Visual Studio 2012: "Navigate To" is suddenly very slow - visual-studio-2012

I've loved Visual Studio's "Navigate To" tool (Ctrl+,) ever since it was first introduced - rather than navigate through my folder structure I could just find the file or class I needed by name. The key has always been that the lookup was instantaneous - it would show all matching results as quickly as I could type.
Now something has changed and there's almost always a big lag before any results come up - I've measured it as long as 10 seconds sometimes. This is about 5 seconds into a search that has only one result and should have come up instantly:
That progress bar also jumps around in a bizarre way.
Any ideas what might have changed, or what I might do to get back my speedy old Navigate tool?

I had the same problem and deleting everything in c:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache\ helped. Now it's quick again.
I've found this soultion here.


Android Studio - Global search not working properly after Arctic Fox update

After I updated to the Arctic fox update the global search function started behaving weirdly. (I am referring to the double shift search)
The sorting of the results is very annoying. In the All tab it shows class variables and xml files first instead of classes. Previously it showed classes first and then everything else.
It does not find results for things I misspell while previously it did an excellent job at that.
Is there any way to fix this behavior?
(I know I can click on the Classes tab to only see classes but that is one extra step that I don't want to do EVERY time I search for something which is about 300 times per day)
Click on the Filtering icon at the top right corner of the global search dialog. It seems it remembers the filters.

Android Studio 3.1.2 0 - no longer see errors in all files (red underlined)

I feel like I'm going crazy, but since updating to the new version of Android Studio, I can no longer tell which files have errors in them.
Previously, if I made a change in one class, like to a method signature, then all other classes that were calling that method would suddenly be highlighted in red (at that section along the top that shows the path). Now it shows nothing as though my code is good, except when I go to compile, I now get a load of errors in the build tab at the bottom, in a really unhelpful way to navigate through.
Is this something I can switch back to through a setting somewhere? I'm really not sure what to search for, but I've been through almost all of them.
Following another SO post, I turned on and off PowerSave mode, at the bottom of File menu (in Android Studio). This, temporarily at least, seems to have solved things.
This may be what you are looking for?
Either that or it may be in preferences.

Search between 2 files in Visual Studio 2017

So I have recently switched from VS2010 (which just kept crashing at least every day) to VS Community 2017, and one of the things I used to do basically all the time, which is to select the name of a function/variable in one file, ctrl+F it then switch to a different file and search for it there, I just can't do anymore because of that stupid quicksearch bar.
However, the reflex to do that is so deeply ingrained by now, that I often end up opening the quick search in one file anyway, then switching file, then facepalming with a grunt as I go back to the previous file, ctrl+c, then back, then ctrl+f, ctrl+v, then enter. You can see how that can get frustrating with 20+ occurences a day. (yes, I swap-search through files a lot. It's how the projects I work on are designed, and it really worked just fine before they prevented me from doing that one very important little task quickly. Ugh!)
I have searched all around for a solution to this, but the common "Fix" is to map ctrl+F to the "search all files". It doesn't do what I need to do. If I switch the "search in" option back to "current document" (I know which file I'm looking into! I don't want to look through ALLL open files, or the entire project, just that one other file that's not the one I have open right this second), IT GOES BACK TO THE QUICK SEARCH BAR!!!
I can't be the only one with that search-switch file-find workflow. Is there an extension I missed that would fix this? Some kind of hacky registry modification that would give me back my good ol' search dialog without that annoying quick search? (Seriously, I had the power tools or whatever extension that had this in VS 2010, and had turned it off literally after the first time I used it cuz I hated it). Or! Hey, maybe something that'll at least keep that little box open/preserve the search value between files.
The time I spend having to go back and copy instead of right up search is making the switch to vs2017 almost irellevant vs the once a day crashing of vs 2010.
Thanks guys!

My APP.xaml doesn't see my Locator declaration any more, is it worth to troubleshoot or recreate solution

I have this issue that I've been spending too much time on.
Working on Visual Studio 2012, on a Windows Phone 8 app, using MVVM Light.
It's a Compile issue that just arose out of the blue. My XAML files are now invalid - but just the XAML files where I try to refer to my ViewModels (event handlers bound to buttons, etc), and the reason for that originates from my App.xaml, where it doesn't see Locator in my myapp.ViewModel namespace, so Locator is now thus seen as invalid.
I've even restored old files from a previous backup from 2 weeks ago, (after copying current files somewhere of course), and the problem still exists. Even just 2 days ago, my app is compiling great.
( btw specifically, when I say Restore, I'm only talking about restoring the subdirectory that contains all of the individual projects, under the Solution directory )
I've tried doing a Git diff, but I only commit xaml's, and cs files, so it didn't show any of my own errors that would cause this.
This seems like some problem with corruption, possibly in a V.S. binary file that I can't see, and I see myself spinning wheels, and not knowing what code to paste her in stackoverflow.
At what point do you just say : "Let's just create a brand new solution " ?
I'd hate to do that, and then the same thing happens again though next week.
However, I'm moving toward a philosophy which says: "dude, get used to doing a re-do, since this stuff happens". (I'm going to just write a Checklist for how to create a solution from new, with all the packages I need, so it's not such a bummer to start fresh.)

VS 2012 - Breakpoint Window hangs and freezes

When I open the breakpoint window in Visual Studio 2012, I start to see a lot of hang time - we're talking 30+ seconds to load the entire thing, 6+ seconds between clicking a single break point and seeing it become selected.
The biggest problem is I cannot delete break points, not even one at a time - VS just goes completely unresponsive. I've gone as far as giving it 10 minutes to think about it, but that didn't work.
I suspect the problem is I have too many breakpoints left over from previous sessions - but like I said, I can't delete them. Is there another way to delete those?
I've figured it out - deleting the .suo file for the affected solution(s) will clear all break points, as well as other solution-specific options (such as what files you had open). Use this as an alternative if you can't select and delete any or all breakpoints from the Breakpoint window.
Debug Menu -> Delete All Breakpoints does the job.
