Don't wrap certain lines - vim

I'm using conceal in a plugin to hide some data, but when the hidden line gets too long it makes a wrap which is still hidden and just looks weird.
how it looks:
<hidden metadata line that the user can't see......
which is wrapped and makes 2 empty looking lines when it gets long>
how it should look:
<a very long metadata line that is not wrapped>
How can I tell vim to not wrap certain lines (concealed ones)?

Wait, I figured out 1 way. Custom folding. A single line fold won't show as wrapped.
Now I just have to write a custom syntax folding part for my plugin and I'm golden.

It is not possible to do it on current version.
This is intentional. Without this cursor movements would be messed up,
as the screen line depends on how text is concealed, which requires
syntax parsing, which is slow.
For more information, see this discussion on vim_dev group.


Vim: Is it possible to have a filtered view of a file?

In a given text file, I would like to work on a "filtered view" (hiding lines with a pattern), but still to be able to edit visible lines : the filtering would only affect the visibility of some lines, and as soon as I would reset the filter, the hidden lines would appear again.
The feature I describe could be compared to the & key in the less command (except, of course, that less can't edit the file's content) :
&some_pattern <RETURN> starts a new filter,
& <RETURN> reset the filter.
Does such a feature exist in vim, natively or as a plugin?
This usually is done with folding; you can easily define a 'foldexpr' that filters lines based on a regular expression match; see Folding with Regular Expression for implementations.
However, a single fold line will remain for each condensed block. To do away with those, I can only think of the NrrwRgn plugin, which transfers selected lines into a separate scratch buffer. It's usually only for a single block, but :help NR-multi-example suggests this works on ranges, too:
For example before editing your config file, you decide to strip all comments
for making big changes but when you write your changes back, these comments
will stay in your file. You would do it like this: >
It can be done with plain Vim, and it's named folding. Drew Neil has two screencasts about it that you might find informative.

Vim: Hide all code around selected code

I want to be able to hide all code around the specific section of code that I am working with. Now I am wondering if this is possible in Vim somehow. I have experimented with it a bit already and have been successful at hiding lines above and below my selection by using highlight group Igore. This enables me to only see the lines that I want to focus on but the problem is when I begin to edit the code and add or remove lines. When I add a line or remove a line the already set highlight group Ignore is still maintaining the set line numbers so I either get to see some of the hidden code or some of the code that I want to see gets long and extends into the hidden line numbers. So I am wondering if there is some way to fix this or any other way to accomplish what I want in Vim?
Appreciate any suggestions!
Hiding or shading parts of the buffer is not the Vim way. Folding is the built-in feature that comes closest. With :set foldmethod=manual, you can then use zf or :fold to hide the parts above and below.
For a plugin solution, have a look at NrrwRgn - A Narrow Region Plugin. It allows you to edit parts of a buffer in a separate scratch buffer, with automatic syncing back.
To hide a range of lines (let's say from 1 to 10 and 20 to end, you can type :1,10fo|20,$fo
From there, you can create a function based on the current cursor position -10/+10
Note you have first to :set foldmethod=manual to make this works.
EDIT: a simple solution : :1,.-10fo|.+10,$fo

How to call a function when text is wrapped in vim?

In vim I want to visually make transparent the space I have to write a text in markdown. I use hard wrapping with textwidth=79. I know by some calculation that I'll have 20 lines for a chapter for example. So, what I do is inserting 20 empty lines to get a visual feeling for what I can write. After writing some lines, I manually delete the number of lines already written from the empty lines, so that the visual impression still is correct.
What I want to do, is to automate this deletion process. That means I want vim to automatically remove one line below the last written line if this line is empty and after vim automatically started a new line because I reached 79 characters in the line before. How can I do this?
I know that there are autocommands in vim but I haven't found an <event> that fits to the action: after vim automatically hard wraps a line / reached new line in insert (or however you would like to describe it)
I don't think there's an event for that particular action but there's a buffer-local option called formatexpr that gq & co will use, if set. So you can write a function that inspects any placeholder whitespace, if existing. That function can call the text format command gqq to maintain original feel (+ the cursor movement to the new, empty line).

VIM: Respect only current code block

I have started working on a huge PHP application that has thousands of lines of code in each file, with lots of huge if blocks, classes, and functions all existing in the same file. I'm not the only dev working on it, so I cannot refactor!
I have tried using the Tags List plugin but it does not really help. Is there any way to have VIM respect only a particular code block, and ignore the rest of the file? I am hoping for some or all of these features:
Enable line numbering only for the current code block, starting from 1 at the line containing the opening {, and showing no numbering for lines preceding it or after the closing }.
Searching with / would be restricted only to the block in question.
I am thinking along the lines of selecting the current block and editing it in a new buffer when enabling the mode, then replacing the existing block with the edited block when exiting the mode. However, I am having trouble actually implementing this feature. My current version is this:
map <F7> <Esc>mO<C-V>aBy:new<Return>p:set nu<Return>:set ft=php<Return>ggi<?php<Return><Esc>
map <F8> <Esc>ggdd<C-V>aBx:bp<Return>`O<C-V>aBp
However, this has several issues, such as the inability to perform incremental saves.
I would be very surprised if Vim allows the kind of line numbering you ask for.
This plugin (and 1 or 2 similar ones IIRC) allows you to visually select a region of your current file, work on it in another buffer and put everything back in its place in the original file on :w.
Even if it's not the solution you are wanting, I think the following can help you to solve your problem.
You can use phpfolding plugin, which folds by PHP syntax (functions, classes, methods, PhpDoc...)
You can then select a fold by pressing v$ over the closed fold and execute whatever you want with :whatever. For example, :s/this/self/g to substitute all this for self in the fold. When you press :, vim will automatically add '<,'> to denote following command it's only for the visually selected text.

Context sensitive word wrap in vi/vim

How can I can specific word wrapping for specific tags. For example, in LaTex I want word wrapping for my paragraphs but not for my figure commands (they are always very long and run off the screen).
Or with Javascript, I want the right margin for code to be at, for example 50 columns, but for the comments to be at only 40 columns
This is not builtin
You could probably script something yourself using a devious combination of `formatexpr` and synID(). I suggest you look at the help of the latter first, because it contains inspirational samples:
for id in synstack(line("."), col("."))
echo synIDattr(id, "name")
taken from :he synstack
The formatexpr is usually set to something like
:set formatexpr=mylang#Format()
thus delegating to a filetype plugin. You could implement the function to use different margins for different syntax contexts.
Bear in mind
the default formatexpr (if absent, formatprg) are probably no good for a source file (in my experience it has the tendency to string together lines as if they were text paragraphs). But then again, you can implement it any which way you want
that syntax highlighting may become out of sync. I'm not sure what happens when the cursor is at, say, 70% of a large document and you issue ggVGgq. It might not update the syntax highlighting all the way (meaning that your formatexpr function would get the 'wrong' synID() values. You get around this by saying something like
:syntax sync fromstart
this again might impact the highlighting performance depending on the size/complexity of the source and highlighting scripts
