GTK+ Thread safety - multithreading

I'm trying to use threads to manage several things in GTK+, however, as soon as I try to use any GUI function in the new thread, it locks up the GUI and this makes sense since GTK+ is not thread safe. Is there anyway around this?
Here's my code:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
GError *error = NULL;
/* init threads */
/* init gtk */
gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
//Multithreaded functions
g_thread_create(argument_thread, (gpointer)label7, FALSE, &error );
return 0;
void *argument_thread(void *args)
gtk_entry_set_text(entry2,"random stuff");

Not sure if this could be an issue (don't know GTK) but maybe there is a race condition if the thread acquires the lock before the gtk_main has started.
Then you could try:
//Multithreaded functions
g_thread_create(argument_thread, (gpointer)label7, FALSE, &error );
Moreover you should temporize your loop:
void *argument_thread(void *args)
gtk_entry_set_text(entry2,"random stuff");

I have resolved the problem using g_timeout e gthread:
Basically I use 3 functions, one that launches the thread, one that does the job without manipulating widgets (thread) and a third type that serves as a timeout timer checking every n seconds certain values ​​written by the thread and updates the ' graphic interface.
Or you can use "g_idle_add" :
gdk_threads_enter() and gdk_threads_leave() are deprecated from 3.6 version of Gtk.


Creating new thread causing exception

I have a timer that will create a new thread and wait for the timer to expire before calling the notify function. It works correctly during the first execution, but when the timer is started a second time, an exception is thrown trying to create the new thread. The debug output shows that the previous thread has exited before attempting to create the new thread.
class TestTimer
std::atomic<bool> active;
int timer_duration;
std::thread thread;
std::mutex mtx;
std::condition_variable cv;
void timer_func();
TestTimer() : active(false) {};
~TestTimer() {
TestTimer(const TestTimer&) = delete; /* Remove the copy constructor */
TestTimer(TestTimer&&) = delete; /* Remove the move constructor */
TestTimer& operator=(const TestTimer&) & = delete; /* Remove the copy assignment operator */
TestTimer& operator=(TestTimer&&) & = delete; /* Remove the move assignment operator */
bool IsActive();
void StartOnce(int TimerDurationInMS);
void Stop();
virtual void Notify() = 0;
void TestTimer::timer_func()
auto expire_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(timer_duration);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{ mtx };
while (active.load())
if (cv.wait_until(lock, expire_time) == std::cv_status::timeout)
bool TestTimer::IsActive()
return active.load();
void TestTimer::StartOnce(int TimerDurationInMS)
if (!active.load())
if (thread.joinable())
timer_duration = TimerDurationInMS;;
thread = std::thread(&TestTimer::timer_func, this);
void TestTimer::Stop()
if (active.load())
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{ mtx };;
The error is being thrown from my code block here:
thread = std::thread(&TestTimer::timer_func, this);
during the second execution.
Specifically, the error is being thrown from the move_thread function: _Thr = _Other._Thr;
thread& _Move_thread(thread& _Other)
{ // move from _Other
if (joinable())
_XSTD terminate();
_Thr = _Other._Thr;
return (*this);
_Thrd_t _Thr;
And this is the exception: Unhandled exception at 0x76ED550B (ucrtbase.dll) in Sandbox.exe: Fatal program exit requested.
Stack trace:
thread::move_thread(std::thread &_Other)
thread::operator=(std::thread &&_Other)
TestTimer::StartOnce(int TimerDurationInMS)
If it's just a test
Make sure the thread handler is empty or joined when calling the destructor.
Make everything that can be accessed from multiple threads thread safe (specifically, reading the active flag). Simply making it an std::atomic_flag should do.
It does seem like you are killing a thread handle pointing to a live thread, but hard to say without seeing the whole application.
If not a test
...then generally, when need a single timer, recurreing or not, you can just go away with scheduling an alarm() signal into itself. You remain perfectly single threaded and don't even need to link with the pthread library. Example here.
And when expecting to need more timers and stay up for a bit it is worth to drop an instance of boost::asio::io_service (or asio::io_service if you need a boost-free header-only version) into your application which has mature production-ready timers support. Example here.
You create the TestTimer and run it the first time via TestTimer::StartOnce, where you create a thread (at the line, which later throws the exception). When the thread finishes, it sets active = false; in timer_func.
Then you call TestTimer::StartOnce a second time. As active == false, Stop() is not called on the current thread, and you proceed to creating a new thread in thread = std::thread(&TestTimer::timer_func, this);.
And then comes the big but:
You have not joined the first thread before creating the second one. And that's why it throws an exception.

c++: How to quit a multi-threading program properly

In my c++11 project, I need to generate two threads which run infinitely. Here is an example:
static vector<int> vec;
static std::mutex mtx;
static std::condition_variable cond;
static bool done = false;
void f1()
// do something with vec and mtx
void f2()
// do something with vec and mtx
thread t1(f1);
thread t2(f2);
void finish(int s)
done = true;
// what should I do???
int main()
signal(SIGINT, finish);
return 0;
Normally, I won't stop or kill this program. But in case of exception, I think I need to do something for ctrl-c, which is used to kill the program. But I don't know how to quit this program properly.
If I'm right, t1 and t2 might continue executing even if the main has returned 0. So I think I need to make them detach like this:
void finish()
done = true;
However, when I execute the program and do ctrl-c, I get an error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error'
I've found this link, so I think the problem is the same: mtx and/or cond has been destroyed while t1 or t2 hasn't finished yet.
So how could I kill the program properly? Or I don't need to deal with the signal ctrl-c and the program itself knows what to do to quit properly?
done should be std::atomic<bool>, or unsequenced reads/writes are not legal.
Accessing atomic variables is only safe in a signal handler if std::atomic<bool>::is_lock_free is true. Check that. If it isn't true, your program should probably abort with an error in main.
When you .join(), you wait for the thread to finish executing. And you don't want to exit main unless the threads have finished.
In short, do this:
static std::atomic<bool> done = false;
(rest of code goes here)
int main()
if (!done.is_lock_free()) return 10; // error
signal(SIGINT, finish);

reacting to two signals sent to the CPU in linux

I wrote the following code:
void handler (int signal) {
if (signal==SIGVTALRM) {
printf("one second passed\n");
if (signal==SIGALRM) {
//printf("curret context is %ld\n" , thread_tbl[currThreadNum].uc.uc_mcontext.cr2);
printf("switching from thread #%d to thread #%d\n", ((currThreadNum-1+THREAD_NUM)%THREAD_NUM), currThreadNum);
printf("current thread number is %d\n", currThreadNum);
swapcontext( &(thread_tbl[ (currThreadNum-1+THREAD_NUM)%THREAD_NUM ].uc), &(thread_tbl[currThreadNum ].uc) );
int ut_start(void) {
int i=0;
struct sigaction sa;
struct itimerval itv;
// set the signal
sa.sa_handler = handler;
if (sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL)<0) {
if (sigaction(SIGVTALRM, &sa, NULL)<0) {
setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL, &itv, NULL);
for(i=0; i<TAB_SIZE; i++) {
getcontext(&thread_tbl[i].uc); // get the context the content of current thread
makecontext(&thread_tbl[i].uc, (void(*)(void))func ,1, i); // when this context is activated, func will be executed and then uc.uc_link will get control
//start running
swapcontext(&temp_context, &thread_tbl[0].uc);
My purpose was to write a program that responds to both SIGVTALRM signal and SIGALRM. However, when I run the program, it seems that the program only react to SIGALRM signals.
In the function ut_start() I started a timer that resets every 100 usec. I don't see any evidence that it works.
One more thing, how can debug this program so I can actually see the timer has started? Is there any variable that I can see in debug mode that tells me something about the status of the timer?
I think I found the answer by myself.
The functions I supplies are only a part of my program. Somewhere in the program, I used the function sleep().
According to the documentation of sleep (
sleep() may be implemented using SIGALRM; mixing calls to alarm(2) and
sleep() is a bad idea.Using longjmp(3) from a signal handler or
modifying the handling of SIGALRM while sleeping will cause undefined
When I removed the sleep() function, everything was OK.

How to join a thread in Linux kernel?

The main question is: How we can wait for a thread in Linux kernel to complete? I have seen a few post concerned about proper way of handling threads in Linux kernel but i'm not sure how we can wait for a single thread in the main thread to be completed (suppose we need the thread[3] be done then proceed):
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/kthread.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
void *func(void *arg) {
// doing something
return NULL;
int init_module(void) {
struct task_struct* thread[5];
int i;
for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
thread[i] = kthread_run(func, (void*) arg, "Creating thread");
return 0;
void cleanup_module(void) {
printk("cleaning up!\n");
AFAIK there is no equivalent of pthread_join() in kernel. Also, I feel like your pattern (of starting bunch of threads and waiting only for one of them) is not really common in kernel. That being said, there kernel does have few synchronization mechanism that may be used to accomplish your goal.
Note that those mechanisms will not guarantee that the thread finished, they will only let main thread know that they finished doing the work they were supposed to do. It may still take some time to really stop this tread and free all resources.
You can create a locked semaphore, then call down in your main thread. This will put it to sleep. Then you will up this semaphore inside of your thread just before exiting. Something like:
struct semaphore sem;
int func(void *arg) {
struct semaphore *sem = (struct semaphore*)arg; // you could use global instead
// do something
return 0;
int init_module(void) {
// some initialization
kthread_run(&func, (void*) &sem, "Creating thread");
down(&sem); // this will block until thread runs up()
This should work but is not the most optimal solution. I mention this as it's a known pattern that is also used in userspace. Semaphores in kernel are designed for cases where it's mostly available and this case has high contention. So a similar mechanism optimized for this case was created.
You can declare completions using:
struct completion comp;
Then you can use wait_for_completion(&comp); instead of down() to wait in main thread and complete(&comp); instead of up() in your thread.
Here's the full example:
struct my_data {
int id;
struct completion *comp;
int func(void *arg) {
struct my_data *data = (struct my_data*)arg;
// doing something
if (data->id == 3)
return 0;
int init_module(void) {
struct my_data *data[] = kmalloc(sizeof(struct my_data)*N, GFP_KERNEL);
// some initialization
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
data[i]->comp = &comp;
data[i]->id = i;
kthread_run(func, (void*) data[i], "my_thread%d", i);
wait_for_completion(&comp); // this will block until some thread runs complete()
Multiple threads
I don't really see why you would start 5 identical threads and only want to wait for 3rd one but of course you could send different data to each thread, with a field describing it's id, and then call up or complete only if this id equals 3. That's shown in the completion example. There are other ways to do this, this is just one of them.
Word of caution
Go read some more about those mechanisms before using any of them. There are some important details I did not write about here. Also those examples are simplified and not tested, they are here just to show the overall idea.
kthread_stop() is a kernel's way for wait thread to end.
Aside from waiting, kthread_stop() also sets should_stop flag for waited thread and wake up it, if needed. It is usefull for threads which repeat some actions infinitely.
As for single-shot tasks, it is usually simpler to use works for them, instead of kthreads.
Note: kthread_stop() can be called only when kthread(task_struct) structure is not freed.
Either thread function should return only after it found kthread_should_stop() return true, or get_task_struct() should be called before start thread (and put_task_struct() should be called after kthread_stop()).

In pthread, how to reliably pass signal to another thread?

I'm trying to write a simple thread pool program in pthread. However, it seems that pthread_cond_signal doesn't block, which creates a problem. For example, let's say I have a "producer-consumer" program:
pthread_cond_t my_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t my_cond_m = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
void * liberator(void * arg)
// XXX make sure he is ready to be freed
return NULL;
int main()
pthread_t t1;
pthread_create(&t1, NULL, liberator, NULL);
// XXX Don't take too long to get ready. Otherwise I'll miss
// the wake up call forever
pthread_cond_wait(&my_cond, &my_cond_m);
pthread_join(t1, NULL);
return 0;
As described in the two XXX marks, if I take away the sleep calls, then main() may stall because it has missed the wake up call from liberator(). Of course, sleep isn't a very robust way to ensure that either.
In real life situation, this would be a worker thread telling the manager thread that it is ready for work, or the manager thread announcing that new work is available.
How would you do this reliably in pthread?
#Borealid's answer kind of works, but his explanation of the problem could be better. I suggest anyone looking at this question to read the discussion in the comments to understand what's going on.
In particular, I myself would amend his answer and code example like this, to make this clearer. (Since Borealid's original answer, while compiled and worked, confused me a lot)
// In main
// If the flag is not set, it means liberator has not
// been run yet. I'll wait for him through pthread's signaling
// mechanism
// If it _is_ set, it means liberator has been run. I'll simply
// skip waiting since I've already synchronized. I don't need to
// use pthread's signaling mechanism
if(!flag) pthread_cond_wait(&my_cond, &my_cond_m);
// In liberator thread
// Signal anyone who's sleeping. If no one is sleeping yet,
// they should check this flag which indicates I have already
// sent the signal. This is needed because pthread's signals
// is not like a message queue -- a sent signal is lost if
// nobody's waiting for a condition when it's sent.
// You can think of this flag as a "persistent" signal
flag = 1;
Use a synchronization variable.
In main:
while (!flag) {
pthread_cond_wait(&my_cond, &my_cond_m);
In the thread:
flag = 1;
For a producer-consumer problem, this would be the consumer sleeping when the buffer is empty, and the producer sleeping when it is full. Remember to acquire the lock before accessing the global variable.
I found out the solution here. For me, the tricky bit to understand the problem is that:
Producers and consumers must be able to communicate both ways. Either way is not enough.
This two-way communication can be packed into one pthread condition.
To illustrate, the blog post mentioned above demonstrated that this is actually meaningful and desirable behavior:
pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &cond_mutex);
The idea is that if both the producers and consumers employ this logic, it will be safe for either of them to be sleeping first, since the each will be able to wake the other role up. Put it in another way, in a typical producer-consumer sceanrio -- if a consumer needs to sleep, it's because a producer needs to wake up, and vice versa. Packing this logic in a single pthread condition makes sense.
Of course, the above code has the unintended behavior that a worker thread will also wake up another sleeping worker thread when it actually just wants to wake the producer. This can be solved by a simple variable check as #Borealid suggested:
while(!work_available) pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &cond_mutex);
Upon a worker broadcast, all worker threads will be awaken, but one-by-one (because of the implicit mutex locking in pthread_cond_wait). Since one of the worker threads will consume the work (setting work_available back to false), when other worker threads awake and actually get to work, the work will be unavailable so the worker will sleep again.
Here's some commented code I tested, for anyone interested:
// gcc -Wall -pthread threads.c -lpthread
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
pthread_cond_t my_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t my_cond_m = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int * next_work = NULL;
int all_work_done = 0;
void * worker(void * arg)
int * my_work = NULL;
if(next_work == NULL)
// Signal producer to give work
// Wait for work to arrive
// It is wrapped in a while loop because the condition
// might be triggered by another worker thread intended
// to wake up the producer
while(!next_work && !all_work_done)
pthread_cond_wait(&my_cond, &my_cond_m);
// Work has arrived, cache it locally so producer can
// put in next work ASAP
my_work = next_work;
next_work = NULL;
printf("Worker %d consuming work: %d\n", (int)(pthread_self() % 100), *my_work);
return NULL;
int * create_work()
int * ret = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
*ret = rand() % 100;
return ret;
void * producer(void * arg)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
while(next_work != NULL)
// There's still work, signal a worker to pick it up
// Wait for work to be picked up
pthread_cond_wait(&my_cond, &my_cond_m);
// No work is available now, let's put work on the queue
next_work = create_work();
printf("Producer: Created work %d\n", *next_work);
// Some workers might still be waiting, release them
all_work_done = 1;
return NULL;
int main()
pthread_t t1, t2, t3, t4;
pthread_create(&t1, NULL, worker, NULL);
pthread_create(&t2, NULL, worker, NULL);
pthread_create(&t3, NULL, worker, NULL);
pthread_create(&t4, NULL, worker, NULL);
pthread_join(t1, NULL);
pthread_join(t2, NULL);
pthread_join(t3, NULL);
pthread_join(t4, NULL);
return 0;
