Run local GCC on remote linux server - linux

I'm sure this has been asked before but after some time searching I'm not finding quite what I want.
I have a test server that I cannot install GCC or other development needs on. On my development linux computer I can ssh to the test server, I want to install certain packages that require running ./configure and make.
Is there a way to run the make processes on my computer pointed at the remote host to install that way?

The problem with doing this is that your build process needs to see the libraries on your test server. So you probably should do one of these:
Set up a virtual machine with the same configuration as your test server, and add the development tools to that.
Install the development tools to a custom location your test server.
Use OverlayFS to install development tools in a "virtual environment" on the test server.


shinyproxy basic basics (+ some general web knowledge)

The problem
While searching for ways to deploy shiny apps I stumbled across ShinyProxy. From what I understand it's an alternative for ShinyServer. However, I lack some (very basic) knowledge to follow the guide provided.
The questions
Can ShinyProxy be installed just on any bought/rented server? Do I need to preinstall some other software?
Where do I type in the commands provided in the ShinyProxy guide?
Does Docker need to be installed on the server or is it a tool to deploy to the server and is thus installed locally?
The ShinyProxy guide misses a point about installing ShinyProxy. Why? Is it not installed (or is installation so obvious)?
I couldn't actually find instructions on how to run a shiny app with ShinyProxy.
The authors of ShinyProxy can probably provide a much better answer, but here is my understanding:
Your server needs to support Java 8 and Docker (or you can install Java 8 and Docker on your server).
Assuming you logon to your server via SSH, the commands will be typed in the SSH terminal.
Yes Docker needs to be installed on the server
It appears that ShinyProxy does not need to be installed. You just need to download it (the shinyproxy-0.5.0.jar file) to a location on the server, and then run java -jar shinyproxy-0.5.0.jar (in your SSH terminal)
To run a Shiny app, you need to package it as an R package first, then build a Docker image for the R package. The app is then actually running inside a Docker container. You also need a configuration file to tell ShinyProxy where to look for your Docker image. Example is here

Using container for Linux applications?

I am experimenting with multiple versions of QEMU.
This involves downloading different versions and variants of source code, and running the usual: configure, make and make install.
The problem is I can't install multiple versions simultaneously because they use the same install script. I need to uninstall (make uninstall) before I install another one. This only works if I have kept the makefile of the installed binaries.
I think what I would like to do is something similar to Python's virtualenv. A standalone Linux user(?) environment for each application that I can easily remove.
Is there such a thing? Or is my approach completely flawed?
I think the best approach for such cases is docker container. Docker is a container-based virtualization technology, In which you can build your customized Linux-based environment and host your application inside it. thereafter, that means, you have containerized your application and its ready to be distributed and run easily.

Can node.js be used without installing anything on the machine?

I'm interested in a webserver solution, where nothing needs to be installed on the machine itself. So you just insert the (eg) DVD and of you go.
I know that products exist that allow this, but can it be done with Node.js?
EDIT: I would like the DVD to work on a machine already running some OS (eg. Windows or MacOS), so basically have a cross platform webserver running only from a DVD.
You surely can use a Linux live CD in your favorite flavor and follow the flow the maintainers of that live CD are proposing for changes and install your node.js packages inside it. That would give you a live CD (or DVD) with your node.js application…
Here is an example customizing an Ubuntu live CD to install a BitCoin miner on it: - If you adapt that and install the node.js packages instead of the miner you would have your live CD…

How to run Shiny Server on linux using remote acces?

I'm trying to put in production my shiny app. I can run my shiny app locally on my Windows machine, from R. However, since we need to use Linux to deploy the app over the web, we decided to use a Linux server for that. We access this Linux server remotely, from our local machines (running Windows).
I followed the instruction at the RStudio website, and successful installed Shine Server on the Linux server. Its's running on it. I don't know what to do next. So, my question is: what should I do next? Please, remember that I access the Linux server remotely (using puty). Also, I have almost no knowledge of Linux.
Any guidance on what to do next is very welcome.
Some info that may be useful:
I use a Ubuntu 12.04.3
I ran as root (I think, but I can use sudo, for sure).
Another person has access to this server besides me.
We use R 3.0.2
you can follow the instructions here:!msg/shiny-discuss/NuZp0ziVXvw/BXHcIoXThnoJ
Short answer:
# this is all one line
sudo wget\\
-O /etc/init/shiny-server.conf
# Start the server
sudo start shiny-server
Then just open a browser and point to it

How can I install Git to my server which does not have apt-get?

My host is Bluehost. My server is on Linux.
I have tried to follow the tutorial.
You can quite easily compile it from source, with the usual ./configure && make && sudo make install commands.
See "How to install git". Specifically the Mac OS X section (which applies to Linux also)
If the machine doesn't have apt-get, then chances are it isn't a Debian or Ubuntu machine, which means that using a tutorial designed for Debian or Ubuntu is unlikely to get you very far.
Either use the packaged releases for whatever Linux distribution you are running, or build from source.
Get the source from
Maybe you have the same problem I have that I cannot have an outgoing connection but I can have an incoming connection, that´s why I cannot use apt-get. What I do to move files is just use WinSCP and move the files there and after do whatever I want with them.
