on port 80 - node.js

I've made a node application which listens on port 80, my application works fine on localhost, but when I run it on my VPS, I get a different log and a different result ( websockets just don't work )
A comparison between localhost's log and VPS' log:
Node's log on localhost
Node's log on VPS
As you see, in VPS, xhr is used instead of websocket after it says "info: transport end (socket end)"
I don't use any web server on my VPS and I ran my application as root.

Are you running a web server in front of your node app on your VPS? If so, make sure it is new enough and properly configured to do websockets. For instance, on modern Ubuntu the stock nginx is not new enough yet to support web sockets, so you have to install a separate package to get websocket support.
2nd guess: is there a proxy server between your browser and your VPS?

Have you run it as the super user on the VPS? Normal users are typically blocked from opening ports below 1024.

Our server hosted on VPS, using port 80. The io connection fired through cellular data and through WIFI fine, but in some wifi networks it didn't.
So we had used different port, then it works.


Deploy Create-React-App on a remote Windows Server

I am an inexperienced intern working with a remote Windows Server and React. The Windows Server is running in the company network. I have created a dynamic React website with a NodeJs backend and React Router. I have only ran it on the localhost development server. I want to try to deploy it on the remote Windows Server and give it a custom domain name (Something which can be accessed like servername/myreactapp/).
So far, I have had no success trying to make it work with IIS, even with a web.config file (I get 404 and 500 errors). I am currently making it work by actually running the development server and the nodejs server in the Windows Server, and I access it through the server IP at port 3000.
An improvement would be to be able to access the port through the server name (like servername:3000, instead of the server_ip:3000), but ideally I want to be able to access it like servername/myreactapp/.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much.
The simple solution would be to run your app on port 80 then you will not have to specify the port number.
The best solution would be to set up Nginx on the server and proxy_pass / route to port 3000.
If its running on localhost, which would be port 80, the url would be like http://your_server_name:80, and would be accessible by anyone on the same network, as long as your authentication allows it.

Can't access basic Hello World application launched on Amazon EC2 windows server using NodeJS

I tried to look for solutions and most of them talk about adding HTTP, RDP, HTTPS to security group which I have already done. I have a basic hello world nodeJS application running on Amazon Windows Server 2012. I want to access this application using DNS but it's showing ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT in my local laptop browser.
I have RDP, HTTPS, HTTP, SSH, Custom TCP Protocol with 9000 port (nodeJS is running on port 9000) for inbound rules and for outbound default "All traffic" rule is present. I have not done any changes in the Windows Server 2012 configuration. WHen I run localhost:9000 in the windows server 2012 then server returns "Hello World" but when I try that on my local machine with DNS : 9000 then it says ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
Thanks for everyone's support. Special thanks to Viccari. His suggestion (in the comments below the question) worked. I needed to add the port to the firewall. So basically after adding all the protocols to the security group, I had to add the new port on which the NodeJS is working, to the firewall in the server. Finally its working.

Connecting to websocket server from external network

I'm not sure whether to ask this question on a programming forum or linux administration forum as it involves both programming with web sockets and server admin. Basically I am trying to follow this guide "". I have a centos basic server that has a static IP and I've port forwarded it to ports 22 and 80 (ssh and http). I can compile and run the server app fine, but i cannot connect the client. I'm currently out of ideas since I've never messed with networking before. I read somewhere that html5 websockets go through ports 80 and 443 when given an external IP. What I want is to start the server app on port say something like 1445 and then lets pretend my external IP is and then have client connection string look like 'ws//'. What am I missing, do I need to install apache or something?
Thanks for reading.

TCP server won't work on Openshift NodeJS

I've used the openshift-cartridge-tcp-endpoint cartridge to try and make a TCP server which I can access from a desktop application.
I've set it up on a scaleable application and I can see the OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT_TCP and OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PROXY_PORT_TCP values when I list the environment variables using 'export' when ssh'd into my application.
The problem is, when I do 'rhc ssh APP_NAME oo-gear-registry all', no port is listed over which I can access my TCP application and when I try to access the application over the port given by the HTTP server, it does not connect. Do I have to take additional steps to make the port show up and be accessible?
It looks like that cartridge is over 2 years old, and probably doesn't work with the current version of OpenShift Online, as it only exposes port 8080 publicly and uses an HTTP/WS reverse proxy, so only http or web services connections would work. You might try logging an issue with the cartridge's creator here ( and ask them if it still works or not.

adding lan support in a HTML5 game using javascript

i want to add lan support to tic-tac-toe game which is a HTML5 canvas based, so that two players can easily play. how can i do it using javascript/node.js?
OK, I'm assuming all of your HTML5 game is finished and you're distributing it with the server that hosts it. (Otherwise you're stuck to just the browser, which can't do all the awesome node.js net stuff, I am describing.)
NB: You need to have node.js running on both clients. Otherwise you can't do LAN-only without a central server's involvement.
One of your clients has decided they want to host a LAN game
The node.js server running on that client starts to listen on a port
That server find out its local IP Get local IP address in node.js
Your players can manually tell each other the IP of the hosting server
Your hosting server sends out broadcast messages to its local subnet, informing them that it's hosting a game
Your other client server scans for IPs in its local subnet to find any hosting gameservers (Tries to open the pre-determined port your hosting server is listening on.)
The other node.js client opens a connection to the hosting server.
