dojo programmatic coding or declarative coding for 2.0 compatibility? - dojox.grid

We are coding most of the things in our project in declarative way and the event
handling is done in tag or loaded in .js file.
Declarative way in the code:
<input id="testid" data-dojo-type="dijit.form.FilteringSelect"
data-dojo-props="store:teststore, searchAttr:'display'"
style="width:100%" onchange="changeOtherCombo"></input>
function changeOtherCombo(newValue)
AMD usage in the code:
however we are still are able to use AMD way in our code in the files for example:
require(["dijit/Tooltip", "dojo/domReady!"], function(Tooltip){
new Tooltip({
connectId: ["testtooltoop"],
label: "tool tip to show"
<div id="testtooltoop" ></div>
I have few questions to proceed the way we are coding so that we shall be compatible with DOJO 2.0
Is it good to code in declarative way?
Will the declarative way of coding continue in feature releases in dojo?
Is it good to move all the declarative code to AMD way of coding or keep the code as it is in declarative now start new once in AMD programmatic way?
Will the performance affect in declarative way of coding?


Web based code editor with auto completion

I'm building the web based code editor for my personal project.I want to make it work like VS code but facing some issues.
I'm using ACE editor.
This is what I get while trying with autocompletion.
I'm getting all the available suggestions while trying to write "os.(something)", rather then just getting the language and package specific suggestions.
What I want is this.
In this pic as you can see I'm getting suggetion related to os package only.
Depending on your setup with require-js, you may also need to include an additional javascript file in the html for your page. You need to write this simple script to working with the auto completion feature.
var editor = ace.edit("editor");
enableBasicAutocompletion: true
Create <textarea onkeyup=compile() id=code>. It should be big enaugt for code.
Create <script> </script>
Build the autocomplete
Script: function compile() { document.GetElementById('code').value = document.GetElementById('code').value.replaceAll('snippet1', 'Snippet1Value').replaceAll('snippet2', 'SnippetValue'). ...
E.g.: When you enter _text_ (and you set snippet1 to <input type=text>) then your textarea will write <input type=text>. To create an picker, use a contextmenu-library at json.
I know, this is only an plan how to do is.

How to use material-ui framework? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm planning to use Material-UI CSS framework ( in order to design front-end of a website, but I don't have any idea about how to use this framework.
I'm not familiar a lot with NPM, Browserify, etc. I just need to know how shall I start in order to learn the way to use this CSS framework.
Thanks for any help!
Don't be intimidated by the (apparent) complexity of webpack and other (great) build tools, and don't be discouraged by envious jerks who say things like "To be honest, I think you got a big problem to use this stuff."
The reason why the material-ui implementation (usage) is based on these tools is because is currently the best way to write software and understanding this and other frameworks is a great way to learn why this is the "right" way, and become proficient at writing quality modular code.
Webpack, and the other build tools, exist for one purpose: to create one "main" file from your app's source code that can be read and delivered to your users' browser in an efficient manner. Long gone are the days when we would write a bunch of include (script) tags for every resource (file) we need in our pages and thus have our users wait until all these were downloaded from our server (or multiple locations e.g.: cdns) and then the page would load. The efficiency is based on the fact that you can deliver one (often minified/compressed) file that contains all your code and any code it depends on (e.g. React or even jQuery).
Build tools accomplish this by asking you 3 things: what file to start with (entry main file), what tools (loaders) to use to process non-native JavaScript code within your code (scss, jsx, etc) and what file to create as the result (converted and minified output). This output file will be the one you use in your html import/script tag. It will contain your code plus all other dependencies, which would be a nightmare to include and resolve manually yourself. Here is a good beginners' guide.
Material-ui, like many other frameworks (reason why I took the time to explain all of the above) is built with modularity in mind: pieces of code can be "glued" or "pieced" together like Legos, in order to easily build bigger parts. You do this by simply including the components you need in any component you create. They are React components which are a simple way to define (write/create) the "building blocks" of your site/app. There are tons of great videos and tutorials to get you started with React (my favorite is by Tyler McGinnis).
To get you started with material-ui, they have created a couple of examples to get started using webpack. Follow the simple steps to install npm and the dependencies (you can find them in package.json) and open the /src directory in your editor. You'll figure it out in no time.
You are in the right track with the right attitude by asking questions, learning to be a good developer, researching and trying to find the easiest way to accomplish your goal.
Had pretty much the same problem. Wanted a simple way to start using material-ui without the gibberish. Here's what I did:
npm install material-ui
npm install -g webpack
webpack node_modules/material-ui/lib/index.js material-ui.js
This gave me a javascript file, material-ui.js, I could then include in my HTML. In my case I'm using electron, so this is my HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<div id="content"></div>
<script type="text/babel">
import React from 'react';
import FlatButton from 'material-ui/lib/flat-button';
const FlatButtonExampleSimple = () => (
<FlatButton label="Default" />
<FlatButton label="Primary" primary={true} />
<FlatButton label="Secondary" secondary={true} />
<FlatButton label="Disabled" disabled={true} />
<FlatButtonExampleSimple />,
Material-UI is a set of React components in addition to being a CSS framework. I don't know if you can get much use out of it without understanding React.
The easiest way to get started is to install the examples and start from there.
If you don't want to deal with a frontend framework like React, and just want CSS and JS files with a setup time as quick as Bootstrap, check out the Materialize library.
To be honest, I think you got a big problem to use this stuff.
Firstly, it depends on Facebook's View framework called React so you have to know well some basic things.
Secondly,React is totally a javascript stuff and if you use it by coding plain javascript, that would be an other big problem which may stop you.otherwise if you use it's syntax sugar called jsx, you still need to pay plenty of times to learn well it so that you could know how React work and then you could use it in your project.
Thirdly, before the above mentioned happen, there are still several things required that you dont need to know well NodeJs or webpack or NPM but at least you should know well how to use them as the simple tools.
So, is it a must that you have no other choice but have to use this stuff and only act it as a simple css framework?
If not! you can give up now except you are ready to learn tons of dependencies!!!
If yes! I advice you to install nodejs first and then install npm and then use npm to install react maybe you still need to install some tools like babel browserify or webpack(the best) and then dive into React and then you could begin learning how to use MUI~ sounds...mass
There isnt a quick pickup way for MUI just like they said!
If you use the react+redux, you can use the
I wrote a sample node project showing how to bundle a react component for consumption in non-react websites using webpack. It's a similar approach to dkantowitz's, except it removes the need to introduce react or reactDom to the consuming website.
The example as it is would need to be extended to allow use with multiple components (like material-ui is) but I think it provides a good starting point for seeing whats involved with webpack and babel etc

Natural Templating .html (like Thymeleaf) for Node.js

Is there Natural Templating for Node.js
Natural Templating (like Thymeleaf template engine) is when template page or it's part can be perfectly displayed by a browser as a prototype, without being executed at all.
That is, I have template with .html extension, and I can just open in browser to preview it, and use standard HTML dev tools to edit.
UPDATE: I have added answered, that were added in comments. (Do new StackOverflower users fear to add answers?) Hope to hear from developers, that actually use those things (just add new answer) (answered by generalhenry)
Plates (short for templates) binds data to markup. Plates has NO
special syntax. It works in the browser and in Node.js.
I have a jinja like template engine in the backend.
My frontend sometimes needs to retrieve data from the server and interpolate with the content of a HTML5 template tag.
I could do that with query selectors. But I want something more closer to thymeleaf or mustache without special syntax (especially not to conflict with my backend template engine and not have any issues when presented in the HTML5 template tag).
So I created this:
While this works in the browser (and that's fine for my personal use), it's not difficult to use a DOM API to port it to node or deno.
<script type="module">
import compile from ""
const render = compile(document.getElementById("app"))
message: "Hello World!"
<div id="app">
<h1 :text="message">Loading...</h1>
{{ mustache }} (answered by etienne)
Logic-less templates.
Available in Ruby, JavaScript, Python, Erlang, PHP, Perl, Objective-C,
Java, .NET, Android, C++, Go, Lua, ooc, ActionScript, ColdFusion,
Scala, Clojure, Fantom, CoffeeScript, D, and for node.js.
Works great with TextMate, Vim, Emacs, and Coda.
I was using Handlebars.
There are actually quite a few template engines in JavaScript and here you can decide what you need.

How to make PrimeFace's Editor Right To Left

Is it possible to make the PrimeFaces's Editor component, right to left?
It seems not to support dir and style attributes... :(
in my experience controls in jsf framework like prime/open/etc.. don't support RTL using html #dir,
usually the interfaces of these controls are built using Javascript, so probably you should work at that level.
Can I suggest you to consider two other alternatives to jsf controls in this case?:
Using a javascript html editor (like elrte, maybe is easier to customize and it has also Arabic translation).
Using the Flex html editor (is Flash, if you can, and Flex support RTL for all controls)
Just bumped into this thread by accident,
anyway I remember that i did the RTL with jquery like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$("j_idt33:inputtextlist").contents().find('html').attr('dir', 'rtl');
had to find the id with firebug , inputtextlist was the id i gave to the editor , and ypu can always use a smarter jquery selector (with suffix match)

How different is YUI 3 to YUI 2 to start learning?

For last two years I have been programming extensively with jQuery and ExtJs. I think now it's time for me to invest some time in learning the impressive YUI library.
In terms of learning from scratch what is advisable?
I dont plan to use YUI 2 at all in any of my future projects I will use only YUI 3. Is there any paradigm shift in riting code for YUI 2 and YUI 3? or is it only about some cosmetic changes ?
YUI2 and YUI3 are really very different. As different as plain javascript vs jQuery.
Here's an example of setting the background color of all elements of a given class to red to illustrate the difference.
First in YUI2:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var YDom = YAHOO.util.Dom;
Now in YUI3:
<script src=""></script>
Notice the main differences:
In YUI2 you include the needed modules yourself using the <script> tag. In YUI3 you only include one script file with the <script> tag and load all the rest using YUI().use. In the example above we use the node module in YUI3. YUI2 does have a module that can do the auto loading but it is a separate module itself and not built-in to the YAHOO global object.
YUI2 is traditional imperative programming: foo(bar()) while YUI3 uses chaining.
YUI3 forces you to write all YUI related code inside a function therefore running in its own scope and exposes only the YUI object to the global scope. This is basically ninja mode in other libraries.
Learn YUI 3, it is the future of the library. It's also a huge leap forward in terms of usability and flexibility from YUI 2. At this point learning YUI 2 unless you really have to is going to be wasted time.
Yes, definitely YUI3... It has great performance enhancements compared to YUI2.
Since you mentioned you have been extensively using jQuery already, this link might help you pick up YUI3 faster----listing the most frequently used YUI3-equivalents of jQuery modules
Hope that helps..
For other people who flock to this page in search of answers, here are a bunch of videos from the YUI blog to get started on YUI3.
Eric Miraglia’s Welcome to YUI 3
and more videos here -
You can find more documentation on YUI3 library here
YUI is a free, open source JavaScript and CSS library for building richly interactive web applications.
YUI is a library of JavaScript utilities and controls for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM Scripting, DHTML, and Ajax.
Modular Architecture / Dependency Management
Component Infrastructure
Event System
DOM Interaction,Ajax,Many Widgets
Great Documentation
YUI App Framework
Is Open Sourced
Is Developed by Yahoo and the YUI community
Is based on YUI3
Is inspired by Backbone.js
Gives you a basic structure for front end heavy web applications
More About YUI
