The usage of cflags and simflags - openmodelica

When use Openmodelica shell, and when use command simulate(Model), actually I noticed the method simulate(ModelName, ..., ..., cflags, simflags) has a lot of arguments. But what is the cflags and simflags?
I tried to find details in userguide and all other documents on the official website, and use google to search, but I can not find details.
So, is there any tips? Thank you so much!

With cflags you can add additional flags which are used by the c-compiler to create the executable based on the mo files.
for example you can add additional include directories if you have user defined functions.
The simflags are described there:
For an example the following command runs the simulation with the time step size given by the integration algorithm DASSL:


Scons: command-line build variables without restrictions on allowed values

Used Scons version: 3.0.1 (for historic reasons)
I want to add a command-line build variable in my Scons script which is not limited by which values it expects. Both EnumVariable and ListVariable require you to provide a list of allowed values or elements.
I want a variable that (just like a C++ define can be passed to g++ via -Dfoo=bar (or at least -Dfoo_bar) ) can be passed to the Scons script.
Anything like
scons my_define=foo_bar
scons my_define=foo=bar,gnarl=argl
scons my_define=foo my_define=bar
would work.
I did not find anything like that in the user guide or searching via Google.
Is this possible? If yes, how?
Yes. It's in the users guide at
While there are validated variable types provided by the various vars.Add*() methods. You can have a non-validated variable by just using plain vars.Add()
Here's an example from the manpage.
vars.Add('CC', help='The C compiler')

How to find which Yocto Project recipe populates a particular file on an image root filesystem

I work with the Yocto Project quite a bit and a common challenge is determining why (or from what recipe) a file has been included on the rootfs. This is something that can hopefully be derived from the build system's environment, log & meta data. Ideally, a set of commands would allow linking a file back to a source (ie. recipe).
My usual strategy is to perform searches on the meta data (e.g. grep -R filename ../layers/*) and searches on the internet of said filenames to find clues of possible responsible recipes. However, this is not always very effective. In many cases, filenames are not explicitly stated within a recipe. Additionally, there are many cases where a filename is provided by multiple recipes which leads to additional work to find which recipe ultimately supplied it. There are of course many other clues available to find the answer. Regardless, this investigation is often quite laborious when it seems the build system should have enough information to make resolving the answer simple.
This is exact use case for oe-pkgdata-util script and its subcommand find-path. That script is part of openembedded-core.
See this example (executed in OE build environment, i.e. bitbake works):
tom#pc:~/oe/build> oe-pkgdata-util find-path /lib/
glibc: /lib/
You can clearly see that this library belongs to glibc recipe.
oe-pkgdata-util has more useful subcommands to see information about packages and recipes, it worth to check the --help.
If you prefer a graphical presentation, the Toaster web UI will also show you this, plus dependency information.
The candidate files deployed for each recipe are placed in each $WORKDIR/image
So you can cd to
and perform a
$ find . -path '*/image/*/fileYouAreLookingFor'
from the result you should be able to infer the ${PN} of the recipe which deploys such file.
For example:
$ find . -path '*/image/*/mc'

Platform builder and compiling options and flags

I'm new to platform builder, this might be obvious..
I'm working on wince6.0.
I've looked everywhere, didn't find how to add flags to the compilation of the image.
I've noticed there are many flags which are specific to ARM:
How do I add them to the build and which ones take parameters (and what are they)?
Are there any general flags too? what are they?
Thank you
Apparently, you need to do two things:
Go to project properties
Add environment variable named "cl" with value such as the following or a subset of them:
Afterwards, you edit the sources.cmn located in the BSP folder, adding:
CDEFINES=$(CDEFINES) <the flags you picked above>
For example if I wanted to use /QRArch4 and /QRimplicit-import-
The cl variable value would be /QRArch4 /QRimplicit-import-
and the line added to the sources is:
CDEFINES=$(CDEFINES) /QRArch4 /QRimplicit-import-

can an RPM spec file "include" other files?

Is there a kind of "include" directive in RPM spec? I couldn't find an answer by googling.
Motivation: I have a RPM spec template which the build process modifies with the version, revision and other build-specific data. This is done by sed currently. I think it would be cleaner if the spec would #include a build-specific definitions file, which would be generated by the build process, so I don't need to search and replace in the spec.
If there is no include, is there an idiomatic way to do this (quite common, I believe) task?
Sufficiently recent versions of rpmbuild certainly do support %include:
Unfortunately, they aren't very smart about it -- there is no known set of directories, in which it will look for the requested files, for example. But it is there and variables are expanded, for example:
%include %{_topdir}/Common/
RPM does not support includes.
I have solved similar problems with either m4 macro processor or by just concatenating parts of spec (when the "include" was at the beginning).
If you only need to pass a few variables at build time, and not include several lines from another file, you can run
rpmbuild --define 'myvar SOMEVALUE' -bb myspec.spec
and you can use %myvar in the spec.
I faced this same issue recently. I wanted to define multiple sub-packages that were similar, but each varied just slightly (they were language-specific RPMs). I didn't want to repeat the same boiler-plate stuff for each sub-package.
Here's a generic version of what I did:
%define foo_spec() %{expand:%(cat '%{myloc}/main-foo.spec')}
%{foo_spec bar}
%{foo_spec baz}
%{foo_spec qux}
The use of %{expand} ensures that %(cat) is only executed a single time, when the macro is defined. The content of the main-foo.spec file is then three times, and each time %1 in the main-foo.spec file expands to each of bar, baz and qux, in turn, allowing me to treat it as a template. You could easily expand this to more than one parameter, if you have the need (I did not).
For the underlying issue, there maybe two additional solutions that are present in all rpm versions that I am aware of.
macro and rpmrc files.
Another alternative (and perhaps the "RPM way") is to use sub-packages. Maximum RPM also has information and examples of subpackages.
I think the question is trying to structure something like,
two spec files; say rpm_debug.spec and rpm_production.spec
both use %include common.spec
debug and production could also be client and server, etc. For the examples of redefining a variable, each subpackage can have it's own list of variables.
The main advantage of subpackages is that only one build takes place; This may also be a disadvantage. The debug and production example may highlight this. That can be worked around using strip to create variants or compiling twice with different output; perhaps using VPATH with Gnu Make). Having to compile large packages and then only have simple variations, like with/without developer info, like headers, static libraries, etc. can make you appreciate this approach.
Macros and Rpmrc
Subpackages don't solve the problem of structural defines that you wish for an entire rootfs hierarchy, or larger collection of RPMs. We have rpmbuild --showrc for this. You can have a large amount of variables and macros defined by altering rpmrc and macros when you run rpm and rpmbuild. From the man page,
rpmrc Configuration
Macro Configuration
I think these two features can solve all the problems that %include can. However, %include is a familiar concept and was probably added to make rpm more full-featured and developer friendly.
Which version are you talking about? I currently have %include filename.txt in my spec file and it seems to work just like the C #include directive.
> rpmbuild --version
RPM version 4.8.1
You can include the *.inc files from the SOURCES directory (%_sourcedir):
%include %{SOURCE1}
In this way they will go automatically into SRPMS.
I've used scripts (name your favorite) to take a template and create the spec file from that. Also, the %files tag can import a file that is created by another process, e.g. Python's bdist-rpm.

autoconf: AC_PROG_CC checks for object and executable suffix, but how to get this?

I'm a newbie to autoconf, and found out that a call of the macro AC_PROG_CC checks for the suffixes of executables and object files. Now I want to use the results of these checks and replace them in my, but there is no adequate documentation or mentioning in the autoconf docs on how to use this.
I'm also having the general problem: Which macro gives me which variables, and where is a reference to get know about?
Thanks for any help.
The variables you are looking for are #EXEEXT# and #OBJEXT#.
This link takes you to the index of all the output variables from the Autoconf manual.
Unfortunately there's no easy table of which ones are defined by which macros, you just have to read the descriptions.
