Excel 2010: Macro for hidden column groups - excel

VBA is not my particular strength, but here we go:
I would like to trigger a macro once a group of columns is hidden or shown. How can I archive this?
The results of my previous research
The only good hint about this I could find is this discussion at MSDN. Here, a solution is using the following way is drafted:
From the root dir of the xlsx file create a file customUI\customUI.xml with the content
<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui" >
<commands >
</commands >
</customUI >
and add
<Relationship Id="edTAB" Type="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/relationships/ui/extensibility" Target="customUI/customUI.xml" />
to the _rels\_rels.xml. (All this probably is much easier using Visual Studio, but I have no access to such sophisticated tools in the microsoft world...) Now, the macro can be used the following way:
Public Sub ColumnHide_onAction(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef cancelDefault)
' Code for onAction callback. Ribbon control command
MsgBox "Ribbon Column Hide"
cancelDefault = False
End Sub
Public Sub ColumnUnhide_onAction(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef cancelDefault)
' Code for onAction callback. Ribbon control command
MsgBox "Ribbon Column Unhide"
cancelDefault = False
End Sub
This approach perfectly catches hiding and unhiding of columns, but not hiding and unhiding of groups. So, close, but not quite there.
Downloading the possible idMso values from here, I got notice of the GroupViewShowHide control. Using this the same way as ColumnsHide or ColumnsUnhide does not archive the desired result, though.
Any ideas?

For hiding groups of columns, I've noticed you haven't used the .Hidden property in your code example. It can be quite useful, especially if you define a group of columns in an array. For example:
For byti = 0 To UBound(cols())
If Hide Then
ActiveSheet.columns(cols(byti)).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
...and so on.
To check if a group of columns is already hidden or not, you could also use an array. Group your columns by assigning them to an array, then compare your worksheet's current status (what columns are hidden, what are not) to that array.
The code below is a suggestion for starting, and you could adapt to your project. It doesn't require the customUI.xml file you mentioned in your question.
The key parts are the MyColumnCheck variant, which is used to check if columns are hidden, and the .Match method. This is the VBA equivalent of the Match spreadsheet function.
Working on this code taught me much about how to search within arrays, and the ups and downs of using Match versus other methods - such as Find and just looping through an array! This has been discussed in several posts already, see this one for a good example. I chose to do Match rather than a For...Next loop, although it would be easy to include a For..Next loop that checks if a hidden column is in a group you assign.
If you're wondering about the IfError statement:
Application.IfError(Application.Match(MyColumnCheck.Column, MyColumnArray, 0),...
... this is because using Match in VBA code is often somewhat tricky as mentioned here. Also, as #Lori_m wrote here, "Using Application without .WorksheetFunction returns a variant which allows for arrays in arguments and results."
Also, I chose to change the values of the group array to -1 as they were checked, so when the procedure was done a little simple math would reveal if all the columns referenced by the array were hidden. A negative number is better for this check because I'm assuming you would refer to an actual column with only positive numbers.
So, to sum up, .Match can be used effectively to check if the hidden columns on a worksheet match a group of columns defined by an array.
'the column group you're looking for, dim as a dynamic array of column numbers
Dim MyColumnArray(1) As Long
'MyColumnArray(0) is column 2 or "B", MyColumnArray(1) is column 3 or "C", etc
MyColumnArray(0) = 2
MyColumnArray(1) = 3
Dim MyColumnCheck As Variant 'column check
For Each MyColumnCheck In Worksheets("Sheet1").columns
'if the column is hidden and exists in MyColumnArray array...
If columns(MyColumnCheck.Column).EntireColumn.Hidden = True And _
Application.IfError(Application.Match(MyColumnCheck.Column, MyColumnArray, 0), 0) > 0 _
MyColumnArray(Application.Match(MyColumnCheck.Column, MyColumnArray, 0) - 1) = -1
'... set that element of the MyColumnArray array to -1.
End If
If WorksheetFunction.Sum(MyColumnArray) = 0 - (UBound(MyColumnArray) + 1) Then
Debug.Print "group MyColumnArray is hidden"
'execute code here for when the group is hidden
Debug.Print "group MyColumnArray is visible"
'execute code here for when the group is visible
End If


How to generate a three level dependable dropdown list

I am a complete VBA beginner and this is the first time I have had to deal with VBA. My project is simple- a user form which heavily relies on dependent drop down lists. I watched a ton of videos and wrote (more like copy-pasted) code which actually works just fine. My issue is that I need to edit part of my code to add a feature which I have trouble finding a video on (trial and error editing only took me this far).
In it's current state, my form has two dropdown lists drawing information from a sheet where data is arranged in columns as follows:
The user picks a category and then the item list if filtered based on the previous selection. I now need to rearrange those columns are add another one, making it the 1st tier selection as follows:
Just rearranging the columns alone breaks my code. On top of that I need to add the Location combobox, which would filter the Categories, which in turn filter the Items.
This is the code which handles the CATEGORY and ITEM list:
Private Sub cmbEquipCategory_Change()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim lastBlankRow As Long
Set sh = Sheets("Equipment_List")
lastBlankRow = sh.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To lastBlankRow
If sh.Cells(i, 3) = Me.cmbEquipCategory.value Then
Me.cmbEquipment.AddItem sh.Cells(i, 2)
End If
Next i
End Sub
It is my impression that I need to alter this code to draw data from columns 2 and 4 (it currently does so from 3 and 2) and write another almost identical block of code which handles LOCATION and CATEGORY. Any advice, resources or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The way I do this is to used named ranges. So selecting your ITEM ID would lead to one of several ITEM ranges (I name them according to the ITEM ID options) which would lead to one of several CATEGORY ranges (I name these according to the ITEM options). The more options you have the more ranges you need. Named ranges aren't broken by adding in columns.

Is there a way to "Select all" the Apply Names in Excel?

In Formulas->Define Name->Apply Names, I have thousands of custom named cells in the listbox. It is inefficient to select them allone by one. Is there a way, by setting in Excel or VBA code, to select them all? CTRL+A and SHIFT PgUp/Dn doesn't work.
In UserForm_Initialize(), I applied Cells.ApplyNames but error says 'Runtime error 1004, Microsoft Excel cannot find references to replace'
The documentation at msdn.microsoft.com says
Names: An array of the names to be applied. If this argument is omitted, all names on the sheet are applied to the range.
see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff196578(v=office.15).aspx
Following on that try this:
Selection.ApplyNames _
IgnoreRelativeAbsolute:=True, UseRowColumnNames:=True, _
OmitColumn:=True, OmitRow:=True, Order:=1, AppendLast:=False
This should work depending on the Scope of the Defined Names and their visibility. Try that and let us know the results.
I found that combining a for loop with the ApplyNames Function worked for me.
Sub ApplyNames()
On Error Resume Next
Count = ActiveWorkbook.Names.Count
For i = 1 To Count
Name = ActiveWorkbook.Names.Item(i).Name
Cells.applynames Names:=Array(Name), IgnoreRelativeAbsolute:=False
Next i
End Sub
It counts the number of names then loops through them individually.
For some reason leaving the names variable empty didn't work in my situation, I think it was because there were errors in some of the names.

How to merge two (or more) rows using VBA in Excel?

I am trying to merge two rows in Excel using VBA in order to create a new row with the combination values of selected rows using a factor x.
alpha 5 6 8 3 ...
beta 10 1 5 7 ...
With alpha and beta I want to create row ab70 (x=.7)
ab70 6.5 4.5 7.1 4.2 ...
(5*.7+10(1-.7)) ...
I would like to create this from a GUI in VBA selecting from a list the materials and chosing the factor x.
Thanks :D
The first version of this answer was more concerned with clarifying the requirement than answering the question. The second version is closer to an proper answer. Questions in the first version which were answered in comments have been deleted.
First version after removal of questions
This is not a site which can teach you to create a userform although you could get help with the code for a control. Try searching the web for “excel vba userform tutorial”. There are a number to choose from. I have not tried any so cannot make a recommendation.
A List box allows the program to provide a list from which the user can select one or more items. A Combo box allows the program to provide a list from which the user can select one item or enter a new value that is not within the list. You do not want the user to be able to specify their own material so you need a List Box. By default the user can only select one item which is what you want.
Second version
This will not be a complete answer. I will give you design ideas which you can then develop to meet your exact requirement or you can clarify your requirement and I will develop them a little more. I will give you some useful code but not all you will need for the complete solution.
You say that combining two materials would meet your immediate needs but in the longer term you wish to combine more. There are different approaches to addressing such a situation:
Design and implement a solution for the immediate need now. Redesign for the longer term later.
Design and implement a solution for the long term need now.
Design a solution for the long term then implement as much of the long-term design as seems appropriate.
None of these approaches will be correct in every case. If you are working to a deadline, approach 1 many be the only choice. Approach 1 may also be appropriate if you lack experience with the technology and wish for a simple implementation as a training exercise. When I was young, distributing a new version of an application to multiple users could be very expensive and approach 2 would often be the preferred approach. These days, approach 3 is normally my preference.
From your comments I deduce you are thinking of something like:
The two list boxes are filled with the names of the materials so the user can click one row in the first list box and one in the second to specify the two materials. Text boxes allow the user to enter the Proportion and the Name. I have used the blue “Rem” to represent the remainder (1 – x) which you may wish to display as a comment. You may not have thought of buttons. There should always be an Exit button in case the user has started the macro unintentionally. Clicking a button to save the mixture allows the user to check the four values first.
I think this could be an excellent design for the two material version. If we ignore the actual merging of the rows, there would be little code behind this form.
I do not know how long your material names are but I assume this design could be expanded for three or four materials by adding extra list boxes to the right with a Proportion text box under all but the last list. However, this arrangement would have a low maximum number of materials in a mixture. This will be acceptable if you do have a low maximum. You might also allow the user to mix mixtures thereby allowing an unlimited number of base materials in a mixture.
The code behind a form that allowed three or four materials in a mixture would be only a little more complicated than that behind the two material version.
I have two alternative designs that would perhaps be better with a higher maximum number of materials but it will not outline then unless you indicates that this first design is unacceptable.
I would expect any good tutorial to explain the various methods of loading a list box with values to I will not repeat them.
However you decide to handle the selection of materials and their proportions, you will need a routine to generate the new row.
I have created a worksheet “Material” and have set the first few rows and columns so:
I appreciate you have many more rows and columns but my data is adequate for a test and demonstration. Note in the heading line "Prop" is short for "Property".
You need to tell the routine which merges rows, which rows to mix. The user will select material B2 say. You could pass “B2” to the routine and let it discover the row from which it had come but this would make the routine more difficult to code than necessary. When loading the list boxes from this worksheet, values will be taken from column A of rows 2 to 12. I would expect your user form tutorial to explain that your code can identify the value selected by the user either by value (B2) or by index (4th row). You know the 1st row of the list box was loaded from row 2 of the worksheet so you can calculate that the 4th row of the list box was loaded from row 5 of the worksheet.
You need to tells the routine the proportions entered by the user and the name of the mixture.
Above I listed three possible approaches to deciding how much to implement. An addition to any of these approaches is the inclusion of flexibility that is not required but is as easy or is easier to include than exclude.
The declaration for my routine is:
Sub RecordNewMixture(ByVal WshtName, ByRef RowSrc() As Long, ByRef Prop() As Single, _
ByVal MaterialNameNew As String)
You will only have one worksheet holding materials and its name is unlikely to change so I could hardcode that worksheet’s name into the routine. However, it almost as easy to make the worksheet name a parameter and I think it makes the code tidier so I have make it a parameter.
The routine requires the array Prop() hold all the proportions including the last. So, for example, (0.7, 0.3) or (0.3, 0.3, 0.4). The user form will have to calculate the last proportion so it might as well pass the last proportion. I have made Prop() an array of Singles which I assume will give you adequate precision. If you do not understand the last sentence I can explain. Note that here "Prop" is short for proportion. Sorry for using "Prop" as an abbreviation for both "Property" and "Proportion". I did not notice until I the final checking of this text.
I needed a routine to test Sub RecordNewMixture so I have provided it as a demonstration. Note that I have coded and tested this routine without any involvement of the user form. It is always a good idea to develop and test your routines in isolation before combining them into the finished product.
After running the macro, worksheet “Material” has two new rows:
If you duplicate the new rows with formulae, you will find that the values are as you require.
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Dim RowSrc() As Long
Dim Prop() As Single
ReDim RowSrc(0 To 1)
ReDim Prop(0 To 1)
RowSrc(0) = 2: Prop(0) = 0.7!
RowSrc(1) = 4: Prop(1) = 0.3!
Call RecordNewMixture("Material", RowSrc, Prop, "Join24")
ReDim RowSrc(1 To 3)
ReDim Prop(1 To 3)
RowSrc(1) = 3: Prop(1) = 0.3!
RowSrc(2) = 6: Prop(2) = 0.3!
RowSrc(3) = 9: Prop(3) = 0.4!
Call RecordNewMixture("Material", RowSrc, Prop, "Join369")
End Sub
Sub RecordNewMixture(ByVal WshtName, ByRef RowSrc() As Long, ByRef Prop() As Single, _
ByVal MaterialNameNew As String)
' * RowSrc is an array containing the numbers of the rows in worksheet WshtName
' that are to be mixed to create a new material.
' * Prop is an array containing the proportions of each source material in the new
' mixture.
' * Arrays RowSrc and Prop must have the same lower and upper bounds.
' * MaterialNameNew is the name of the mixture.
' * Each data row in Worksheet WshtName defines a material. Column A contains the
' name of the material. The remaining columns contain numeric properties of the
' material.
' Each data row in Worksheet WshtName must have the same maximum number of
' columns. Call this value ColLast.
' * This routine creates a new row below any existing rows within worksheet
' WshtName. Call this row RowNew. The values in this new row are:
' * Column A = MaterialNameNew
' * For ColCrnt = 2 to ColMax
' * Cell(RowNew, ColCrnt) = Sum of Cell(RowSrc(N), ColCrnt) * Prop(N)
' for N = LBound(RowSrc) to UBound(RowSrc)
Dim ColCrnt As Long
Dim ColLast As Long
Dim InxRowSrc As Long
Dim RowNew As Long
Dim ValueNewCrnt As Single
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Worksheets(WshtName)
' Locate the row before the last row with a value in column A
RowNew = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
' Store name of new material
.Cells(RowNew, "A") = MaterialNameNew
' Locate the last column in the first source row. Assume same
' last column for all other source rows
ColLast = .Cells(RowSrc(LBound(RowSrc)), Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For ColCrnt = 2 To ColLast
' If Single does not give adequate precision, change the declaration of
' Prop() and ValueNewCrnt to Double. If you do this, replace "0!" by "0#"
ValueNewCrnt = 0!
For InxRowSrc = LBound(RowSrc) To UBound(RowSrc)
ValueNewCrnt = ValueNewCrnt + .Cells(RowSrc(InxRowSrc), ColCrnt).Value * Prop(InxRowSrc)
.Cells(RowNew, ColCrnt) = ValueNewCrnt
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Adding several elements to a listbox menu in vba

I am trying to create a menu with list boxes in order to be able to select a number of customers from a list in an excel sheet. There are two list boxes, one with all the (default) data and one with the selected customers.
There is no problem adding one customer but when I add a second customer the graphic interface shows nothing, but after some debugging, the SelectedCustomers.RowSource still have the two rows in its data:
This would have me believe there is some error with how I save the data or some limitations to Excel that I am not aware of. This is the code I use to save the data:
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
Dim temp As Range
For i = 0 To DefCustomers.ListCount - 1
If DefCustomers.Selected(i) = True Then
If temp Is Nothing Then
Set temp = Range(Rows(i + 4).Address)
Set temp = Application.Union(temp, Range(Rows(i + 4).Address))
End If
End If
Next i
SelectedCustomers.RowSource = temp.Address
End Sub
Has someone experienced this before or know what the problem might be?
Instead of RowSource use AddItem method:
For i = 0 To DefCustomers.ListCount - 1
If DefCustomers.Selected(i) Then
SelectedCustomers.AddItem DefCustomers.Selected(i)
End If
Next i
There are known issues with ListBox.RowSource property in Excel VBA.
After the discussion...
No matter of number of columns, you can copy rows from source sheet into another sheet, then bind SelectedCustomers listbox to that data

Autofilter criteria value in VBA

I have a table with activated autofilter mode and it is known that only Criteria1-type filtering is applicable (i.e. items of interest are implicitly indicated). My goal is to extract a criteria list for each column in VBA. I used IsArray(.Filters(i).Criteria1) to determine if there is more than 1 item selected for a particular column and everything works fine when either 1 or more than 2 items are selected. However, when I select 2 items, .Filters(i).Criteria1 is not recognized as an array for some reason. .Filters(i).Criteria1 returns only the item that is higher in the list.
Could anyone explain me: why is it so and what is the best way to deal with this problem?
This is an old as question, but in case anyone ends up confused here, confused.
With the a filters object (part of the worksheet.autofilter.filters collection probably)
Here is 1 happens:
1 filter on a column:
filters(i).criteria1 is a string
2 filters on a column:
filters(i).criteria1 is a string
filters(i).criteria2 is a string
3 or more filters on a column:
filters(i).criteria1 is an array of strings (which is a variant)
filters(i).criteria2 doesn't exist
This isn't that clear from MSDN, but it's what happens. My only guess is that in past versions of excel it wasn't possible to add more than 1 filter criteria, and so the old criteria1 and criteria2 types were maintained for backwards compatibility. Still though, it's a stupid system.
Which means that the only way to get the filter properties (as far as I can see) is as follows:
For Each f In ActiveSheet.AutoFilter.Filters
If f.On Then
If IsArray(f.Criteria1) Then
cA = f.Criteria1
c1 = f.Criteria1
On Error Resume Next
c2 = f.Criteria2
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End If
Because Criteria2 errors for both IsEmpty(f.Criteria1) and IsNull(f.Criteria1) so as far as I can see the only way to check if it exists is with an ugly on error resume next
