My code looks like this:
<h:panelGroup id="panelA" >
<h:panelGroup id="panelB" rendered="#{!bean.editEnabled}">
<h:outputText value="#{bean.valueA}" styleClass="readOnlyBox wide hasButton" />
<a4j:commandLink title="edit" action="#{bean.setEditingModeToTrue}"
styleClass="icon edit" render="panelA">
<h:panelGroup id="panelC" rendered="#{bean.editEnabled}">
<h:inputText value="#{bean.valueA}" styleClass="input wide" validatorMessage="Error">
<f:validateLength maximum="80"/>
<f:validateRegex pattern=".*\\<[^>]+>.*"/>
<a4j:commandLink title="save" action="#{bean.doValueSave}"
styleClass="icon save" render="panelA">
Problem occurs when I click on link save. Then linked method is not called. Bean has a view scope and I guess that when I click on edit button (that is required in order to make field editable) then view state is lost so that when I click on save button nothing happends. Am I right? Is there any workaround for this problem? Bean must to have view scope... :/
as simple as this. But the outputtext is not passed to another function or form. inputtext of course works but looks ugly.
What should I subsititute outputtext with?
<h:outputtext value="xx" />
<h:commandButton action="#{serviceTest.function() }" value="test"
Real world example
<p:column id="average" sortBy="#{resultClub.stringAverage}">
<f:facet name="header">Snitt</f:facet>
<h:outputText id="testing" value="#{resultClub.stringAverage}" />
<h:inputHidden id="hiddenAvg" value="#{resultClub.stringAverage}" />
javax.faces.component.UpdateModelException: javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: /hcp/showAverages.xhtml #96,74 value="#{resultClub.stringAverage}": Property 'stringAverage' not writable on type com.jk.hcp.ResultClub
After you described the problem to me, I figure it out for you...
You can do this by using javascript
<h:outputText id="text1" value="xx" />
<h:commandButton value="click me"
action="#{serviceTest.function()}" value="test"
onclick="submitFieldValue()" >
This will set the myfield instance variable in your controller. It basically will generate a java script function at compile time which will be able to call the controller.
<a4j:jsFunction name="setTheValue">
<a4j:actionparam name="param" assignTo="#{serviceTest.myfield}"/>
This will call setTheValue with the outputtext value
function submitFieldValue(){
var x = document.getElementById("text1").value;
If you want to have the "xx" value submitted after clicking on the commandButton, you can either use hidden field for it
<h:inputHidden value="some text" />
or you can use
<h:inputText readonly="true" />
which will render the text in an input text that user cannot change (it may look like the outputText), but its value will be submitted after clicking the button.
What I understand is that you want to view some data in the outputtext after the button is pressed, right?
Please if I got it wrong, tell me to delete the answer!
Is this case you need to make the button renders the outputfield upon clicked:
<h:outputText id="text1" value="#{serviceTest.text1Value}" />
<a4j:commandButton value="click me"
action="#{serviceTest.function() }" value="test"
render="text1" >
As you can see I used a4j:commandButton which will enable me to render any element on the page by id upon click.
I have a popup panel (id=PanelAddQueryCriteria) define on top of jsf page but it only enable it after user select a menu item (id=entityKind) and re-render take pace for that popupPanel. However because of that re-render, select item (id=queryCriteriaAttr) inside that popup panel don't trigger change listener (#{ceaDBBean.queryCriteriaAttrChanged}) in first value change, and only trigger when select again... Any help? Here the code:
<rich:popupPanel id="PanelAddQueryCriteria">
<h:form id="formAddQueryCriteria">
<h:selectOneMenu id="queryCriteriaAttr"
value="#{ceaDBBean.queryCriteriaAttr}" required="true"
<f:selectItems value="#{ceaDBBean.ceaEntityKindAttrs}"/>
<h:panelGrid id="searchPanel">
<h:selectOneMenu id="entityKind"
value="#{ceaDBBean.entityKind}" required="true"
<a4j:ajax event="valueChange" render="addQueryCriteria" execute="#this" />
<f:selectItems value="#{ceaDBBean.ceaEntityKinds}" />
<a4j:commandLink styleClass="no-decor" id="addQueryCriteria"
disabled="#{empty ceaDBBean.entityKind}"
execute="#this" action="#{ceaDBBean.initAddQuryCriteria}"
<h:graphicImage id="addQueryCriteriaImg"
value="/images/icons/common/new.gif" width="16" height="16"
alt="#{adminMsg.addQueryCriteria}" />
<rich:tooltip value="#{adminMsg.addQueryCriteria}" for="addQueryCriteria" />
Short answer: this problem is caused by JSF issue 790. Change
or maybe, if you have actually more into the panel which needs to be updated than the form itself,
render="PanelAddQueryCriteria formAddQueryCriteria"
Long answer: read following related questions:
<a4j:commandbutton> action is only invoked on second click
h:commandButton/h:commandLink does not work on first click, works only on second click
I am trying to submit values in a pop-up panel inside another panel that has a submit/action event. But before opening pop-up panel I need to invoke a function on my managed bean that create a new entity object. The outer panel has the only h:form, since you can't nest them. I have wrapped the pop-up panel in a a4j:region to submit only this part when the use submits the values inside the pop-up panel. This works, but not the execution of the preparing function that need to be invoked when the pop-up panel executes. I have tried a4j:commandLink but that component don't work together with the rich:popupPanel (strange since both of them are Richfaces components?!). So I have to relay on the h:commandLink and use ajax.
How can I invoke a function on my managed bean when the link to open/render the pop-up panel fires?
(What is the correct pattern for this?)
PS. The initial question has changed, but not the problem concerning submitting values in a pop-up panel.
Part of the xhtml file:
<rich:popupPanel id="popup_sys_user_req" modal="false" autosized="true" resizeable="false">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Request New Sector/Category" />
<f:facet name="controls">
<h:outputLink value="#"
onclick="#{rich:component('popup_sys_user_req')}.hide(); return false;">
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<h:outputLabel value="Request New:" />
<h:selectOneMenu id="sys_req_type" value="#{userController.selectedSysUserRequest.sysrequesttype}" required="true" >
<f:selectItems value="#{userController.getSysRequestTypeItems('SECTOR_CATEGORY')}">
<h:outputLabel value="Description:" />
<h:inputTextarea id="user_req_desc" value="#{userController.selectedSysUserRequest.description(desc)}" required="true" requiredMessage="Decription is missing" />
<a4j:commandButton action="#{userController.CreateSysUserRequest()}" value="Send Request" execute="sys_user_req_form" oncomplete="#{rich:component('popup_sys_user_req')}.hide(); return false;"/>
The commandLink (re-edit)
<h:commandLink actionListener="#{userController.prepareCreateSysRequest}" value="Request New Sector/Category">
<f:ajax execute="popup_sys_user_req #this" render="popup_sys_user_req">
<rich:componentControl id="popup_ctr" event="click" target="popup_sys_user_req" operation="show"/>
//Managed Bean:
public void prepareCreateSysRequest(ActionEvent event ) {
selectedSysUserRequest = new Sysuserrequest();
JsfUtil.log("Prepare Create System User Request");
This post continues the dicussion about the pop-up panel.
Greetings Chris.
If I understand correctly you want to submit all form elements inside popupPanel but not outside the panel when you invoke someAction1? I can think of two ways to do this:
1. a4jcommandButton has a limitToList attribute, you can list which components you want to be updated on the server
2. create your popupPanel outside of the first form and then use its own form:
<a4j:commandButton action="someAction2"...
<a4j:commandButton action="someAction1"...
If you are using RichFaces 4 you can replace the limitToList attribute with limitRender
The problem is that the popup isn't a child of the form in jsf, you only need to use the domElementAttachment attribute to change that. So your code would look like this:
<rich:popupPanel id="popup_sys_user_req" modal="false" autosized="true" resizeable="false" domElementAttachment="form">
<f:facet name="header">
I tried different combinations to just rerender the result pannel.
it works fine with
<h:inputText value="#{myBean.keyword}">
<a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="results" eventsQueue="search" oncomplete="initResults();" />
But i just want to submit it when enter is pressed. So i tried
<h:form reRender="results" eventsQueue="search" oncomplete="initResults();"><a4j:region>
<h:inputText value="#{myBean.keyword}"/>
that returned an empty result even if it shouldn't be empty and
<a4j:support event="onsubmit" reRender="results" eventsQueue="search" oncomplete="initResults();" />
<h:inputText value="#{myBean.keyword}"/>
was reloading the whole page and not the result panel only (but results where shown). I even tried to add <h:form onSubmit="return false;"> in the last example. [EDIT: ok that return false is just overwritten by the AJAX support call]
How do i make my inputText field rerender when "enter" is pressed. (so the form is submitted) but don't want to submit the form.
EDIT: again my bad, i simplified the example code here too much. i had a second element with a4j:support in the same form, since i removed the a4j tag there and changed the onchange event to a form submit, too, it is working.
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{myBean.selectedMetaCategory}" onchange="this.form.submit();">
<a4j:support ...
<f:selectItems value="#{myBean.metaSelectItems}"/>
Try like this:
<a4j:form onsubmit="reRenderResults();">
<h:inputText value="#{myBean.keyword}"/>
<a4j:jsFunction name="reRenderResults" reRender="results" eventsQueue="search" oncomplete="initResults();" />
I have an h:selectOneMenu set up that looks something like this:
<h:form id="tehForm">
<a4j:outputPanel id="msgPanel" ajaxRendered="true">
<h:messages styleClass="message"/>
<a4j:outputPanel id="mainPanel" ajaxRendered="true"><br/>
Select an item:<br/>
<h:selectOneMenu id="itemMenu" value="#{bean.itemId}">
<f:selectItem itemValue="-1" itemLabel="Please Select..."/>
<s:selectItems value="#{bean.item}" itemValue="#{}" var="item" label="#{}"/>
<a4j:support event="onchange" action="#{bean.selectItem}"/>
<rich:spacer width="10px"/>
<a4j:commandLink value="Create New" action="#{bean.createNew}"
rendered="#{bean.selectedItemId != 0}"/>
<h:outputText rendered="#{bean.selectedItemId gt -1}" value="Item Name: "/><br/>
<h:inputText rendered="#{bean.selectedItemId gt -1}" value="#{}" maxlength="50" size="75"/><br/><br/>
<a4j:commandButton value="Save New" action="#{}" rendered="#{bean.selectedItemId == 0}"/>
<a4j:commandButton value="Save Changes" action="#{}" rendered="#{bean.selectedItemId gt 0}" oncomplete="jsRerender();" />
<a4j:jsFunction name="jsRerender" rerender="mainPanel"/>
When creating new items, the new item does show up in the drop-down, but if I change the "name" attribute of my item and save, the label doesn't change to the new name until after the next request, despite the data in the bean having changed.
So I worked around it by forcing a second call to rerender again when saving changes is complete. The trouble is, this rerenders the messages panel as well, so I nuke any messages that may have been displayed. Using limitToList="true" in the a4j:jsFunction has the same effect as not calling it.
I need suggestions; either a new target for the rerender function, or another way of approaching the problem. Thanks in advance!
Try removing the oncomplete javascript and using reRender="mainPanel":
<a4j:commandButton value="Save Changes"
rendered="#{bean.selectedItemId gt 0}"
reRender="mainPanel" />
In your version I think that "Save Changes" button without reRender attribute will rerenders all the page, thus refreshing the messages.