What key will skip to end of autocomplete? - komodo

I just started using Komodo by way of VS and Aptana. When I'm doing anything with parentheses, it helpfully autocompletes the closing parenthesis like in Aptana. My instinct is to then press TAB to skip to the end of the line, but that doesn't seem to work in Komodo. I've looked through the key bindings several times but I don't know what the action I'm looking for is actually called, so it doesn't do any good. How do I skip to the end of the autocomplete? The image below shows what the editor looks like when I want to skip to the end of the outlined parenthesis.

From http://docs.activestate.com/komodo/4.4/editor.html — "Cursor movement (e.g. moving over the soft character with the right-arrow) "hardens" soft characters."
Depending on what OS you're on, I expect the "go to end of line" character movement would have the same effect for multiple characters at once (i.e. the full autocomplete). Apple-right-arrow on OS X.

I know this is old, but press the "end" button to skip to the end of a line. This should do what you're asking.


How to go back to previous when doing find replace confirm in vi?

Frequently when I am doing a find and replace in vi I will do it like this:
This gives you the option to skip by pressing n, or replace by pressing y. But, sometimes I will accidentally skip over one in a large file by pressing n when I meant to press y.
How do I go backwards to the previous one and give me a second change?
Essentially, how to I find (search) the other direction temporarily? thanks.
I'm not sure if you would like to interrupt current find-replace operation and resume it again. But if that is acceptable, here is my suggestion:
Start your find-replace the way you mentioned:
After you accidentally skip over a substitution by pressing n, interrupt the search by pressing <ctrl-C>
Press <shift-N> to go back to the previous occurrence of your find term
Run find-replace a little differently while you are at this word: :.,$s/find/replace/gc
Continue the operation
All this functionality works with vim native capabilities without having to install any addon.
Note: The .,$ range specifier indicates to perform :s (substitute) operation over a range of lines that start with current line (indicated by .) and until last line (indicated by $).
Note2: It might be known to you, but reiterating for anyone else who stumbles upon this post searching for something similar - The % range specifier indicates to perform :s (substitute) operation over all lines of currently active buffer.
This is not answer to the question, but a very good alternative. I recently discovered the CtrlSF plugin and it improves the search /replace process dramatically.
Basically, you have the search results in a buffer and you can do all the replacements in this single buffer.
In your scenario, you first do :CtrlSF find, get a buffer with all the matches in all files and then you do /find and move with n over your targets and change them (of course, you can actually change only the first one and then repeat the replacement with .).
If you miss some target, you just hit N to go back to the previous result and replace it.
Seems like you can't back to previous match using this pattern. Appeared bar propose following commands y/n/a/q/l/^E/^Y but no one of them will return backward to previous match.
But you can use little different pattern described bellow:
Type this /pattern replacing pattern with interested word;
Your cursor is navigated to first occurrence, if you don't need to change it press n it will navigates you to the next occurrence;
Since you understand you need to replace a word, do this by typing cw, this command cuts the forward word and turns you to insertion mode;
Type in desired text on the released place and press ESC to switch back to command mode;
Now again press n until desired occurrence;
Since you realize that you need to change an occurrence, just press on . it will repeat previously mentioned actions;
If you want to go back just use N.

How to delete, including the current character?

Let's say I've typed "abcdefg", with the cursor at the end. I want to delete back to the c, so that I only have "abc" left.
Is there a command like d that includes the current character? I know I could do dTcx, but the x feels like a work-around and I suppose there's a better solution.
No. Backward motions always start on the left of the current character for c, y and d which is somehow logical but also unnerving.
The only "clean" solutions I could think of either imply moving to the char after c first and then do a forward delete:
or using visual mode:
But, given your sample and assuming you are entering normal mode just for that correction, the whole thing sounds extremely wasteful to me.
What about staying in insert mode and simply doing ←←←←?
try this:
this will leave abc for your example... well if the abcdefg is the last word of the line.
if it is not the last word in that line, you may do:
or golfing, do it within 3 key-stroke:
3Xx or l4X
See this answer to a similar question : there is a setting to be allowed to go beyond the end of the line
From the doc :
Virtual editing means that the cursor can be positioned where there is
no actual character. This can be halfway into a tab or beyond the end
of the line. Useful for selecting a rectangle in Visual mode and
editing a table.
"onemore" is not the same, it will only allow moving the cursor just
after the last character of the line. This makes some commands more
consistent. Previously the cursor was always past the end of the line
if the line was empty. But it is far from Vi compatible. It may also
break some plugins or Vim scripts. For example because |l| can move
the cursor after the last character. Use with care!
Using the $ command will move to the last character in the line, not
past it. This may actually move the cursor to the left!
The g$ command will move to the end of the screen line.
It doesn't make sense to combine "all" with "onemore", but you will
not get a warning for it.
In short, you could try :set virtualedit=onemore, and see if your environment is stable or not with it.
Use d?c
That will start d mode, search back to 'c' and then delete up to your cursor position.
Edit: nope, that does not include current position...
I may be misunderstanding your request, but does 3hd$ do it?
I would use vFdd in this example. I think it's nicer than the other solutions since the command explicitly shows what to delete. It includes the current character and the specified character when deleting.
v: enter visual mode (mark text)
F: find/goto character backwards
d: the character "d" that will be included for removal.
d: delete command
Since it is visual mode, the cursor can also be moved before executing the actual removal d. This makes the command powerful even for deleting up to a non unique character by first marking a special character close to the character and then adjusting the position.

Remap End Key - $ Not Sufficient

I am trying to get off of using the arrow keys to navigate in VIM, so that I dont have to move my hands off the home rows. The problem I am having is finding the End Key equivalent. I used it a ton to go to the end of a line. I can still use it, but then I have to move my hands off the home rows, making this adjustment pointless. $ moves my cursor to the last character in the line, not after the last character in the line, which is where I want it to go. Why would I want to insert right before the last character on the line?
How can I remap the functionality of End Key (which can be used in insert and visual mode) to something else?
Thank you
It looks like you are doing $i which is the wrong approach.
$ is the right command to reach the end of the line but i is used to enter insert mode before the current character. You are supposed to use a to enter insert mode after the current character.
So you seem to be blocked because you don't know about a which is just as basic as i, IMO.
$a would solve your immediate problem.
But there's more, did you know that you can use I to enter insert mode at the beginning of the line? What command could we use to enter insert mode at the end of the line?
You are right, the correct command to enter insert mode at the end of the line is simply A, as #dusan commented.
You don't need to remap anything. What you need is a second (first?) injection of $ vimtutor.

Jumping [f]orward to a letter into the next line

Say that in the following paragraph my cursor lies on the first are in the first sentence (wish I could highlight it, but I can't so ...). Upon pressing ff twice that will get me to fools in the first sentence, and then to of. Further pressing it will get me nowhere.
Some people are confident because they are fools. Leonard had the look of
someone who was confident because, so far, he'd never found reason not to be. He
would step off a high building in the happy state of mind of someone who
intended to deal with the problem of the ground when it presented itself.
What would I need to modify so I can "move" across lines, so that further pressing ff will make Vim jump into the next lines?
Nothing to modify except Vim's source code. fFtT are linewise and there's nothing you can do about it. See :h left-right-motions
You could use /f, which is not limited to the current line, instead but it's not as fast as it requires another keypress.
Or a plugin like easymotion.
Did you know that you can hit ; to redo the previous fFtT?
There are a couple of solutions, but none do exactly what you want. Usually in this situation I would do ff followed by a series of ; characters to repeat f. When I reach the end of the line I hit + and then continue with ;. Similarly, you can use , to go backwards and 0<BS> to go back a line.
Another option is to write lines with set wrap and no hard breaks, but for various reasons users may not find that ideal.
Despite this seeming like nonsense it can actually be useful in some situations. For example, the :norm command will skip a line if ff doesn't find anything. You can use this for complex :norm commands over multiple lines to check for a particular character before you proceed with the command.
There's a plugin that accomplishes this: https://github.com/dahu/vim-fanfingtastic

In bash, how to make control-delete mean kill-word?

Bash uses readline, and readline can delete the word to the right of the cursor with "kill-word".
The problem is in recognizing the keypress of control-delete. When I press them in bash, "5~" is output on the screen. I could just bind for this, but it would mean that one day I need to type "5~", and it deletes a word to the right instead! So I'd much rather discover the correct control sequence.
I have googled, and quite a few resources discuss the "delete" key, but none that I've found discuss "control-delete" key. I've experimented with many variations, but nothing works.
The worst is the hours I've spent on this tedious, mindless grind, when it really should be a non-problem.
EDIT: It's through X, so maybe there's a solution with xev and xmodmap
On my machine, pressing Ctrl-V, Ctrl-Delete outputs this:
The ^[ escape character can be replaced with \e, so you can then use bind like this for bash (in your ~/.bashrc for example):
bind '"\e[3;5~":kill-word'
Or, you can add the following to your ~/.inputrc so Ctrl-Delete does kill-word in any program that uses readline:
"\e[3;5~": kill-word
This will bind only the Ctrl-Delete key, you don't have to worry about what will happen if you need to type 5~.
What you see is not the whole truth. It's probably <ESC>5~ or something like that. Try Ctrl-V Ctrl-Delete. The Ctrl-V means "do not interpret the next thing".
So binding <ESC>5~ that should be pretty safe.
Alt+D deletes one word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl+W deletes one word to the left of the cursor
(both are based on Emacs, I believe)
If you type ^Q^V (that's Control-Q followed by Control-V, releasing the Control key between them is fine), and then press Control-Delete, do you get the output you mentioned? I just tried it, and at least using Putty I don't get a response at all. Perhaps the behvior is different on an actual Linux console, though.
For other keys, readline prints a longer sequence, often including a special "command sequence introduction" character, which is hard to type by mistake. Try it, and see if you get a longer sequence with the ^Q^V command (which is, btw, called quoted-insert).
For example, if I press ^Q^V and then Delete (without control held down), readline prints ^[[3~. This tells me I can bind stuff to the Delete key by saying \e[[3~. It seems highely likely that the CSI character is present for you, but you're not seeing it since you're not asking readline to quote the input properly.
Ctrl-W deletes words.
Ctrl-u deletes lines.
They're based on Emacs (M-w and M-u).
