how to prepopulate target in Primefaces picklist? - jsf

How to populate the target in Primefaces picklist? I googled it but i didn't find any example related to this which help my requirement.
I have list of players which is already selected and unassigned. I want to use picklist. Source display the unassigned and target will show the selected one. Admin can make selected player unassigned (target->source) and vice versa.

I think the showcase which zargarf mentioned is quite enough to populate the target. If you look over the constructor of the bean, there are sources populated. In the same way you can populate the targets.
Currently in the constructor is :
List<Player> source = new ArrayList<Player>();
List<Player> target = new ArrayList<Player>();
source.add(new Player("Messi", 10, "messi.jpg"));
source.add(new Player("Iniesta", 8, "iniesta.jpg"));
source.add(new Player("Villa", 7, "villa.jpg"));
source.add(new Player("Alves", 2, "alves.jpg"));
source.add(new Player("Xavi", 6, "xavi.jpg"));
source.add(new Player("Puyol", 5, "puyol.jpg"));
players = new DualListModel<Player>(source, target);
Do in the same way with the target. target.add(...)
Hope this helps.

Follow the example on the showcase:
If you need to only show either target or source control arrows based on user role then you can bind showSourceControls and showTargetControls to a method in the managedbean that returns a string of "true" or "false" depending on the user role

add belwo code


magento exclude bundled items from search results

Currently, when one searches for an item, the quick search also brings up any bundles that contain items that fit the search criteria. How would I stop this?
A solution that filters out all bundled items from search results all together would be fine too.
I don't want the items to show in either the catalogue or search, but am using them as upsell items. This seems to leave two options:
I could amend the search results controller to omit bundled items (the method I was asking about), or
I could change the Upsell.php script to include "Don't show individually" items.
The second is perhaps easier? Currently the filter applied is:
How would I change this so it shows don't show individually items?
Apologies for the incomplete initial question.
Second Update:
Ok, I've added
and it already has
But there is no change.
Essentially, if I don't have either of:
Then I get the following error:
SELECT 1 AS status, e.entity_id, e.type_id, e.attribute_set_id, price_index.price, price_index.tax_class_id, price_index.final_price, IF(price_index.tier_price IS NOT NULL, LEAST(price_index.min_price, price_index.tier_price), price_index.min_price) AS minimal_price, price_index.min_price, price_index.max_price, price_index.tier_price,, e.short_description, e.sku, e.price, e.special_price, e.special_from_date, e.special_to_date, e.manufacturer, e.manufacturer_value, e.small_image, e.thumbnail, e.news_from_date, e.news_to_date, e.tax_class_id, e.url_key, e.required_options, e.image_label, e.small_image_label, e.thumbnail_label, e.price_type, e.weight_type, e.price_view, e.shipment_type, e.links_purchased_separately, e.links_exist, e.is_imported, e.rc_manufacturer, e.rc_manufacturer_value, e.rc_vehicle, e.rc_vehicle_value, e.rc_assembly_type, e.rc_assembly_type_value, e.surface_type, e.surface_type_value, e.rc_drive, e.rc_drive_value, e.rc_scale, e.rc_scale_value, e.rc_motor_type, e.rc_motor_type_value, e.rc_engine_start_type, e.rc_engine_start_type_value, e.rc_engine_size, e.rc_engine_size_value, e.rc_form_factor, e.rc_form_factor_value, e.rc_frequency, e.rc_frequency_value, e.rc_gear_material, e.rc_gear_material_value, e.rc_operation, e.rc_operation_value, e.rc_torque_6v, e.rc_torque_6v_value, e.rc_speed_6v, e.rc_speed_6v_value, e.rc_bearing_type, e.rc_bearing_type_value, e.rc_waterproofing, e.rc_waterproofing_value, e.rc_battery_application, e.rc_battery_application_value, e.rc_input_supply, e.rc_input_supply_value, e.rc_power_output_amps, e.rc_power_output_amps_value, e.rc_power_output_watts, e.rc_power_output_watts_value, e.rc_lead_connector_type, e.rc_lead_connector_type_value, e.rc_gear_pitch, e.rc_gear_pitch_value, e.rc_nitro_content, e.rc_nitro_content_value, e.rc_exhaust_type, e.rc_exhaust_type_value, e.rc_engine_starter_type, e.rc_engine_starter_type_value, e.rc_head_fitting, e.rc_head_fitting_value, e.rc_temperature_rating, e.rc_temperature_rating_value, e.rc_oil_type, e.rc_oil_type_value, e.rc_container_size, e.rc_container_size_value, e.rc_class, e.rc_class_value, e.rc_paint_application, e.rc_paint_application_value, e.rc_size, e.rc_size_value, e.rc_colour, e.rc_colour_value, e.rc_pack_contents, e.rc_pack_contents_value, e.rc_spare_part_type, e.rc_spare_part_type_value, e.rc_oil_weight, e.rc_oil_weight_value, e.rc_glue_type, e.rc_glue_type_value, e.rc_usage, e.rc_usage_value, e.rc_tool_type, e.rc_tool_type_value, e.rc_engine_spare_type, e.rc_engine_spare_type_value, e.rc_tune_up_type, e.rc_tune_up_type_value, e.rc_bearing_pack_type, e.rc_bearing_pack_type_value, e.rc_driver_type, e.rc_driver_type_value, e.rc_nut_type, e.rc_nut_type_value, e.rc_plane_type, e.rc_plane_type_value, e.rc_boat_type, e.rc_boat_type_value, e.pre_order, e.pre_order_value, e.msrp_enabled, e.msrp_display_actual_price_type, e.msrp, links.link_id, link_attribute_position_int.value AS position FROM catalog_product_flat_1 AS e
INNER JOIN catalog_product_index_price AS price_index ON price_index.entity_id = e.entity_id AND price_index.website_id = '1' AND price_index.customer_group_id = 0
INNER JOIN catalog_product_link AS links ON links.linked_product_id = e.entity_id AND links.link_type_id = 4
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_link_attribute_int AS link_attribute_position_int ON link_attribute_position_int.link_id = links
I've also tried the following, but get the error:
Thanks for the help.
Based on your updated question:
If you are not using Enterprise Edition TargetRule or some other module which automates upsells (i.e. the upsells are defined explicitly by the admin), then likely the simplest approach is that which you've specified - rewrite the Upsell block to not add the visibility filter. As a guess, to be optimal you may want to call setVisibility(null) and addStoreFilter() on the collection to trigger normal limiting behavior.
EDIT: Original answer below
Admin > Catalog > Manage Products grid
Choose "Bundle Product" from the filters area at the top, click "Search"
Click "Select All"
Select "Update Attributes" from the mass action block's "Action" dropdown, click "Submit"
Change the "Visibility" attribute to "Catalog"
I solved it by modifying the custom module so that I didn't need to worry about this. It may be of some use as it involved using:
$collection->addAttributeToFilter('type_id', array('neq' => 'bundle'));
Which just excludes all bundle items from a collection.

Find by String in a GWT ListBox

I would like to find the index of an item inside a GWT Listbox by specifying a String value.
For example, if I had a GWT ListBox comprising the following items: "Randy", "Bob" and "Helen", the method i'm looking to implement would return the value 1 if I called it with parameter "Bob".
From what i'm seeing in the ListBox javadoc, ther does not seem to be any quick method to do this.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
My idea of implementation as TextBox doesn't provide this out of the box. Store all the items in a list and in the order you want them to be part of ListBox.
List<String> orderedItems=new ArrayList<String>
//adding items in the same order as they are in List is the key
for(String item:items)
then you can find the index using List's indexOf(..) method

SharePoint: Problem with Custom Field EntityEditorWithPicker

I have a custom field derived from SPTextField displays EntityEditorWithPicker while in New or Edit mode (I have extended my class from EntityEditorWithPicker). I have added that field as column to a list. When I select any item from the Dialog, it adds that item to the list column. Fine till here. Fine upto this point.
But when I go to Edit any item in the list, it shows the EntityEditorWithPicker on the edit item page but textfield is empty. I want that the value in the list should appear in the textfield in the EntityEditorWithPicker. How can I achieve that.
Thanks in davance for the help.
Best regards,
We have UpdateEntities() method in EntityEditorWithPicker class (Please note that we need to extend this class for use in our code) that accepts the object of ArrayList. Create EntityPicker Object, populate the Key property (Key property will appear in the Textbox as you want), add EntityPicker object in ArrayList Object and then pass ArrayList Object to UpdateEntities() method. We are done!!!
MyExtendedEntityEditorWithPicker _recordPicker = new MyExtendedEntityEditorWithPicker();
ArrayList entities=new ArrayList();
EntityPicker entity=new EntityPicker();
entity.Key="Value To be Displayed in Textbox";
I hope this helps!
Azher Iqbal

CKEditor dialogs: referencing input fields by ID

Each input field in the CKEditor dialogs are renamed with a unique number, but the number changes depending on what options are visible.
I need to reference 'txtUrl' which has an id something like #35_textInput.
So far I have discovered that something like this should work:
But it doesn't. Please help.
#Rio, your solution was really close! This was the final solution:
var dialog = CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent();
return false;
var dialog = this.getDialog();
var elem = dialog.getContentElement('info','txtUrl');
within an onchange part of an element I now use
dialog = this.getDialog();
alert(dialog.getContentElement('info', 'grootte').getInputElement().$.id);
and it gives 'cke_117_select' as a result. (It's a selectbox)
alert(dialog.getContentElement('info', 'txtUrl').getInputElement().$.id);
gives 'cke_107_textInput'.
I think this is what you (or other visitors to this page) are looking for.
SetValueOf still doesn't provide the id, which you may need if you want to do more than fill a text field with a certain text.

Cascading list boxes, with multi-select

I wound up modifying the source from a publically posted POC:, which is a custom field definition for cascading drop downs. The modifications were to allow parent-child list boxes where a user can multiselect for filtering and selecting the values to be written back to a SharePoint list. I got the parent-child cascading behavior working, but the save operation only takes the first value that is selected from the list box. I changed the base type for the custom field control from "SPFieldText" to "SPMultiLineText", along with changing the FLD_TYPES field definition values from:
Text to Note and this did not work. So, I changed the field control base type to "SPFieldMultiChoice" and the FLD_TYPES to "MultiChoice" and still get the same result, which is only the first value that's selected, writing to the SharePoint list.
Does anyone have any idea how to get a custom field with multiple selections to write those multiple selections to a SharePoint list?
Thanks for taking the time to read through my post.
I was able to accomplish this by inheriting from SPFieldLookup and overriding its internal handling of AllowMultipleValues:
In your FLDTYPES_*.xml set <ParentType>LookupMulti</ParentType>
In your extension of SPFieldLookup, be sure to override AllowMultipleValues (always true), FieldValueType (probably typeof(SPFieldLookupValueCollection)) and FieldRenderingControl. I also set base.LookupField = "LinkTitleNoMenu", though in retrospect I'm not sure why. :)
In your field editor control's OnSaveChange(), set the field's Mult value to true.
To set Mult, you can either string manipulation on field.SchemaXml:
string s = field.SchemaXml;
if (s.IndexOf(" Mult=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) < 0)
field.SchemaXml = s.Insert(s.IndexOf("/>", StringComparison.Ordinal), " Mult=\"TRUE\" ");
Or use reflection:
var type = field.GetType();
var mi = type.GetMethod("SetFieldBoolValue", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
mi.Invoke(field, new object[] { "Mult", true });
It's been a while, so I might be forgetting something, but that should be most of it.
