Python 3.3:cx_freeze & pyserial: cannot import traceback module - python-3.x

I'm newbie in cx_freeze. I'm triing to make an executable from python 3.3 script that uses "time", "serial" and "tkinter".
Cx_freeze run without any errors, but starting the exe file is resulting with error:
cannot import traceback module
Exception: No module named 're'
Original Exception: No module named 'serial'
I have this of cx_freeze
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
includes = ["serial", "tkinter"]
excludes = []
packages = []
path = []
GUI2Exe_Target_1 = Executable(
# what to build
script ='',
initScript = None,
base = 'Win32GUI',
targetDir = r"dist",
targetName = "bludiste2.exe",
compress = True,
copyDependentFiles = True,
appendScriptToExe = False,
appendScriptToLibrary = False,
icon = None
Does anyone know, how to solve it, please?
Thank you.

The first two lines are a bug that will be fixed in the next version of cx_Freeze. If you stick an import re in your script, you'll see the correct error message.
The last line is your real problem - that means it didn't find the serial module when you froze it. Check where pyserial is installed on your computer.


How to enable console scripts in Django?

Running Python 3.6 on Redhat.
I've installed an extremely complicated project. 5 engineers worked on this for years, but they are all gone now, so I've no one to ask.
At the top level of the project:
Inside of that:
# Python command line utilities will be installed in a PATH-accessible bin/
'console_scripts': [
'blueflow-connector-aims = app.connectors.aims.__main__:cli',
'blueflow-connector-csv = app.connectors.csv.__main__:cli',
'blueflow-connector-discovery = app.connectors.discovery.__main__:cli',
'blueflow-connector-fingerprint = app.connectors.fingerprint.__main__:cli',
'blueflow-connector-mock = app.connectors.mock.__main__:cli',
'blueflow-connector-nessusimport = app.connectors.nessusimport.nessusimport:cli',
'blueflow-connector-netflow = app.connectors.netflow.__main__:cli',
'blueflow-connector-passwords = app.connectors.passwords.__main__:cli',
'blueflow-connector-portscan = app.connectors.portscan.__main__:cli',
'blueflow-connector-pulse = app.connectors.pulse.pulse:cli',
'blueflow-connector-qualysimport = app.connectors.qualysimport.qualysimport:cli',
'blueflow-connector-sleep = app.connectors.sleep.__main__:cli',
'blueflow-connector-splunk = app.connectors.splunk.__main__:cli',
'blueflow-connector-tms = app.connectors.tms.__main__:cli',
I ran:
pipenv shell
to create a shell.
If I try a console script:
I get:
bash: blueflow-connector-mock: command not found
That goes to bash which is clearly a mistake. I also tried:
python3 blueflow-connector-mock
which gives me:
python3: can't open file 'blueflow-connector-mock': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
How do I activate these console scripts, so they will actually run?

decodestrings is not an attribute of base64 error in python 3.9.1

After upgrading from python 3.8.0 to python 3.9.1, the tremc front-end of transmission bitTorrent client is throwing decodestrings is not an attribute of base64 error whenever i click on a torrent entry to check the details.
My system specs:
OS: Arch linux
kernel: 5.6.11-clear-linux
base64.encodestring() and base64.decodestring(), aliases deprecated since Python 3.1, have been removed.
use base64.encodebytes() and base64.decodebytes()
So i went to the site-packages directory and with ripgrep tried searching for the decodestring string.
rg decodestring
39: decodebytes = base64.decodestring
Upon examining the file,i found this block:
PY2 = sys.version_info[0] < 3
if PY2:
string_types = basestring # NOQA
text_type = unicode # NOQA
bytes_types = str
bytes = str
integer_types = (int, long) # NOQA
long = long # NOQA
input = raw_input # NOQA
decodebytes = base64.decodestring
encodebytes = base64.encodestring
So decodebytes have replaced(aliased) decodestring attribute of base64 for python version >= 3
This must be a new addendum because tremc was working fine in uptil version 3.8.*.
Opened tremc script, found the erring line (line 441), just replaced the attribute decodestring with decodebytes.A quick fix till the next update.
PS: Checked the github repository, and there's a pull request for it in waiting.
If you don't want to wait for the next release and also don't want to hack the way i did, you can get it freshly build from the repository, though that would be not much of a difference than my method

pyinstaller stops python from reading from script directory

I have this block of code that works in python script form but when I package the script to an exe using pyinstaller it always results in the program saying the config file can't be found. I put the config.ini in the same folder as the exe file.
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
configComplete = True
configExists = False
destination = config['server']['ServerAddress']
key = config['server']['ApiKey']
configExists = True
except KeyError:
configComplete = False
except FileNotFoundError:
destination = config['server']['ServerAddress']
key = config['server']['ApiKey']
configExists = True
except KeyError:
configComplete = False
except FileNotFoundError:
I don't have python currently installed to test this on my machine, but typically when I am looking for a file that's relative to the python file location it's preferable to use:
import os
CONFIG_FILE_PATH = f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}{os.sep}config.ini"
if os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE_PATH): # If the file already exists # Read it
else: # If a config file does not exist
# Either throw error or create fresh config
This code is an OS agnostic way of looking for a file in the same directory as the python file and the catching doesn't necessarily throw an error unless you want it to.
See if that works with pyinstaller, as I believe when I last used it this worked.

cx_freeze - How to change reference to lib

Building an Python application with cx_freeze.
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
_packages = []
_excludes = []
_include_files = [...]
buildOptions = dict(packages = _packages, enter code here`excludes = _excludes, include_files = _include_files, build_exe = '<app name>')
setup(name = '<app name>',
version = <version>,
description = '<description>',
options = dict(build_exe = buildOptions),
executables = [Executable('<app name>.py',
targetName = '<app name>',
icon = '<app name>.png')])
Attempting to install an application build with cx_freeze on Linux in /usr/bin/ with application resources in /usr/share/.
Of course this results in:
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding
ModuleNotFoundError: No module name 'encodings'
Current thread 0x0... (most recent call first):...
I think I need to set/change the default location of the lib folder but I have been unable to figure out how to do that. It's entirely possible that I might be on the completely wrong track.
I'm trying to avoid using bbfreeze.
After reviewing the code I believe what I want to do is not possible. The 'lib' directory is hard coded in cx_freeze.

No attribute 'HookManager'

I am copying the key logger from this video: ( and running the code:
import pyHook, sys, logging, pythoncom
file_log = 'C:\Users\User\Google Drive\Python'
def OnKeyboardEvent(event):
logging.basicConfig(filename = file_log, level = logging.DEBUG, format = '%(message)s')
logging.log(10, chr(event.Ascii))
return True
hooks_manager = pyHook.HookManager()
hooks_manager.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent
This returns the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\User\Google Drive\Python\", line 2, in <module>
import pyHook, sys, logging, pythoncom
File "C:\Users\User\Google Drive\Python\", line 12, in <module>
hooks_manager = pyHook.HookManager()
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'HookManager'
I am running Python 2.7.11 and a windows computer.
I don't know what the problem is; please help.
Thank you
I found the solution. If you open and change all 'key_hook' words to 'keyboard_hook' no more error occurs
I'm still unsure what the issue is but I found a solution.
If you move the program you are trying to run into the same folder as the file then it works.
For me this file was:
Bro this line is wrong
file_log = 'C:\Users\User\Google Drive\Python'
As the system doesn't allow your program to write to the 'C' drive, you should use another path, like 'D' drive or 'E' drive or etc. as given below.
file_log = 'D:\keyloggerOutput.txt'
I had same message error after having installed pyWinhook-1.6.1 on Python 3.7 with the zip file
In application file, I replaced the import statement:" import pyWinhook as pyHook" with "from pywinhook import *". The problem was then solved.
