LWUIT move all commands from the form to the "slide context menu" - java-me

I am trying to make a calculator for nokia 501 asha and i want all my buttons to fit on the the screen so that i don't have to scroll the form to access all buttons.
Apparently adding commands like exit,about and help are mandatory to your app.
Now when i add these commands one of the commands appear as a button and occupy a lot of screen space which i don't want.
I want my commands to appear like this i.e all commands on the slide context menu.
But instead there's an unnecessary button on the screen.
The code that i have used to add commands is as follows:
Form a = new Form("form");
a.addCommand(new Command("exit"),0);
a.addCommand(new Command("HELP"),1);
a.addCommand(new Command("ABOUT"),2);
So, what modifications i need to make in that code so that all my commands appear on the slide context menu ?

I am looking the Asha UI Component Demos, in the Menu section, options menu. I find this code to add the Commands:
// The rest appear in menu
Command menuCommand1 = new Command("Command 2", Command.SCREEN, 1);
Command menuCommand2 = new Command("Command 3", Command.SCREEN, 2);
Command menuCommand3 = new Command("Command 4", Command.SCREEN, 3);
Try to put this Command.SCREEN parameter.

This answer will help to someone. The following code is working in 501.
protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// For hide the form title bar. It is working in Nokia asha 501.
Display.setObjectTrait(Display.getInstance().getImplementation(), "nokia.ui.canvas.status_zone", Boolean.TRUE);
Form a = new Form("form");
a.addCommand(new Command("exit"),0);
a.addCommand(new Command("HELP"),1);
a.addCommand(new Command("ABOUT"),2);


Xamarin side menu tap issue

I developed an app using Xamarin forms that has side menu see this url.
But I couldn't use this in my current project, so I made my custom component for side menu.
How to implementing feature that hide menu when I tap range out of side menu?
It is hard to give you any help without seeing your code, but generally I tackle this issue by adding a ContentView that covers the screen when ever your menu opens. The menu would be displayed on top of the ContentView. Then you add a TapGestureRecognizer to the ContentView which closes the menu when clicked.
You could add some color to the ContentView but make it opaque so it is see-through, something like this color: #74787878
ContentView backgroundView = new ContentView {
BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#74787878"),
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
Content = //Your menu
backgroundView.GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer {
Command = new Command(() => {
//Remove the background and hide the menu

How to add custom menu after sub-Window menu in Eclipse RCP?

I have a sub-menu under the "Window" menu and I want to add my custom menu under it.
I can add my custom menu under "Window" menu with menuContribution's LocationURI:menu:window?after=additions.
The problem is that sub-menu is generated on ActionBarAdvisor class with this lines
protected void fillWindowMenu(IMenuManager windowMenu) {
IWorkbenchWindow window = getActionBarConfigurer().getWindowConfigurer().getWindow();
windowMenu.add(new GroupMarker(IWorkbenchActionConstants.WB_START));
IMenuManager perspectiveMenu = new MenuManager(
IMenuManager viewMenu = new MenuManager(lineer.toplulastirma.Messages.ToplulastirmaActionBarAdvisor_5,
windowMenu.add( new Separator());
So I don't know how to access its id to edit my LocationURI.
I tried these:
They didn't work.

Selection type changes context menu using chrome extension

I am trying to build a chrome extension. In it I want the context menu to change according to the selected text on the page.
For example, if its a number I want a menu that says divisibility test for this numbr is ...
and if it is a string, it should have a something else, but not both at the same time.
I cant figure out how to do that.
You will have to set a listener for mouse down. There is no other way to get the selected text before the menu is created.
See this SO question:
chrome extension context menus, how to display a menu item only when there is no selection?
Here is part of the code the rest is at the link.
document.addEventListener("mousedown", function(event){
//right click
if(event.button == 2) {
if(window.getSelection().toString()) {
chrome.extension.sendRequest({cmd: "createSelectionMenu"});
} else {
chrome.extension.sendRequest({cmd: "createRegularMenu"});
}, true);

Can WatiN handle the CuteWebUI Uploader popup dialog?

My Background:
I am new to WatiN, but not new to writing automated Web UI tests. At my new job, we are trying to use WatiN for our Web UI tests (thanks to a few CUIT fails).
I've solved this problem in the past using ArtOfTest.WebAii, by using a Win32 mouse click with a magic number offset from the containing element, but I can't seem to find documentation on how to do that in WatiN and I can't figure it out myself :\
My problem:
This dialog appears and I can't seem to find a way for WatiN to click it.
The dialog has the following markup:
<OBJECT style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=1); WIDTH: 329px; HEIGHT: 100px; mozOpacity: 0.01; opacity: 0.01; mozopacity: 0.01" data="data:application/x-oleobject;base64, <a bunch of data>" width=329 height=100 type=application/x-silverlight-2></OBJECT>
<param name="source" value="/CuteWebUI_Uploader_Resource.axd?type=file&file=silverlight.xap&_ver=634334311861475176"/>
<param name="windowless" value="true" object="" <=""/>
my test code:
public void SomeTest()
Settings.MakeNewIeInstanceVisible = true;
Settings.AutoStartDialogWatcher = true;
Settings.AutoMoveMousePointerToTopLeft = false;
using (IE ie2 = new IE())
// some debugging code wrapped around the next user action
// which is clicking on the attach file button
var helper = new DialogHandlerHelper();
using (new UseDialogOnce(ie2.DialogWatcher, helper))
Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000); // wait for attach button to be "ready"
// Click button that triggers the dialog that states:
// "file browsing dialog has been blocked"
// "please click here and try again"
foreach(string dialogHandler in helper.CandidateDialogHandlers)
// nothing prints out here :(
// debug print out all elements with tagname = object
foreach (Element objectElement in ie2.ElementsWithTag("object"))
StringBuilder elementInfo = new StringBuilder();
elementInfo.AppendLine("element.tagname = " + objectElement.TagName);
elementInfo.AppendLine("element.style = " + objectElement.Style);
elementInfo.AppendLine("element.type = " + objectElement.GetAttributeValue("type"));
elementInfo.AppendLine("element.data = " + objectElement.GetAttributeValue("data"));
// none of these clicks make the dialog go away
// wait to see if dialog disappears after click
Thread.Sleep(300 * 1000);
Any and all help will be very much appreciated.
Your control is a silverlight component which can't be automated with WatiN. Fortunately this you can combine WatiN and White to get the job done.
Following code is created and published by Leo Bartnik so ALL the credits go to him! Have a look at his blog post here. The following code in the comments:
He used the following versions.
watin- from 2011-02-08 http://sourceforge.net/projects/watin/files/WatiN%202.x/2.0%20Final/
white 0.20 Binaries http://white.codeplex.com/releases/view/29694
public void WatiN_and_White_join_forces()
// Navigate to your webpage with WatiN
string url = "http://localhost[port#]/WatinWhiteTestLandingPage.aspx";
WatiN.Core.IE watin = new WatiN.Core.IE(url);
watin.Link(Find.ByText("click here)).Click();
// Attach the IE instance used by WatiN to White
string title = "[browser title here]"; // will be something like "WatinWhiteHybrid - Internet Explorer provided by ..."
var ie = (InternetExplorerWindow)Application.Attach(watin.ProcessID).GetWindow(title);
White.WebBrowser.Silverlight.SilverlightDocument sl = ie.SilverlightDocument;
// Click the button in the silverlight control using White
btw don't know why the formating of this code is so way off....
So this was my hack solution:
Use Microsoft's Coded UI Test to click on the Silverlight dialog. However, CUIT is inferior to WatiN, so I run my test in WatiN and load CUIT for one, magical, click.
Additionally, I was not able to easily find the Silverlight object using CUIT, so I find the window behind it, find the window's center pixel and force a Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.Mouse.Click(). Yes, a hack inside of a hack, I am a very bad person, but I ran out of time and just needed something working.
If anyone has a more elegant solution, please share.
My solution code:
FileUploadDialogHandler helper = new FileUploadDialogHandler(attachmentPath);
using (new UseDialogOnce(ie.DialogWatcher, helper))
Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000); // wait for attach button to be "ready"
// When automating a file upload, there is a Silverlight popup in IE that forces an extra click
// before opening the file open dialog. WatiN does not support Silverlight automation
// and the popup element was acting quirky in Microsoft's Coded UI Test, so we find the
// dialog box UNDERNEATH the Silverlight popup and force one, lovely, mouse click.
//===== Entering Coded UI Test land, beware! =====================================
// initialize Coded UI Test
BrowserWindow.CurrentBrowser = "IE";
Process watinBrowserProcess = Process.GetProcessById(ie.ProcessID);
BrowserWindow cuitBrowser = BrowserWindow.FromProcess(watinBrowserProcess); // attach Coded UI Test to the IE browser WatiN initialized
// get the window underneath the Silverlight popup
UITestControl modalUnderSilverlightPopup = new UITestControl(cuitBrowser.CurrentDocumentWindow);
modalUnderSilverlightPopup.SearchProperties.Add("id", windowElementUnderPopupID);
// get the X and Y pixel center of the window
int centerX = modalUnderSilverlightPopup.BoundingRectangle.X + modalUnderSilverlightPopup.BoundingRectangle.Width / 2;
int centerY = modalUnderSilverlightPopup.BoundingRectangle.Y + modalUnderSilverlightPopup.BoundingRectangle.Height / 2;
// Click!
Mouse.Click(new Point(centerX, centerY));
// Shutdown Coded UI Test
//===== End Coded UI Test land, you survived! yay! ============================

YUI MenuButton: menu doesn't show when menu widget is added to button widget

Using YUI, I want to create a menu button, passing in the menu widget instance.
Result is what looks like a menu button, but the menu doesn't show.
test case: http://sandbox.kluger.com/menu_test.html
// key code section:
var D = YAHOO.util.Dom,
menu = new YAHOO.widget.Menu(D.generateId(), {lazyload: true});
var t = new YAHOO.widget.Button({
type: "menu",
label: params.label,
menu: menu,
container: el
Do I need to render the menu before giving it to the Button?
If you want to see the params.menu, check the test case. The params.menu object is correct, it creates a menu when directly supplied to widget.Button. That's tested in the test case.
Any ideas appreciated.
Yes, you need to render. Add menu.render(document.body); after menu.addItems(params.menu); and it should work fine.
