can add ideas about future project.
We created a specific Backlog "Wishlist" and give to some users a StakeHolder account. We added them to the members of this backlog.
We want them to be able to create ticket, but not to edit them (no delete, no chamgement of state ...)
Our team that have admin rights will be able to operate those work items (accepted, rejected, Active and Close)
I look for a solution to restrict those user from editing but was not able to found a successful way to do it.
-In Rules, We couldn't specify those specific rule about work Item edition
-In Project Settings / Permissions / Wishlist
we don't have any permision linked to the Work Items
-In Project Settings / Project Configuration / Areas / Wishlist / Security
We can set for specific users "Edit Work Items in this node" to Deny, but they will not be able to create Work items
If someone have an idea about how to deal with this request, it will be highly appreciated.
Thank you
Sorry, it's not able to do this right now.
A user needs to have the Edit work items in this node permission for some Area and Iteration path to create a work item.
There is no sperate permission for either creating or editing work item. This is by designed.

Trying to Publish a Workflow From SharePoint Designer 2010 to SharePoint 2010

Let me start off by saying that I am not a SharePoint guru, nor an administrator for this site. I have enough rights to build my site. I have taken on the task of creating a site at work to make things better since it has gone through several people's hands and I take it as a challenge that I can do it.
So I have a workflow I created in SPD 2010 to send an email out based on an kickoff action in List A that references email addresses in List B since I am sending this email to people outside the organization. I have even tried to make a simple workflow to send an email to my name in the To: field and TEST in the Subject and Body. No Luck.
The issue lies in the fact that when I try to publish the workflow to the site, after checking for any errors (none I might add), I get back a "Workflow Error" that says "Errors were found when compiling the workflow. The workflow files were saved but cannot be run" and if I hit the Advanced button it says "Unexpected error on server associating the workflow."
I am looking to this forum to determine if this error is related in some way to an incorrect setting in the SharePoint Server that I don't know about, if it has anything to do with a lack of permissions from the overall SharePoint Server administrator to upload workflows or something else that I know nothing about.
I have asked the SharePoint administrator and he won't be able to get back to me until next week as he is at a conference, but I would like to try the workflow out and see if it works or I need to go back and work on it more.
If the consensus is I need more rights and I will have to wait until next week, is there a way to run the workflow in SPD or can I download my site as a sandbox and just play with it there?
Any and all help is gratefully appreciated.
For others who have this issue, it was a rights issue. The company did not install SPD as an admin, hence I could not create work flows.

Using Sharepoint in a Corporate environment - Archiving and Workflows

I was recently put in charge of being "SharePoint Administrator" for my department. I am being tasked with the following:
Create a user friendly interface for end users (Done)
Create an auto-archive process for aged documents. (ISSUE)
Create an interactive workflow for certain reports requiring feedback from end user. (ISSUE)
SO - I am not new to SharePoint, but definitely new to the coding and back end admin component. I have searched to the ends of the internet but cannot find a step - by - step that doesn't require central admin access (I don't have it, and don't know how to obtain it).
My questions are:
Is there a way to set up auto-archive on SharePoint to archive to an external database such as LiveLink without having Central Admin Access? If so - please advise on steps to do so.
If NOT - Is there an alternative and can I set up auto archive to another list within the main SharePoint (I have found tutorials for this but can't seem to find any with step by step instructions so someone without advanced knowledge could go through the process).
Workflows - Am I able to upload data to the sharepoint and have a workflow that would send a notification externally (via outlook) to an enduser indicating action required on the data? The end user would then have to log in to the SharePoint, review the data and take whatever action is required (let's use checking a checkbox as an example of action required). From there - a notification would go to - say - a senior manager to then go in and access the data and check another box for their approval. From that point an email notification would go out that the workflow and item is completed and no further action is required.
I apologize for such a long set of questions, I just really want to understand this and feel like I am so close but just need a little more insight. If you can only answer part of this that's fine too!
Thanks so much to everyone!

Added team member cannot see project despite similar permissions

We have a project administrator for a collection of projects on TFS Online. We recently hired so he had to add the guy as a new member into the team.
However he cannot see one specific project we have, even with identical permissions as the other users. His account was created in the same way as the others.
Trying to help the guy out here I offered to try a few things and noticed, If I create a new project as a test. "Test1", and add him as a member, he can see this account fine when he logs in to TFS Online/Connects on Visual Studio.
Which leads me to believe that it's based on some visibility setting within TFS, even though the other members linked to the project can see it fine.
Any possible ideas for me to try?
You need to try and trace his effective permissions. It sounds like there is a denied somewhere.
If you open the admin for that team project and goto the security tab there is a box to add the users account. You should then see the effective permission on the right and he should have and Alowed in the "View project level information" permission.
If he does bot you can roll your mouse over it and click the "why" button and you will see where the overide is coming from.
