Marionette, how to change view's template on fly - requirejs

I'm doing a single page webApp with Marionette and RequireJs, basically it is a Layout view nested with a lots of ItemView and compositeView. I want the page change to a new design by one click, so I want to ask a best practice about changing the view's template.
say, I got my view like this, and its templates are included by requirejs's text plugin:
], function(template) {
var MyView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: template,
initialize: function() {
onRender: function() {
return SkillView;
every view and theirs subviews are defined like this. and their templates located in "template/designNo1" folder. now I got a set of new design located in "template/designNo2", and I want apply it to the page, but I found there is no chance to do this, because the views are already loaded by RequireJs and the template's path are hard-coded. of course, I can override the view's template when create the view's instance, but if I do so, I must load all the new design in the upper-module which create the instance, that looks bad, and the new design are keep coming, it gonna be a mess soon.
so, any advice?

From what I can tell, it sounds like you are wanting to change the template on a view depending on different circumstances. Marionette's ItemView has a getTemplate() function that is called when rendering it. You can specify a function that determines which template to render from there.
Another approach might be to simply change the template of the view and re-render it. You could do that on a click event easily:
<div class="content"></div>
<button class="btn">Change Template</button>
var template1 = '<div>Template 1</div>';
var template2 = '<div>Template 2</div>';
var ItemView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: template1
var itemView = new ItemView({ el: '.content' });
$('.btn').click(function(e) {
itemView.template = template2;


CKEditor 4 : how to apply via API a style to current text

I am fighting with CKEditor in order that after CKEditor is loaded with a content and without selecting any style from toolbar, the changes (new text) made from an user, are automatically set in bold (no toolbar needed for the user).
I tried executing a command on the "click" event setting the bold style but it does not work very well
myEditor.on("instanceReady", function() {
var editable = myEditor.editable();
editable.attachListener( editable, 'click', function() {
so I changed inserting element with bold style on click event
myEditor.on("instanceReady", function() {
var editable = myEditor.editable();
editable.attachListener( editable, 'click', function() {
var parent = myEditor.getSelection().getStartElement()
//simplified code without check if span already exist
myEditor.insertHtml('<span class="boldStyle">');
This works a bit better but I wonder if this approach is a good idea or how I could do better

handlebars - add content to head of view from partial

I am using express-handlebars in my project and have the following problem:
I want to be able to add <script> oder such tags to my overall views head from a partial that is called inside the view.
The view
{{#*inline "head-block"}}
<script src="some/source/of/script">
The view is extending another partial (layouts/master) that I use as a layout. It adds its content to that ones head block through the inline partial notation, which works fine
the Partial "myPartial
<script src="another/script/src/bla"></script>
<h1> HELLO </h1>
Now I would like that particular script tag in there to be added to my views head-block. I tried going via #root notation but can only reference context there. Not change anything.
I know I could use jquery or similar to just add the content by referencing the documents head and such. But I wanted to know if this is possible at all via Handlebars.
I do doubt it is in any way. But if you have any ideas or suggestions, please do send them my way! Many thanks!!!
This wont work if you have more than one thing injected into your layout / view. Since this happens when the browser loads the page, it creates some kind of raceconditions where the helpers has to collect the things that have to be injected into the parent file. If its not quick enough, the DOMTree will be built before the helper resolves. So all in all, this solution is NOT what I hoped for. I will research more and try to find a better one...
Here is how I did it. Thanks to Marcel Wasilewski who commented on the post and pointed me to the right thing!
I used the handlebars-extend-block helper. I did not install the package, as it is not compatible with express-handlebars directly (Disclaimer: There is one package that says it is, but it only threw errors for me)
So I just used his helpers that he defines, copied them from the github (I am of course linking to his repo and crediting him!) like so:
var helpers = function() {
var blocks = Object.create(null);
return {
extend: function (name,context) {
var block = blocks[name];
if (!block) {
block = blocks[name] = [];
block: function (name) {
var val = (blocks[name] || []).join('\n');
// clear the block
blocks[name] = [];
return val;
module.exports.helpers = helpers;
I then required them into my express handlebars instance like so:
let hbsInstance = exphbs.create({
extname: 'hbs',
helpers: require('../folder/toHelpers/helpersFile').helpers() ,
partialsDir: partialDirs
Went into my central layout/master file that`is extended by my view Partial and added this to its <head> section
{{{block 'layout-partial-hook'}}}
(The triple braces are required because the content is HTML. Else handlebars wont recognize that)
Then in the partial itself I added things like so:
{{#extend "layout-partial-hook"}}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/index.css"/>
And that did the trick! Thanks!!!

New to Sails.js how can I route to a view without including the layout.ejs?

New to Sails.js I've read over the docs but I don't see a way to NOT include the layout.ejs located in /views/.
I'm trying to implement Angular into my app and when I go
controller: 'HomeController',
templateUrl: '/home'
So then in my routes I expect to be able to do:
'GET /home': { view: 'angular/home.ejs' }
But what happens is it loads home.ejs but also injects layout.ejs so it becomes an endless loop of injecting layout.ejs loading angular scripts from layout, then trying to load home.ejs which loads layout.ejs so on so forth
So how can I do this?
I know I can put views in /asset/angular/home.html but I would like to have .ejs so that I can render a different view (e.g. user is not logged in) or something.
Any information on how I can render views without injecting layout.ejs would be great, thanks!
So by doing this:
'GET /home': {
view: 'home',
locals: {
layout: false
it makes it work, I don't know if there is a global way so I don't have to flag layout: false for each one
To disable layouts globally, you can put layout : false under /config/view.js.
To disable layout individually, leave /config/view.js alone and do something like this in your routes:
'GET /home': {
view: 'home',
locals: {
layout: false

Node.js, Express, Jade - Separate layout files

I'm working on some project with Node.js, Express and Jade, where I'd like to seperate layout files. Inside the main file is already separated header, but I don't know how to do this for sublayout where I need to pass data. In this case I need to pass data to widgets for every view on page, but in the route would be too many things to load data into widgets instead of some easy solution which I'm looking for.
I could do this thing on the way which I described above - to load data in view with every request, but this is somehow time & cpu consuming.
Another way I'm thinking of is to create some sublayout for widgets in which I'd load data once and then would be available all the time without calling data from DB in all requests. What's the best way to do that?
I work with mustache but I think you can use a similar strategy that I do.In most of the mustache templates that I use there is a common header and footer section.Along with the scripts and css files.I have created a separate partials file that exports these partials
.For instance my partial file looks like this.
exports.partials = function (isAuthenticated)
var menu;
isAuthenticated ?
menu = {
header: '',
footer: ' '
} :
menu = {
header: '',
footer: ''
return menu;
exports.staticResources = {
bootstrap :'//',
fonts : '//',
jquery : '//'
I have another method called generatePartials which as the name suggest generate the partials for my templates
exports.generatePartials = function(isAuthenticated){
var menu = resources.partials(isAuthenticated);
var partials = {
header : menu.header,
footer : menu.footer,
bootstrap : resources.staticResources.bootstrap,
fonts :resources.staticResources.fonts,
jquery :resources.staticResources.jquery,
return partials;
Now while rendering the template all I have to do is this
app.get('/routeName',function (req, res){
var partials = require('../helpers').generatePartials(req.isAuthenticated());
return res.render('viewName.html', partials);
And that's it.

How do you post data to CouchDB both with and without using JavaScript

I have a show which displays a form with fields populated from a document. I'd like to change the values in the field and then save the updated document.
I'm having trouble finding a clear, concise example of how to do this.
Seriously, just finishing this example would work wonders for so many people (I'm going to leave a lot of stuff out to make this concise).
Install Couchapp
This is outside the scope of my question, but here are the instructions for completeness.
Create a couchapp
Again, this is kind outside the scope of my question. Here is a perfectly concise tutorial on how to create a couchapp.
Create a template
Create a folder in the root of your couchapp called templates. Within the templates folder create an HTML page called myname.html. Put the following in it.
<title>{{ title }}</title>
<form method='post' action='#'>
Hello <input type='text' name='name' value='{{ name }}'>
<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'>
Create a show
See the tutorial above for hwo to do this.
Add this code to a show called myname.
function(doc, req) {
if (doc) {
var ddoc = this
var Mustache = require("vendor/couchapp/lib/mustache");
var data = {
title: "The Name",
name: "Bobbert"
return Mustache.to_html(ddoc.templates.myname, data)
} else {
return ('nothing here baby')
Update the document with a new name by ...
So who can complete this step via both the client side and the server side?
Please don't point me to the guide, I need to read it in your words.
Although the return value isn't pretty, just posting a form to the update handler will update the document.
You will probably want to look into update handler functions.
An update handler handles granular document transformations. So you can take 1 form, that has one distinct purpose, and only update the relevant fields in your document via the update handler.
Your update handler will need to take a PUT request from your form. A browser can't do this directly, so you'll need some javascript to handle this for you. If you're using jQuery, this plugin can take your form and submit it seamlessly via AJAX using PUT for you.
Inside the function, you can take the fields you are accepting, in this case name and apply that directly to the document. (input validation can be handled via the validate_doc_update function)
Update Handler (in your Design Document)
"updates": {
"name": function (doc, req) { =;
return [doc, "Name has been updated"];
<form id="myForm" action="/db/_design/ddoc/_update/name/doc_id">...</form>
$(document).ready(function() {
type: "PUT",
success: function () {
alert("Thank you");
Once you've gotten this basic example up and running, it's not much more difficult to add some more advanced features to your update handlers. :)
