show vim command keys on live demo - linux

I'm going to make a live presentation showing vim capabilities. It's essential to show the audience command keys that I press. I know I can use showcmd, but I find its output to small and to hard to notice to use it in live demo. Is there any way to make it easier to notice? It could be something similar to command keys shown in Railscasts (for instance in this video, 1:11). Do you know anything like that?

For X11, there is key mon. I'm sure there are similar tools for other systems. Otherwise, you could use some sort of virtual keyboard which also shows keypresses.

Here's a recent vimcast article about Drew Neil tackling the same issue -
Vimprint Source, Article
Relevant accompanying talk -
Video, Slides

There is also Screenkey, inspired from key-mon.


Screen video (screencast) recording on Linux

I was trying to record video of all the monitors or a selection, so was wondering what to use for Linux.
The thoughts that came to mind were screenshot the screen a bunch but this probably isnt the right way to go about it.
I looked at the Cairo docs but can't find anyhting. On Windows I found DirectShow and OSX I found AVFoundation.
i just came across something: XvGetVideo would this be an option?
You can check out ffscreencast with the --dry parameter which will show you the commands that would be issued. Looks nice for learning.
Did it under linux and it showed me it was using x11Grab

Which vim mechanism should I use to implement Markdown list indentation?

I'm looking to beef up the Markdown capabilities of vim a bit (, namely to add some support for auto-creating the next list item while indenting everything properly.
My question is, what vim mechanism is best to implement this in? Is this a task for the highlighting file? Should I cobble together something in SnipMate? I'm glad to do any homework necessary, but I'd like to know where's the best place to start.
Based on a quick snoop through the help, formatoptions and formatlistpat and the related fo-table look like good places to start. I'd start by reading those and then finding existing plugins that use them and figure out how they work.

How to programmatically invert screen colors in Linux

In Ubuntu, for example, you can use Super-M to invert the screen colors (requires desktop effects, see [1]). Other OSes have similar abilities, although I'm not really concerned with anything other than Linux.
Which API should I look into if I want to write a simple program that, when run, inverts the screen colors?
The language that I use the API from doesn't particularly matter to me. I am familiar enough with C/C++/Bash/Perl/Python that I can hack this up in whatever language has the easiest access to this API. Working on Ubuntu is required, working on other similar *nixes is not terribly important.
You could use xcalib to do what you want.
For example, a simple bash script to invert the screen colors would look like this:
xcalib -invert -alter
Here are scripts and instructions for shifting colors using compton:
xrandr-invert-colors worked out of the box for me.
xcalib does not work for me using xorg and a tiling window manager, with an external display and gives me the following error: "Unable to get a display calibration".
Credit to Imat.

Can GVIM have a background image?

I wanted to know if I can place a background image into gVim.
Can this be done programatically?
If you must, I'd suggest something along the following lines:
use a compositing window manager (e.g. Compiz on Linux, Windows Vista and Mac OS probably have analogs)
set a desktop background
make your gvim window transparent
rejoice, your text is now harder to read!
According to a trivial google search for "gvim background image", the answer is "no". I'm basing that off this thread from the Vim mailing list. Looks like they might want someone to implement the feature though, so that would make this question legitimately programming related if you asked HOW to do so yourself :)
It's been possible since 2013: see the vim-bgimg plugin.
Like rmeador said, a google search and a perusal of the vim documentation seems to imply that the answer is no. However, take comfort in knowing that you aren't alone in desiring this feature. This guy wanted the same feature and actually implemented it, at least for win32 and vim 6.2. If you really want to do this, I'd give his patches a look as a starting place, although I don't know how much those sections of the vim codebase have changed between 6.2 and the current version (7.2).
No, not yet.
However on win32 and vim 6.2 this guy implemented it.
MacVim supports transparent backgrounds if you are on that OS.

Code Classic ASP in Linux

What should i use to code Classic ASP under Linux. I have really tried to use Emacs and Vim but I don't have the time to learn them.
What i'm looking for is:
Syntax highlighting
Code Browser (Ctags)
Preferably som sort of code insight
Something like Ultra Edit or E-texteditor.
I'm not sure what you're asking here, but if you are simply looking for a text-editor, my recommendations would be:
jed (simple, with a DOS Edit-like menubar, supports syntax-highlighing)
nano / pico (even simpler)
Kate (KDE, syntax-highlighing)
Mousepad (like notepad)
SciTE (syntax-highlighing)
There are of course likely to be a gazillion other text-editors better than the ones listed above, but these are the ones I tend to use.
I played with BlueFish for a while when I was contemplating switching over completely and I liked it better than Kate. But, you will have to add the code to enable ASP highlighting. Its floating around numerous places - I found it in short order with a quick trip to the trusty ole Google. ;)
But that is just my personal preference. Your mileage may vary.
