i have a very simple code here:
<a4j:commandLink action="#{ticketAboxEventHelper.removeAboxTicket(ticketAbox)}"
onclick="if(!confirm('Are you sure ... ?')) return false;"
<h:graphicImage alt="Delete" url="../../img/dialog-error-5.png" title="Delete" />
<a4j:support event="oncomplete"
When the link clicked the system must
ask if the user is confirmed
do the action
rerender the aboxlistpanel
Now my problem is the rerendering is hapenning before the action is getting finished. any idea how it can be done in the right way?
Your action methods is not valid for JSF 1.2 and you don't need the <a4j:support>. Since you want to pass a parameter, you should use <f:attribute /> and actionListener :
<a4j:commandLink actionListener="#{ticketAboxEventHelper.removeAboxTicket}" onclick="if(!confirm('Are you sure ... ?')) return false;" reRender="aboxlistpanel">
<h:graphicImage alt="Delete" url="../../img/dialog-error-5.png" title="Delete" />
<f:attribute name="ticket" value="#{ticketAbox}" />
Your bean method will look like this :
public void removeAboxTicket(ActionEvent event)
TicketAbox ticket = (TicketAbox)event.getComponent().getAttributes().get("ticket");
// Your business logic
More info :
How to pass parameters in method expression JSF 2.0
Solved. I wrapped the offending JSF code in a and everything began working as expected. related to answer <a4j:commandLink> Not Rerendering. i solved it first and then found out someone else solved it in the same way. hmmm....
I have yet another misunderstanding of Primefaces work logic.
For now <p:calendar> component cannot set selected date when I press submit button.
I see that it successfully enters into actionListener method, but date value is null there.
First of all I tried create my calendar using standard PF example. It looked too simple and I thought according this that the component should call value setter when the user select the date or submit the form. But it did it neither in the first nor in the second case.
Well, I opened Google and found a few posts:
Primefaces Calendar Setting Date Value in Backing Bean
p:calendar value not set in backing bean
I ensured that my calendar is located between <h:form></h:form> tags. Also I tried to add process="#this" and process=":beginDateForm :endDateForm #this", where beginDateForm and endDateForm are forms contained <p:calendar> components.
Also I found the post and tried to create SelectEvent listener method:
private void changeDate(SelectEvent event) {
beginDate = (Date) event.getObject();
But unsuccessfully.
I also tried to change Date using valueChangeListener:
<h:form id="beginDateForm">
<p:calendar id="passBeginDate" valueChangeListener="#{territoryFormBean.changeDate}" mode="popup" readonly="true" pattern="dd.MM.yyyy" showOn="button" value="#{territoryFormBean.beginDate}" />
Of course I changed event to ValueChangeEvent.
After that I moved <p:calendar> and <p:commandButton> components into the same <h:form> and tried two different process values process="passTerrForm:passBeginDate passTerrForm:passEndDate #this" and process="#form #this" and process="#form"
In the last case button does not trigger even the listener method.
My current components are:
<p:commandButton value="Search" id="searchPassButton" actionListener="#{territoryFormBean.search}" update=":passTerrForm:territoryTable" process="passTerrForm:passBeginDate passTerrForm:passEndDate #this" partialSubmit="true" />
<p:calendar id="passBeginDate" mode="popup" readonly="true" pattern="dd.MM.yyyy" showOn="button" value="#{territoryFormBean.beginDate}" />
<p:calendar id="passEndDate" mode="popup" readonly="true" pattern="dd.MM.yyyy" showOn="button" value="#{territoryFormBean.endDate}" />
Guys, could you please suggest anything else. Or probably you can see what is wrong in my code.
I cannot understand why the component does not call setter.
Well, guys, I found my mistake. Stupid mistake. Yet another re-read the PF documentation showed that using readonly parameter is incorrect for my goals. I wanted to prevent the manual date input directly into <p:calendar> text field. But according the documentation:
readonly -
Flag indicating that this input element will prevent changes by the
But I need readonlyInput parameter which
Makes input text of a popup calendar readonly.
So the second parameter prevents input, while the first one prevents changes totally.
Thank you for your help.
Trying to make an analogy with a code that I have, I think that putting the button into the same form as the calendar, and omitting the 'process' and 'partialSubmit' should work:
<h:form id="beginDateForm">
<p:calendar id="passBeginDate" valueChangeListener="#{territoryFormBean.changeDate}" mode="popup" readonly="true" pattern="dd.MM.yyyy" showOn="button" value="#{territoryFormBean.beginDate}" />
<p:commandButton value="Search" id="searchPassButton" actionListener="#{territoryFormBean.search}" update=":passTerrForm:territoryTable" />
I hope it helps!
JSF Code:
<p:calendar id="from" value="#{pageBean.event.startDate}" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a" timeZone="GMT-4"/>
<p:commandButton id="addButton" value="Save" actionListener="#{pageBean.addEvent}" update=":#form"/>
You can write an addEvent method in the Bean where you need to add these calendar event to an eventModel and save it. This helps you to set the date and you can retrieve it as and when you need.
Java Code:
private ScheduleModel eventModel;
private ScheduleEvent event = new DefaultScheduleEvent();
public String addEvent(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
if(event.getId() == null){
Hope this helps!!
TODO: Get selected row in h:datatable.
Code Snippet using HtmlDataTable binding:
<h:dataTable value="#{bean.licenses}" var="license" rendered="#{!empty bean.licenses}" binding="#{bean.dataTable}">
<h:selectOneRadio onclick="uncheckOthers(this);" >
<f:selectItem itemValue="null" />
<f:ajax listener="#{bean.updateSelected}" render="licenseGenerator:submitButtons">
<f:param name="license" value="#{license}" />
So the above mentioned is one way to do it, however since I am already using EL 2.2, I was trying to do something like the accepted answer. and update f:ajax to
<f:ajax listener="#{bean.updateSelected(license)}" render="licenseGenerator:submitButtons">
When I update the code with the above code, the listener is not getting invoked so I checked the documentation which says:
javax.el.MethodExpression (signature must match public void
processAjaxBehavior(javax.faces.event.AjaxBehaviorEvent event) throws
So, basically with the above signature I can't use something like
public void listener(License license){
However, since it was the accepted answer, I am sure I am missing something here. Thanks for the help!
JSF Version: Mojarra JSF Implementation 2.2.12
Server: Apache Tomcat 8.0.24
I've the following form:
<h:inputText size="2" value="#{orderMB.quantity}" />
<h:outputLabel value=" #{orderMB.totalPriceOneItem} €" />
<h:commandButton value="submit" />
And I've the following method in a session scoped managed bean:
public void setQuantity(int quantity) {
this.quantity = quantity;
setTotalPriceOneItem(quantity* item.getItem().getPrice().doubleValue());
I would like to auto-update the total price result on every key press of the input field. How can I achieve this without pressing the submit button?
Your code isn't doing that anywhere. It's missing a <f:ajax>.
<h:inputText size="2" value="#{orderMB.quantity}">
<f:ajax event="keyup" render="total" />
<h:outputText id="total" value="#{orderMB.totalPriceOneItem} €" />
The event attribute can be set to any HTML DOM event on which JSF must submit the form by ajax, such as click, keyup, blur, focus, etc. The render attribute can be set to any JSF client ID which needs to be updated when the ajax submit finishes. In this case it's referring the ID of the component showing total price.
Note that I replaced the wrong <h:outputLabel> by <h:outputText>. Also noted should be that a setter isn't exactly the right place to perform business logic (a getter also not!). Better revert that setter method to a true setter and add an ajax listener method:
<f:ajax event="keyup" listener="#{orderMB.updateTotalPriceOneItem}" render="total" />
public void updateTotalPriceOneItem() {
totalPriceOneItem = quantity * item.getItem().getPrice().doubleValue();
In case when it still doesn't work, then verify if you have a <h:head> in the template instead of a <head>. If still in vain, work through commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated.
That said, I strongly recommend to take a pause and work through a sane JSF 2.x book. The above is usually already covered in the 1st chapter.
I am using RichFaces 3.3.x and Tomahawk. I have an input field which has a4j:support on onkeyup and I am using 'process' to update the backing bean. Afterwards I use 'reRender' to get my backing bean (freshly) created div. Unfortunately the getter of the session scoped bean created Div is not called! What should I do?
<t:inputText id="searchString"
onkeydown="if (event.keyCode == 13) { return false; }">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" requestDelay="200" ajaxSingle="true"
reRender="resultsDiv" eventsQueue="quicksearchqueue"
<t:div id="results" binding="#{bean.resultsDiv}" />
Firstly, the id you put in a4j:support to reRender is "resultsDiv" which is different from "results" id of .
If this is not the origin of your problem, try to put the region you want to update within ajax inside an ajax rendered outputPanel, example:
<a4j:outputPanel id="resultsDiv" ajaxRendered="true" >
<t:div id="results" binding="#{bean.resultsDiv}" />
And of course use the outputPanel's id in the reRender value of a4j:support
Except for the wrong ids in the code above, I had the same problem. I used a rich:tree and the reRender attribute to rerender a dynamic generated div component. It simply did not work. If you use a rich:panel instead of the div component, it will work just fine:
<t:inputText id="searchString"
onkeydown="if (event.keyCode == 13) { return false; }">
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" requestDelay="200" ajaxSingle="true"
reRender="results" eventsQueue="quicksearchqueue"
<rich:panel id="results" binding="#{bean.yourPanel}" />
In the backing bean you put your generated div as a child to the rich panel component like this:
I have no idea why it does not work with the t:div component though. Any answer on this would be appreciated.
I have the code bellow:
<c:set var="show" value="#{cartBean.itemsAdded}" />
<c:if test="${show}">
<h:form id="test1">
<h:commandLink action="#{cartBean.foo}">this doesn't work</h:commandLink>
<h:form id="test2">
<h:commandLink action="#{cartBean.foo}">this works!</h:commandLink>
When show=false, show only the second link.
And it works. I can reach server (I'm using debug to see this).
When show=true, both links appears. But ONLY second link works. The link inside conditional doesn't trigger the action in server.
Someone, can, please, help me?
Note: the same thing happens when I use a4j:outputPanel rendered="#{show}"
During processing of the form submit, JSF will re-evaluate whether the command button/link is been rendered. If it is not rendered, then it will simply skip the action.
You need to ensure that the expression #{cartBean.itemsAdded} returns true as well when the form submit is been processed by JSF. An easy test is to put the bean in the session scope (and I assume that the isItemsAdded() is a pure getter, i.e. it contains only return itemsAdded;).
If that did fix the problem and you'd like to keep the bean in the request scope, then add a <a4j:keepAlive> to retain the bean properties in the subsequent request.
<a4j:keepAlive beanName="#{cartBean}" />
See also:
Commandlink is not being invoked
Unrelated to the concrete problem, you should prefer JSF tags/attributes over JSTL ones as much as possible. In this particular case, you should get rid of both JSTL <c:> tags and use the JSF-provided rendered attribute instead:
<h:form id="test1" rendered="#{cartBean.itemsAdded}">
<h:commandLink action="#{cartBean.foo}">this doesn't work</h:commandLink>
I don't want to use sessionScope, because of the danger of use this in a huge system (my case). I don't like to use keepAlive neighter, because I'm in a clutered server and many attributes are not serializable.
Anyway, I've found this workarround:
Send a parameter in request (like show=true)
Change the check method, adding a OR in return to see this new parameter.
public boolean itemsAdded() {
return foo; // my initial check
public HttpServletRequest getRequest() {
return (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest();
public boolean itemsAdded() {
return foo || getRequest().getParameter("show") != null;
<c:set var="show" value="#{cartBean.itemsAdded}" />
<c:if test="${show}">
<h:form id="test1">
<h:commandLink action="#{cartBean.foo}">link</h:commandLink>
<c:set var="show" value="#{cartBean.itemsAdded}" />
<c:if test="${show}">
<h:form id="test1">
<h:commandLink action="#{cartBean.foo}">link
<f:param name="show" value="true"/>
Change only XHTML:
<c:if test="#{cartBean.itemsAdded}">
<h:form id="test1">
<h:commandLink action="#{cartBean.foo}">link</h:commandLink>
<c:if test="#{cartBean.itemsAdded || params['show']}">
<h:form id="test1">
<h:commandLink action="#{cartBean.foo}">link
<f:param name="show" value="true"/>